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Old 21st November 2007, 23:02   #196
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Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
Trust me, you might not really appreciate once you experience it.

It is not a 6 lane just 4 lane of madness with lot of J walkers, Trucks, Buses, Auto's, Cabs, Cars and 2 wheelers scrambling for space,
Agree 100%
That place is a mess now. literally...
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Old 22nd November 2007, 11:22   #197
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Multinational including IBM and MS has set up shop on the shores of Inner Ring Road, earlier it was a peaceful stretch where careless cabbies doing high speeds use to do tumble acts. Scene has changed in last 3 years and now it has become a crawler section.

No 1 contribution is obviously the senseless traffic. lots to do with the cabbies and yes so called techies who dont understand lane discipline when they are in Bangalore.

BUT No 2 can be corrected!!

J walkers!! Yes these IT shops are so very careful when it comes to security within campus, why cant they extend a small favour outside and put up,


Definitely the cops and govt will support some advertising, and approximate cost for putting up one of these metal bridges is around 10 lakhs.

Yes, still the lazy indian mentality might make people continue with their J walk trend, but that also can be curbed by some good barricading on the foot path and the center median. This will beautify the place to IT standards, avoid some accidents and save some precious lives.

Anybody listening from this campus and with connections to make some change ???
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Old 22nd November 2007, 11:33   #198
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Jaggu, it indeed was a nightmare of a commute on Monday, and Tuesday.

But things seem to have settled down a bit today (either that, or it must be some govt holiday today). Believe it or not, there is one good thing to come out of this move. Now the junction of St John's Road and the koramangala IRR is a lot less crowded now!

But yesterday evening they had again made the road one way.

Are they trying to make it two way in the mornings and one way in the evenings?
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Old 22nd November 2007, 11:36   #199
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Is this OneWay-To-TwoWay rule done to boost excess to Total Mall in Madiwala?
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Old 22nd November 2007, 11:37   #200
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Originally Posted by diabloo View Post
Is this OneWay-To-TwoWay rule done to boost excess to Total Mall in Madiwala?
The Total Mall people would do a lot better by doing something about their parking! Twice i tried going there but had to ditch it because their parking was full. Havent tried after that.
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Old 22nd November 2007, 12:10   #201
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Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
I decided to stick with airport road and back roads of indiranagar and the politicians stayed away - result - was on richmond road in 40 min
I take the Old Madras road, reach Trinity circle...take the left and immediate right. That way I am on richmond road from C V Raman Nagar in about 20 mins. But somedays the road to Trinity circle (around Lido) could be real bad!
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Old 22nd November 2007, 12:54   #202
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Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
Reason? They have made the road between beginning of St Johns to Madiwala Police station 2 way!! ie one neednd go in front of St John hospital then proceed via madiwala market to get to hosur road.

Well, if I'm not mistaken, 3 years back it was like operating like this only. Then came the change to one way and the medians (if you could call them that) were torn down and the road patched. This was a welcome change since it was very difficult to cross the road otherwise. But now, since they have gone back to the 2 way design, it will be a pain for both the motorists and the pedestrians.
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Old 22nd November 2007, 14:32   #203
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Originally Posted by wheeler View Post
Well, if I'm not mistaken, 3 years back it was like operating like this only. Then came the change to one way and the medians (if you could call them that) were torn down and the road patched. This was a welcome change since it was very difficult to cross the road otherwise. But now, since they have gone back to the 2 way design, it will be a pain for both the motorists and the pedestrians.
Yup be very very careful while crossing, last few days i saw pedestrian popping out in between cars and police line thingie and vehicles screeching. So vehicle owners dont get tempted to speed even if you see open stretch :(
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Old 22nd November 2007, 14:57   #204
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Blackberried by BLR Traffic Inspector: 3 Violations Loose DL

Yesterday, we had been to mainland china for lunch on churchstreet, couldn't find the parking space, forced to park it in a no parking zone. After lunch, came back to notice a good traffic inspector was standing near our vehicle. Approached him with caution and explained that its our vehicle. He told its in a no parking zone hence you need to pay fine of Rs100/-. Took out his BLACKBERRY and starting with all the details, explaining its a blackberry and all, and as he was explaining its features and technology, my friend took out his BB, seeing which the inspector smiled, saying sir all inspectors in BLR have BB's and they are upgrading to new tech soon. He also mentioned that if we make three or more violations, we shall loose our DL . But this law is yet to be implemented. Good to see the inspector talking calmly.
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Old 22nd November 2007, 15:52   #205
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Jaggu, while i didnt get to face the Madiwala one-way rule mess so far, reading about it in the paper made me imagine the scene, and scary it was. Hows the scene now? On a Friday evening specially, the place is a literal mess, what with inter-state buses and all.
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Old 22nd November 2007, 16:34   #206
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evenings when the bus starts, i dont dare go that side so i will await someone else to update the scene. am still figuring out on what could have been the reasoning?

is there some major vip who commutes via stjohns everyday?
total mall?
st john emergency access?


I would have rather made the hosur road stjohn Jn more organized (lane wise) and do up those broken patches there.
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Old 22nd November 2007, 17:08   #207
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This entire thread and its problems relate more or less only to the software-infested areas like koramangala, btm, hosur road and bannerghatta road...

THE REST OF BANGALORE AIN'T LIKE THIS! Not that it's a driver's haven, but it isn't frustrating.

Just going through this thread makes one feel there isn't a worse city than this. Not true, not true.
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Old 22nd November 2007, 18:46   #208
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Originally Posted by skandyhere View Post
Just going through this thread makes one feel there isn't a worse city than this. Not true, not true.
Well, i dont exactly agree. There was an article on deteriorating Bangalore on NDTV as well last evening.

The traffic is immense in the IT areas, but its along the common routes that the major congestion is, and thats thanks to members from all fraternity, and not just IT alone.
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Old 22nd November 2007, 18:50   #209
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Its everywhere at peak traffic, its basically poor planning against the growth that was/is happening.

And oh no its not that bad also, i spent one day on the roads of hyderabad last week, trust me with better infrastructure the road users were still creating major havoc.

So responsibility lay with us also... and this thread is a rant
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Old 22nd November 2007, 22:47   #210
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Don't get me started on media, NDTV - who is only interested in boosting TRP rather than any substantial insight into the issue. In the same program, their correspondent commented "There is widespread disgust among IT people, including Infosys employees…. " as if Bangalore filled with only Infosys employees. In the vision of NDTV, Bangalore is not more than Infosys and hence so much so their analysis .

Note: The program on NDTV was titled "Is the Bangalore dream turning sour?" - due to political instability in Karnataka .
Originally Posted by benbsb29 View Post
Well, i dont exactly agree. There was an article on deteriorating Bangalore on NDTV as well last evening.

The traffic is immense in the IT areas, but its along the common routes that the major congestion is, and thats thanks to members from all fraternity, and not just IT alone.
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