Team-BHP - How Fast Is Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) connection?

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Present connection : BSNL post paid with 3GB Data plan, at work I've got BB and even on cell phone, band width is ok. But at home there's no band width to tether to PC from BSNL. I am fed up with the poor service am getting there. So I took another SIM from DOCOMO and getting decent speed. Now planing to buy another cell phone to use the Docomo connection for PC. My question is whether I should buy an entry level GPRS cell phone or 3G dongle? Which is better? I've tried an unlocked 3G dongle, but the connection does not stays continuously, but on my mobile its very stable.

Also one more query, if going for a GPRS enabled cell phone, should I've to make sure the phone has edge capabilities? Somewhere I read that edge rate = 3XGPRS rates

Yup, that data cap sucks :( 30 GB gets over in next to no time, so I have to monitor downloads very closely, which sucks.

There is another plan with a 70 GB cap at the same speed. I'm considering upgrading.


Am using Airtel GPRS thru mobile.Tested speed,result is :

Download speed : 0.05 Mb/s
Upload speed : 0.05 Mb/s
Ping : 445 ms

All I use the net is for T bhp and mails.As you can see downloading anything is near impossible.But am paying only 98/2GB/month.So its dirt cheap.

Was thinking of getting a bsnl NIC connection.Think its cdma based. Any idea what kind of speeds i can expect?Its only 250/month with a max speed of 144 kbps.If it allows downloading then i may try the overnight downloading approach for getting better speeds.

Dont want to spend much more on a broadband.

Recently started using 3G on my Vodafone and am mighty pleased with the speed

The connectivity however leaves a lot to be desired. Not very consistent and it keeps switching back to edge :( hope they improve the network soon.

I had a Tata Photon Plus that was delivering 'zilch' speeds and made two complaints and no response, finally third time made "heck a lot of noise" and they provided me with an antenna that sits on my open terrace two stories high but gives good speed. Airtel BB gives good speed but is capped and the 5GB gets over in no time. I also use the Aircel 3G with Joiku Hotspot Premium via my Nokia N8 but again 3G data is expensive.
Here are the pics of the antenna, the dongle connected to the antenna and the speed before the antenna and speed after the antenna. Hey, if anyone is having this problem make the requisite noises and Tata Photon provides this solution free of cost; only thing from a wireless dongle it will become a wired dongle, I don't mind that if I get the speed: 1 Mbps is OK for general browsing and watching videos on you tube without buffering.

There is some problem with my Airtel Broadband connection and although I'm in their 4Mbps plan, I'm getting barely 2Mbps for last two weeks. Have raised a complaint and they tried something to solve the problem but it's still not solved. Before this I used to get constant 4Mbps+ speed. Not sure what can be the issue. Need to start making a hue and cry to Airtel's customer care again as they are not doing anything after last Saturday to solve the issue. Modem, Wi-Fi router, ethernet cable checked and the issue doesn't seem to be at my end. So it's probably an issue with Airtel's network side only. Anyone else facing/faced similar issue recently?

Have bought a Tata Photon+ dongle a fortnite back.

The speed is very slow.Have asked them to change the dongle and lets see what happens.


Originally Posted by SILVERWOOD (Post 2585588)
Have bought a Tata Photon+ dongle a fortnite back.The speed is very slow.Have asked them to change the dongle and lets see what happens.

I have a Reliance Datacard ( Dongle) 3.1MBPS speed. Over the years, I realized all that is marketing gimmicks and i get pathetic speeds most of the times.

Initially, i used to complain but, now i have resigned myself to my fate of pathetic speeds of "3.1mbps dongle"

I am getting 1.8Mbps on my Phtoton+ at home. Was in the Silicon City - Bengaluru, signal level was full, speed not even 10kbps. Guess it was a overloaded network. So your location and the congestion makes all the difference.

Did see a big improvement in the EVDO on my Mobile on Reliance recently. At home I typically used to get 150kbps or so. All of a sudden got 1.8Mbps, sustained!

airtel broadband 2mbps plan. 2mbps upto 7gb. 256kbps beyond that limit. I pay 799 a month


Originally Posted by mobike008 (Post 2585596)
I have a Reliance Datacard ( Dongle) 3.1MBPS speed. Over the years, I realized all that is marketing gimmicks and i get pathetic speeds most of the times.

Initially, i used to complain but, now i have resigned myself to my fate of pathetic speeds of "3.1mbps dongle"


I was using Reliance from the time they came in to the market till last month and was fed up.Coudnt do much as it was a corporate connection.

I took Tata Photon+ 10 days back and it is even worse than Reliance.They replaced the dongle this morning and things have not changed at all.:Frustrati

Will return the same this evening and will switch to Airtel.

Hi, my test with National Internet backbone server in Chennai yielded the following results.[SIZE=-0][COLOR=black] - The Global Broadband Speed Test

from this server in chennai, I had a download speed of .46 Mbps and upload speed of .20 Mbps. which translates to 460 KBPS and 200 Kbps.


Is there no 1mbps/2mbps broadband connection in Delhi that doesn't have a cap limit? I checked Airtel & MTNL's website and they offer no such plan as of now.


Please visit this site. BSNL does offer you unlimited download plans.

Guys, is anybody here using Tikona in Mumbai? Wanted to know whether they are any good. There is some 4G 4mbps plan 4k for 3yrs 36GB !


Originally Posted by mobike008 (Post 2585596)
I have a Reliance Datacard ( Dongle) 3.1MBPS speed. Over the years, I realized all that is marketing gimmicks and i get pathetic speeds most of the times.

Glad to know i'm not the only one suffering!:Frustrati Its a very rare occasion when i get anywhere close to 1mbps forget 3.1 and i pay 1.2k every month.

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