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Old 22nd October 2017, 08:45   #31
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Congratulations Dkaile sir!

The tech available on this is mindboggling.

For the money, this is the perfect sport tourer available in the country today. I have been one of those who've restricted themselves to pre-worshipped cars for my highway needs (RS5, Superb 3.6 FSI) due to the somewhat unjustified pricetags at which most litre class bikes retail at. With your ownership review on the Kawasaki, I think that is set to change.

I daresay if it were to come to a choice between the two steeds from a touring perspective ( which is what both of them are meant for) you will outgrow the HST soon, given the inconsistent road condition in India (where maneuoverability and overall refinement over long distances is of prime importance). More so, given the fact that Harleys were primarily designed for the straight and consistent American surfaces. It'll be interesting to see how things pan out.Cheers!!

Last edited by octane1002 : 22nd October 2017 at 08:54.
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Old 22nd October 2017, 12:12   #32
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Sunday Ride 130 kms

Another Sunday, another ride starts...
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_1.jpg

Soon on open stretches of the Shamli-Karnal Highway
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_2.jpg

With the Benelli in tow...
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_3.jpg

My Riding Buddy for the day. The helmet fits quite nicely. Wind noise is minimal. Excellent overall fit and finish.
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_4.jpg

Till road do us apart... lolz
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_5.jpg

Lungs rejuvenated
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_6.jpg

Time to finish it off with a coffee
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_7.jpg

136 kms for today
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_8.jpg

The bike crosses 300kms. Need to cross 800 soon and proceed to Delhi for 1st service.
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_9.jpg

Don't forget your gear... ever
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-sunday-ride-136-kms-22102017_10.jpg

This road has some nice twisties. The bike rode and cornered beautifully. Very hard to resist the twist of the throttle. Straight line acceleration is just unbelievable.

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Old 23rd October 2017, 07:53   #33
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Congrats Dkaile sir!

I was waiting for some proper free time to open and go through this thread, because the sheer number of pictures showed that you meant business when you said comprehensive review.

Ninja 1000 is one bike that made me happy about picking up the V650 prior to its launch. Because otherwise I would have gone bankrupt by all means to pick up the Ninja 1000 instead. If bad roads are not a priority - then the Ninja 1000 (specially with the current pricing) makes for a no-brainer choice IMO. It delivers everything one could ask for - inline4 smoothness, performance and soundtrack, electronics, looks, highway munching comfort, sporty enough ride and handling etc at a price bracket which is too good to believe.

Infact, just few days back - I was watching the Powerdrift review of the GSX S1000F and one of the negetives they mention is the lack of an IMU unit, but they add that it's too much of an ask for a bike priced around 12L. And here, Kawasaki has launched one at prices less than 10L within an year of the Suzuki launch.

With some experience under my belt - I now feel that these sports tourers make the best sense for our kind of roads and riding (for the majority). Just the right mix of fun and comfort for short and long rides alike - where bikes like the STripple will feel out of place on the longer highway runs and bikes like the V650 and AT will feel too comfy for the short sunday blasts. The other main contender being the CBR 650F, but the Ninja 1000 looks like a steal when you think about what all it offers extra for just another 2.2L increase in prices. I'll surely be looking in this direction, if at all I'm able to afford an upgrade at some point.

Hopefully the service experience will be just as good. If so, Kawasaki can totally change the big bike space with successes like the Ninja 1000, Z900, Versys 650 etc.
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Old 23rd October 2017, 10:22   #34
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Another great review thread ! thanks!

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
Thanks a ton!

This is what the manual says for the engine stop switch -

Attachment 1686522

I presume the 2nd note in that text is self explanatory as to why they do not want the riders to use the engine kill switch, in case he forgets to switch off the ignition key.

I too learned about this recently. Triumph too says that we use the key to kill the engine and to use the switch only for emergency.
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Old 23rd October 2017, 11:58   #35
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Today's Photo

2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-kawasaki-ninja-1000-full-led-23102017.jpg

Quiz for Ninja 1000 17/18 owners - find out where this written on your bike... lolz

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Old 24th October 2017, 09:31   #36
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
The bike crosses 300kms. Need to cross 800 soon and proceed to Delhi for 1st service.
Now you would have an alternate service outlet in Dehradun as well. Just in case if you wish to explore the hills on your way back home after a service.

Kawasaki India - Showrooms

Kawasaki Dehradun
Shree Ji Tower, Plot no. 8,
Near Punjab and Sindh Bank,
Saharanpur Road, Majra Dehradun -248001
(m): +91 – 7827084465
Store time: Mon- Sun

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Old 27th October 2017, 11:07   #37
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Thank you for a comprehensive ownership experience and review of the Ninja.
Everything about the bike exudes class - from the lights, fairing, the two sided dual exhausts and of course the quintessential Kwaker-green paint job.

The bike looks quite sleek and belies the monster of an engine that lies hidden under.
I have been following your threads of your previous bikes and it is quite nice to read the enthusiasm and admiration with which you describe and review all your steeds.

Safe riding and wishing you loads of good miles on your new acquisition.
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Old 27th October 2017, 17:40   #38
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Horn Dilemmas and Number (HSRP) Plate Dilemmas et al

The stock horn is meek and that is a understatement. So for 2nd day running I removed it from the bike. It needs some curvy fingers under all that fairing.

It's a Nikko Japan product
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-original-horn-27102017_1.jpg

But the washers are so intricate that once out, they are very hard to reassemble. I would like to see them do this at the factory. Perhaps the lack of movement due to the fairing was the cause of discomfort. This one in particular-
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-original-horn-27102017_2.jpg

I had got the Roots Smartones as I thought they were compact enough to fit. I had made elaborate wiring harness with relay and additional power source from the 2nd auxiliary power connectors (for the grip heaters, which we do not need).
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-roots-windtone-24102017_1.jpg

But there was just no space. No matter what permutation or combination I tried, the dual horn setup ended hitting either the front shockers or else there was no proper space to fit it. Heard about Denali Soundbomb Mini and that it was a sweet sounding horn even as a single Low Tone unit. So went out and bought the best we have in India - The Minda Dual Trumpets -
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-minda-dual-trumpet-horns.jpg

Attached just the Single Low Horn of the above set, without any relay etc., to the original Horn leads and... boy o boy what a sweet sound. They were as loud, if not louder, than the Denali Soundbomb Mini and had a great Skoda'ish Sound. BUT then the same problem. Just NO SPACE. Even fitting these at the original bracket or at 2-3 other positions, it was hitting something or the other. Some people had attached their Denalis with it slightly touching the front shock on full turn, which was possible with these, but I wanted no contact at all. So the problem was left for another day to solve, most probably during the first service when I will get the fairing off and get it properly fitted.

Next the Number Plate Dilemma. As I had removed the ugly front number plate, I read the law. Was relieved to note that in the case of motorcycles, registration numbers in the front can be displayed parallel to handle bar on any part of the vehicle including the mudguard. The height of the numbers needs to be 30mm.
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-number-plate-law.jpg

Here's the law in pdf, in case anyone's interested
Number Plate Law Annexure-I.pdf

So, first it was the rear, which were a non issue really. These temporary ones will be replaced with the HSRP ones when I get them a few days down the line.
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-ninja-1000-licence-plate-rear-27102017_1.jpg

And then the debatable Front Ones. Few mates had got this one done in a single line on the Windshield as a normal plate would look. But I did not like that spoiling the look. So the understated mudguard it was, according to the law... lolz
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-ninja-1000-licence-plate-front-27102017_2.jpg

A closer look
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-ninja-1000-licence-plate-front-27102017_3.jpg

and then it went closer...lolz
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-ninja-1000-licence-plate-front-27102017_4.jpg

Anyways this sorts out the issue for me for now. Next I had received the Dual Fast Charger with QC3 which I wanted to test in my power socket -
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-ninja-1000-powstro-fast-charger-27102017_5.jpg

And yes, it does display 'Fast Charging' on my Samsung screen
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-ninja-1000-powstro-fast-charger-27102017_6.jpg

Finally, the brakes are a Tokico. So all parts are mostly from Japan. Watch out for brake pad wear near the Red Arrow that I have made in the picture.
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-tokico-brake-pads-27102017.jpg

The bike's engine sound has changed post 350 kms. From a more shrill note, it is settling into a heavier bass. This is on expected lines as the break-in occurs.


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Old 27th October 2017, 17:55   #39
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Now thats very impressive. Looks like you guys managed to get hold of a majority of the owners from the first lot of bikes.

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Old 29th October 2017, 09:35   #40
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Guten Morgen

2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-1509249749465.jpg

2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-1509249773001.jpg

102.1 kms, 19.5 kmpl, Avg Speed only 100 kmph
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-1509249794369.jpg

Crossed 450 kms
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-1509249876215.jpg

Cheers and Ride Safe Brothers...
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Old 29th October 2017, 09:42   #41
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Please check the soil/earth prior to putting down the side stand on mother earth, you never know how much it can hold thanks to too much dew for past few days.
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Old 29th October 2017, 09:46   #42
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Originally Posted by Sheel View Post
Please check the soil/earth prior to putting down the side stand on mother earth, you never know how much it can hold thanks to too much dew for past few days.
Thanks for the concern but I have been riding for 30 years now and I always assess before putting the side stand down.

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Old 1st November 2017, 12:24   #43
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Helmets are now Ninja'ed... Lolz

2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-helmets-ninjaed-01112017_1.jpg

2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-helmets-ninjaed-01112017_2.jpg

2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-helmets-ninjaed-01112017_3.jpg

2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-helmets-ninjaed-01112017_4.jpg

Here's what some Ninja 1000 owners in the US had to say about the Kawasaki Ninja 1000 Issues / Problems.


Last edited by dkaile : 1st November 2017 at 12:26.
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Old 1st November 2017, 16:31   #44
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

RYNOX Optimus T/M Tail/Tank Bag on the Ninja 1000

Fitted the Rynox Optimus Tank/Tail bag on my Ninja 1000. I had used this bag on my Leh Trip on my Himalayan.

Here's a photo of the bag when new. Came with straps and rain cover. Holds 22L (31L when expanded)
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-himalayan-rynox-tank-tail-bag_2.jpg

In fully expanded position it can fit a full face helmet or luggage of 2-3 nights overnighter
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-himalayan-rynox-tank-tail-bag_3.1.jpg

Fitted on my Ninja 1000 today as a Tail Bag
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-rynox-tail-tank-bag-ninja-1000-01112017_1.jpg

Fits perfectly on the rear seat
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-rynox-tail-tank-bag-ninja-1000-01112017_2.jpg

Can provide a much needed back support too on long journeys
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-rynox-tail-tank-bag-ninja-1000-01112017_4.jpg

With rain cover on
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-rynox-tail-tank-bag-ninja-1000-01112017_6.jpg

Got custom velcro straps made according to the Ninja 1000's seat for 80 bucks, to fit securely even at high speeds
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-rynox-tail-tank-bag-ninja-1000-01112017_7.jpg

Can also be used as a backpack
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-rynox-tail-tank-bag-ninja-1000-01112017_9.jpg

The Optimus M model that I have, can also be used a magnetic tank bag. But I would be refraining from doing so on the Ninja for fear of scratching my beautiful tank...lolz
2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review-himalayan-rynox-tank-tail-bag_4.jpg

It is available at their website for 3450/- (M version). I had got it for 3250/- at that time. Only the Tail Bag Version - T is available for 2950/-

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Old 2nd November 2017, 09:33   #45
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Re: 2018 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 - The Comprehensive Review

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
RYNOX Optimus T/M Tail/Tank Bag on the Ninja 1000
Nice to know Rynox Optimus fitted perfectly on the Ninja 1000 as a tail bag.

I too have exactly the same bag which does duty as a tank bag for my Versys and is a brilliant bag with respect to quality as well humongous space available inside. It can easily carry clothes, toiletries and even bike maintenance equipment (lube & clean bottles) worth a long weekend (3 day travel) and is a boon

When are you planning your first long ride?
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