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Old 3rd November 2012, 15:05   #676
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Scorcher View Post
I would also love to add that India’s superbike scene CANNOT be compared to other countries.
not to forget - in india riders are considered a pest on the roads - and superbikers - bigger pests!!

world over riders are respected AND given the right of way. no body here checks the rear and side view mirrors while driving to see whether a rider is passing them by or not. they stop when they want to, they turn where they want to and they overtake from any side without the basic courtesy of letting the guy know that they are going to whizz past them.
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Old 3rd November 2012, 15:34   #677
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Scorcher View Post
Total bull I'd say, I know for a matter of fact that this particular bike is totally legal Indian invoiced bike. My friend paid north of 9 lakhs for the 2008 bike. So he clearly preferred to stay on the safe side and chose against going for a grey market bike. This is classic media hype scenario.

** Several instances occurred when public reported cops that a large number of superbikes are “parked” at public places, suspecting they must be preparing for “racing”. Duh!
I totally agree to this!!

I don't know why, but most of Kerala public have a kind of prejudice against Bikers. I ride a ZMA and I KNOW how I've been treated some times by people. So what would be the case of some one riding an SBK, I Wonder!

Everything said and done, RIP to the boy. Any amount of talking or arguing isn't gonna bring him back. Let this be a lesson to all.

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Old 3rd November 2012, 16:59   #678
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Scorcher View Post
Total bull I'd say, I know for a matter of fact that this particular bike is totally legal Indian invoiced bike...

...suspecting they must be preparing for “racing”. Duh!
Fantastic post Scorchy! I'm in complete agreement.

But I've got to add one thing. Someone who owns a superbike and rides it while wearing the right and appropriate gear makes him a 'proper' enthusiast. Simply because he respects his bike and knows its - and more importantly his - limitations. It's goes both ways too, for us car aficionados.

I've seen superbikes in Bangalore and many of them are ridden by idiots wearing nothing but boxer shorts and bathroom chappals. I call them heroes and not enthusiasts. I've seen 9 heros and one enthusiast in the last week.

On some level, I guess even this is stereotyping?
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Old 4th November 2012, 13:12   #679
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Scorcher View Post
** Several instances occurred when public reported cops that a large number of superbikes are “parked” at public places, suspecting they must be preparing for “racing”. Duh!

Totally agree on this point.

There was such similar instance happened on Bangalore-Mysore road some time back, wherein people were complaining about SBK's [unable to find the online article on it]

RIP the rider! More than the rider, my sympathy to the motorbike owner.
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Old 8th November 2012, 13:02   #680
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by darklord View Post
The bike is possibly not a clean one; at least ToI and Kochi Police suspect so.

In Kochi, superbikes come easy
Sorry to say it out aloud, this is total rubbish. I have personally seen the docs as well as the clearence papers from goan RTO. This bike is one of the cleanest bikes that i have ever seen. Even there were some clearance papers from the crime branch confirming that the bike was clean. Sorry the kid had to go the way he went. I do understand that it was very irresponsible for him to misuse the ''gift of speed'', but i have to say this, he died a happy guy, doing what he loved the most. This is just the biker in me speaking. If i have offended anyone, i do apologize.

On totally different note, i happen to get some fresh and first hand pics of the aftermath. These pics show the pickup truck and the engine of the R1 lodged inside its cabin. The driver of the truck had a very miraculous escape, just suffered a bloodied and broken nose.
Attached Thumbnails
Supercar & Import Crashes in India-r1-engine-inside-pick-up-1.jpg  

Supercar & Import Crashes in India-r1-engine-inside-pick-up-2.jpg  

Supercar & Import Crashes in India-r1-engine-inside-pick-up-3.jpg  

Supercar & Import Crashes in India-r1-engine-inside-pick-up-4.jpg  

Last edited by Rehaan : 8th November 2012 at 14:03. Reason: language
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Old 8th November 2012, 13:11   #681
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Dr.Awesomeness View Post
Sorry to say it out aloud, this is total bull****. I have personally seen the docs as well as the clearence papers from goan RTO. This bike is one of the cleanest bikes that i have ever seen. Even there were some clearance papers from the crime branch confirming that the bike was clean. Sorry the kid had to go the way he went. I do understand that it was very irresponsible for him to misuse the ''gift of speed'', but i have to say this, he died a happy guy, doing what he loved the most. This is just the biker in me speaking. If i have offended anyone, i do apologize.

On totally different note, i happen to get some fresh and first hand pics of the aftermath. These pics show the pickup truck and the engine of the R1 lodged inside its cabin. The driver of the truck had a very miraculous escape, just suffered a bloodied and broken nose.
Sorry to dig further, was a truck involved in the accident ?

Last edited by foby.sebastian : 8th November 2012 at 13:13.
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Old 8th November 2012, 13:13   #682
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Sorry the kid had to go the way he went. I do understand that it was very irresponsible for him to misuse the ''gift of speed'', but i have to say this, he died a happy guy, doing what he loved the most. This is just the biker in me speaking. If i have offended anyone, i do apologize.
So now I know why so many of the bikers here drive the way they do: they want to die happy. Cheers.

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 8th November 2012 at 13:14.
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Old 8th November 2012, 13:25   #683
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by foby.sebastian View Post
Sorry to dig further, was a truck involved in the accident ?
Due to impact of the crash, engine was ripped off its chassis and flew across into oncoming lane. Unfortunatly the truck was at the wrong place at the wrong time and had to bear the brunt of an engine crahing into it. The truck was at distance of more than 70 meters from the accident spot.
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Old 8th November 2012, 14:26   #684
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Dr.Awesomeness View Post
Sorry the kid had to go the way he went. I do understand that it was very irresponsible for him to misuse the ''gift of speed'', but i have to say this, he died a happy guy, doing what he loved the most. This is just the biker in me speaking. If i have offended anyone, i do apologize.
Sorry to say this but you just don't make any sense. 'Died Happy'? I dont know what that means. To me this is just an irresponsible statement which the mods should consider deleting.
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Old 8th November 2012, 14:35   #685
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by suhaas307 View Post

I've seen superbikes in Bangalore and many of them are ridden by idiots wearing nothing but boxer shorts and bathroom chappals. I call them heroes and not enthusiasts.

I am sorry I have to disagree with you here. They are not heros but totally misguided fools with a death wish writ all over them.

With power comes responsibility - both to others and to ones own self

Best Regards & Drive/Ride Safe

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Old 8th November 2012, 14:50   #686
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Dr.Awesomeness View Post
but i have to say this, he died a happy guy, doing what he loved the most. This is just the biker in me speaking.
Shyam, not the right choice of words, mate. I get your point, but that doesn’t justify him doing this kind of speed on public roads jeopardizing even the jeeper’s life. Those words fit someone like Kato or Simoncelli, not him.

With all due respect.
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Old 8th November 2012, 17:04   #687
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

As a biker, am extremely sad to see the state that R1 is in and may the departed soul rest in peace. Riding a superbike involves something much more than a pair of gloves and a helmet, something which needs to be understood, the responsibility attached to, it cant be taught.

To others who think that all 20-21 year old are "kids" or rich spoilt brats whose parents have a lot of money, let me make it clear that one cant categorize every one in one bracket. Yes, am also a 21 year old and its been a year since i bought and riding a 600cc bike, i paid only 40% of the bike's amount with my earnings and savings and the rest was paid by my father as he understands my passion, that doesnt make one a rich or spoilt brat.

Due to a "select" few, every one has to suffer. My father understood my passion and i remember his face every time i push the ignition, the belief in me and the confidence he has in me, i ride with all the riding gear and make sure every time i ride, i reach back home safely. I have that thought in my mind on every ride that aboard a sportsbike, you just dont know if you can come back safely or not, with these bike one gets no second chance, one mistake and that is it, you can maximise your chances by riding with full gear on and riding sensibly. No one rides under the 70-80 km/h limit and thats not feasible too but 200 at night without riding gear is a suicide.

Feel sorry for the R1 owner, the only mistake he committed was leaving the keys with his buddy. These machines are so tempting that every one wants a ride not understanding what that involves. I have never ever given the keys of my ride to even my father, the bike can be repaired but a life lose cant be reclaimed.
Very sad.
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Old 8th November 2012, 17:58   #688
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by suhaas307 View Post
But I've got to add one thing. Someone who owns a superbike and rides it while wearing the right and appropriate gear makes him a 'proper' enthusiast. Simply because he respects his bike and knows its - and more importantly his - limitations. It's goes both ways too, for us car aficionados. On some level, I guess even this is stereotyping?
Of yes, it is.

I've always ridden with full gear - helmet, jacket, gloves, boots, pants/jeans (no shorts/chappals, etc.) and every time i have stopped i've been asked if I'm racing.

And i've also been asked - all this for a 250cc?

Well, I know better since i've seen a biker kiss the road while downhill at Nandi hills at 30kmph and the skin was peeled off his elbows and hands. He had no armored jacket and was wearing a windcheater. Imagine the road rash and burns at 100+ kmph.

Sad that the biker had to go. May he rest in peace.

Last year a friend of mine rode down to Blore on his Fireblade and asked if he could park it in my place for a month or so since he had to make unplanned changes to his travel schedule. He asked me to take the bike for a spin around the block just so the battery doesn't die. I refused saying he could park but keys will be untouched, battery be damned.

I've been offered rides by many other biker friends of mine, bike like the ducati's, etc. as they know how i maintain my vehicles but better safe than sorry is my mantra. No joy rides or test rides.
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Old 8th November 2012, 18:58   #689
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by n_aditya View Post
I've always ridden with full gear - helmet, jacket, gloves, boots, pants/jeans (no shorts/chappals, etc.) and every time i have stopped i've been asked if I'm racing.
And what you should get is respect.

I'm not a biker, I don't ride 2-wheelers, and I can't tell one bike from another, but I can tell the difference between someone with respect for their own life, let alone the lives of others.

If I see someone dressed as aditya describes, yes, I'm going to stereotype them. I'm going to make the assumption that there goes a guy who knows how to ride, knows how to drive, knows the road, knows the law and knows common sense.

On the other hand, if I see a guy in a t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops seeing how far he can lean as he weaves through traffic, I'm going to stereotype him too.

The bike has nothing to do with it, nor does the bank balance. Rich or poor, super-bike or moped, it's the rider that counts.

On the other hand, as I've said before, there is a certain kind of accident that happens to a certain kind of person driving a certain kind of vehicle. It involves high speed, and, as the vehicles are expensive, it necessarily involves healthy bank balances.

But poor people do stupid stuff too.

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 8th November 2012 at 19:02.
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Old 8th November 2012, 21:16   #690
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re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Baleno7811 View Post
Sorry to say this but you just don't make any sense. 'Died Happy'? I dont know what that means. To me this is just an irresponsible statement which the mods should consider deleting.
I do understand your sentiments about my statement. Its just my point of view about it. See guys, i've had my share of spills and broken bones which made a stronger and more sensible rider. If it was me to make the decision about the way i was to go, i would always prefer me dying doing something i loved the most. I also understand that most of you would not agree with this, but its just me and my way of living. If i hve broken any rules here, mods pls feel free to delete this post.
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