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Old 1st June 2016, 06:29   #2221
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by samyakmodi View Post
Of so many of us here - none has brought the style plus diesel variant home?!?!?
We do own a TDI AT (elegance) which has clocked ~36k kms and is going to complete 2 years in July. Let me know if you need any help from my end, will be happy to assist
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Old 1st June 2016, 07:00   #2222
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Originally Posted by shreyak_ss View Post
We do own a TDI AT (elegance) which has clocked ~36k kms and is going to complete 2 years in July. Let me know if you need any help from my end, will be happy to assist

Thanks a tonne buddy.

Wanted to know about any quirkiness or niggles you've been facing with the car.

Also how is the air conditioning of the car? My Laura's ac is pathetic to say the least.
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Old 1st June 2016, 11:14   #2223
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by samyakmodi View Post
Thanks a tonne buddy.

Wanted to know about any quirkiness or niggles you've been facing with the car.

Also how is the air conditioning of the car? My Laura's ac is pathetic to say the least.
There are no "TDI DSG" specific niggles that I have faced in the car except the fact that the suspension is a bit noisy and the sound gets amplified due to the huge boot. They are the usual ones as reported by other members on the forum. The battery gave up in 18 months, the sunroof rattle crops up soon after I get it fixed at the A.S.S., and there are some minor quirks as well like few days back one of the headlights gave an error and also didn't light up. But after switching it off and turning it on again, it started working. I am yet to get this checked as it has happened twice.
The A/C works fine to cool the cabin and I have seldom used it below 20-21*C. I don't think you'll be complaining about the A/C in this car. Coming from a Laura, you might find the Octavia to be lightly build so please be mentally prepared for that. Mechanically the car is working absolutely fine and has done some serious strenous running at a stretch too *touchwood*. We limit it to highway drives only and stays in the driveway for most part of the week.

Last edited by shreyak_ss : 1st June 2016 at 11:15.
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Old 12th June 2016, 19:34   #2224
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Just curious, where are the Octavia's alloys imported from? Has anybody noticed if the OEM is mentioned inside the wheel while doing the wheel alignment/balancing?

Asking this because on the official website, under Accessories, the prices of one unit of the alloy wheel ranges from Rs. 11-13k. For comparison sake, the Jetta's alloy costs around Rs. 25k for one unit!
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Old 15th June 2016, 11:06   #2225
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Last week I had flat tire and the TPMS warning did not go off eventhough it was a complete deflation. I ended up noticing after I reached home (~3kms later). Had to buy a new tire!

Has anyone faced the issue of TPMS not working?

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Old 15th June 2016, 12:51   #2226
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Reporting second battery failure in 2.5 years. Yesterday drove the car for about 200 kms, stopped, parked the car for an hour, came back, it was dead.

It's so much so cooked off this time that there isn't enough juice to even unlock the car with remote. Had to use the key.

Instruments constantly flickered and then the bolero screen showed up the message that battery is low pls visit your dealer!

Used a service battery to start the car, drove it for about 30 mins and kept it 30 mins just like that, turned the car off, tried to restart, dead again.

No idea if they'll give me a new battery or some other thing is at fault here like an open circuit continuously drawing power.
Hi Adi_petrolehead and other members!!

I have been a silent observer here and reading all the reviews ,post which I finally took the plunge to buy the Octavia TDI zeal about an year ago. Frankly all was going well and with all the expert reviews mentioned in this and other threads , was already quite a genius on all common problem I was about to face !! And ya, so I did, be it - Sun roof rattling / Suspension noise / side view mirror staggering effect etc etc.. these all were somehow manageable but what I dread the most was battery and DSG failure. Unfortunately its my battery that had just refused to crank the engine today . However Skoda road side assistance Jump started with cables and advised to take the car to the dealer, and so I have. On taking the car to the dealer, they have advised to keep the car with them for a day and if fault is not reparable , they will replace the battery with an Exide one !! my question is , has Exide proved to be a good replacement for the originally provided Vatra ? Would it be covered under warranty ? (my car is not not ever a year old) What were the other symptoms various members faced when the battery problem cropped up ?
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Old 15th June 2016, 13:05   #2227
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

I've also noticed huge variation in the TPMS. My default is set to 33 but I suspected low pressure in a rear tyre and found it at 24!
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Old 15th June 2016, 14:17   #2228
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by caasdrive View Post
Hi Adi_petrolehead and other members!!
my question is , has Exide proved to be a good replacement for the originally provided Vatra ? Would it be covered under warranty ? (my car is not not ever a year old) What were the other symptoms various members faced when the battery problem cropped up ?
Exide shoud be better than Varta on any given day. Varta batteries are dry batteries which somehow do not suite our climate. It should be covered under first two years of standard warranty (not sure about extended warranty though). My fabia's varta battery gave up just after one year and service centre replaced it with another varta under warranty. However the second one also gave up just after one year of its installation. After that I didn't bother to contact the service centre (as they keep car for one day to check if its the battery problem then they order the part if not available in stock. so in all you will be without your car for 2-3 days just for battery replacement.) and got Amaron and it has been running well for over three years.
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Old 15th June 2016, 14:59   #2229
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by caasdrive View Post
my question is , has Exide proved to be a good replacement for the originally provided Vatra ? Would it be covered under warranty ? (my car is not not ever a year old) What were the other symptoms various members faced when the battery problem cropped up ?
I replaced the Varta on my Octavia with an Exide when it died without any warning, at almost 2 years old. While trying to start, all the warning lights came on and the car refused to start.

You should be covered since it is less than a year.
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Old 18th June 2016, 21:17   #2230
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Originally Posted by caasdrive View Post
Unfortunately its my battery that had just refused to crank the engine today . However Skoda road side assistance Jump started with cables and advised to take the car to the dealer, and so I have. On taking the car to the dealer, they have advised to keep the car with them for a day and if fault is not reparable , they will replace the battery with an Exide one !! my question is , has Exide proved to be a good replacement for the originally provided Vatra ? Would it be covered under warranty ? (my car is not not ever a year old) What were the other symptoms various members faced when the battery problem cropped up ?
My battery knocked off few days a go. I had to give my car for a day and was replaced with Exide having 61Ah capacity. From the face of it, it seems to be imported one.
(Tried putting the pic of battery through app but facing some permission issue)
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Old 23rd June 2016, 14:55   #2231
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Today I faced a peculiar issue. When I started in the morning and put car in reverse, the camera display was not coming on in the touch screen. The system display was looking as if it was off, but music was playing. I could shift to radio or media with the buttons. I stopped the car, locked unlocked and started again few times. But it didn't switch on. After reaching office, i checked after a couple of hours, this time display switched on. I read in briskoda many owners facing same issue. For most of them, the system came alive after stopping for some time, few need HU replacement. On a lighter note, yesterday night it was continuously raining at my place and system would have caught a cold
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Old 28th June 2016, 19:05   #2232
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by caasdrive View Post

On taking the car to the dealer, they have advised to keep the car with them for a day and if fault is not reparable , they will replace the battery with an Exide one !! my question is , has Exide proved to be a good replacement for the originally provided Vatra ?
Hi Guys I am new to the forum.Having gone through most of the discussions regarding Octavia i just want to add it seems Skoda has been listening to the customers. I just bought an Octavia couple of weeks back.First thing I checked was the battery and was pleasantly surprised to see a "Made in India " Exide battery in place of problematic Vatra. I hope, by this move we can cross down one area of concern regarding owning an Octavia.
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Old 28th June 2016, 21:53   #2233
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That's nice to note. Although reality is that the cars that are already sold in last three years should be eligible for this 'upgrade' recall of some sort. Vatra batteries alone are not problematic. There was variety of batteries such as Sebang, Exide made in Spain and Vatra. The latter two failed in my car, I am yet to hear a failure on Sebang make batteries. But yes definitely they should have given a made in India Exide from day one. Not only is it more reliable, warranty can be pursued independently by customer with Exide BAT-SHOPS.
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Old 29th June 2016, 08:50   #2234
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Guys, close relative visiting Germany, Austria & France. Is there any Octavia III accessory(ies) which is/are compact, worthwhile and within a budget of 5k - 8k to buy, be it online or at an accessory shop itself?

I was looking at SmartGate but its around 10k and am not convinced that it can be installed by Skoda India nor whether its is worth it in the first place.

Any inputs from Octavia / Superb owners?
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Old 5th July 2016, 09:36   #2235
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Post gearbox replacement and new software for dsg, I feel a chance in the behavior of the system. Usually in tiptronic mode, no matter what speed, even from 2>1, the engine would auto blip while down shifting. Now I have noticed a change where in it so happens only if I am more aggressive with the car. For example heavy braking and down shifting makes the engine auto blip. But if I am driving with early and sedate up shifts, it takes about a second to downshift.

I am 100% sure it's a software problem, but can you all try this and confirm?
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