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Old 7th October 2016, 11:10   #2401
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Parts availability still seem to be a concern. My SA ordered a fuel pipe on 20th September and it has not yet arrived. Somewhere I read, there is going to be a parts distribution hub in Bangalore and long waits for parts are over. Thankfully the fuel pipe was not fully damaged by rat, I am still able to use the car, otherwise it would have been grounded for more than 3 weeks.
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Old 7th October 2016, 14:29   #2402
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Since every one was keen on the biggest update- navigation--here is what the system looks like and the part number photo is also included.

Another super cool feature i found was the inclusion of a compass in the MID. Additionally, if you select Navigation on the MID, directions are displayed on the MID itself and you need not look at the screen. Small thought features living up to simply clever!

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_8448.jpg

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_8426.jpg

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_8456.jpg

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_8457.jpg

Last edited by Aditya : 10th October 2016 at 07:34. Reason: Correcting image orientation
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Old 13th October 2016, 22:15   #2403
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Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Can anyone advise? I have the Style+ with the 'Superb' steering wheel and suddenly noticed today that the right-side button panel is loose, i.e. the buttons are working fine but the black plastic covering is moving around and not snap-fitted like the left.

I tried to gently push it in to see if it snap-fits back, but could not and don't want to damage it in error. Funnily enough I never use the right side and can't figure how and when it may have worked itself loose.
Were you able to fix this issue ? Any idea?
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Old 14th October 2016, 07:20   #2404
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Nopes, frankly haven't had the time to visit the workshop.

But showed it to the sales guys and one experienced fellow said that the airbag needs to be dismantled, and then only they can diagnose if the entire child unit needs to be changed or it can be snapped back in place easily
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Old 16th October 2016, 09:06   #2405
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Are there any options for Octavia style plus owners to get this navigation, without having to change the headunit.
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Old 17th October 2016, 11:06   #2406
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Originally Posted by hemanthisgreat View Post
Are there any options for Octavia style plus owners to get this navigation, without having to change the headunit.

Depends. Does your glove box unit have 1xSD Card slot or 2xSD Card slots? If it's 2, then you just need to purchase the maps card and activate it. Also need to enable Compass and GPS display in the cluster by VCDS. You will also need to cut a hole in your roof and install the shark fin GPS antenna that comes standard in new Style Plus. It's a simple job if done by someone who is well versed with the wiring and routing through the interior.
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Old 17th October 2016, 11:29   #2407
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Depends. Does your glove box unit have 1xSD Card slot or 2xSD Card slots? If it's 2, then you just need to purchase the maps card and activate it.
Adi, are you sure? I thought that even if you have the 2 x SDC unit, you still need the GPS HW module itself to be dealer-fitted.
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Old 23rd October 2016, 12:54   #2408
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Hi everyone !
I have booked Skoda Octavia 1.8 TSI DSG last week. As per my advisor, car will be delivered by 29th Oct'16. After reading many DQ 200 transmission concerns, I have been having second thought about my decision. The booking fee i have paid is also non refundable. Please advise me whether or not should I go ahead with this car. I will be using the car in Gurgaon, in which there will be loads of stop and go traffic, which as per my understanding will put stress on DQ 200.
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Old 23rd October 2016, 14:03   #2409
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Just 1 SD card slot.
Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Depends. Does your glove box unit have 1xSD Card slot or 2xSD Card slots? If it's 2, then you just need to purchase the maps card and activate it. Also need to enable Compass and GPS display in the cluster by VCDS. You will also need to cut a hole in your roof and install the shark fin GPS antenna that comes standard in new Style Plus. It's a simple job if done by someone who is well versed with the wiring and routing through the interior.
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Old 23rd October 2016, 14:42   #2410
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Even three years after launch the car looks as smashing as it did then. I cant help but look twice before moving past an Octavia in the wild. Anyway, do we have any news about the 2017 facelift expected to launch globally. Will this version come to India soon after?

Last edited by toothless : 23rd October 2016 at 14:54.
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Old 23rd October 2016, 15:35   #2411
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I second toothless. I have never fallen in love with a car until i drove Octavia. Sad part is that i had to shift to Singapore within two months of buy. Now all i look forward is those monthly visits where i get two days to drive my Octavia. In a place called Queenstown here, we have a long line of all car show rooms right from bentley to ferrari to Honda. The only showroom in a dilapidated state is Skoda. Hope all will change and Skoda will turn a new leaf when Kodiaq is launched. The car prices here is ridiculous, but i don't think that will stop me from buying one of those beauties.
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Old 24th October 2016, 16:52   #2412
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adeetya.gandhi View Post
Hi everyone !
I have booked Skoda Octavia 1.8 TSI DSG last week. As per my advisor, car will be delivered by 29th Oct'16. After reading many DQ 200 transmission concerns, I have been having second thought about my decision. The booking fee i have paid is also non refundable. Please advise me whether or not should I go ahead with this car. I will be using the car in Gurgaon, in which there will be loads of stop and go traffic, which as per my understanding will put stress on DQ 200.
Hey there brother,
The 1.8TSI + 7Speed DSG is a lethal combo. Yes the DQ200 is notorious to faliures however Skoda has done a few things from their end to prevent overheating from its launch in 2013, one of them being changing the oil that used to cause large amounts of sulphur deposition causing overheating, apart from that there are some things you can do to preserve the gearbox life as well.

1) Make sure not to keep "Drive" engaged for more than 10 sec at a standstill and shift it to neutral. This prevents the gearbox from heating up.

2) Follow the owners manual to break in the car properly upto 1500km. This ensures engine and gearbox longevity.

3) Make sure to keep the oil levels topped up as the TSI is a heavy drinker. This will make sure smooth running.

4) Always Idle the engine for 30 sec before and after your journey. The initial idle helps warm up the mechanicals and the latter helps the the turbo spool rpm to drop down back to idle revs.

5) DO NOT rev the engine especially in drive mode so as to mimic launch control in Automatics for quick take off's at signals. This puts A LOT of strain on the gearbox.

6) Lastly, as per owenership reviews on the Forum, the gear box just hates the first gear and prefers slipping the clutch in second gear even at really slow speeds. Since you face heavy stop and go traffic, I suggest you switch to manual at that time and keep the it engaged in first. It may seem a little jerky, but it will prevent wear and heating of the clutch & gearbox due to slipping.

Hope this helps and yes do not forget to opt for the 4 year service and maintenance package. Its worth the buy and ensures peace of mind.

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Old 24th October 2016, 16:58   #2413
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by Starfire View Post
4) Always Idle the engine for 30 sec before and after your journey. The initial idle helps warm up the mechanicals and the latter helps the the turbo spool rpm to drop down back to idle revs.

Not entirely accurate. The 30 second idle rule before switching it off is to give a chance for the hot oil and coolant(if any) in and around the turbo to move away. Otherwise the hot oil in the CHRA will coke up and cause issues in the future. Basically the 30 seconds is a chance for the turbo to cool itself and for that, you need to keep the engine running so that the oil pump and water pump are running to keep the oil and coolant circulating.

The turbo RPM drops very quickly when you are off boost and has nothing to do with you idling the car.
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Old 24th October 2016, 18:05   #2414
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by Nikhilb2008 View Post
Not entirely accurate. The 30 second idle rule before switching it off is to give a chance for the hot oil and coolant(if any) in and around the turbo to move away. Otherwise the hot oil in the CHRA will coke up and cause issues in the future. Basically the 30 seconds is a chance for the turbo to cool itself and for that, you need to keep the engine running so that the oil pump and water pump are running to keep the oil and coolant circulating.
My bad. Thank you for the correction.
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Old 24th October 2016, 20:51   #2415
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I am also not sure about point No:1. When at stand still if you press brake automatically clutch disengages and rpm drops below 1000. In any case if the stoppage is for more time it's ideal to put it to park rather than neutral . One extra precaution I used to take is I never pushes the engine before lube oil temperature reaches ideal working temperature. The MID starts registering lube oil temperature after it crosses 50 degrees and ideal working temperature is between 100 to 110. It will take ten to fifteen minutes or approximately 5 to 6 km before the temperature reaches that range. Only then I speed up and let the engine loose.
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