Team-BHP - The Official non-auto Image thread

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so flowers it is...



My first serious trial on shooting animals, not wildlife though :D. Please help with comments to shot better.

NO...... I am not going to share my lunch with you......

And when I started getting closer, reaction time...... I gave the tint and cropped to get that scary feeling.....

ajo good ones man.. Nice I love the 2nd shot, brilliant work with the shade.

Here's one from my end.


Originally Posted by rjstyles69 (Post 703647)
One more from my end for today, shot this at my in-laws farm .
We call him Kulla Puttuswamy ..

RJ... RJ...

a lot of your shots looks overcontrasty, oversaturated.... i am looking them up in my NEC lcd monitor which i think is reasonably calibrated. for example this mans face has dark shadow and back side of his shirt is fully blown away.

There is a lot of difference between the pics that you post in this thread and the pics of the baleno twins, that you posted in the another thread.

Guru like I said earlier, my lazy rear hasn't gotten me a chance to fix my desktop monitor as yet. All the editing done on my lousie lappie. Well he loves to play games with my eyes.

shot from inside the plane..

i guess quite a few people like moonshots here. So here is one taken with Canon Powershot S3 IS

and how about this one: A Normal Household Red Ant


Originally Posted by rajismine (Post 704508)
and how about this one: A Normal Household Red Ant

Jeev Himsa!! you killed it to click it? or is it that you clicked a dead one :P


Originally Posted by rjstyles69 (Post 703647)
One more from my end for today, shot this at my in-laws farm .
We call him Kulla Puttuswamy ..

Like the shot would have been good will lill more light. Try tweaking it?

Amazing shots rjstyles. Good color mix & compositions. B&W suits the last one.

coconut leaves makes good color mix with morning sun

My sunset pic taken at the Calangute beach.

By mohit0009

New funny smiley, Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but could not find a more suitable place as of now,


Originally Posted by mansidea (Post 704586)
coconut leaves makes good color mix with morning sun

It is overexposed, you can see the blown highlights. It is a little challenging scenerio for the camera meter, interleaved bright and dark stripes and the bright part is directly illuminated.
Try it at 7AM morning sun instead of 8:32AM sun, you will get much pleasant results.

Something from my old stock, see what less harsh light can do, it shows more details.

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