Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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Shocked to see this on logging in after a few day. R.I.P. Sam. You will be missed.

Sad to hear this news. May God take care of him and give his family the courage to bear this loss.

That's a shock! Looking at the title in the main page, I was still thinking that this thread is another of Sam's write-logue. Googled the news to confirm.

His thread on writing proper english made me realize how important it is to write properly. Since then followed all his threads and thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every line.

You wouldn't know most of your fans but we miss you a lot Sam!


My sincere condolence to the bereaved family.

Really Shocking! My heartfelt condolence to the family. Rest in Peace Sam! You will always be missed.

My Heartfelt condolences to the Kapasi's. Sam you will be missed!


Originally Posted by normally_crazy (Post 2915784)
It's like living inside a never ending nightmare since Sunday afternoon when I got that call from Rudra at around 3 pm.

Hang in there, buddy.

I never had the good fortune to meet Sam and yet I've been feeling terrible since i came to know. I can not even imagine what you and rest of the folks fortunate enough to have been close to him must be going through.

All I can say is that Sam showed us how to really be alive, and not just live your life. Lets keep that going in us, coz thats the least we can do to honor his memories.

This is a really the worst news I have heard in a while.... May Sam's soul rest in peace!

Shocked! He is in our hearts for ever.

Long live the Yeti!

OMG! This really can't be true! Such a cruel fate to befell on someone who has given all of us here at TBHP so much joy and happiness (and I am sure countless others outside of TBHP), this really is one of the saddest moments for TBHP as a family!!

May his soul rest in peace and god almighty give strength to his loved ones to cope with this loss!

Its a big loss and Team-bhp community will miss his witty style and flawless narration.

PS. It may look rude, however may request moderators to lock all the other wonderful threads of Sam, in order to stop it from becoming obituary.

sam's threads were unique and captivating to read. May God bless the survivors with strength to bear the loss of Sam. Yeti our prayers are with you.

R.I.P. Sam.
Read this thread as and when it was started and i couldn't express the shock and sadness then,and i still cant.Never met him but knew him by YETI blogs,it was fun to go through them and all were so lively.May the almighty give the strength to Jenny,his family,Akbar and to us all here at TeamBHP.


Originally Posted by vikramvicky1984 (Post 2915441)
I got to know of the same from facebook.
A small suggestion, given how much Sam is loved by all of us, I am afraid too many people will turn up.
The arrangements would have been made keeping a certain number of people in mind.

How much we may love Sam, we would not definitely not like a create a chaotic situation by turning up in large numbers and give a tough time to his family.

I suggest only some people who are close to him go there on Sunday and we plan a separate meet for teambhp members and other fans at a somewhat later date and also invite jenny there.

I hope I am not misunderstood here. I have never been to a memorial service.

Mods: please delete if inappropriate

Vikram is right. We can have separate TBHP meet.

R.I.P Sam.

My deepest condolences to Sam's family. The YetiBlogs were Sam's unique mark on Tbhp - much loved and much read.

Drive on,

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