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Old 30th July 2016, 22:32   #46
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

I was once offered to install MTX in my 2005 Zen LXi but I turned it down for JBL. Reason: Too much Bass.
I have added Pioneer TS-WH500A on my Isuzu - V Cross recently and can recommend. It will easily go under front passenger seat and sounds great. Not very expensive either- about Rs 17,5 k
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Old 31st July 2016, 05:30   #47
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

Originally Posted by drive_angry View Post
That's a sweet looking box. Does it come with the woofer (at an additional cost) or an aftermarket one? please describe your experience. I was once offered to install MTX in my 2005 Zen LXi but I turned it down for JBL. Reason: Too much Bass.

For Connectors: Might I suggest you a Clip Connector. it would be easy for you to connect and disconnect the woofer as per need. Screwing, unscrewing & insulation of the wires can be a cumbersome process, IMHO.

Thanks - it is a factory box. The sub came like that. The screw type connectors were factory fitted. I agree it is a bit fiddly but as I do not foresee undoing it too often, I am OK with it. Basically do not want mess with a factory finish if I can help it.

I like the sub for my kind of listening - need it only for definition & for a mildly added punch. I do not like for it to be booming, announcing to all that I have a sub. I typically listen to music at a fairly low volume - should still be able to hold a conversation with a passenger without raising my voice.
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Old 2nd August 2016, 16:22   #48
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Re: Toyota Innova Crysta : Official Review

I took the delivery of the new Crysta and I was wondering about upgrading the speakers without changing the OEM HU. I had a few questions that I am hoping the experts here can answer.

I have heard good things about the Infiinity Kappa 62.11i and so I was planning on putting the component speakers on the front door and the A pillar (replacing the existing tweeters) and place the Infinity Kappa 62.11i on the rear doors.

Now the newbie question.

1. Does the Crysta already have a crossover circuit since they have some sort of component speakers on the front door? I am guessing the components come with their own crossover circuit and is that (usually?) a plug and play replacement for the OEM one or is it more involved than that.

2. I am getting wildly varying inputs on the cost of the Infinity Kappas (from 11.5K/pair on Snapdeal to 20.5K/pair on Amazon). Just wanted to know what the right ballpark should be.

Hoping the gurus can help.
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Old 2nd August 2016, 18:52   #49
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Re: Toyota Innova Crysta : Official Review

Originally Posted by vikas.mishra View Post
I took the delivery of the new Crysta and I was wondering about upgrading the speakers without changing the OEM HU. I had a few questions that I am hoping the experts here can answer.

I have heard good things about the Infiinity Kappa 62.11i and so I was planning on putting the component speakers on the front door and the A pillar (replacing the existing tweeters) and place the Infinity Kappa 62.11i on the rear doors.

Now the newbie question.

1. Does the Crysta already have a crossover circuit since they have some sort of component speakers on the front door? I am guessing the components come with their own crossover circuit and is that (usually?) a plug and play replacement for the OEM one or is it more involved than that.

2. I am getting wildly varying inputs on the cost of the Infinity Kappas (from 11.5K/pair on Snapdeal to 20.5K/pair on Amazon). Just wanted to know what the right ballpark should be.

Hoping the gurus can help.
Infinity Kappas are good - I used to have them on my santro till the Chennai floods damaged it.

1) You would need to install the same components with their respective crossovers from infinity. Even if crysta came with the components, you should just throw them away. Yup !! it would be a plug and play replacement only

2) You might get cheaper deals on other sites too, but as far as ICE goes, do buy from a physical shop only, even if it is couple of thousands more. One - companies mention that the product shouldn't be sold online and secondly, a 1% probability, if the product is damaged (even in transit) or doesn't sound as expected you would be in a soup. Moreover return shipping needs to be borne by you and it would we damn costly.

Please buy from your nearest physical authorized shop.

Hey !! Infinity / JBL is headquartered in Bangalore
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Old 2nd August 2016, 20:47   #50
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Re: Toyota Innova Crysta : Official Review

Thanks scopriobharath. A couple of follow up questions

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
Infinity Kappas are good - I used to have them on my santro till the Chennai floods damaged it.

1) You would need to install the same components with their respective crossovers from infinity. Even if crysta came with the components, you should just throw them away. Yup !! it would be a plug and play replacement only
Do you happen to know, if the cavity in the A pillar of the crysta (that contains the tweeters) will accommodate the tweeter of the component. Also where does the crossover box reside?

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
2) You might get cheaper deals on other sites too, but as far as ICE goes, do buy from a physical shop only, even if it is couple of thousands more. One - companies mention that the product shouldn't be sold online and secondly, a 1% probability, if the product is damaged (even in transit) or doesn't sound as expected you would be in a soup. Moreover return shipping needs to be borne by you and it would we damn costly.

Please buy from your nearest physical authorized shop.

Hey !! Infinity / JBL is headquartered in Bangalore
I was planning on buying from a local dealer, all I was trying to determine was the benchmark cost so I can figure out what I should be budgeting for.
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Old 2nd August 2016, 20:50   #51
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Re: Toyota Innova Crysta : Official Review

Originally Posted by vikas.mishra View Post
I have heard good things about the Infiinity Kappa 62.11i and so I was planning on putting the component speakers on the front door and the A pillar (replacing the existing tweeters) and place the Infinity Kappa 62.11i on the rear doors.

Hoping the gurus can help.
I had used infinity Kappas on my Maruti 800. IMHO, it has an awesome midrange but lacks that punch. Do audition them before finalizing.

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post

1) You would need to install the same components with their respective crossovers from infinity. Even if crysta came with the components, you should just throw them away. Yup !! it would be a plug and play replacement only
You mean to say stock speakers also have a crossover no matter how horrible they might be? are they too installed in the door panel?

@Sridhu: Did you get kabali's wiring changed or are you using stock wiring setup?
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Old 2nd August 2016, 21:40   #52
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Re: Toyota Innova Crysta : Official Review

Originally Posted by vikas.mishra View Post
Thanks scopriobharath. A couple of follow up questions
Do you happen to know, if the cavity in the A pillar of the crysta (that contains the tweeters) will accommodate the tweeter of the component. Also where does the crossover box reside?
I was planning on buying from a local dealer, all I was trying to determine was the benchmark cost so I can figure out what I should be budgeting for.
Well, That varies by tweeter design- at least I do not know if the tweeter would fit, but - your local installed should be able to fit the same, with some cutting and slicing (if needed) . Components are installed on the door behind the door-pad in general and not in the A-pillar cavity. Big-bazaar type ties are used to secure the crossover box on the frame, in addition to tape.

Well, unfortunately, We do not have a benchmark. The only benchmark is MRP printed on the box. Scout around couple of authorized dealers and settle for a decent shop. Online prices are cheaper than physical shops but its very risky. Go for the a reputed shop even if it is 2-3 more than online prices.

Originally Posted by drive_angry View Post
You mean to say stock speakers also have a crossover no matter how horrible they might be? are they too installed in the door panel?
I meant to say No, as the probability of having crossovers are highly unlikely. Since crossover are given only on moderately expensive speakers, I would doubt Innova has them, as everyone has rated the speakers to be 2/10 or 3/10 . So giving crossovers on such low-end speakers does not make logical sense.

Last edited by scopriobharath : 2nd August 2016 at 21:42.
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Old 3rd August 2016, 11:06   #53
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Re: Toyota Innova Crysta : Official Review

Originally Posted by drive_angry View Post

@Sridhu: Did you get kabali's wiring changed or are you using stock wiring setup?
The harness comes with wiring. So, the stock wiring is left intact but the wiring for the speakers have been changed.

Originally Posted by vikas.mishra View Post

Do you happen to know, if the cavity in the A pillar of the crysta (that contains the tweeters) will accommodate the tweeter of the component. Also where does the crossover box reside?
The door pillar cavity is not enough for any tweeter in a case. Had to remove the back of the tweeter box & glue it in place. The stock tweeter is naked and sits on a metal bracket (See image in this thread).

THere is no stock crossover. The crossover in the new speakers was taped to one of the beams in the door, IIRC.
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Old 18th August 2016, 19:29   #54
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

sridhu, even I am planning to buy this product. Could you please answer these queries?

1) If I read it right, USB movies are not supported, is it correct?
2) Which video and audio files are supported?
3) Did you try screen mirroring?
4) You said the unit works with touch and steering controls, I do not have steering controls on my car, will that work with the touch alone? I own a Fiesta 1.6.
5) Is the inbuilt navigation powered by MapMyIndia and are those maps upgradable?
6) Are you aware which miracast dongles are supported for the screen mirroring?
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Old 1st September 2016, 20:17   #55
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

I was doing a DIY speaker upgrade in my Innova using Boston SC65 coaxial speakers for the rear doors and for the front doors with a choice of either going with another set of Boston SC65 coaxials or the Hertz HSK 165 components. This is going to be run directly from the head unit with no plans for an amplifier right now. Today i just did the rear doors.

I'm in a small dilemma, i hope experts can help. Usually in vehicles each door will have a pair of speaker wire with colour code different from any other door. But in Crysta both rear doors have one white and one red speaker wires. As in the photo below. So is it right to assume that Red here is +ve? In both doors?
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_142057.jpg

Door card removed
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_110238.jpg

OE speaker
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_110244.jpg

Custom speaker adaptor rings from Innovative Solutions. I painted them with wrinkle finish paint. The adaptor ring dimensions is the same as previous Innova, which Toyota uses in many vehicles.
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_115329.jpg

Installed in door. No need to drill extra holes. Just enlarged holes for M6 bolts (No. 10 spanner size).
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_113208.jpg

Boston installed
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_145406.jpg

Boston magnet comparison with Hertz ECX 165
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_131650.jpg

Door card. Held in place by 3 screws like old Innova and 8 press fit clips. That sheet of sound deadener is standard.
ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-20160901_183859.jpg

PS: Is someone have the speaker polarity wire information it will be very helpful! I have searched the internet and in some Toyotas the RR door has +ve Red and -ve White, but the respective LR door is not Red and White like in the Crysta but another colour. So i'm a bit confused. Old Innova also is Red & White?

PPS: How is HErtz HSK165 (not XL)? Is it good for being driven by the HU directly. I am more inclined towards SC65 coax in the front also because of the simplicity in installation and looks.

Last edited by Sankar : 1st September 2016 at 20:42.
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Old 3rd September 2016, 10:39   #56
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

Figured out the polarity.

Here's a video of a single SC65 playing, other speakers are off.

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Old 3rd September 2016, 16:13   #57
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Originally Posted by Sankar View Post
I was doing a DIY speaker upgrade in my Innova using Boston SC65 coaxial speakers for the rear doors and for the front doors with a choice of either going with another set of Boston SC65 coaxials or the Hertz HSK 165 components. This is going to be run directly from the head unit with no plans for an amplifier right now.

PS: Is someone have the speaker polarity wire information it will be very helpful! I have searched the internet and in some Toyotas the RR door has +ve Red and -ve White, but the respective LR door is not Red and White like in the Crysta but another colour. So i'm a bit confused. Old Innova also is Red & White?

PPS: How is HErtz HSK165 (not XL)? Is it good for being driven by the HU directly. I am more inclined towards SC65 coax in the front also because of the simplicity in installation and looks.

Polarity can be tested by keeping the wire over a test speaker (your old speaker could have been experimented with) if the polarity is wrong, they sound very hollow and the exact opposite means the right polarity. At bit of trial and error does the trick.

Please go for component speakers at front, a coaxial can never match the detailing and precision of a proper x-over driven speakers.

If you do not have any plans for an external amplifier, go for a component speaker which has a higher sensitivity rating (most entry level comps have higher sensitivity)

Installation of comps is pretty simple-

Wiring route- HU--->Crossover--->Tweeter and Speakers

A typical Crossover wiring-

ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta-imageuploadedbyteambhp1472899407.440213.jpg
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Old 5th September 2016, 16:17   #58
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

Originally Posted by sudeep.pandya View Post
Please go for component speakers at front, a coaxial can never match the detailing and precision of a proper x-over driven speakers.

If you do not have any plans for an external amplifier, go for a component speaker which has a higher sensitivity rating (most entry level comps have higher sensitivity)

Installation of comps is pretty simple-

Wiring route- HU--->Crossover--->Tweeter and Speakers

A typical Crossover wiring-

Attachment 1550356
Right now i have installed another pair of SC65 at the front, i find these speakers very good even when driven direct by the head unit. Thus the repeated purchases, this is my 4th pair of SC65, first two pairs 2 years ago were bought for the Swift. Will be switching to Boston SR60 components in the front by the end of this year when my friend returns from US, he bought a pair for me this morning

Not amping the Innova now as its new, will do it after couple of years and put in a sub too.
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Old 15th September 2016, 05:28   #59
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

Originally Posted by fiesta1.6 View Post
sridhu, even I am planning to buy this product. Could you please answer these queries?

1) If I read it right, USB movies are not supported, is it correct?
Yes. But the manual says otherwise. YMMV.

Originally Posted by fiesta1.6 View Post
3) Did you try screen mirroring?
No. My phone died not have Mirror Link.

Originally Posted by fiesta1.6 View Post
4) You said the unit works with touch and steering controls, I do not have steering controls on my car, will that work with the touch alone? I own a Fiesta 1.6.
It should. Only that somethings are easier to control from the wheel.

Originally Posted by fiesta1.6 View Post
5) Is the inbuilt navigation powered by MapMyIndia and are those maps upgradable?
No idea. Some of these questions, you could either research online or ask Toyota. Users might not know the answers

Originally Posted by fiesta1.6 View Post
6) Are you aware which miracast dongles are supported for the screen mirroring?

IMO, if you are installing the OE Ice on a GX, you might want to rethink that strategy. You have better featured options that are cheaper.
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Old 27th September 2016, 16:35   #60
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Re: ICE upgrade for the Toyota Innova Crysta

I upgraded the audio in my 2.8Z version recently.Fixed a Blaupunkt XLF200, and the quality has changed dramatically, speakers are Rockford Fosgate front and back. The upgrade and cost were well worth it. The doors were damped completely for the upgrade.
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