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Old 16th December 2012, 13:38   #5086
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by W.A.G.7 View Post
My Canon Powershot S5 IS (5 years old) has started producing slightly black images. It's as if the exposure compensation has been set to -1.7 or -2 EV. Pictures looked dull on the LCD, so I thought that maybe the LCD has a problem. But the same picture looks blackened even on a PC. Any pointers on what could be the problem? I also did reset the camera to it's factory settings but still pictures are dull. See this sample photo attached. Also, the flash doesn't work (loose connection), unless it's held popped up and some force is applied with your left index finger.

Attachment 1027600
1. Did you drop the unit? ever?
2. Have you updated the firmware to the latest?
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Old 16th December 2012, 14:43   #5087
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Originally Posted by W.A.G.7 View Post
My Canon Powershot S5 IS (5 years old) has started producing slightly black images. It's as if the exposure compensation has been set to -1.7 or -2 EV. Pictures looked dull on the LCD, so I thought that maybe the LCD has a problem. But the same picture looks blackened even on a PC. Any pointers on what could be the problem?
I had similar issues with my S2 IS, back in 2006. It was out of warranty, repairing a Canon will cost as much as buying a new one. I still have it at home.

My recommendation: Check with Canon India if they have the privilege purchase program for the existing customers (we have that option here in Singapore). With that, you can give in our faulty unit and get a new model for a discounted price.
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Old 16th December 2012, 23:17   #5088
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by rajismine View Post
I can advise a quick test to see if its the aperture. Click a pic and see exif info to see aperture and shutter value. Now put camera in Manual mode - keep shutter value same and change aperture to largest i.e f2.8 or 3.5 etc. The output, if over-exposed then it means aperture is fine.
Thanks for the info, I will do this test and post back the results here.

Originally Posted by latentpotential View Post
1. Did you drop the unit? ever?
2. Have you updated the firmware to the latest?
For both queries - the answer is no. I haven't dropped the camera anytime and also I have never updated the firmware ever since I bought it.

Originally Posted by vb-san View Post
Check with Canon India if they have the privilege purchase program for the existing customers (we have that option here in Singapore). With that, you can give in our faulty unit and get a new model for a discounted price.
The camera is long out of warranty now, and I don't think we have such an option here in India. However if all else fails, I will have to see if this can be done.
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Old 21st December 2012, 09:41   #5089
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Another one joins the war!
Attached Thumbnails
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Last edited by jkdas : 21st December 2012 at 09:43.
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Old 23rd December 2012, 12:07   #5090
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by rajismine View Post
I can advise a quick test to see if its the aperture. Click a pic and see exif info to see aperture and shutter value. Now put camera in Manual mode - keep shutter value same and change aperture to largest i.e f2.8 or 3.5 etc. The output, if over-exposed then it means aperture is fine.
Originally Posted by W.A.G.7 View Post
Thanks for the info, I will do this test and post back the results here.
Well, I did this test and here are the results. Also, exif data screenshot is posted. The photo didn't actually get overexposed even after changing the aperture to F2.7 which is the maximum it can go. The picture was taken just now in bright sunlight. 619.jpg = taken in Program (P) mode, whereas 620.jpg = taken in Manual (M) mode. Prognosis looks bad !!

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-img_0619.jpg

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-img_0620.jpg

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-exif.jpg

Last edited by W.A.G.7 : 23rd December 2012 at 12:12.
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Old 23rd December 2012, 12:39   #5091
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by W.A.G.7 View Post
Well, I did this test and here are the results. Also, exif data screenshot is posted. The photo didn't actually get overexposed even after changing the aperture to F2.7 which is the maximum it can go. The picture was taken just now in bright sunlight. 619.jpg = taken in Program (P) mode, whereas 620.jpg = taken in Manual (M) mode. Prognosis looks bad !!
Prognosis does not look bad to me. The exposure is definitely different in both pics and shows that aperture is probably working fine. The pic is dark due to the shutter value,

Do one thing: take these values for test: 1.) Shutter 1/300 Aperture 2.7 2.) Shutter 1/300 Aperture 8

We need one more test. It may be that the camera is doing something while processing the pic. DO these two things:

1.) I see that you are using Center Weighted metering. Change it to Matrix. Click a pic and see if its ok Now. If not, then-

2.) Confirm if exposure compensation is not set below 0. if you go into menu, there will be a +/- sign. the value should be Zero. May be it got set to a minus value hence underexposed. Anyways even if its a Zero, simply change it to plus 1,2 and text. You pics should start looking ok now and you can consider it to be a good fix :-)
EDIT: Just saw in Exif that Exposure bias/compensation is "0" in both so we are good there. Just change it to +1 or +2 and your pictures should start looking good i guess

3.) If above does not work, and if you are technically inclined, then Install CHDK firmware on your camera (it does not do anything wrong/harm). Now click a RAW image and open it in Photoshop. If its correctly exposed then definitely the processing in camera which is at fault.

PM me and I will reply with my phone number if you need any further help



Last edited by rajismine : 23rd December 2012 at 12:42.
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Old 5th January 2013, 10:24   #5092
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

Originally Posted by rajismine View Post
Do one thing: take these values for test: 1.) Shutter 1/300 Aperture 2.7 2.) Shutter 1/300 Aperture 8

1.) I see that you are using Center Weighted metering. Change it to Matrix. Click a pic and see if its ok Now. If not, then-
Raj, many thanks for your answers. I did the tests you mentioned and here are the results attached. The metering mode is also changed to matrix. The pictures were taken standing from the same spot on my terrace. See these images below. They were taken today on a bright sunny day. Regarding the chdk s/w, the camera doesn't shoot in RAW format. Will that software then work for JPG's also?

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-img_0652.jpg

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-img_0653.jpg

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-exif2.jpg

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-img_0656.jpg

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-img_0657.jpg

The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.-exif.jpg
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Old 5th January 2013, 16:06   #5093
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Re: The Digital Camera Thread: Questions, discussions, etc.

your camera mostly seems fine but I guess something is wrong with the aperture. from f2.7 to f8, there is definitely a difference but not to the extent that you would really expect. f8 pics are darker but not sufficiently.

I guess you should start shooting in Manual mode now onwards for all clicks :-)

Did you try increasing exposure compensation by 2-3 stops in normal jpgs? you can switch to P mode and increase exposure compensation to get better pics

CHDK does work for jpgs also.

BTW, interestingly in you exif, the focal length is 6mm :o and that's surprising since your camera cannot click at 6mm
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Old 8th January 2013, 11:11   #5094
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Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Hi All,
Off late my wife and bro have developed some interest in photography. But at the same time they don't want to lug around a bulky DSLR. So I am looking to buy a high end P&S. They would be shooting mostly landscapes and portraits. I came across these 2 models from Canon - G15 and S110. The problem is even Canon store in Bangalore doesn't have a display piece to touch and feel the cameras. They say none of the stores in Bangalore have them. So I have to rely on internet reviews/ user feed back to decide on this.

My question is which of the 2 is better? Or any other camera model you suggest.

PS: We already have a DSLR at home which is in my hand most of the times, thats another reason they want a new camera.
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Old 8th January 2013, 11:21   #5095
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by flycatcher View Post
But at the same time they don't want to lug around a bulky DSLR.
Is this something too big for you?
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Old 8th January 2013, 11:32   #5096
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by flycatcher View Post
I came across these 2 models from Canon - G15 and S110. ..My question is which of the 2 is better? Or any other camera model you suggest.
The G15 is better but is significantly bigger than the S110. When I was looking for a replacement for my S90 I looked at the S110 and the Sony RX100. If the RX100 is small enough for you I wold strongly suggest it. Otherwise the S110 is the only oe I found that was truly pocketable.
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Old 8th January 2013, 12:44   #5097
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
Thanks Samurai. Yes, I am aware about the new breed "EVIL". But IMO they are also not pocket-able. I was looking for something which is 'Pocketable'. I didnt get the word right when I was mentioning about the requirements, sorry about that.

Originally Posted by navin View Post
The G15 is better but is significantly bigger than the S110. When I was looking for a replacement for my S90 I looked at the S110 and the Sony RX100. If the RX100 is small enough for you I wold strongly suggest it. Otherwise the S110 is the only oe I found that was truly pocketable.
Navin, By bulky do you mean it will not be of the pocket-able category? The one thing I was in favor of G15 is the f1.8 lens. Also, the fact that one can add a Teleconverter later on if required is big + point IMO.

Btw where did you get to see the camera? also if you have own the S110 can you give a brief review
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Old 8th January 2013, 13:47   #5098
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by flycatcher View Post
I was looking for something which is 'Pocketable'. I didnt get the word right when I was mentioning about the requirements, sorry about that.

Navin, By bulky do you mean it will not be of the pocket-able category? The one thing I was in favor of G15 is the f1.8 lens. Also, the fact that one can add a Teleconverter later on if required is big + point IMO.

Btw where did you get to see the camera? also if you have own the S110 can you give a brief review
The G15 is not pocketable. In my book Sony's RX100 is not pocketable either. The S110 just about makes it.

I am not an avid photographer and have limited experience. The only reason I got the S110 was because I dropped my S90 and broke it.

Other than the touch screen I dont see a big change in it. In fact I believe it focusses a little slower than the S90 (especially in medium-low light). I use a 16GB 10x card in it but I think that is overkill even a 4x card should do fine. A camera can only take photos if it is present. I happen to have a DSLR but carrying the DSLR kit makes me look like Rambo (at least my wife says so) while the S110 is virtually invisible (some cellphones are bigger).

My prefered mode is Program or Aperture (Av) with the flash either as fill in or off. This way I have some control while I let the camera do all the dirty work. Modern digital cameras are fast at this dirty work and are pretty good at it too. It surprises me; the ammount of electronics and intelligence Olympus, Canon, Nikon and their kin have managed to stuff into a camera.

Some years ago Honda came would with a campaign that went "Fill it, shut it, forget it". The same can be said for cameras like the S90/S110. Stick a 16Gb card in it, charge the battery and it will be weeks if not months before you have to reload the camera. I think Manual modes and all the fancy buttons are a it much for cameras in this category. The Ring allows you to control ISO (or any other function you desire) on the fly. However pushing these cameras beyond an ISO of 800 is asking for serious trouble.

If there was one feature I would have asked for in this class of camera is the ability to drop the Megapixel output to say 4M while lowering pixel density and thereby improving light capture in low light conditions. One wierd thing though, when I push Aperture to say f/8 the viewfinder still shows the image like the Aperture if wide open. I wish the viewfinder showed the correct DOF as per Aperture- this seems to be the case of all pocket cameras.

Last edited by navin : 8th January 2013 at 14:03.
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Old 8th January 2013, 13:56   #5099
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by navin View Post
The G15 is not pocketable. In my book Sony's RX100 is not pocketable either. The S110 just about makes it.

I am not an avid photographer and have limited experience. The only reason I got the S110 was because I dropped my S90 and broke it.

Other than the touch screen I dont see a big change in it. In fact I believe it focusses a little slower than the S90 (especially in medium-low light).
Where did you get to see the cameras before buying them?
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Old 8th January 2013, 16:36   #5100
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Re: Canon G15 or S110 or anyother

Originally Posted by flycatcher View Post
Where did you get to see the cameras before buying them?
I have a guy who supplies me all my electronics with bill and warranty. He bought the RX100 and S110 to me and I tried both in my pocket and took the one that fit best.
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