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Old 8th October 2012, 13:39   #886
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by nishantbhatia84 View Post
I'm planning a trip to Goa towards the end of this month.
I've got the following itinerary in mind, suggestion are most welcome!

1. 23rd October: Leave from Mumbai post-dinner at around 9PM.
2. Drive throughout the night taking the Mumbai-Pune-Kolhapur-Sawantvadi-Goa route (with regular stops to stretch & refresh), should reach Goa at around 9-10AM on 24th.
3. Stay at Goa till 27th October
4. For the return trip, take the Goa-Sawantvadi-Chiplun-Mahad route as I've heard it's really beautiful (not sure about the roads though!)

Request your views about this itinerary and suggestions/changes as well!

Thanks in advance!
Itinerary looks good as long as you are comfortable with night driving.Your return trip via NH17 would be stressful as roads at several places like Chiplun,Ratnagiri etc have gone bad after the rains.Not sure what is the present condition though.
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Old 8th October 2012, 13:49   #887
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by nishantbhatia84 View Post
I'm planning a trip to Goa towards the end of this month.
I've got the following itinerary in mind, suggestion are most welcome!

1. 23rd October: Leave from Mumbai post-dinner at around 9PM.
2. Drive throughout the night taking the Mumbai-Pune-Kolhapur-Sawantvadi-Goa route (with regular stops to stretch & refresh), should reach Goa at around 9-10AM on 24th.
3. Stay at Goa till 27th October
4. For the return trip, take the Goa-Sawantvadi-Chiplun-Mahad route as I've heard it's really beautiful (not sure about the roads though!)

Request your views about this itinerary and suggestions/changes as well!

Thanks in advance!

Hi Nishant,

Your itinerary sounds OK but avoid going through Kolhapur to Sawantwadi. If you do, you will have to take the Gaganbhawda ghat which is very lonely at night.
Would suggest you carry on on NH4 and turn off at Nipani (Tawande Ghat) or Sankeshwar and proceed to Sawantwadi via Amboli ghat.
Actually, I would avoid driving at night - period.
I find the oncoming headlights too blinding to handle. Everyone seems to have 90/100W or more pwerful lights these days.
Also, God forbid you have a problem with your car, you will not find help easily. A simple thing like a puncture in the middle of the night can become a major issue.
Will you be travelling alone or with friends / family? If just a bunch of guys you should be OK but I would still recommend you drive during the day.

For your return trip I would use the same route as above as, NH17 is a single lane highway for most of the way. Difficult to overtake or build up speed. The last I heard, the roads were not great - just so-so. It is a beautiful but also a treacherous road. Lots and lots of twisties if you like that sort of thing. Would give a snake a backache!!

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Old 8th October 2012, 13:53   #888
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Originally Posted by ranjitp1

Itinerary looks good as long as you are comfortable with night driving.Your return trip via NH17 would be stressful as roads at several places like Chiplun,Ratnagiri etc have gone bad after the rains.Not sure what is the present condition though.
Night driving is fine with me as the roads upto Kolhapur are excellent, as per what I've read on tbhp.
I'm planning to stick to the same route whilst returning as I've just got to know that the route near Mahad is full of heavy trailers which are difficult to overtake.
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Old 8th October 2012, 17:25   #889
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
Hi Nishant,

Your itinerary sounds OK but avoid going through Kolhapur to Sawantwadi. If you do, you will have to take the Gaganbhawda ghat which is very lonely at night.
Would suggest you carry on on NH4 and turn off at Nipani (Tawande Ghat) or Sankeshwar and proceed to Sawantwadi via Amboli ghat.
Actually, I would avoid driving at night - period.
I find the oncoming headlights too blinding to handle. Everyone seems to have 90/100W or more pwerful lights these days.
Also, God forbid you have a problem with your car, you will not find help easily. A simple thing like a puncture in the middle of the night can become a major issue.
Will you be travelling alone or with friends / family? If just a bunch of guys you should be OK but I would still recommend you drive during the day.

For your return trip I would use the same route as above as, NH17 is a single lane highway for most of the way. Difficult to overtake or build up speed. The last I heard, the roads were not great - just so-so. It is a beautiful but also a treacherous road. Lots and lots of twisties if you like that sort of thing. Would give a snake a backache!!

Hi, after reading the numerous experiences of fellow TBHPIANS, I've come to the conclusion that the Mumbai-Pune-Kolhapur-Nipani-Ajra-Sawantwadi-Goa route is the most feasible one! I'll be taking the same route for my return journey as well.
I've got a question, in the attached screenshot, there seems to be a sort-of shortcut road that bypasses Sawantwadi. I'm not sure if this road is going to be feasible to travel, it's called 'Charatha Cashew Factory Road' joins the 'Sawantwadi-Otvane Road' which later joins the 'Mumbai-Goa Road'.
Should I take this route and bypass Sawantwadi or stick to the normal route which goes via Sawantwadi?
Has any fellow BHPIAN tried this road?
Attached Thumbnails
Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries-map.jpg  

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Old 8th October 2012, 17:48   #890
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Had been to Tarkarli on last weekend. Avoid Kolhapur-Gaganbawda-Kankavali route. Amobili ghat is in GOOD shape and you can easily maintain 60-70 on the Amobili-Sawantwadi stretch
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Old 8th October 2012, 18:09   #891
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by nishantbhatia84 View Post
Hi, after reading the numerous experiences of fellow TBHPIANS, I've come to the conclusion that the Mumbai-Pune-Kolhapur-Nipani-Ajra-Sawantwadi-Goa route is the most feasible one! I'll be taking the same route for my return journey as well.
I've got a question, in the attached screenshot, there seems to be a sort-of shortcut road that bypasses Sawantwadi. I'm not sure if this road is going to be feasible to travel, it's called 'Charatha Cashew Factory Road' joins the 'Sawantwadi-Otvane Road' which later joins the 'Mumbai-Goa Road'.
Should I take this route and bypass Sawantwadi or stick to the normal route which goes via Sawantwadi?
Has any fellow BHPIAN tried this road?
Please stick to the main Amboli-Sawantwadi-NH17 route to Goa.
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Old 8th October 2012, 18:44   #892
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by nishantbhatia84 View Post
Should I take this route and bypass Sawantwadi or stick to the normal route which goes via Sawantwadi?
Has any fellow BHPIAN tried this road?
I have used that route once in November 2008. It is narrow, has a couple of river crossings. Road surface was pathetic. I would stick to the normal route unless you are feeling adventurous.
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Old 8th October 2012, 20:38   #893
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by moralfibre View Post
I have used that route once in November 2008. It is narrow, has a couple of river crossings. Road surface was pathetic. I would stick to the normal route unless you are feeling adventurous.

Just came back yesterday night from Goa.
Stick to the usual route Kolhapur-Nipani-Ajra-Sawantwadi-Goa route.

The sawantwadi bypass is closed as there were heavy rains since last thursday also the road condition on this bypass is pretty bad and we were advised not to got that way by the local villagers.

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Old 8th October 2012, 20:58   #894
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by nishantbhatia84 View Post
Hi, after reading the numerous experiences of fellow TBHPIANS, I've come to the conclusion that the Mumbai-Pune-Kolhapur-Nipani-Ajra-Sawantwadi-Goa route is the most feasible one! I'll be taking the same route for my return journey as well.
I've got a question, in the attached screenshot, there seems to be a sort-of shortcut road that bypasses Sawantwadi. I'm not sure if this road is going to be feasible to travel, it's called 'Charatha Cashew Factory Road' joins the 'Sawantwadi-Otvane Road' which later joins the 'Mumbai-Goa Road'.
Should I take this route and bypass Sawantwadi or stick to the normal route which goes via Sawantwadi?
Has any fellow BHPIAN tried this road?
I have taken this route, you need to take a left turn at Danoli just after the ghat ends. I would say avoid this road. Reason? You will be crossing Sawantwadi in the early hours so I do not expect much traffic. The road through Sawantwadi is very good. This short cut really does not have good road where you can cruise, also best avoided in the night!! You will not loose much time going through Sawantwadi!
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Old 8th October 2012, 22:27   #895
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by Figopian View Post
I have taken this route, you need to take a left turn at Danoli just after the ghat ends.
Doesn't the left at Danoli take you too banda? This one seems to be going to Sawantwadi too, just after the lake. Charathe Cashew Factory Rd and Otavane Rd seem to be on the left of the Red line. The road from Danoli to Banda is much more to the left and goes in a pretty straight line towards banda.
I don't mean he shouldn't stick to the amboli sawantwadi route. just trying to clear this doubt.

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Old 9th October 2012, 08:24   #896
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Originally Posted by deutscheafrikar
Doesn't the left at Danoli take you too banda? This one seems to be going to Sawantwadi too, just after the lake. Charathe Cashew Factory Rd and Otavane Rd seem to be on the left of the Red line. The road from Danoli to Banda is much more to the left and goes in a pretty straight line towards banda.
I don't mean he shouldn't stick to the amboli sawantwadi route. just trying to clear this doubt.
I don't think so, trying to match this image with turn by turn map on say mapmyindia map shows it to be the same road. Its the same road that goes through otawane. So yes, this road goes directly to Banda.
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Old 10th October 2012, 14:42   #897
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Hi Guys, any update on the conditions of the road on the Pune-Kolhapur-Goa route ? Leaving around the 3rd of Nov and want to plan a route with (if possible) clear roads !

Thanks !
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Old 10th October 2012, 15:20   #898
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by zarir View Post
Hi Guys, any update on the conditions of the road on the Pune-Kolhapur-Goa route ? Leaving around the 3rd of Nov and want to plan a route with (if possible) clear roads !

Thanks !
Plenty of recent updates before your post,would be a good idea to go through them.

Pune-Kolhapur-Nipani-Ajra-Amboli-Sawantwadi-Mapusa-Panjim.Roads good throughout.7-9hrs depending on where in Goa you are headed to.
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Old 10th October 2012, 15:31   #899
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

I just returned from a drive to Goa and back on Sunday night.

I took the Bombay-Poona-Kolhapur-Sawantwadi-Goa route both onward and return journeys. The roads are very good except for some bad patches once you leave the highway (while going to Goa) and turn into the Amboli-Sawantwadi stretch. Still speeds of around 60 is maintainable except for the mildly hilly roads.

Roads all through are excellent. While I am not a big fan of night driving, the roads are good enough for the same. but the hilly terrain might pose some problems in case you have to stop midway. No help in most of the route here.

I tried the less-used road via banda too. Please avoid that. I had a bad time.

All in all, an enjoyable drive till after Kolhapur - really wide roads. Once you turn off the highway, till Goa the roads are all 2-laned but good ones. Inside Goa, be prepared for a slow progress as the general speeds of drivers there is slow.

One word of caution: While going to Goa, be watchful of the right turn to Goa. You can miss it easily. It comes after the Karnataka toll gate, after Nippani and immediately after you see the first ghat climb (although this ghat climb has 6 lane roads). If you miss this right turn, God bless you. There are 2 dhabas at this right turn. One is called Hotel ves Goa and the other is Kaveri (or something beginning with a 'K').

Have a great and safe drive.

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Old 11th October 2012, 02:25   #900
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My Goa trip is on! Have booked a nice resort at Varca, South Goa!
I've got some confusion, the standard route for Mumbai-Pune-Kolhapur-Nipani-Ajra-Amboli-Sawantwadi-Goa is tje most discussed one on tbhp forums. When I search for a route from Mumbai to Varca, South Goa on Google Maps, it shows this route: Mumbai-Pune-Kolhapur-Belgaum-Khanapur-Ramnagar-Mulem-Churchorem-Varca (south Goa)
Would this be the correct route to take for South Goa or should I stick to the normal route i.e. via Sawantwadi?
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