Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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It was with a great sense of loss when I heard of Sam's death. My greatest sympathy to Jenny, and my heart is truly saddened.
Sam was more than just a wonderful person; I made my mind for ICE by reading his posts.
May God bless his soul. RIP SAM.

RIP Sam, thoughts n prayers with Jenny n family. I don't understand God, so young n so much to live for to be taken away so soon!!!

I have had the good fortune of spending couple of memorable days of my life with him during F1 race at Sepang in 2007. Enough has been said here about the great soul, I consider myself lucky to have known him.

Irrational side of me still keeps returning back to the thought that it is not possible for Yeti to die so young, don't know how long it will take for me come out of it...

Following passage has often helped me understand smallness of life in overall scheme of things and has helped to recover from bereavement in the past, hope it helps thousands of bereaved souls here too...

"When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion; when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow; when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, when I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions and debates of mankind. When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great day when we shall all of us be contemporaries, and make our appearance together."

RIP Sam. One day we shall be contemporaries and make our appearance together.

Saw the news on facebook. Really Heart felt condolences to the family and friends.

Not a good Monday at all. It took me a day to react, just shocked! I did not know Sam personally but only through his words and thoughts on this forum. I admired him for his passion in what he did be it his coffee or his tattoos, I know there will be 100 other things people who knew him better can come up with.

My deepest condolences to the family, friends, and to all those who will miss him. I surely will.

Having lost a close buddy to an accident last year, I know how this news could have affected many on this forum. Never knew him personally nor interacted with him but going by what everyone's saying here, he was awesome to know.

Have visited Santorini, Germany, driven in a Nano from Mumbai to Delhi, been gifted a Landy and many other things, vicariously thanks to Sam Kapasi and its unfortunate that we will never know what next he would have made us experience.

Somehow the advice from the Yetilife's sponsors posted earlier will remain etched forever in my mind.

Rest in Peace Sam Kapasi.

great loss! The first thread I read of Sam was his guide to use the correct language/grammar while posting. It was a very interesting read and taught me a few neat tips. Witty and Humorous at his time, he will definitely be missed in this community. Thank you Sam - RIP!

RIP Sam. Your writings were brilliant and you will live forever through them. Wish your family the strength and courage to endure your loss.

Even though I hadn't met him personally yet, he seemed to be someone I knew quite well, courtesy his blogs, posts and threads in T-BHP. When I first read the title, I thought it was some kind of weird sick prank by someone but alas, that was not the case. Still can't believe it.

RIP Sam and my heartfelt condolences to your Parents and Jenny. May God give them the strength to deal with this loss. You will be missed.

Oh my God! This is a great shock unlike any other. RIP big man. Have had a tremendous time reading your YetiBlogs. Your coffee thread was simply amazing. And the Land Rover thread has been the best i'v read on BHP.

I didn't know you personally, but I am feeling a deep sense of loss. You will be missed a lot here.

God bless your soul and give strength to your family. RIP

Shocking news! Read the news yesterday, took me a day to react. I met him twice during Auto Expo 2010 & 2012. Although a very short interaction, he left an impression. You will be missed Sam!

May God give strength to the family. RIP Sam.

Yet another rude reminder of how fragile life really is. First Rtech, now Sam...
Will miss his hilarious and entertaining blogs, about love, life, cars and everything in between. No one will ever match up to the Yeti and his larger than life persona. RIP big guy, and my deepest condolences to Jenny and his family.

I spent my first few weeks on this website reading all of Sam's posts. It was indeed a pleasure to get to know him through his posts on this forum.
Although there was rare chance we would cross into each other, but his posts were always a class apart and informative.

May God provide strength to Jenny and rest of his family to bear this loss.

RIP Sam, we will always miss you on this forum. :(

I have never met the man, not seen his deeds.

But, just the writings convey a lot on what he should have been and what he would have meant to the family, friends and the society.

A very stark reminder on how it can all end in a moment. It is a loss for everyone.

RIP Sam. Deepest condolences to the family.

He taught us how to write good English
He taught us how to write a travalogue
He taught us how to set up an ICE
He taught us how to be make others happy through his writing style
Now he made me cry.
I bet most shining and cheerful star has joined the sky .

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