
Angry car owner brake checks a loaded truck: A passenger's POV

For no fault of the truck driver, an ego-hurt driver put us all in harm's way. I was too scared to even ask him why he did that.

BHPian ashkamath recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I checked the entire Team-BHP threads and couldn't find anything on the menace of Brake Checking and the harm it could do to motorists. Hence this post.

Brake checking is when a driver intentionally and suddenly applies their brakes without a reason, often to scare or cause the following vehicle (vehicle behind) to collide with them. It is considered reckless driving and is illegal in many countries including the USA & Europe.

A couple of years ago, I was on a trip from Goa to Himachal Pradesh (Jalori Pass) & back for an Auto group meeting with 3 other persons. I hadn't met the other 3 persons who were also members of the group ( but from different states/cities) and we connected only through our group WhatsApp and agreed to form a team for the 10-12 days road trip. So, I was meeting all of them for the first time.

The car, a Skoda Rapid was owned and driven by an Army Major who also happened to be a super speciality doctor. While we 3 passengers were totally chilled out, the owner/driver, Major Saheb was a bit edgy throughout the trip. He would honk incessantly without any reason, make some dangerous overtakes, and drive at some insane speed at times. He would also get irritated at the slightest delay at the tolls or if any vehicle in front didn't give way. That got on our nerves too, however, we were hesitant to advise him as he was the owner of the car we were the passengers and we all were strangers to each other.

While driving in Punjab, there was this fully laden truck in front of us trudging very slowly, the road was narrow and Major Saheb honked incessantly and also hurled some curses at the driver for not giving way. After say 45 seconds or a minute or so, he managed to overtake the heavy truck drove directly in front of it and braked abruptly. I could hear the truck suddenly groaning heavily as it too braked. Then Major Saheb who kept an eye on the rearview mirror, pressed the gas, went about 20 feet and braked abruptly again. The truck behind was so close that I thought he would rear-end us. The truck braked again and I could see the whole truck shake violently due to the heavy load and I was genuinely scared. While keeping an eye on the RVM, Major hurled some expletives at the truck (B******, I will teach him a lesson.. Blah blah)and repeated the abrupt braking a couple of more times and then we sped off. I was really shaken by that incident. Here we have an army officer and a medical doctor who is putting himself and his co-passengers and the truck driver in harm's way for no fault of the truck driver.

I knew that the truck driver was minding his own business and the truck was groaning under the load as it trudged on the road slowly while our Skoda Rapid was just zipping past other vehicles on the road. And for no fault of the truck driver, an ego-hurt driver put us all in harm's way. I was too scared to even ask him why he did that.

Brake checking is illegal in most North American jurisdictions and can result in serious penalties, including: Fines, License suspension, Jail time, and Civil liability for damages and injuries. However in India, it's quite lenient and for an offence of Abrupt Braking without sufficient reason, under section 177 of MVA, the fine is Rs. 100 for the first offence and Rs. 300 for subsequent offence.

Now, with ADAS in many cars, this poses another issue, there are incidences when say a car A with ADAS decides to apply brake because say a car B in the other lane came too close and then car C behind rear ends the car A. This falls in the grey area of brake checking. Again the counterargument is that car C shouldn't be tailgating car A so closely and tailgating is also generally considered illegal in many states in the USA.

So guys, have you ever faced road rage when a car brake-checked in front of you or did you ever lose patience (for whatever reason) and brake-checked some other vehicle? Was there any collision? How did you guys resolve the road rage? What are the ways to avoid this brake checking?

How would you handle this situation?

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Bangalore: Traffic police asks errant driver to apologise to me

Public naming and shaming is probably the way to go to handle goons and rule breaking idiots on the roads.

BHPian ShreyG recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

BTP Redeem themselves

Yesterday evening I was on my way towards commercial street. I was at the Dickenson Road red light after Trinity circle going towards Brigade road.

Now I was the first car on the left side waiting to turn right (the signal was red for both directions) when I heard an ambulance. Immediately crossed the stop line, turning right towards the junction making enough space for the ambulance to cross through. However, a commercial 3 wheeler to my right wasn't happy about this and immediately moved forward which led to a little side scraping. I quietly got down to check for any damage. There were little marks on the rubber beading above the tire walls but nothing that was visible.

The 3 wheeler driver may have assumed this as some sort of provocation and immediately started abusing in some chaste Kannada. I, with my broken Kannada responded that I moved because to let the ambulance go through for which his response was along the lines of I don't care about any ambulance. Sensing escalation, I folded hands and moved on only to be stopped by the BTP at the junction. Fearing the worst, I got down and saw he was also flagging down the 3 wheeler.

The officer came to me and asked me if I wanted to register a case of damage against the 3 wheeler driver. Apparently he had been observing what had happened from a distance and was furious at the 3 wheeler driver's behaviour.

Obviously, I did not want to have the hassle of police case etc for a little side scraping and politely declined. The officer then did the unthinkable.

He asked the 3 wheeler driver to apologize to me in full view of the road users (and a couple of teens inside his auto's cabin) standing at the lights. He was still a bit aggressive, apologized roughly, thanked the officer, moved on and I also carried forward.

Public naming and shaming is probably the way to go to handle goons and rule breaking idiots on the roads. (Don't think the 3W driver will forget this soon)

No amount of fines seems to deter them. And police officers like this are far and few. Unfortunately, in the midst of all this, I missed capturing the name of the officer but a shoutout to him for handling it like a pro.

Here's what BHPian am1m had to say on the matter:

Awesome! THIS is the way all our cops should be and handle the idiots on the road! To be fair, I believe most of them are that way, they need to be helped and unleashed on the rule breakers with full support.

First we need a LOT more of them, the department is understaffed. They need to be paid a LOT better. And finally they need to be given a free hand without worrying about which politician or auto/driver union will descend on them for taking one of their chamchas/thugs to task. A couple of generations should grow up in fear of immediate and heavy punishment if even the smallest road rule is broken. Only then will traffic in Bangalore have a hope in hell of being manageable.

Thanks for sharing this inspiring story and kudos to the cop for doing his duty!

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Indian traffic: A satirical take by keen observers

The northeastern states have some semblances of good traffic sense, including strict lane discipline, which is lacking elsewhere.

BHPian anjan_c2007 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

This thread is dedicated to our own experiences while driving through our roads over the years or decades, to record our encounters with anything and everything with satirical and witty interpretations. These often make a mockery of one or more conventions, pragmatic practices, extant rules and laws which we observe almost on a daily basis. The situational irony that we encounter, interpreted and coupled with our wit and sarcasm would make interesting reading.

It's the same everywhere - north, south, east or west. The northeastern states have some semblances of good traffic sense, including strict lane discipline, which is lacking elsewhere. A few places in the north, south, east and west could be exceptions, but things are the largely the same everywhere.

Lane discipline in Shillong, Meghalaya

To start with :-

In a location, that was a crowded junction in a city without traffic signals and also without cops on duty, about 20-25 cars and about 20 two wheelers from all directions created a traffic jam when someone says, "even huge herds of cattle from different directions congregate at places, but move ahead with mutual understating and consent to have each one’s right of way".

When you emerge from a crowded road and just engage the overdrive of your car stepping on the gas, you will suddenly, within seconds, find some biker from somewhere emerging coming too close to your car.

When you overtake umpteen vehicles on a six lane highway and just emerge onto an assumedly, clear stretch, very soon you'll find a tanker on the right lane, an over loaded truck on the lane second from right, and a Tata Ace on the extreme left lane all moving at conservative speeds of about 50 kmph.

During the peak of summer your car AC conks off and you find your trusted AC technician closing shop indefinitely for some days to attend a marriage ceremony. During summers, many marriages are solemnised.

Here's what BHPian jigar1791@gmail had to say on the matter:

What a start to the weekend, where we can pen down our frustration, merrily assuming we can enjoy the weekend with an upcoming drive..only to encounter :

1. Buses hogging 1.5 lanes on the highway either to pickup/drop pax from bus-stops/pickup points

2. 2-wheelers/autos coming on the wrong side, and asking you to give them the right of way, you begin to question yourself whether you're in the right direction or otherwise

3. HCVs hauling at 40-45 kph on the 1st lane, and entire holding up a significant count of faster vehicles behind them, those vehicles trying hard to overtake the HCV, creating a bee formation, potentially endangering a larger group with a quick, yet dangerous overtake attempt

And the list could go on and on ..

But, the biggest one that I'd like to highlight is the fact that I have become more calmer and relaxed when on the road. The virtue of forgiveness, without the other one even asking for it.

And that calmness has sort of creeped in my personal/social interactions as well

If I can mind my own business and maintain my calm with multiple morons on the road whom I don't know, I should be equally patient when I'm around with my known ones

Here's what BHPian pranavt had to say on the matter:

Scenario: You want to take a left turn. Your line is (A). The neanderthal heading in the opposite direction (B), a distant cousin of *insert your favourite racer*, decides that they must hit the apex of the corner while taking their racing line. The neanderthal could be in a car, or on a bike, or driving a 3-wheeler, or riding an animal. Honking at them only offends them. They mutter abuses at you while navigating their turn.

Take a look at the attached picture.

Here's what BHPian alphamike1612 had to say on the matter:

The biggest peeve is the use of high beam inside well lit city roads.

Activa users I'm looking at you for your bright white lights.

Most of my friends and a few in my family have this bad habit.

Infact a relative of mine always leaves the beam on high. He wears glasses too and when I ask him if it doesn't bother his eyes when others do the same, he replies "It does, but I want to see the road better, anyway they also do it." Mind you he's a professional.

When I get in, I ask him to change the beam to low, 10 minutes later, the blue Hi Beam light magically turns on in the dash again.

I'm exasperated at this and if I keep pointing it out, I'm looked at like I'm some rule Nazi.

A friend of mine didn't know that her scooter was on high beam or that her scooter had 2 light modes, when I pointed it out to her, she asked me what it was.

Mind you, this is another professional and one who's really good at it

Here's what BHPian alpha1 had to say on the matter:

How about the city commuter buses weaving in and out of the road lanes doing a snake dance?

While cruising they will hog the right most lane and trudge either slowly or recklessly fast.

When the bus stop is nearing, they will veer towards the left and occupy 1.5 lanes (0.5 lane actually occupied by the passengers at the bus stop, thinking that they can out compete those who are within the premises of the bus stop). Then as soon as the bus starts, it will move towards right cutting everyone off behind it ... and so it goes on. A snaky wavy sinusoidal motion on the road.

Here's what BHPian BlackBeard had to say on the matter:

Trucks, buses and even some cars driving on the extreme right (overtaking lane) on roads indicate left but do not change lanes when they see a faster vehicle attempting to overtake them.

I have seen the same with trucks, buses and some cars parked on the extreme left lane stopped and indicating to the right!

As ridiculous as it may sound but its a "desi ingenuity".

Their way of informing that overtake from the indicated side!

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.



New scam? Two wheeler rider drops phone in front of my moving car

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They tried to follow and stop me for some time, but eventually, they weren't able to.

BHPian Caffeinated_Owl recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Two-wheeler riders in front of me were driving in the middle of the road and dropped their phone while I was behind them, and I ended up driving over the phone, probably damaging it. Not sure if I could have done something about it or if it was my mistake. They tried to follow and stop me for some time, but eventually, they weren't able to.

Here's what BHPian ajmat had to say on the matter:

Why on earth should you? You would not have been able to stop or swerve safely in time.

Here's what BHPian Everlearner had to say on the matter:

It was a good call not to stop as the area is a bit deserted and they may just gang up against you even if it's not your fault.

Here's what BHPian svsantosh had to say on the matter:

Their seemingly Nonchalant attitude at the moment of dropping and somehow cutting you rather than going left to do a turn around indicates a 'thak-thak' gang operandi.

I guess if few more agree, this is worthy of a new type of scam where they throw a already junked out mobile under a car and gang up and claim money from the scared driver/family.

After all, we all belong amongst people starting the famous "All India Pregnant Job Service" - what is so big in throwing a phone under a car?...!!

Ps - If any is so jobless (pun intended) to go near this signal/junction, buy a tea/coke/chip, stand around and observe the similar white two wheeler with 2 chapris doing this thing, especially a few hundred meter away from the roundabout. The may spot a fancy car with a innocent looking driver, profile him and overtake him rashly.

Here's what BHPian BrakHorseBarhat had to say on the matter:

As a lawyer, I assure you that you can not be held liable for damages in such a scenario. Firstly, because the fact remains that the phone fell down due to the negligence of the owner. Secondly, in such cases, the courts often follow the doctrine of "reasonable person of ordinary prudence" wherein they compare the conduct of the defendant(you in this case) against what a reasonable person would have done to see in a similar situation.

In the video, it is clear that you tried to avoid the phone but were unable to do so since you didn't have enough time to react. Besides, even if you had not tried to avoid the phone and ended up just driving straight over it. The court would find that you could not have foreseen the incident and it was therefore not your fault.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Road rage incident in Bangalore, car vandalised

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I was minding my business (the 2 minutes before the incident verify this). I hadn't done anything except being in a bit of a hurry and overtaking a few cars and had done about 70-80ish on the stretch.

Thanks to the Team-BHP fan (he prefers to remain anonymous) who sent these videos and images in. Heartfelt gratitude for sharing them with other enthusiasts via this Team-BHP share page.

I had started for an office event at 1:45 pm (approximately) from my home and was at Ejipura Signal when this incident occurred.

I was minding my business (the 2 minutes before the incident verify this). I hadn't done anything except being in a bit of a hurry and overtaking a few cars and had done about 70-80ish on the stretch.

Click here to watch the video

At the signal, two autos were miffed that I hadn't let them pass me and slot in behind the Honda City in front of me.

Click here to watch the video

At this stage, as soon as the signal turned green, the autos tried to intimidate me into stopping by serving randomly. Post this, I tried to extricate myself from the situation until they cornered me by stopping the car in front of me and boxing me in.

Click here to watch the video

The rest is documented in the video I recorded without saying a word since my escape was cut off. From the moment the tempered glass shattered, I was bleeding from my ear as well as my arms which had some fragments that punctured it.

Click here to watch the video

Click here to read what BHPians have to say about this incident.



Careless tempo driver cuts into my lane at speed, pays the price for it

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When he stopped after we hit him from behind, he mentioned that " I was going to stop on the right side to drink water"

BHPian Rohitthebest recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

If you observe our dash cam video, my wife was doing 100+ kmph coolly on our way to Bangalore from Pune two years back. She even overtook the truck from left side as the guy is driving on extreme right side since it comes in our vision. As she tries to go back to extreme right lane which is supposed to be the overtaking as well as faster lane, the small carrier on the centre lane decides to take the right lane without indicating or any need to go in that lane.

If you see the highway ahead it is all clear and later on when he stopped after we hit him from behind, he mentioned that " I was going to stop on the right side to drink water". Can you believe that? Right side and not extreme left. We approached the police right one KM ahead and looking at our MH12 Number he asked us to go on with our journey without filing complaint as we won't be able to attend the enquiry / court going ons in case it goes ahead. I too realised that I believe the cops with harass him for quick buck than actually doing anything about it.

Lesson learnt: Always analyse the intention of the vehicle moving ahead of you to know in which direction they can move in the Free Highway World of ours and move accordingly.

Here's what BHPian deathwalkr had to say on the matter:

The response by the mini truck fellow should be engraved and framed in the hall of "Top nonsense thoughts/actions on road"!!!

That said, just curious as to why no brake was applied and car didn't seem to slow down either till point of impact.

Also just thinking aloud, after one overtaking on the left (thanks to lumbering behemoth on right), swerving onto right lane to overtake the mini truck on the middle lane seemed a bit circuit race style to me

Again, just thinking aloud is all.

Glad nothing untoward happened and guess the behemoth you overtook had enough time and space to brake and slow down after your accident.

Here's what BHPian poised2drive had to say on the matter:

I am afraid a part of it was your wife's "Galti" too .

Regardless of that driver's careless veering to the right, continuing to be at 100 + kmph as you were approaching that vehicle (which never left the right most lane completely) was a judgmental error! Also I think she honked a bit a late to make that fellow realize the gravity of the situation!

You should have slowed down a bit before trying to overtake !

2 sec rule is gold standard especially at that speed!

I am glad everything went okay

Here's what BHPian n_naik had to say on the matter:

I am not defending the tata ace guy here. But the poor guy didnt have your car on his ORVM till he initiated the lane-switching. It was only after he initiated, you guys appeared on his mirror out of the blue. Scary. If i was in his place, i would have made the car guys pay a heavy price.

The only suggestions that i have for both the vehicles is:

For tata ACE:

1) Keep an eye on IRVM too if possible. Cars disappearing suddenly on one mirror and appearing on the other at high speeds are always riskier.

For car :

1) Always make sure that you stay on the front vehicle's ORVM for few seconds before overtaking them from any side.

2) Before initiating the overtaking, make sure that the front vehicle driver has seen you in the ORVM. This can be done by honking or flashing. But if you have followed the first step properly, you dont need this step since the driver would have seen you already before initiating the lane-switching.

In other words, 'Be predictable' for the driver in front of you.

Wishing you guys safe driving.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.




I fell victim to a puncture scam & others shared their similar stories

He mentioned that some drivers filed police complaints as well but the gang operating this change their place of operation every now and then.

BHPian Knox88 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I would like to narrate the incident happened with one of my friend while returning from Gujarat to Banglore, via a stop in Pune. He is a frequent traveller between Nasik-Anand (GJ)-Ahmedabad route and a very experienced driver. I had asked him to go through this thread for his Journey from Banglore to Ahmedabad via Mumbai and return.

The incident happened on a Pune-Banglore highway around 1.30 PM on 2nd Jan, 2024 near Jambhulwadi lake after Pune. He drives Ford Ecosport Diesel (GJ Passing).

"I was driving from Mumbai to Pune with my wife and a kid. A biker drove parallel to my car on highway (After crossing Pune) and started indicating something.The bike tried to stop on the bridge claiming there is a puncture which I did not feel as I was cruising. When I stopped on the bridge, I heard the air hissing out. I couldn't find anything stuck in the tyre. But there were multiple punctures. I stopped right after the bridge near NH4 tea stall where there was a makeshift puncture shop located very conveniently with few bikers (not professional bikers) resting. It was all set up. The puncture shop guy did not have a jack even and asked me to open the trunk searching for some "tools".

When I told them there are so many punctures, lets just change with stepney. However, they were reluctant and were pushing for a sale of solvent. This is the location of [Puncture Shop -Scam]

There's one more puncture shop a couple of hundred meters away from this is also run by the same group of people. I sensed something is off and got away with this; finally stopped after 5 km near one garage.The mechanic there confirmed that it's a very common experience for the other state vehicles especially if they're travelling with family. The gang wont repair punctures but try to sale the sealant which repairs multiple punctures. He couldn't find any reason for the punctures in my the tyre.

He mentioned that some drivers filed police complaints as well but the gang operating this change their place of operation every now and then."

The location of the incident happened highlighted in below image.

Has anyone heard of such incident? What could be the cause of multiple punctures? Please be cautious!

Here's what BHPian VWguy had to say on the matter:

I've experienced similar bikers around the same area last year in September.

Fortunately, I decided to not stop immediately, but after a few kms. Thankfully, my tires were alright.

Maybe they have dropped multiple nails just after the bridge on the leftmost lane, expecting drivers to stop there after the warnings from the bikers. I survived, as I stopped on the left lane much later after the gestures from the bikers.

I think ignoring them is the best way possible and once you see them, try to drive in the rightmost lane to avoid any punctures.

Here's what BHPian lionell had to say on the matter:

Absolutely right. I have travelled frequently via this route from 2020 to 2022 and just after crossing Pune there is a toll booth, the bikers operated before the booth and after.

As described, the biker would ride parallel to the car and indicate that my wheel was wobbling with hand gestures or keep pointing to the front tyres. Since I've lived in Pune before I know of these incidents having heard them many times from fellow motorists. Some naive folks stop ahead and fall prey.

I suggest to zoom forward, show them the finger and take a wise decision. If you feel there is something wrong, it's best to stop much ahead at a pump and check.

Here's what BHPian maheshm619 had to say on the matter:

Happened to me back in 2016. I think the area was the same. Is the puncture shop located at a slight incline and has a few tin sheds made side by side ?

In my case , I had multiple punctures in one tyre. The scammer was adamant in selling a sealant product as he claimed it will seal from inside. Their modus operandi is to lure the prey to one corner, while an accomplice sneaks to another side of car and pokes multiple holes to tyre. This all happens very quickly. A video of this incident is available in youtube when a biker got all of this recorded in a helmet action cam.

I was a new car owner and stupid at that time to realize all of this was a scam and lost money equivalent to a new tyre price.In addition to this I had parked the car , in morning , at a place where there were sharp pieces of windshield glass from an earlier accident , which made me believe all of it was real.

Here's what BHPian micky had to say on the matter:

I had the same experience in 2016. The bikers waving that there's something wrong with the tyre. I was travelling with my wife and mother. I didn't find anything wrong but still decided to go to the puncture shop as I was heading to mahabaleshwar and didn't want to take a risk. The puncture guy told me the tyre had 9 punctures on the sidewall and charged 900 for it.

My sense is that either the bikers do it at the midway or the puncture guy only does it when he comes to check.

After this I never stopped at these places again. Best way is to ignore and move on.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Reckless driver rear-ends my bike: Frustrating compensation experience

With the cop on the scene, I tried explaining to him the extent of the damage caused and how the "Rs 2000" offered will not even cover anything.

BHPian CaptainSpeedy25 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Update at 2400+ KMS: A series of unfortunate events:

Heard somewhere that when you're on a motorcycle, believe that the rest of the world is out there to get you and ride accordingly. This proved true today (Jan 29, 2024). I had taken Harley out for my commute to office at around 10:30 am. At around 11, while navigating the traffic-ridden Marathahalli underpass to merge onto Old Airport Road (and subsequently to ORR), the worst possible thing happened!

A four wheeler banged into my barely moving motorcycle from behind and knocked both me and my bike to the ground. While I escaped with scratches on my left ring finger, the bike was on its left and in a relatively bad condition. The culprit in this case initially refused to accept her fault (despite there being clear signs of the same on her front (left) bumper). Finally when the witnesses gathered and pointed out her fault (and also saw the damage to my bike, she accepted and said she would pay Rs 2000 to cover the damages, which left me flabbergasted! An initial inspection of the left side of the bike had the following damage:

  1. Scrolling LED indicator broken,
  2. Handlebar mirror damaged,
  3. Engine cover damaged,
  4. Clutch lever broken,
  5. Gear lever twisted,
  6. Rear foot-peg (left) damaged,
  7. Tail-tidy damaged

All my appeals to call up the cops while I tried contacting the Triumph showroom and local language speakers fell on deaf ears. But luckily, within 15 mins of this, a cop appeared (since I refused to move till the lady stepped out and shared her insurance details). In the meantime, I was able to connect with Varun, Likitha and Renju from Keerthi Triumph, who calmed me down to some degree and immediately got in touch with the RSA as well.

With the cop on the scene, I tried explaining to him the extent of the damage caused and how the "Rs 2000" offered will not even cover anything. He, in his infinite wisdom, unfortunately started siding with the lady, who also accused me of harassing her (since I kept asking for her 3rd party insurance). It was only when I told the cop to address me properly (Ex-Army) and that I was the victim here, did he mellow down. I told him I would not move till I got the insurance details from the driver, to which the reply given was:

  1. This is not my car, it is my husband's,
  2. I don't have 3rd party insurance,
  3. I also have kids and don't want you to suffer,
  4. I will pay whatever difference amount is (which your insurance will not cover)5. (and the most surprising - from the cop)
  5. The car is 2012 registered and you'll barely get any insurance money if you claim her insurance.

In all the exchange that happened between the cop and the driver in the local language, I figured that he wanted her to scoot and not get into the mess (few things I overheard/could decipher: This is a new bike; his insurance will cover everything; give your number to him and he will contact you).

Ultimately, I clicked a few pics of the damage to the bike, the car bumper and then told Likitha to arrange for RSA from my office and left. However, since I was too disturbed by the entire incident and could not concentrate on work, I told Likitha to cancel the RSA and that I would come to the showroom myself.

At around 1:30 pm, reached Keerthi Triumph, where Renju, Varun and Likitha assessed the damage (we could hear a ticking sound from the left side near the engine) and shared the same with the service centre. Confirmed with the service centre that we were on our way and reached around 3 pm with Varun and another SA in tow. From then, connected with the insurance company (IFFCO TOKIO), filled up a few forms, clicked a few more pics of the bike and my documents, to upload on the insurance company's app and got a job card raised (thanks to Thejas for the help and big shout-out to Varun for staying with me till this was complete).

Thejas also assessed that the handlebar was twisted a bit and that the radiator guard might be a bit off, which might be the cause of the ticking sound. The insurance assessor called in the meantime and confirmed that he would come assess the bike the next day (Jan 30, 2024). Left the bike at the service centre with a heavy heart, and told both Thejas (unfortunately he's moving to the new service centre in Kanakapura Road) and the service technician that once the damage was assessed, I would take the bike back, till the parts were available (did not want to leave her any longer than needed).

Now waiting for the events to unfold, and keeping my fingers crossed that all the parts are sourced ASAP (and covered by insurance) so that I can ride my beauty again.

A few photos from the incident:

1. Damaged mirror and clutch lever

2. Damaged indicator

3. Damaged engine cover

4. Damaged rear foot peg

5. Damaged gear lever

6. The physical injury

7. The culprit

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Is excessive driving on Indian city roads ruining driver skills?

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Highway driving is like test cricket,it requires accuracy, knowledge, patience and planning the drive like a well planned innings.

BHPian chaitanyakrish recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

We very often observe that driving in Indian cities is stressful as everyone wants to outsmart each other in a never ending race and ultimately making everyone's drive risky.

Adding salt to the injury, with lack of adequate public transport, most people started using cars with poor driver training/education. We can get away from a minor crash in cities by not following the rules, but the same mistake on the highway could be disastrous.

Example, here we can see a driver reversing on a 80kmph speed highway.

What is the source of confidence for him? He might have done the same many times on city roads.

Somehow I feel, driving in our dense city traffic is spoiling the way people drive.

  • No one uses indicators
  • Squeezing and going
  • Not checking blindspots
  • Weaving
  • Not yielding at intersections
  • Not keeping safe following distance
  • No Lane discipline
  • Overtaking using road shoulder etc
  • Excessive Honking and the list is endless

Our cities are where people should learn safe driving habits and save themselves on the highways,but unfortunately they're becoming breeding grounds of :

  • Road Rage
  • Impatience
  • Tailgating
  • Cutting lanes
  • Excessive horns

Highway driving is like test cricket,it requires accuracy, knowledge, patience and planning the drive like a well planned innings.

Unfortunately, everyone is playing like T20 cricket and some are getting out.

We need to reduce excessive risk taking on highways. Unfortunately, the more times we encounter risk and get away, the more optimism bias creeps in and we attempt the same on highways and get caught by surprise.

How to develop good habits which can be life saving on highways?

  • Use indicators even if no one is using
  • Follow the proper MSM routine
  • Plan your drive well
  • Follow lane discipline etc

Share your thoughts.

Here's what BHPian SS-Traveller had to say on the matter:

I remember this incident from a couple of decades ago: someone who always drove an Ambassador in the city of Kolkata, and on the highways of West Bengal, in the 70s, 80s and early 90s, came visiting me in Delhi. Contextually, the streets of Kolkata and highways of West Bengal in those days were some of the most congested, and average speeds could be in the low 10s (kmph) or even slower. In contrast, Delhi had wide and smooth roads, no speed limits, and most importantly, very few cars compared to the capacity of the roads. I had a Maruti 800, and it was fun to drive at 80-90 kmph, or even faster.

That kind of speed left my guest a little terrified, and he asked me to slow down a few times. I handed him the wheel one day, and he wouldn't go past 40-50 kmph! He wasn't used to higher speeds. His conditioning was such that his senses weren't comfortable at higher speeds.

Today, everyone has been in a car that goes fast, so their senses are conditioned to move at 100 kmph and even more. Yet, when they start to drive (usually in a congested city), they are forced to drive slower (and often, in their quest to go faster, they cause accidents). Once out on the highway, they experience the freedom to fly - and they do. Except, no one has taught them the rules, told them how to control a fast, powerful vehicle, or explained the consequences of a high-speed crash.

When one gets one's driving licence by driving at 10-15 kmph, one is not qualified to drive at 100 kmph (or even faster, influenced by social media and friends). The practice of automated DL testing (Why automated driving licence testing in India produces dangerous drivers) is destroying whatever chances new drivers have, of acquiring some skills and knowledge before driving fast.

Here's what BHPian SiddharthR had to say on the matter:

I agree. There is a lot more risk when driving on highways. Driving in city traffic, while the chance of scratches to your car are high - it is very difficult to do something stupid enough to have a deadly accident. Highways on the other hand - if you aren't paying attention, it is very possible to lose your life

Here's what BHPian deathwalkr had to say on the matter:

It all boils down to a "I want to get ahead" mentality many of us have. Whether it be in a queue or on the road...rules be damned and safety be cast to the winds.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.



Bangalore: How errant scooterists chased & robbed me

One of the scooterists came up to my left side and motioned to stop the vehicle – I did not stop the vehicle. He then proceeded to kick the vehicle about 4 times, causing damage and dent to the door panels.

BHPian ChristComesSoon recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Here's a harrowing freak incident that happened to me. I have left out most of the personally identifiable information & location references.

I got robbed and chased by miscreants - could have escalated to an ugly outcome.

I left my home at about 6:40 AM today 2023-10-20 Friday to go to my workplace. This is a route and commute that I have made regularly for nearly 7 years.

I was driving my car on the Hennur-Bagalur Main Road around Empire Restaurant Kothanur, Bangalore, at about 7:10, AM when I saw that there were 3 people on 3 scooters (one was white in color, another yellow, and the third a dark color) without helmets and shabbily dressed going very slow on the their scooters. They may have been around 19 to 25 years of age.

They were covering more than half the road and causing a traffic congestion. There were heavy vehicles like trucks going on the right lane of the road.

I sounded the car horn (short beep) so that they would give way. They did not give way. I sounded the car horn about 3 more times (in short bursts) and they reluctantly gave way.

I went on past them and proceeded onward till the next slow down on the road. These 3 scooters came up and now started blocking the road again. I sounded the car horn again. They gave way, but they were giving a chase now. I would have been going about 60 kmph.

One of the scooterists came up to my left side and motioned to stop the vehicle – I did not stop the vehicle. He then proceeded to kick the vehicle about 4 times, causing damage and dent to the door panels.

The other 2 scooterists came up on the right side, overtook me and stopped their scooters in the middle of the road, forcing me also to stop.

They came to my left and right side window and started shouting on why I had sounded the horn. I mentioned that I was on my way to work and that I sounded the horn so that they would give way.

While I was turned to the right window, I did not realize that the person on the left reached in through the left window and stole my phone which was on the passenger seat.

I lost my phone and sustained dents to the car due to these unruly rowdies on the road. I realized I had lost my phone only after reaching my workplace. Unfortunately, in all of the mental stress, I had not noted the registration number of these vehicles, neither did I have a dashcam installed.

Going to the Cops

The same day, in the evening, I went along with 2 of my friends (a Kannada-speaking couple, one a lawyer). I recounted my ordeal to the police inspector available.

He basically talked me out of filing an FIR, saying it's a long process and nothing would come out of it and that it would require a court visit, etc.

Instead, they raised something called an ~NCRT report to block the SIM of the phone, which was stolen by one of the miscreants in that incident.

And another document (forgot what it is called), to try to get insurance cover for the damage to my vehicle. Which he also said is likely not to be honored by insurance companies, since this is technically not an "accident".

Both these documents actually don't address the actual problem.

In that incident, there was a chase that lasted for at least 4 to 6 kilometers. We asked the police to access CCTVs of shops / establishments on the road - and they just couldn't be bothered with that much work.

In fact they asked me to check with the shops myself! The audacity!

In my incident of that day, I held back as much as I could so as not to escalate the situation. Also if it had come to a physical confrontation - though "I think" I could have overpowered the 3 lawless wicked people, I didn't know if they were carrying any weapons. So just didn't give an opportunity for it to escalate.

Here's what BHPian saket77 had to say on the matter:

Someone wrote earlier I guess that either these incidents are becoming more and more common in Bangalore or we have TBHP folks from Bangalore in majority, hence we read more about such incidents at the place. I am also reading more and more of such incidents in B'lore. A dashcam is now a must have; else we just saw what help you can receive from the police.

Here's what BHPian Red_Liner had to say on the matter:

One has to ponder over things like this. When one comes across possible miscreants in 2 wheelers or 4. What has that person got to lose from an altercation with me? And what have I got to lose from an altercation with them?

In every single instance that I have asked myself this question, it was always me that came out the loser by a big fat margin.

Hence, in your case 1 honk should have sufficed. After which music in your car and a leisurely drive to your destination would have worked better. I know in hindsight all of us can come up with better solutions. But your incident will probably act as a good alert for many of us here and hopefully we will ask: who comes out worse in this possible altercation?

Here's what BHPian saisree had to say on the matter:

I know this is going to be humiliating and going to give you sleepless nights for some time now. Smoothen your senses and try to turn your concentration on something else.

Unless you have a great backing, police will not give you any look and action. They are overburdened with many things already and instances like these are very small for them.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.



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