
XUV700 screens go blank: Got it to work again, but at a service centre

While the technicians got it to work, even they couldn't provide a definite explanation.

BHPian sunilsoft recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

This Monday morning, as I set out for work in my XUV 700, about 2 km into the drive, both the infotainment screen and instrument cluster unexpectedly went blank. Initially, I assumed it was a random error that would resolve itself upon restarting. However, to my surprise, the issue persisted. At a traffic signal, attempting to restart the car proved futile. Seeking guidance, I contacted the technician at Harbir Mahindra in Chandigarh, who advised removing the battery terminal. The screens stubbornly remained blank as I made my way to work. Despite following the suggestion and leaving the battery terminal disconnected for 15 minutes, it resulted in nothing.

Taking a short leave from work, I promptly reached Harbir Mahindra, where their technicians promptly attended to the issue. Attempts to reset the battery by disconnecting and reconnecting the terminal with a laptop yielded no results. Further inspection of fuses revealed nothing suspicious. Removing the glovebox, they checked the silver box for water damage, but it was not the culprit. As a last attempt, they left the silver box disconnected for 30 minutes, then reconnected it, and connected the battery terminal. Miraculously, the screens came back to life as if nothing had happened.

Curious about the cause, I inquired with the technician, but they couldn't provide a definite explanation. Special thanks to Mr. Sudhir and Mr. Vipin for their prompt response and assistance throughout the process.

The reliability of the system has gone better but it just doesn't inspire confidence that it will flawlessly work every time.

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