Credit Card people can be funny fellows. Now they chase you, now they play hard to catch. It is sometimes difficult to fathom their ways. Of late HDFC had been after me to issue a free Platinum card as I am a preferred customer. Now I stopped accepting any new cards some 2 years back and one by one cancelled my myriad cards. Now I use only 1 primary card (ICICI) and a HSBC card as a backup. However, for a change I decided to accept the HDFC as I thought making payments will be easier through my bank account (just like the ICICI card). Also, they offer 0 fuel surcharge on the card (any fuel pump). Plus the fact that HDFC is generally a very conservative bank and usually you do not see them chasing people for taking their cards. So that mentality also is something I like about them.
Decided to take the Titanium (liked the looks). Got the card at my office address as the guy suggested to keep that as my mailing address till I get the card. Now, while giving me the card they did a complete background check that included my residence address (which is currently the Alternate Address) as well as my office address. However now that I want my mailing address switched to the residence one on their records I realize how stupid certain processes can be.
First time around, the call center guy says that you can not change address in the first 6 months. I was dumb founded. What? You mean I am tied to my mailing address just because I accepted your card? After some word exchange he finally says that you need to go to the branch and put in a request. Never mind the fact that I am not actually asking him to change the address to a new one. It is just a switch of the mailing address with my alternate address. They validated both addresses physically.
After 2 days I call them again and tell the guy that it is difficult for me if the statements etc come to office and hence I want to switch my mailing address to my residence address which they already have on their records as a verified address. This guy says one minute... and then the CBI routine begins,
1. Sir, what is the name on the card?
I answer the question.
2. Sir, what is your DOB?
Again I answer the question.
3. Sir, what is the expiry date on the card?
I answer that as well.
4. Sir, what is the residence address provided you provided to us?
I am a little bemused but answer it nonetheless.
5. Sir, what is your exact mailing address?
Now I have started squirming but still maintain my composure and answer that one.
6. Sir, what was the last transaction done?
Now I am getting restless and say what is the exact problem buddy?
7. No problems sir (problems?!!), what is the credit limit on your card?
I am exasperated. And I say, are you interested in listeningn to the issue at hand at all?
8. This guy without batting an eyelid throws in the next googly. What is your Customer ID number?
By now I have had enough. I shout at him, stop this CBI routine will ya? You have asked enough questions for the day. Now except for asking me to come out of the phone and stand in front of you I do not think you have anything else to ask me. And I am not answering your stupid questions anymore.
I am amazed when this guy almost says out with a sigh, sorry sir but I can not help you since you have not answered the questions! I am so sick of it by now that I tell him never mind about helping me. I will like to pay off my card transactions and close the card. The joker again says in that same tone of finality, sorry sir but you can not close the card...
I do not let him finish and shout heck you will. Let me see how you stop me from doing that and throw the phone away in disgust.
The saga does not end there. The next day is a weekend and I am at my close friends house (very close to mine), in my half chaddhi and t-shirt. My cell rings. Its another well intentioned CSE from HDFC. The guy first confirms what is my name (Not again!). And then wishes to know whether I called the previous day about an address change request. I tell him that it was not a change request. I just asked for a switch of mailing address to the current residence address which they already have as a verified record. The guy without answering that gambit or batting an eyelid just throws a question at me. Sir can you provide me your driving licence number?
I do not know what to say. Here I am in my night dress at my friend's place early in the morning (no purse, no DL, nothing on me) and this guy straightaway asks for my DL number which is some 18 chars alphanumeric string! I tell him that I am not really very interested in all these CBI giri and I have better things to do in life. If they wish to do what I requested then I think I have already provided enough data to verify my last 7 generations and I won't do any more answering. He mumbles something about processes etc. And I curtly tell him that they need to revisit their processes if they start stiffling their customers. If he has to do so much of verification what was the point of adding my residence address in their records as a verified address? With ICICI I have switched between my residence and office address multitudes of times in the past without half as much pain.
The call ends in a stalemate. And lefts me wondering who really design such processes in the name of security which start sounding like overkill. They know for sure that they are talking to the genuine person after so many interactions (remember, they called on my number to verify and that again proved that I and not someone else sought the address switch) and still they insist on asking more and more questions.
As for this card, I am not very sure about whether I really wish to retain it any more. What happens tomorrow if I need a real address change? A switch between two verified addresses is proving to be such a tough challenge that it makes me wonder whether a really new address will mean they will ask me to get an affidavit from the court or some such thing!