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Old 3rd March 2008, 09:23   #3736
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This thread looks quite dead inspite of a great Indian victory. Is it the sachin effect ?
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Old 3rd March 2008, 11:08   #3737
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Originally Posted by esteem_lover View Post
This thread looks quite dead inspite of a great Indian victory. Is it the sachin effect ?
We have to wait for our experts to read up all the commentary, opinions et al in all the newspapers and websites before they can open their account here.

Only then can they come up with enough excuses for why Australia lost. Nobody bothers analyzing by India won.

Great effort by Tendulkar - he looked like he wanted to prove a point.
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Old 3rd March 2008, 11:21   #3738
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Originally Posted by Steeroid View Post
Nobody bothers analyzing by India won.
India won because we were better by the Aussies by a mile yesterday. Simple.
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Old 3rd March 2008, 11:37   #3739
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Looks like Sachin proved a point to Manjrekar and a lot of Team - BHP folks too.

Everyone went to great lengths to pull up his past records and everything to show that he should be dropped, even being called an elephant. All stats on one side and only one number that counts for me and tells me all that i want to know is this - he has the record for the most Man Of the Match ever!!!

Now you tell me what else counts. Dont start about he having played the maximum number of matches by anyone and the law of averages, playing highest number of One days dosent get you the highest number of Man Of Match awards.

Let him be, that guy has pure passion for the game, compare a Ricky Ponting, Shane Warne or any of the greats to him and see they dont even come close to his humility and passion. Only person other then Sachin who in my eyes is comparable is Murali, both the best in their craft and it shows.

Hope all the nonsense about sachin stops now, or maybe we are asking for too much, if he scores less then 10 runs in the next innings the rats will be out of the woods again.

And a great match it was, Australia beaten fair and square in their own backyard. Three names other then Sachin stand out - Praveen, Rohit and Ishant. What a find these guys have been. The future looks bright.

Now for an ENCORE
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Old 3rd March 2008, 11:44   #3740
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Looks like Sachin proved a point to Manjrekar and a lot of Team - BHP folks too.

Everyone went to great lengths to pull up his past records and everything to show that he should be dropped, even being called an elephant. All stats on one side and only one number that counts for me and tells me all that i want to know is this - he has the record for the most Man Of the Match ever!!!

Now you tell me what else counts. Dont start about he having played the maximum number of matches by anyone and the law of averages, playing highest number of One days dosent get you the highest number of Man Of Match awards.

Let him be, that guy has pure passion for the game, compare a Ricky Ponting, Shane Warne or any of the greats to him and see they dont even come close to his humility and passion. Only person other then Sachin who in my eyes is comparable is Murali, both the best in their craft and it shows.

Hope all the nonsense about sachin stops now, or maybe we are asking for too much, if he scores less then 10 runs in the next innings the rats will be out of the woods again.

And a great match it was, Australia beaten fair and square in their own backyard. Three names other then Sachin stand out - Praveen, Rohit and Ishant. What a find these guys have been. The future looks bright.

Now for an ENCORE

Posts like these (and opinions/columns like these) are the very reason why people look at Sachin with skepticism today.

Lets not make a song and dance of one performance. Every match has one key player for the winner - Sachin happened to be that one yesterday, something that hasnt happened for a long long time. We've had key players in other matches too. Dhoni has been doing a sterling and selfless job throughout the series by holding the innings together whenever there was a collapse - without bothering about his individual '50s and '100s.

What is key is that India one. The player can NEVER be more important than the team.

Last edited by Steeroid : 3rd March 2008 at 11:45.
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Old 3rd March 2008, 12:01   #3741
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Originally Posted by Steeroid View Post
Posts like these (and opinions/columns like these) are the very reason why people look at Sachin with skepticism today.
So who's on the wrong side people who look at all his performance's or folks who write the coulmns to get their one sec of fame? and then the readers who want to have Sachin dropped?

without bothering about his individual '50s and '100s.
I rest my case - folks still think he was after a record so he stayed till the end.

What is key is that India one. The player can NEVER be more important than the team.
Sachin always says that, he said it even when he was interviewed that the victory in the final was more important then his own 100.

Another one for all you sachin bashers who think he scores centuries just to get records, if he wanted records then why didnt he score centurries everytime he came out to bat, it would be a record no?

If i am wrong in patronising Sachin, those talking against him are equally guilty as well, without knowing what goes into playing at the highest level for 17 b!00dy years. How many of you here have played one whole match of 50 overs for 8 hours in a city like Chennai or Mumbai, and then did it for 17 long years?

I have played Ranji trophy matches for 3 years for my state. And in 3 years my body gave up, i couldnt go play any longer after that. Ofcourse Cricket was not the only game i played, i was a member of football and hockey team at College level during that time.

About Dhoni, he is like Saurabh in his tactics. Only difference he is scoring better then Saurabh

Its a team effort in the end and it shows. What i dont like is the fingers being pointed at Sachin everytime he gets a bad score. Now in place of Sachin add Rohit Sharma. If he didnt scored well in this game folks everywhere would have wanted Sehwag to play instead of him, funny isnt it.

Last edited by Spitfire : 3rd March 2008 at 12:04.
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Old 3rd March 2008, 12:32   #3742
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At last, a match-winning effort by Sachin! It was good to watch the vintage Sachin yesterday. The effort by Rohit Sharma was commendable too. Some of his straight drives and pulls were good to watch. This guy, if he keeps his level head, can be a great prospect for India in future.

I have been a Sachin critic and rightly so, so far. I enjoyed his innings yesterday and would definitely love to see many more like yesterday's.

It is good that India just hung on there and played proper good cricket to oust Australia in the first final. When players like Hayden were busy talking nonsense to the media, India just replied back with a win. Bhajji had his day yesterday when he took those two wickets he really wanted to.

Hats off to the Indian team and I am now looking forward to tomorrow's second final. Let the Aussies talk rubbish, just go there and give it to them in their own den. Hopefully, their foul mouths will stop all the talking from then on.

It was good to see our young U-19 cricket team win the world cup for us. Way to go, young guns!
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Old 3rd March 2008, 13:51   #3743
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As Steeriod has put it, lets not judge him or the whole of Indian tema in one match. The top order batsmen has collapsed dramatically in this very series itself. Even the middle order was spineless baring couple of matches. Just one win and the whole world and the media is out there covering each and every thing about the players making a mountain of a mole. There are 2 more matches and lets see how they will perform in it.

This winning streak has to be practiced by the whole team of young men. They will just get carried away after the win in any of the match. Lets hope for good that they will not do the same mistakes as done earlier now and our fellows keep on winning. Need to practice this winning habit consistently. Then only our team can be called "world class".
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Old 3rd March 2008, 13:57   #3744
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
About Dhoni, he is like Saurabh in his tactics. Only difference he is scoring better then Saurabh
I completely agree with you. No two ways about that. Absolutely right. Btw, who is Saurabh?
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Old 3rd March 2008, 14:06   #3745
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guys lets hold our enthusiasm for some more time..there are two more matches to go. and we shouldnt be celebrating till wel wrap up the tournament with a thumping win like ytday over the kangaroo boys..the guys clicked especially sachin and rohit..but these kind of partnerships havent been seen for quite some time in our indian team..hopefully this thing continues onto the next match aswell..btw kudos to U-19 team..they sure do deserver the 15lacs that they are we have replacements for dravid, ganguly and sachin. I know a lot of sachin/ganguly/dravid fans are going to pounce on me for this..but wot i mean is replacement eventually when they are actually no longer fit to play for india..(gotta be careful what we post in our wrong statement and there are guys out to hang just playing safe..he.he)
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Old 3rd March 2008, 14:41   #3746
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Originally Posted by Bass&Trouble View Post
I completely agree with you. No two ways about that. Absolutely right. Btw, who is Saurabh?
LOL i fell off my seat after reading that, Saurabh is the QA Manager at the firm i work at, he has been delaying the project over the last 2 weeks, thats the only name ringing in my head these days

Correction: Saurav Ganguly
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Old 3rd March 2008, 14:52   #3747
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Correction: Saurav Ganguly
Sorry, couldn't resist -

Correction: Sourav Ganguly
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Old 3rd March 2008, 14:56   #3748
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oh god i need a drink
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Old 3rd March 2008, 15:14   #3749
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Well and we've forgotten that we won the U-19 WC. Way to go guys. I did watch some of the matches on Star Cricket and I must say the youngster have been great until the finals. We had a poor batting display (though some great SA fielding too) but we bowled and fielded well. The last U-19 was also ours for the taking. It was like 110 or so to win and we got all out with few runs remaining to Pakistan !! Lets hope we our going to get some more quality players from that. Sachin not performing in the finals has been an issue. However we've got to some many finals just because of him. Thats something most of us tend to forget. Sachin, Sania, Leander are all placed on this impossibly lofty pedestal and judged for every small thing that they do. Imagine yourself in their boots. What they must go through? Would we be so tough to survive day in and day out under such intense scrutiny for audience and the media?
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Old 3rd March 2008, 15:24   #3750
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Loved the scene bhajji and yuvi did when he took the wicket of hayden. Must have been a huge sigh of relief. The ozzie media si trying to again spoil bhajjis run by claiming he was showing monkey taunts. Who knows his armpit must have really been itching.
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