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Old 18th March 2008, 19:54   #271
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Forgot to add.

3 minutes after the conversation, main signal MG road it started RAINING HEAVY and i switched ON the head lights and the FOG lights.

Actually they are more of cornering lights and they aid in seeing the corner of the road. And yes they can switched ON and OFF separately from the Head lights in most cars.

No in swift and in india they come in same color as headlights (apart from one gen of santros that i have noticed with yellow color) and Yes its illegal to use HIGH beams in city limits. And our law leaves it at that, VAGUE.

Last edited by Jaggu : 18th March 2008 at 19:56.
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Old 18th March 2008, 19:58   #272
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Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
And our law leaves it at that, VAGUE.
Absolutely agree with you. Vague is the word to use.
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Old 19th March 2008, 10:54   #273
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Post Edited by the Team-BHP Support : Abusive language is STRICTLY prohibited on this community, even when indirectly used. Please view our board rules carefully before proceeding any further.

Had a tussle with an old man today in Airport Road.

I was about to cross the manned junction 500 mtrs before the HAL main gate when this old man on his chetak decides to move from middle lane to the right for no reason. (No right allowed at that junction and I was in parallel with this guy at that moment). This guy hits my Swift on the LHS and starts shouting apparently for no mistake of mine (the speeds were 20kph or less).

Stopped the car after the junction, gave back words but looking at his age calmed down to an extent and asked him politely why did he move from middle to right most lane without even looking at whos coming! He started shovering words, noted my number etc... I couldnt be polite anymore and hurled back abuses at that old man. Looks like he was to get into HAL, why cant he move to the right lane when HAL is near!!!.

Last edited by GTO : 20th March 2008 at 14:36.
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Old 19th March 2008, 11:37   #274
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Rocky one of the same incidents happened to me but in my case a old man was driving BMTC, this happened at pallavi theater signal (corporation) i was behind this BMTC bus, just behind me there was a black swift.of course i was four feet away from the BMTC. i had turned back and i was speaking to my pillion. suddenly i noticed that swift started moving back by five feet ( he had enough of space though ) I turn front and get shock of my life this bugger BMTC driver has engaged reverse gear and coming all the way towards me, my pillion gets down simaltaneously and i am pushing my bike backwards, but this bloodyidiot never stopped shouting screaming but all going in vain, finally he stopped just centimeters away from my knee & crash guard.

I decide to give him a valentine treat. off i get down from my bike remove my helmet and entered the bus was above to nail my helmet on his head but he was a old man wearing big glasses (a sort of tamil actor bhagyaraj sytle glasses). to my surprise all my anger went down in vain and i politely asked him why did you do so ?

He replied in kannada " First gear annkondu reverse gear hakbitte thapaiythu gothagalilla"

( i engaged reverse gear instead of first i am sorry i did not know )

By listening to his words i was just measuring this driver's height of stupidity in a vernier calliper.

ME : Nodappa neenu odasthairodhu cycle alla bassu swalpa mymelle niga
iralli, aglilla andhre kelasa bittu maneli momakkalana adiskondu kuthko
hege road nal bandhu yelru jeeve thegi beda.

( see you are not driving bicycle you are driving a BUS drive around with some sense, if you cannot please resign your job go home and play with your grand children, dont come on road and kill everybody )

Last edited by praJEEP : 19th March 2008 at 11:41.
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Old 19th March 2008, 11:46   #275
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This happened end Jan, on my way home, in koramangala, one needs to pass through madivala market where kids, cows, anything jumps out!

Travelling at 5 km/h, A kid jumps out, auto slams his brakes, I do too. Sumo hurtling swerves and hits my rear with a glancing blow. I hear a hollow thwack and feel nothing. Kudo's to Skoda build!

Get out, left rear corner is pushed in ! Sumo guy curses me for stopping suddently, I tell him that he should have kept distance, crowd take my side, i.e. they do not intervene for him. He rings his boss. I take photos of him, vehicle. Call the company. They said they will be there in 30 min.

I wait, he waits. We stay away from each except for me asking whether someone is coming. Ring up old man. I find insurance papers. Car is in previous owners name as car is under transfer. I call the dreaded ICICI and explain. They said no problem, FIR not required, and give me a claim number.

This is the best thing I did so that I know what was required.

Boss comes and demands that I compensate, I refuse, I said that you should have kept distance, driving too fast. He said, you stopped suddenly! I told him - you expect me to hit the auto. I refuse to yield.

He hangs around, speaks to driver and crosses the road. Sumo moves on. I said where are you going - Police station. They never tell me to go. I wait for 2 min and drive around the corner. Sumo is parked there. Spend 5 min looking around, no one to be seen. I go to car, get paper and ask to file an FIR, am directed upstairs where they all are!

I think they thought I would push off. Asked to sit down and start in my fumbling Kannada. Told to explain in english. Hit from behind!. Head constable blows up at those guys, he invites me to file a case. He wants to inspect damage.

He stays - not your fault saar, what you want to do.I will thrash them.

I weighed up situation. It is a given that the call centre sumo guys are thugs. Insurance folks are notified.

I said, look, I won't get much money from those guys, you sort them out. I will not file a case. He agreed that is the best course of action.

He asks for my business card and their attitude changes. So he confers with SI and lets me go. He gives me his number and says let me know if you need help. I advised him to make the best ofthe situation and teach them a lesson

Did I give in too easily ?

Maybe but
1:I would have got at the most Rs 10k
2:Car would have been sitting in the cop shop - 25 k amp and sub + my golf clubs at risk
4:3:Time spent dealing with these thugs
5:Family at risk
6: Issues if cops decide to act funny with my MH car

Anyway, I call it an end to a bad day. Issues closed. I just need to sort out ICICI. Which did happen surprisingly!

I learnt

Be clear headed and stand your ground
Call the insurance on the spot and understand what is required
Don't run away unless you are physically in danger - close the issue
Cops hate sumo drivers
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Old 19th March 2008, 12:08   #276
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You sure are level headed!
It just gets on me when people start hurling words, need to calm myself down when these things happen. Any tips on how to would be of great help Ajmat.

PS: About a week ago near the OMR and GCC road junction, I am waiting for a middle-aged man on his chetak to cross the OMR before I could take the turn into OMR. This man signals me to go on even though i have stopped completely and hes not. I wait for him to cross and he does giving me a stare as if I am a moron.

I lost my cool, went parallel to him and was staring at him (all this time wifey is trying to calm me down). This man notices and says "Did I say anything Sir?".
I stop, he stops, I stare at him like taking his life away with my blow but could manage only a laugh and moved on. He was scared for sure. (I was too as what if i lost it completely).

The fact is that, sometimes these jerks just get on my nerves, most of the time I ignore them, but these 'sometimes' need to be watched.

Last edited by Rocky_Balboa : 19th March 2008 at 12:09.
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Old 19th March 2008, 20:49   #277
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No matter where in B'lore you are,at any given time 1000s of such characters are around you on the road. Really can't do anything,but to be careful & stay cautious.
Driving in B'lore in the mid-90s was bliss!
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Old 28th March 2008, 18:11   #278
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Witnessed an alto being driven by a sleeping driver!!!

Was on Outer Ring Road at around 12:45PM and see this Alto going at some 40 speeds in the right most lane and when the road is absolutely free. Got close to the Alto only to find out that the driver is sleeping (eyes very minimally open).

When my short honk didnt wake him up, thought of honking loud but decided against as it could lead him loose his control (!!!?) While overtaking (ofcourse from left) found that he has a co-passenger in a female and shes not sleeping atleast. Signs did not matter, overtook them and zoomed not wanting him to rear-end me when I brake for a signal.

Tried to inform the guy manning traffic at Bellandur junction but in vain. The Alto was not in sight, hope the Alto and female are safe.

Last edited by Rocky_Balboa : 28th March 2008 at 18:13.
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Old 16th April 2008, 17:29   #279
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Some thing that happened almost a year ago...

My friend was driving down the CMH road with me in his m800. The road had cars parked on both sides and was reduced to 2 lanes. And then there was this zen in front of us moving very very slowly. I was pretty sure that the driver was on mobile. When we got a chance to over take him, i did notice that he was on phone and then... all i did was, to rise my hand(not the finger) in his direction and made a grumpy face at him. By this time we had reached the 100ft road signal. The lights were about to turn red and i urged my friend to get out of that signal. Which he didn't do.

Now this zen moves next to us and this guy gets out of car and moves towards my window and started shouting. All windows were rolled up, we were sitting inside and coolly watching him. His anger kept increasing (guess his BP too...) and so his shouting. We were sitting there coolly watching him as though we have got nothing to do this. Which irritated him further.

And then out of desperation, he started spitting!!! on the window glass. Initially he managed to get only air out of his mouth. After few attempts, he manged to spit properly and this went on till the whole of window was covered by saliva!!!

We pulled off after the singal turned green, wondering if this guy will die shortly out of high BP or some thing like that.
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Old 16th April 2008, 19:04   #280
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Originally Posted by gkrishn View Post
he started spitting!!! on the window glass. Initially he managed to get only air out of his mouth. After few attempts, he manged to spit properly and this went on till the whole of window was covered by saliva!!!
We pulled off after the singal turned green, wondering if this guy will die shortly out of high BP or some thing like that.
You guys delt the situation with utmost maturity. Had you guys lost ur cool the situation would have gone worse. He got a chance to display his mental illness and you had the final laugh.
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Old 16th April 2008, 20:39   #281
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Guru was a very wise move to stay in the car and not get out.
On the other hand whatta waste of SALIVA .
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Old 16th April 2008, 20:52   #282
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Agreed he was a dirty & unclean, BUT
Originally Posted by gkrishn View Post
And then out of desperation, he started spitting!!! on the window glass. Initially he managed to get only air out of his mouth. After few attempts, he manged to spit properly and this went on till the whole of window was covered by saliva!!!
Why did you not respond? Why did you hear him? Why did you irritate him?
Originally Posted by gkrishn View Post
Now this zen moves next to us and this guy gets out of car and moves towards my window and started shouting. All windows were rolled up, we were sitting inside and coolly watching him. His anger kept increasing (guess his BP too...) and so his shouting. We were sitting there coolly watching him as though we have got nothing to do this. Which irritated him further.
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Old 8th May 2008, 12:14   #283
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Yet another traffic Jam

Due to some VIP landing up, there is a HUGE traffic jam at airport road and loads leading to/from the road in the vicinity of a/port. From the magnitude I guess the situation will to return to normal only in 1/1.5 hours ( till 1:30 PM today ) from now . Bangalore t-bhp-ians, try to avoid the road altogether or else please try take some alternative road or extra time.
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Old 8th May 2008, 13:34   #284
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It aint that bad considering what people driving through Old Madras Road went through yesterday. It took an agonising 45 mins to go from Mahadevpura to Kasturi Nagar flyover.

I was told Sonia visited KRPuram constituency yesterday and guess what, they had blocked one stretch of Old Madras Road completely.

Forgot to add: At about 9:30PM yesterday, an IT guy in a black santro went nuts and almost hit my Swift from his left when we were parallel and in heavy bumper-bumper traffic. Honking didnt help and I had to move left to avoid being hit. Luckily the Indica, to my left, understood my difficulty and stopped moving. Why cant these guys grow!!!

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Old 9th May 2008, 00:32   #285
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Rocky - I guess your having very bad time with bangalore traffic.

May be you should consider hiring a driver for sometime and relax on the back seat. what say?
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