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Old 4th July 2007, 16:00   #226
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I think all the specs for contrast ratio are generally dynamic contrast ratio.

The other is the average contrast ratio which Samsung does not advertise but sony has it in a few places.

Sony Asia Pacific : KLV-40V300A (KLV40V300A) : Details

Currently I'm in a dilemma as to which to get. I am getting the 40V200A bravia for a very good price but still it is a couple of thousand more than the Bordeaux art 40R81. Sony is also coming out with the 40V300A in august but I am not sure of the price.
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Old 4th July 2007, 16:49   #227
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Essentially the Samsung and the Sony panels are the same, but the difference that you pay for is the Bravia engine - how the colors are handled, the skin tones etc. It is a personal eye thing, but when i bought my set, i found that despite the specs of the Samsung being superior on paper, the end result visually was different, so ended up paying more for the bravia.

It is sort of similar to the Hyundai and Skoda - specs may be better on the embera, but driveability of the laura is a whole different matter. Or if one where to compare the same platform (the Audi, VW and the Skoda) - you pay a premium for the Audi over VW which in turn commands a premium over Skoda. They may have the same engine and chassis, but that is where it ends..
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Old 5th July 2007, 13:05   #228
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Originally Posted by vid6639 View Post
Currently I'm in a dilemma as to which to get. I am getting the 40V200A bravia for a very good price but still it is a couple of thousand more than the Bordeaux art 40R81. Sony is also coming out with the 40V300A in august but I am not sure of the price.
What is the prices for these two models?
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Old 5th July 2007, 13:32   #229
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Bravia V200A I am getting for Rs.98,000. The samsung Bordeaux art 40R81 costs close to Rs.90,000.
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Old 5th July 2007, 14:17   #230
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Originally Posted by vid6639 View Post
Bravia V200A I am getting for Rs.98,000. The samsung Bordeaux art 40R81 costs close to Rs.90,000.
Samsung seems VFM. Sony televisions are usually the honda of televisions, pricey mainly due to brand value. Even i was contemplating of buying the same samsung model in June. due to unexpected financial blow postponed my plans to end of this year.

Good luck and let us all know which one you finally picked up.
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Old 7th July 2007, 13:28   #231
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Originally Posted by vid6639 View Post
Bravia V200A I am getting for Rs.98,000. The samsung Bordeaux art 40R81 costs close to Rs.90,000.
when did you check the price. Do check again as LCD price was revised last week
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Old 7th July 2007, 13:47   #232
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I haven't read the complete thread but have you guys looked at the sony 3lcd projection lcd TVs. They are excellent VFM, not exactly wall mountable, but excellent color reproduction with the bravia engine et al. As it is cheaper generally shopkeepers will not recommend or show it properly. It will be kept somewhere at the bottom, which makes it look bad with dull contrast as it has a vertical viewing angle of 60 degrees only.
I and a colleague bought the 42" one for 58k and its the best thing that has happened to us
marathalli sony showroom demos it really well - also it is cheaper to repair as the heart is the 3lcd engine and not the lcd screen where it is projected. So if the lcd screen in a 3lcd proj tv breaks you can replace it for cheap, but in a normal lcd tv if the lcd screen breaks, its over!! The marathalli guy has soft plastic ***** which they throw on the lcd tv and 3lcd proj tv to show how safe the 3lcd is This is something i researched for months before buying and realised you need to ask for it as most showrooms will not recommend it.

See em here on sony site Sony India - like no other

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Old 8th July 2007, 01:23   #233
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Saw a Hitachi Alis Panel today. Japan import. 42" Full HD Plasma for 1.25 MRP. Should be available at 1.1x after haggling. Prices ARE crashing !

How much is the Samsung 40" Full HD Mosel selling for now ?

Mods - the thread subject should probably reflect plasma TV's as well.
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Old 8th July 2007, 02:40   #234
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the rear projection tv have a very bad viewing angle and the second problem is the brightness of the screen. in a well lit room they tend to fail quite easily.
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Old 8th July 2007, 09:01   #235
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well its not really that bad, thats how the shops make it look like - once you own it you know what an awesome pick it is. The horizontal viewing angle has no limitations, the vertical viewing angle is 60 degrees and personally I am never out of tht limit - most people won't be for home use - yes this viewing angle is not right for airports, commercial display systems, etc and this is what shopkeepers exploit to make it look bad in contrast.
I've got lotsa people in office who picked up this tv after I did and all are happy and some who own/plasma lcd say this is equally good in bright light condition (for 1/3rd the price) and in dim lighting it is all the more better
So you can call it the poor man's lcd or the wise man's lcd - i don't mind being called either or both
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Old 8th July 2007, 09:04   #236
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Originally Posted by jkdas View Post
when did you check the price. Do check again as LCD price was revised last week
when did they get revised. I found this out last week itself. the 40V200A was costing 1.4L mrp dropped to 1.1L mrp and I am getting a further disount to 98K.

The samsung says 95K mrp I can haggle to 90K.

I decided to wait for the Sony 40V300A which will come in august.
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Old 8th July 2007, 16:20   #237
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Saw a Panasonic 32" LCD on sale for around 48k (~11k off MRP). Dealer said this was comparable to the Samsung Bordeaux/Bordeaux Art and the Sony Bravia S Series. Apparently the Bravia V is at on a much higher plane.

What is the feedback on Panasonic? A Bordeaux/Art will be ~55k, Bravia S ~58k and Bravia V ~65k.
I've heard a lot of good things about Panasonic Plasmas, but not much about their LCDs.
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Old 11th July 2007, 17:48   #238
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I find myself in a similar situation to vid6639, I have to decide between the LA40R81B and the KVL-40V300A/32V300A/40V200A.

The 40V300A appears to be significantly superior to the 40V200A and even the 32V300A(the 32V300A does not have a 10 bit panel)

The Samsung is 89K ( special Die Hard promotion) in Pune, while the 40V200A is 1.07L.

Is the August release date confirmed for the 40V300A? I called Sony and they said it was not releasing anytime soom.

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Old 12th July 2007, 10:08   #239
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As per my sources the V300 series will be out in august. But I fear that the cost will be 1.4L replacing the V200 series.

V200 had a price cut to 1.1L from 1.4L. I assume this is for the imminent launch of the V300.
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Old 12th July 2007, 11:16   #240
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Originally Posted by vid6639 View Post
As per my sources the V300 series will be out in august. But I fear that the cost will be 1.4L replacing the V200 series.

V200 had a price cut to 1.1L from 1.4L. I assume this is for the imminent launch of the V300.
That makes sense, in HK/SEA the new v300 40 inch is more expensive than the outgoing V200 40 inch, however, the new v300 32 inch model has been priced the same as the outgoing v200 32 inch

People are attributing it to the 10 bit panel in the 40 inch versions.

I am pretty confused, but I think I may go for the Samsung, I don't want to wait and even at 1.1L there is a 22K difference.

Do you think there will be a significant difference in picture quality? My viewing is primarily Tata Sky and some Xbox 360 gaming(75/25), not much in the way of DVDs.

The 32 inch Samsung(Bordeau Art, 10 bit panel) looks nicer* than the 32 inch Sony(v300, no 10 bit panel), however, I don't know how the 40 inch Sony v300 will compare.

Any suggestions or further information you have would be most welcome.


*Tata Sky SD feed, with showroom picture settings, I could not change them.
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