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Old 12th June 2014, 11:53   #1441
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Hello BHPians,

I am planning to drive down to Goa tomorrow i.e. 13/06, not sure on the route conditions.

Any feedback on the road conditions on this usual route : Pune - Kolhapur - Sankeshwar - Ajra - Amboli - Sawantwadi - Panaji Or should i take an alternative route suggested in the recent posts i.e. to go till Belgaum and reach Goa via Chorla.

Fyi - I need to go to North Goa

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Old 12th June 2014, 12:45   #1442
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Originally Posted by somitra1981 View Post
Hello BHPians,

I am planning to drive down to Goa tomorrow i.e. 13/06, not sure on the route conditions.

Any feedback on the road conditions on this usual route : Pune - Kolhapur - Sankeshwar - Ajra - Amboli - Sawantwadi - Panaji Or should i take an alternative route suggested in the recent posts i.e. to go till Belgaum and reach Goa via Chorla.

Fyi - I need to go to North Goa
A few weeks back i returned from Goa via Belgaum / Chorla, on the say so of the learned people on this thread . Nice roads, less traffic.
Better than sawantwadi/ amboli which was my route while going.
And google maps is your friend.
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Old 22nd June 2014, 00:03   #1443
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Hi Guys,

Just completed another Goa to Bombay run a couple of days ago. Used the Chorla route again and, really, nothing different to report. The road is still very good - apart from the steep "step" on the sides due to new tarmac having been laid - and once you cross to the Karnataka side all the cat's eyes on the sides of the road are back in place. Very, very useful in low visibility. We had non stop moderate to heavy rain all the way from Goa till Peeranwadi and visibility was way down on the Chorla ghat. Glad I had fitted 100/130 headlights. Stopped by the police for a cursory liquor check at Kankumbi but as I do not carry any - no problem. Left Goa at 1630 and so got a fair amount of traffic all the way till Sanquelim. Unusual time to leave I know, but intention was to stop at Kolhapur for the night which we did. Passing through Belgaum took a little longer than expected probably due to "rush hour" traffic. Driving on the NH4 at night (well, after dark) was not something I was looking forward to and I was surprised to see that it was in a way better than driving during the day. The hedges in the central divider block out most of the blinding oncoming headlights and as there are no local motorbikes on the road the truckies tend to stick to the left thereby giving one clear overtaking lane. However, I was still on edge as I am not happy about night driving (and would not recommend it to anyone) and was therefore quite glad to check into a hotel at Kolhapur at 8.30 pm for the night. Left soon after breakfast the next morning and again was pleasantly surprised when we breezed through most of the toll booths. Karad to Poona still the same. Several diversions with no work progress seen in the last two months. Wonder how long we'll have to suffer these diversions.
Poona bypass was the usual mess till the expressway.
The section of road immediately after the expressway has finally been completed - well almost!! - so that's one plus point.
Used the Chembur to Santa Cruz link for the first time and it is a boon. Cuts down travel time by at least 20 to 30 minutes to Andheri West.

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Old 22nd June 2014, 20:31   #1444
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by somitra1981 View Post
Hello BHPians,

I am planning to drive down to Goa tomorrow i.e. 13/06, not sure on the route conditions.

Any feedback on the road conditions on this usual route : Pune - Kolhapur - Sankeshwar - Ajra - Amboli - Sawantwadi - Panaji Or should i take an alternative route suggested in the recent posts i.e. to go till Belgaum and reach Goa via Chorla.

Fyi - I need to go to North Goa
Originally Posted by my969 View Post
A few weeks back i returned from Goa via Belgaum / Chorla, on the say so of the learned people on this thread . Nice roads, less traffic.
Better than sawantwadi/ amboli which was my route while going.
And google maps is your friend.
Well i took the advise of our fellow bhp'ians and Voilą, the drive to Goa was a breeze.

This has been the smoothest drive ever for me to Goa till date.

Went on 13/06, took the following route : Pune - Belgaum(Khanapur Road) - Piranwadi - Jamboti - Chorla - Sanquelim - Mapusa (Left Pune at 05:15 AM and reached Candolim 02:00 PM)

The conditions till Kolhapur are the same as always, beyond that till Belgaum excellent 4 laned highway with low traffic.

Crossing Belgaum in the morning office hours was a pain.

Post Belgaum the state highway has been freshly laid and is butter smooth to drive on, all the way to Sanquelim. Also there is hardly any traffic on this route.

Returned on 16/06 : while returning lost my way around and ended up taking the Panjim - Belgaum road via Panjim - Ponda - Mollem - Londa - Belgaum (Khanapur Road) - Pune (Left Candolim at 06:30 AM and reached Pune at 03:00 PM)

The road conditions on this route are average. Some of it has been freshly laid out, some of it is in bad shape. The traffic is light with mostly trucks. Although the route is picturesque with a lot of mist and greenery.

FYI - The overall traffic could have been less due to significantly low tourist traffic in off season. My usual route is Pune - Sankeshwar - Ajra - Amboli - Sawantwadi, this is the first time i took a detour due to monsoon season.
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Old 16th July 2014, 00:17   #1445
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Hi Guys,

Another update for you.
Just did Bombay to Goa via Poona, Kolhapur, Belgaum, Chorla and finally Mapuca. Nothing really different to report. Glad to note that the Chorla road is still in very good condition even after experiencing some heavy rains. Poona to Karad was the usual diversions but after Karad no issues and it was a breeze all the way to Belgaum (Now called "Belagavi"). Pleased to note that there is now a proper turn off sign on the highway for "Belagavi City" and soon after another one for "Goa". Took me about 20 minutes to get through Belgaum at 4 pm. Another 2 hours to reach Mapuca. Heavy rains on the Chorla Ghat and surprisingly fairly heavy traffic - mostly cars with a few trucks as well. Being a Sunday there were also a fair amount of "waterfall huggers" but the Police and Excise Gypsy's were present to keep things under control so no issues or traffic jams whatsoever. Had a cheap thrill entering Goa and not having to pay the Rs. 250 entry fee as I was driving a Goa registered car.
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Old 16th July 2014, 16:12   #1446
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post

Pleased to note that there is now a proper turn off sign on the highway for "Belagavi City" and soon after another one for "Goa". Took me about 20 minutes to get through Belgaum at 4 pm. Another 2 hours to reach Mapuca. Heavy rains on the Chorla Ghat and surprisingly fairly heavy traffic - mostly cars with a few trucks as well.
Had a cheap thrill entering Goa and not having to pay the Rs. 250 entry fee as I was driving a Goa registered car.
Hey thanks Suzuki, in May the turn off for Belgaum was still being prepped up, that turn has seen some major changes in the last one year, from a derelict unmarked turn to a brightly lit clearly marked turn.

I think the people and traffic cops included must have got tired pointing out the way to Goa, hence the Goa direction board being put up

So looks like KA has realised the increase in traffic on the route ever since Chorla has been relaid. Won't be surprised to see a toll gate being put at Peeranwadi Crossroad at the city limits.

Lucky you man, tell me one thing, in case you own a house in Goa, but your vehicle is registered elsewhere, can you still avoid paying the toll?


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Old 16th July 2014, 16:28   #1447
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by Trojan View Post
Lucky you man, tell me one thing, in case you own a house in Goa, but you vehicle is registered else where, can you still avoid paying the toll?
I stay at Goa since last 6 years, but have a Karnataka registered car. every time I enter Goa after a trip outside, I have to Pay Rs. 250 entry fee. Other than Goa registered vehicles there is NO way you can escape this toll. Sometime I try to reason with them speaking in Konkani and explain them that I am a Goan with KA registered car, but so far it has not helped. Non Goa registered car --> you pay Rs. 250.

But wait. if you are coming from Sawantwadi (Amboli ghat) route, then you can escape paying the toll with a non Goa registered vehicle. You need to take a detour to enter Goa just prior to Dhargal (Toll booth) which takes you through the Pernem area. A little familiarity with the route or a GPS will help. But it is a slightly longer route going through Mandrem-Siolim-Arpora ( basically the coastal road)

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Old 16th July 2014, 16:49   #1448
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by ashkamath View Post
Other than Goa registered vehicles there is NO way you can escape this toll.
As for now, all those Vehicles registered in districts from neighboring states are exempted from paying the Rs 250/- Entry tax to enter Goa.

KA-22 - Belgaum (Exempted)
KA-30 - Karwar (Exempted)
KA-31 - Sirsi (Exempted)
(Not sure about the MH Regn series which gets this exemption)

This to facilitate trading between the neighboring areas of the 2 states without hiccups. We have seen many times these cars talking to the booth fella and they letting him go without paying.

and then, surprisingly, when we entered Goa at the Mollem Check post on last Friday in a KA-19 (Mangalore) registered Linea, we promptly paid 250 and the booth operator asked us for the Vehicle Number and when we said KA-19 XXXX, he asked "Kaha ka passing hai?" (Which place is it registered) and when we said Mangalore, he called someone on phone and returned our 250 back and said "aaapko free hai" (It is free for you) and we still wondered how a district like Mangalore which is much further down from Goa below Udupi district is exempted from paying the Entry tax.

But what I also heard from local Goan friend of mine is that July 21st, 2014, the exempted vehicles will also have to pay the entry tax.

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Old 16th July 2014, 16:49   #1449
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by ashkamath View Post
I stay at Goa since last 6 years, but have a Karnataka registered car. every time I enter Goa after a trip outside, I have to Pay Rs. 250 entry fee.
Hmmm so there is no escaping that, what I was talking about was what if you can show your light bill for e.g which is in your name would that make any difference.

I have stopped taking the sawantwadi route from the time Chorla was opened last year. No point taking that route, Chorla is way better. But thanks for the route info it will help others coming from that route, but I suppose you are supposed to keep the toll receipt on person, in case there is a checking and you're asked to show I guess there might be issues.

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Old 16th July 2014, 17:12   #1450
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by Trojan View Post
I have stopped taking the sawantwadi route from the time Chorla was opened last year. No point taking that route, Chorla is way better. But thanks for the route info it will help others coming from that route, but I suppose you are supposed to keep the toll receipt on person, in case there is a checking and you're asked to show I guess there might be issues.
I have all the bills like telephone, water, aadhar etc in Goa. But that has not helped me. Mostly I enter from Karwar and I have paid. twice while returning from Mumbai I entered through the pernem, bypassing dhargal toll. and regarding Chorla, I mostly ride through that route in my Goa registered motorcycle.

The NH4 (Pune-Belgaum) and NH17 (Mumbai-Ratnagiri-Goa) are like chalk and cheese. while is the former is safer and faster it is also boring. the whole driving experience is void except for the thrill of the speed. while the latter route is two lane slower, more picturesque and engaging and takes a longer time to cover the distance. It also can test your patience and is annoying when trying to overtake truck after truck through the narrow winding roads.

Further sawantwadi route is for people who want to drive down the coastal route which has some amazing places like Ganpati pule and a number of virgin Beaches on the stretch. the road is amazing (pot hole free but for a small stretch)

Regarding keeping the toll receipt, I don't think so. I haven't heard anywhere being asked for the receipt. Well all Non Goan vehicles are of special interest to the police (for obvious reasons). But the general query is limited to the usual Driving licence, RC,PUC and Insurance copies. So toll receipt is not an issue AFAIK.

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
As for now, all those Vehicles registered in districts from neighboring states are exempted from paying the Rs 250/- Entry tax to enter Goa.

KA-22 - Belgaum (Exempted)
KA-30 - Karwar (Exempted)
KA-31 - Sirsi (Exempted)
(Not sure about the MH Regn series which gets this exemption)

This to facilitate trading between the neighboring areas of the 2 states without hiccups.

and then, surprisingly, when we entered Goa at the Mollem Check post on last Friday in a KA-19 (Mangalore) registered Linea, we promptly paid 250 and the booth operator asked us for the Vehicle Number and when we said KA-19 XXXX, he asked "Kaha ka passing hai?" (Which place is it registered) and when we said Mangalore, he called someone on phone and returned our 250 back and said "aaapko free hai" (It is free for you) and we still wondered how a district like Mangalore which is much further down from Goa below Udupi district is exempted from paying the Entry tax.

But what I also heard from local Goan friend of mine is that July 21st, 2014, the exempted vehicles will also have to pay the entry tax.
This is interesting and news to me. there is this rule that you can enter Goa by paying 250 toll and if you return back and move out of Goa within 4 hours of entering, the toll money is returned back at the gate. This is for any Non Goa registered vehicle irrespective of district affiliations / closeness to Goa and probably to to facilitate business with the nearby KA districts.

My car is Bangalore registered (KA04) and hence I pay the toll. I shall inquire about the above mentioned information and regarding the KA19 Kudla registered car, I am sure there must be some mistake from the booth people and you guys just landed lucky.

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Old 16th July 2014, 17:17   #1451
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by ashkamath View Post
I am sure there must be some mistake from the booth people and you guys just landed lucky.
Even I thought as much but he actually took the money and returned to us after calling someone and confirming that KA-19 (Mangalore) is exempted.

The next day we had to pass through the same booth (as we stayed at Dudhsagar Spa Resort) which was stone's throw away from the Gate and we were a convoy of around 60 cars and informed him that we are here only for the night and will enter Goa again on next day noon. He had obliged provided we show the receipts of the payment and will let us go.

When our turn came the next day, I was again apprehensive if we will end up paying but when we said we never paid as your booth fella informed that KA19 is exempted, he again let us go.

I would be waiting to know why Mangalore is exempted!
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Old 16th July 2014, 17:27   #1452
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Even I thought as much but he actually took the money and returned to us after calling someone and confirming that KA-19 (Mangalore) is exempted.

I would be waiting to know why Mangalore is exempted!
Wow. that is some news to me indeed. and if that were the yardstick then surely closer districts like Udupi and North Kanara must also receive exemption. Let me checkout this and revert.

On a lighter note, is it possible that the guy (or his sweet heart ) at toll booth is from Mangalore or has a soft corner for the place?

btw Mangalore has so many other names too. Other names used by the locals are 'Kudla' (Tulu), 'Mangalooru' (Kannada), 'Mangalapuram' (Malayalam),'Kodeyaala' ("Havyaka"), 'Kodial' (Konkani), 'Maikala' (Beary), Manjarur (arabian ref) and 'Manjarun'(sanskrith). interesting titbits.

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Old 16th July 2014, 17:57   #1453
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by ashkamath View Post
Wow. that is some news to me indeed. and if that were the yardstick then surely closer districts like Udupi and North Kanara must also receive exemption. Let me checkout this and revert.
Sure, I tried connecting my phone to data but hardly got anything related to this as I too was curious.
On a lighter note, is it possible that the guy (or his sweet heart ) at toll booth is from Mangalore or has a soft corner for the place?
Well, I don't rule out this angle too
btw Mangalore has so many other names too. Other names used by the locals are 'Kudla' (Tulu), 'Mangalooru' (Kannada), 'Mangalapuram' (Malayalam),'Kodeyaala' ("Havyaka"), 'Kodial' (Konkani), 'Maikala' (Beary), Manjarur (arabian ref) and 'Manjarun'(sanskrith). interesting titbits.
Oh Yes indeed! Spent my 2 years in Karkala and been visiting Mangalore since childhood as I hail from Belur which is 156 kms away. All our Vehicle purchases, servicing and shopping happened from Mangalore then.

Lets get back to the topic before we hijack this thread completely!
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Old 16th July 2014, 17:57   #1454
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re: Mumbai - Pune - Kolhapur - Goa : Route Queries

Originally Posted by ashkamath View Post
I have all the bills like telephone, water, aadhar etc in Goa. But that has not helped me.

while is the former is safer and also boring.
So I shall continue paying the toll

Well you said it man, its exactly for this reason 'Safety' that I stick to Chorla, debatable I know, coz Chorla is tricky as well but safer comparatively.
I travel with family so speeds are in check, route is pretty straight forward from Pune.

Good move to let KA registered vehicles pass through though, makes sense, though I cant understand why can't all tolls have such logical exemptions (read Pune tolls)

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Old 16th July 2014, 21:03   #1455
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Originally Posted by ashkamath View Post
This is interesting and news to me. there is this rule that you can enter Goa by paying 250 toll and if you return back and move out of Goa within 4 hours of entering, the toll money is returned back at the gate. This is for any Non Goa registered vehicle irrespective of district affiliations / closeness to Goa and probably to to facilitate business with the nearby KA districts.
I had gone to Goa last moth in my friends car. Ka22 Belgaum registration and we were not stopped. On enquiring I found that neighbouring districts are exempt for entry toll.
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