Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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RIP Sam, You were blessed and probably God wanted you up there.

May God give Jenny & his family members the strength to bear this irreplaceable loss.

Sam, The original superstar of T-bhp, a person full of life & the writer of the blockbuster Yetiblogs you will be truly missed.

You indeed left the world a better place and your posts made people think & that great sense of humor lifted many of us.

Adios Sam.

The most difficult post to write, I have tried since yesterday, and can do this only because I have been reading Sam's threads since morning. He can bring a smile to your face even in such a time, his travels, his wit, his joie de vivre.

Gonna miss you

Shocked!! I did not know him personally, just met once before I joined t-bhp.
This is a dark bolt out of the blue, so unexpected. Fate! I got off the Express way around 4.00 PM coming back from the Pune event, this must have happened after I passed by.

My heartfelt condolence to the family, may God give them the strength to deal with this tragic loss.


The thread title made me freeze. I never met the man but enjoyed his blogs for the impeccable english and the humour. Dude, thank you for making all of us laugh and learn how to brew coffee. May God rest your soul in eternal peace and grant courage to your family.

I am saddenned a lot. Although i haven't met him, i have read his witty and impeccable posts, the yeti, and loved them.

RIP Sam !

I don think I have ever felt this low on hearing the passing away of someone whom I have never met. god, this is awful. just plain awful.

he will be missed, missed terribly.

This is very sad :(
Though I knew him only through his blogs in this forum, its utterly shocking! So strange are the ways of God!
Some people are indeed gifted in writing and so was Sam. My prayers are with the family.
But anybody knows what tires are those on Landrover?

I cant believe it !! indeed a great loss for all of us. RIP man .

Hi Yeti - Wherever you are I am sure you are bringing a smile to angels around folks around. We never met, but I like many others on this forum found Joy from your words.
A requiem (courtesy TO AN ATHLETE DYING YOUNG by A. E. Housman (1859-1936). Heard in the movie Out of Africa.

The time you won your town the race
We chaired you through the market-place;
Man and boy stood cheering by, /And home we brought you shoulder-high... Smart lad, to slip betimes away
From fields where glory does not stay
And early though the laurel grows
It withers quicker than the rose... 

Now you will not swell the rout
Of lads that wore their honours out,
Runners whom renown outran
And the name died before the man... 

And round that early-laurelled head
Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead,
And find unwithered on its curls
The garland briefer than a girl's." 

Dear Sam Kapasi,
You brought us joy...we loved you well. 

I never had the honour of talking to Sam, but I always enjoyed his posts. Funny, educative and brilliantly written.

R.I.P. :(

Absolutely unbelievable news!

Sam rest in peace mate..

You were a incredible human being which are hard to find nowdays
May God give strength to your family in these tough times


Just cannot believe this.
Never met you Sam, but as all of us here, I was also the one whose days passed out reading your blogs here.
Like all the travels that you have made, we wish that you returns to the forum and post the travelogue of this one as well.
Don't have words to type in here as I am surrounded by grief.

RIP Sam. Will miss you. :(

Just unbelievable... :(
Sometimes words fail to express our grief.

RIP Sam.

:( Sonu

Very sorry to hear. I really do not know what to say to theone and family members ( I do not know, what to say to myself). There cannot be another Yeti! The warmhearted Yeti that always made me laugh.

R.I.P dear Sam, you will continue to live within us till the very end.

My heartfelt condolences to the family.
RIP !!

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