
IRDAI's online database for checking vehicle insurance

This tool can be really useful if you're planning to purchase a used car and need information about the insurance and past claims.

Vehicle insurance data is available online and it can be a very useful tool for those looking for information pertaining to the insurance policy of a specific vehicle.

Insurance Information Bureau of India (IIB) is a data repository, which comes under the purview of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).

To check the details of an insurance policy, one must know the registration number of the vehicle. The online portal lists the policy number, policy status, policy period and expiry date. It also has information regarding previous claim details including type of claim, date, whether total loss or theft claim, etc.

The database includes details of vehicles that have been insured post-April 1, 2010.

Thanks to Sandy Damodaran for the heads-up.
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