
Innova Crysta's battery creates a mess: Here's how I resolved it myself

After removing the battery overnight and connecting it, the cold start clatter has reduced by a great margin.

BHPian audioholic recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

The battery has created a mess in my Crysta. I am not sure how but the battery seems to be overflowing lot of acid and this has caused a huge amount of corrosion on and around the battery carrier plate. My dad had reported this issue to Nandi Toyota and the SA just cleaned the top of the battery and charged him 500 for a spray for electrical terminals. Such incompetent morons.

Took the matter into my own hands, removed the battery, cleaned around the area, removed all the rust and gave a generous spray of anti-rust coating.



Coincidentally, after removing the battery overnight and connecting it, the cold start clatter has reduced by a great margin and also a rattling noise I would get from the injectors when the engine was cold. This was the case also with XtraGreen but now the cold start isn't as harsh as before.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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