This happened end Jan, on my way home, in koramangala, one needs to pass through madivala market where kids, cows, anything jumps out!
Travelling at 5 km/h, A kid jumps out, auto slams his brakes, I do too. Sumo hurtling swerves and hits my rear with a glancing blow. I hear a hollow thwack and feel nothing. Kudo's to Skoda build!
Get out, left rear corner is pushed in ! Sumo guy curses me for stopping suddently, I tell him that he should have kept distance, crowd take my side, i.e. they do not intervene for him. He rings his boss. I take photos of him, vehicle. Call the company. They said they will be there in 30 min.
I wait, he waits. We stay away from each except for me asking whether someone is coming. Ring up old man. I find insurance papers. Car is in previous owners name as car is under transfer. I call the dreaded ICICI and explain. They said no problem, FIR not required, and give me a claim number.
This is the best thing I did so that I know what was required.
Boss comes and demands that I compensate, I refuse, I said that you should have kept distance, driving too fast. He said, you stopped suddenly! I told him - you expect me to hit the auto. I refuse to yield.
He hangs around, speaks to driver and crosses the road. Sumo moves on. I said where are you going - Police station. They never tell me to go. I wait for 2 min and drive around the corner. Sumo is parked there. Spend 5 min looking around, no one to be seen. I go to car, get paper and ask to file an FIR, am directed upstairs where they all are!
I think they thought I would push off. Asked to sit down and start in my fumbling Kannada. Told to explain in english. Hit from behind!. Head constable blows up at those guys, he invites me to file a case. He wants to inspect damage.
He stays - not your fault saar, what you want to do.I will thrash them.
I weighed up situation. It is a given that the call centre sumo guys are thugs. Insurance folks are notified.
I said, look, I won't get much money from those guys, you sort them out. I will not file a case. He agreed that is the best course of action.
He asks for my business card and their attitude changes. So he confers with SI and lets me go. He gives me his number and says let me know if you need help. I advised him to make the best ofthe situation and teach them a lesson
Did I give in too easily ?
Maybe but
1:I would have got at the most Rs 10k
2:Car would have been sitting in the cop shop - 25 k amp and sub + my golf clubs at risk
4:3:Time spent dealing with these thugs
5:Family at risk
6: Issues if cops decide to act funny with my MH car
Anyway, I call it an end to a bad day. Issues closed. I just need to sort out ICICI. Which did happen surprisingly!
I learnt
Be clear headed and stand your ground
Call the insurance on the spot and understand what is required
Don't run away unless you are physically in danger - close the issue
Cops hate sumo drivers |