Team-BHP - Suggestions for Team-BHP from Team-BHPians

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Originally Posted by shashank.nk (Post 2891792)
As of now I use the copy/paste option and its a tedious process

The steps illustrated in this announcement make quoting very convenient. Are you following exactly this procedure?


Originally Posted by bejoy (Post 2892851)
It would be good if these images are of png/gif format to have good readability.

This is the first time I'm hearing of a complaint on the image quality of the sales threads. If there are other BHPians feeling the same, we'll convert to a png format.


However, some image attachments skip the watermarking (and appear nice!). e.g link (Wondering what is the difference, is it the upload process that makes the difference?)
That's a bug, if not something to do with the image. We'll have to check why this particular image was not watermarked. Thanks for pointing it out.


Originally Posted by carboy (Post 2893468)
For this kind of opening post - - is it possible to label each jpeg?

Can you please elaborate? All the images on our sales thread are already suitably titled (e.g. "Top 20 Cars by Sales Volume" right on top). Do provide an example.


Originally Posted by PatchyBoy (Post 2894057)
I think expecting people to provide an unbiased review of the car AFTER they have bought it is a bit too much to ask

We've done it for 8 years now :)


Are we really expecting people to say bad things about something on which they have already invested a sizable chunk of their hard earned money, more so in a world where all other road users are morons, when we get a scratch on our rides?
An objective report is one that highlights the pros as well as the cons of the car. It proves that the owner has accepted the car for what it really is. This community is mature enough to call a spade a spade.

Sample Report

If you should spot a review that is biased, please use the "report this post to a Moderator" functionality and we'll act if / as necessary.

There is no such thing as a perfect car. Even the S-Class (boring to drive, poor reliability etc.) and 7 series (imperfect ride quality, road noise too obvious etc.) have disadvantages.


Originally Posted by carboy (Post 2893468)
I also have a suggestion for the monthly sales threads.

For this kind of opening post - - is it possible to label each jpeg?

For eg.
Top 20 cars by sales volume

Top 20 with YoY movement


This will greatly help. First time one goes through all the jpegs, but later on if I want to relook one of the charts, it's difficult to remember which one it was.


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 2894658)
Can you please elaborate? All the images on our sales thread are already suitably titled (e.g. "Top 20 Cars by Sales Volume" right on top). Do provide an example.

carboy has a good point there. What he means is a text label to an image. The images themselves have label inside them. But that makes it non-searchable. You would need to flip thru images to see which is which.

However, if that same label embedded in image is also provided as a text label above the top of (just before the image like we put a title to a section/image) the image, you can swiftly search for an image and navigate there using text search on page in browser.


Originally Posted by parsh (Post 2894708)
carboy has a good point there. What he means is a text label to an image. The images themselves have label inside them. But that makes it non-searchable. You would need to flip thru images to see which is which.

Yes - this is exactly what I meant - your label is part of the image. I am talking about labels in your opening posts like this

Top 20 by volume.
http: // Whatever. jpg
YOY sales
http: // Whateverelse. jpg

First time around I open all jpgs and see them. But later on when I come back, I want to just see YOY - I have no idea which of the 10 links is the YOY graph or numbers - I have to again go through all of them.


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 2894658)
The steps illustrated in this announcement make quoting very convenient. Are you following exactly this procedure

My bad! Had totally missed out the 'quote button' in the advanced options as I usually use the quick reply option. Thanks for pointing it out!


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 2894658)
We've done it for 8 years now :)

An objective report is one that highlights the pros as well as the cons of the car. It proves that the owner has accepted the car for what it really is. This community is mature enough to call a spade a spade.

There is no such thing as a perfect car. Even the S-Class (boring to drive, poor reliability etc.) and 7 series (imperfect ride quality, road noise too obvious etc.) have disadvantages.

Agree with your observations. I guess one week of ownership is too less to even post an initial ownership review. Dislikes, if any, would be observed over a longer period of time and in all probability get duly posted, but then the desire to announce the new purchase would have died down, IMHO.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time out to clarify.



Originally Posted by GTO (Post 2894658)
Can you please elaborate? All the images on our sales thread are already suitably titled (e.g. "Top 20 Cars by Sales Volume" right on top). Do provide an example.

IIRC we were supposed to get a good gallery view of all the images in a thread. That should make browsing the images in a thread more convenient. Any update on that?

Not sure if it has been suggested before. Did a search on 'top image'.

The car image at the top right of each page, I believe it comes from a predefined pool. I could see a black Ambasador, Khan-Sultan's Gypsy, GTO's jeep, a red swift, a white civic, a blue i20 (old gen), a red Octavia, a red Punto, a yellow Nano and a white BMW.

Quite a few new cars have been launched in last 3-4 years. Any plans of updating the picture-pool with the following?
Alto K10
New Verna
All New Honda Ciity

etc etc

Very nice suggestion.
We can even have a poll and the top 10-15 cars be selected.

Originally Posted by SDP (Post 2896476)
Not sure if it has been suggested before. Did a search on 'top image'.

Mods I had written this sometime back.
Will it be possible to view the signature while posting from the mobile.

(I don't where to post this. Sorry if it's in wrong section.)

Is there in anyway we can 'un-thank' someone? I accidentally clicked on 'thanks' many times when I don't even intend to.


Originally Posted by Monolithic (Post 2898850)

Is there in anyway we can 'un-thank' someone? I accidentally clicked on 'thanks' many times when I don't even intend to.

No. Think of it as charity.

^^ Damn Tejas, I never missed a Thanks button more ever :D


Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl (Post 2898931)
No. Think of it as charity.

Thank you. But I don't see a thank button in this thread to thank you.:)


Originally Posted by Monolithic (Post 2898850)
Is there in anyway we can 'un-thank' someone? I accidentally clicked on 'thanks' many times when I don't even intend to.

Exactly my thoughts!!! I would also like to know if ever there be such button, whether the user whose post is thanked and subsequently un-thanked, whether he will come to know about it.

Another query, I am not been able to find a thread once seen by me? Mods please help. The thread was about 'suggestions to car manufacturers regarding improving their existing models in production' something on these lines.
As the thread titles are getting creative day by day, its getting difficult (atleast for me) to search for a thread.
Thanks in Advance.


Originally Posted by PatchyBoy (Post 2894057)
I think expecting people to provide an unbiased review of the car AFTER they have bought it is a bit too much to ask, at least in the initial ownership report. Are we really expecting people to say bad things about something on which they have already invested a sizable chunk of their hard earned money, more so in a world where all other road users are morons, when we get a scratch on our rides?

I mean, how many reports do we read stating "I misjudged and ended up scratching/denting my car"? Isn't it always the moronic two wheeler/ drunk truck driver/ idiot auto driver and so on?


I vividly remember posting my buying experience of the Palio right here almost 5 years back. I did not recommend the car. I did not praise the car. I did not make any attempt to justify my buying decision. All I wanted to do was to share my happiness with friends and was able to do just that.
I think of it as more of an ownership diary than a show-off tool or facebook status. As an owner, you obviously open the ownership diary with photos of your purchase because you don't have much to share, but later on you keep updating the ownership experience with the services you did, the accessories you added, niggles faced/solved, incidents which occurred to the car, how you overcame them, etc. Tons of prospective buyers may look up to your review or something in the ownership timeline may be of use to him/her. That's how I look at it from a contribution perspective.

Quite frankly, I love to read the initial ownership reports of all the cars. Yes, the owner would obviously love the car he bought, but think about the advantages of these ownership reports. How many prospective buyers (non-members) browsing the forum would know about the gross service bills, or steering rattles, or weak A/Cs or brakes, faulty wiring and other things occurring to our cars if not for our ownership reports? The auto magazines and media project only 2 minutes of the cars in beautiful angles and locations. Team-BHP's ownership reports show real life stories of real life owners cars and the cars' timelines and maintenance costs, and this is what differentiates it from the rest of the automobile forums/mags.


Originally Posted by Warwithwheels (Post 2894084)
I guess that's where the sixth sense comes into play.

Honestly, I have found most of the ownership reports in the forum to be unbiased and balanced.

The ownership reports here, are more based on the personal experience of the member. A pro for you could always be a con for somebody else.

Further, Even if something has been stated grossly contrary to reality, it would definitely become a subject of debate in the discussion following the review and the real position would surface in no time.

Last but not the least, we always have the official reviews to fall back on, based on which the final decision could be taken.

My two cents!

agree: +1 to what WarwithWheels said. 100% agree! Most ownership reports here are unbiased and list pros as well as cons, like GTO pointed out. Some information may look repetitive, some flaws may be overlooked but the advantage is that some new flaws/features may be found out by same user over the course of time.

In my opinion, ownership reports form the core viewership of team-bhp by non-members / non-enthusiasts looking for advice. Prospective buyers know where to find true information today. Please lets not change anything in the initial ownership review or long term ownership reviews section. Both of them are perfect the way they are now, and are extremely useful for non-member readers in deciding which car(s) to go for!


Originally Posted by carwatcher (Post 2899022)
Exactly my thoughts!!! I would also like to know if ever there be such button, whether the user whose post is thanked and subsequently un-thanked, whether he will come to know about it.

Another query, I am not been able to find a thread once seen by me? Mods please help. The thread was about 'suggestions to car manufacturers regarding improving their existing models in production' something on these lines.
As the thread titles are getting creative day by day, its getting difficult (atleast for me) to search for a thread.
Thanks in Advance.

Just FYI.

It was merged.:)
In fact, you were the one who pointed it out.
EDIT: My bad, I made a boo boo there.Please ignore previous content.

To Mods:
I have a query. Earlier, CTRL+B used to work in replies.This was MUCH easier.
Now when i tried it, I had to select text and click B. This put in tags.
Problem is, I then had to make some adjacent text bold as well, and the tags got bold too.
This is with Chrome on 7.

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