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Old 27th June 2011, 11:51   #3046
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by para_7k View Post
Any plans of trying a different oil ?

My uncle recently filled 'Total Quartz 5000' 15W40 in his Alto and he personally finds it much better than MGO.

Should be worth a try.
I have bought a 4 litre can of Helix HX5 from Shell on IRR for Rs 932.00. Let me know where he got it from and the price. May be I will try for next service. For me authenticity is the only issue and I don't mind paying MRP. That is why I always go to Shell station.

Any oil will be better than MGO in spec, but to be fair Maruti says MGO is enough if replaced every year/10k KM! I opted for HX5 as it has a much better spec at a price comparable to MGO. If we want synthetic MASS themselves have Mobil (5W50) apart from a synth MGO (10W30), but for mineral they offer only MGO 20W40.
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Old 27th June 2011, 11:53   #3047
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by Sankar View Post
Not true. Synthetic oils of the matching grade are not thinner.
Yes and no. Yes, when hot the grade is the same.

No, when cold normally the synth will be thinner. It is here where the tolerance between the parts is opened to most. So you do risk some oil burning.
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Old 27th June 2011, 12:04   #3048
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by sriturl View Post
Kiran, here is my reasoning between synth and mineral oils.
For every oil, there is a time elapse. say in 1 year you need to change oil irrespective of number of kms.(this number may vary, but just using as example)
Assuming oil change for mineral is 10K, and synth is 20K, I would say if you are not running more than 10K in an year, then putting synth would be waste, since you anyway need to change it. If you running is 15-20K then synth may make sense.
Hey, I have definite plans of doing minimum 10K per year in my ANHC . Earlier when I had Ford Ikon 1.6 NXT ZXI, I had made a total of 43K over 5.5 yrs thats about less than 10K.

Thanks again for your helpful tips here.

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Old 27th June 2011, 12:10   #3049
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

My dad's 2010 Honda City VMT has clocked 5400, and the Honda service guys changed the oil to synthetic since they were out of the regular 'VTEC oil'.

Now, firstly I did not want them to do that, as I wished to have got synth done post 10,000 kms, but what's done is done. I don't even know if they flushed it well, and right.

My father uses the car sparingly, maybe about 750kms a month, tops.

What will be the advisable yardstick for the next change? 7500-10000kms or 6-8 months?
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Old 27th June 2011, 12:32   #3050
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by mandheers View Post
My dad's 2010 Honda City VMT has clocked 5400, and the Honda service guys changed the oil to synthetic since they were out of the regular 'VTEC oil'.

Now, firstly I did not want them to do that, as I wished to have got synth done post 10,000 kms, but what's done is done. I don't even know if they flushed it well, and right.

My father uses the car sparingly, maybe about 750kms a month, tops.

What will be the advisable yardstick for the next change? 7500-10000kms or 6-8 months?
City/Jazz are the last cars on which one should change to synthetic, especially when the running is low. The cars are anyways serviced (including oil change) every 3 months or 5k kms. I am not too sure if Honda increases the service interval to 10k or 6 months in case of synthetic. If its 10k or 6 months, its still acceptable (though still expensive if the run is less), but if its 5k or 3 months, I'd recommend you ask your dad to go switch back to normal oil on next service, nothing wrong in it.

Changing mineral oil at 5k, makes sure that the car's engine doesnt even witness an S of Sludge. That means better performance and longer life of the engine.

But I must say the Ide - Mitsui synthetic oil that Honda uses is very good. There was a considerable change noticed, when the civic at home was switched to synthetic at 40k kms (end of normal 2 year/40k warranty).

I'd say stick to company norms till warranty expires, after that you can stick to 15k/1 year for synthetic or 10k/1 year for mineral.

For Maruti, our 5 speed 800 did 1.2 lac kms on MGO, oil change every 5 k kms. Thereafter, I switched to Castrol GTX and I was pleasantly surprised. Soon, the swift petrol which stood at 30k kms also started getting GTX, oil change every 10k. The swift stands at 1 Lac kms and the 800 at 1.7 lac kms. Both running pristine. I'd certainly suggest GTX, very good oil.

Last edited by gaurav_chopra04 : 27th June 2011 at 12:44.
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Old 29th June 2011, 22:18   #3051
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

I got the first paid service (24 months) done at MSM today. Took 3 litres of Helix HX5 for the oil change. Casually quizzed the SA about the Mobil synth they are offering, and he said it will be good for 2 years/ 24K Km! I just smiled and kept quiet.

Later, after the service, I went with the supervisor of the mechanics team for a test drive. When I posed the same question to him, he said the oil change must be done at the 10k KM/12 month mark even if you are pouring liquid gold inside the engine! At least one sensible person inside the MASS!
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Old 20th July 2011, 22:34   #3052
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
Thanks! My first paid service is due in another few days and the Helix HX5 is out of stock in all Shell stations. They have only Helix Ultra at present @ Rs 1050.00 per litre. But since my usage is only around 5k KM per year, I am loathe to fill costly synthetic oil and throw it away at half life next year! That is the half life for HX5 too, but then it costs only Rs 950.00 for 4 litres, so it is OK!

But at least I have that choice since mine is Alto LXi! If I had the Alto K10, there will be no choice but to go for synthetic. Though I think they have a lower priced synthetic MGO for the newer engines.
The local auto shop is giving me the Shell Helix ultra 5W-40 for 2,800- 4L can. Im going to try synthetic oil in my car for the first time.
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Old 21st July 2011, 17:27   #3053
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

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The local auto shop is giving me the Shell Helix ultra 5W-40 for 2,800- 4L can. Im going to try synthetic oil in my car for the first time.
Should I take a chance with this? The price seems much lower than what others have posted?
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Old 21st July 2011, 17:38   #3054
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

^^Don't mind the extra money and buy from a Shell station. I will not buy from a source I am not 100% sure about.
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Old 21st July 2011, 17:42   #3055
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by Captain Slow View Post
Should I take a chance with this? The price seems much lower than what others have posted?
Captain - I guess you are asking for using this in your Figo 1.2L. If so, please note that this engine requires 10W30 grade oil with Ford approval WSS-M2C923-A1. I don't think shell helix ultra meets this requirement.

Ford has consciously used a lighter viscosity for improved fuel efficiency. Of course, they would have improved lubrication hardware and engine design to compensate for this. So I won't recommend to use 5W40 grade oil.

Did you check with Ford SC if they also have an option to use synthetic oil? Most SC's today provide the option (rather they push for it for more revenue) if customer wants to use synthetic. If at all you want to use synthetic, I would suggest finding one which is of same grade 10W30 and meets/ exceeds the ford approval.

If I may add, for normal use cars (read non-performance), semi syn (which ford uses) is good enough and provides decent enough protection for engine to last over atleast 1.5L km's (ignoring any other causes for engine failure). And semi syn one's priced almost 1/3 of fully synthetic one's. I think ford's OE oil is API-SL which is not old by any means.

Last edited by amit1234singla : 21st July 2011 at 18:04.
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Old 21st July 2011, 20:11   #3056
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
^^Don't mind the extra money and buy from a Shell station. I will not buy from a source I am not 100% sure about.
Shell outlets want 4,400 for this can.
I just went and picked this up for 2,700 all inc with a VAT BILL!

Packing looks real with the importer sticker and other details but how do I make sure that this is the real thing? Date on the sticker May 2011
Will upload picture of this when I get back home.

Originally Posted by amit1234singla View Post
Captain - I guess you are asking for using this in your Figo 1.2L. If so, please note that this engine requires 10W30 grade oil with Ford approval WSS-M2C923-A1. I don't think shell helix ultra meets this requirement.

Ford has consciously used a lighter viscosity for improved fuel efficiency. Of course, they would have improved lubrication hardware and engine design to compensate for this. So I won't recommend to use 5W40 grade oil.

Did you check with Ford SC if they also have an option to use synthetic oil? Most SC's today provide the option (rather they push for it for more revenue) if customer wants to use synthetic. If at all you want to use synthetic, I would suggest finding one which is of same grade 10W30 and meets/ exceeds the ford approval.

If I may add, for normal use cars (read non-performance), semi syn (which ford uses) is good enough and provides decent enough protection for engine to last over atleast 1.5L km's (ignoring any other causes for engine failure). And semi syn one's priced almost 1/3 of fully synthetic one's. I think ford's OE oil is API-SL which is not old by any means.
Thanks for the informational post amit. The guys at Ford A.S.S don't even know what kind of oil they use! During the second service they used some cheap mineral oil which has started turning back. I have another 6,500KM to go before the next oil change according to the manual but the oil is already black in color.
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Old 22nd July 2011, 07:31   #3057
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

The MRP is ~ Rs 1050.00 per litre, so the price with VAT at Shell is correct. They don't give any discount. Big dealers normally give a discount of 5 - 10%. I don't know how they gave it for Rs 2700.00!

Is the importer / marketer info on the label the same as found at Shell stations? And what is the date of mfg?
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Old 22nd July 2011, 08:27   #3058
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by Captain Slow View Post
Shell outlets want 4,400 for this can.
I just went and picked this up for 2,700 all inc with a VAT BILL!
Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
. I don't know how they gave it for Rs 2700.00!
Captain Slow you got a good deal. I had bought a can of SHU for 2700 but that was slightly old stock back in 2009.

And very importantly, Amit is absolutely spot on. Ford uses 10w-30 (at least did in my friend's Ikon). Their engines require low viscosity oil. Do not fill grades of higher viscosity without confirming. Also, ask Ford if they have an approved synth option for your car.

I have been using SHU in my car since 2009. Mobil India does not sell a 5w-40 or 10w-30 grade which my car's engine needs. I bought a can in 2010 and 2 cans in 2011 for Rs 3100 each from the Shell distributor in Poona. How do I know he's authorised? I got his details from Shell India via email.

I do not intend paying Rs 4400/- i.e. 42% more for the same thing @ the Shell station.

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Old 22nd July 2011, 08:46   #3059
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Originally Posted by R2D2

I bought a can in 2010 and 2 cans in 2011 for Rs 3100 each from the Shell distributor in Poona. How do I know he's authorised? I got his details from Shell India via email.
Hi R2D2.
Is the authorised dealer you referring to 'Aru Traders' at Paud Phata?
I need to pick up a can of SHU 5w30 for my Octavia.
My Service Center guy charges me around Rs.4850 for an engine full + he put in Castrol Edge the last time I got the car serviced.

Its no fun without Shell for my Octavia 1.9tdi. With Edge my car seemed to be a bit rough at certain rpms.
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Old 22nd July 2011, 08:55   #3060
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Re: ARTICLE: Synthetic oil vs Mineral oil

Originally Posted by Monaro CV8 View Post
Hi R2D2.
Is the authorised dealer you referring to 'Aru Traders' at Paud Phata?
I need to pick up a can of SHU 5w30 for my Octavia.
My Service Center guy charges me around Rs.4850 for an engine full + he put in Castrol Edge the last time I got the car serviced.

Its no fun without Shell for my Octavia 1.9tdi. With Edge my car seemed to be a bit rough at certain rpms.
Hi. I have not heard good things about Castrol Edge and stayed far away from it. Worse it is more expensive than SHU with dealers sticking to their MRP rates. Not for me.
SHU has served me well since 2009 and till such time I get a Mobil1 equivalent or recommended grade I will stick to SHU. The Shell distributor is Heera Oil Corp; Pune, 9422303655. He is at Pune-Satara Road.

I purchased Mobil1 5w-50 for my OHC-I in '04-05 from Aru traders @ Paud Phata and he seems reliable (at least back then). If you live near or in Kothrud you can buy SHU from him.

Last edited by R2D2 : 22nd July 2011 at 08:58.
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