Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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Like many others, I haven't met Sam either, but I knew him from words he had left in cyberspace and from that I not only knew that Yeti was a wizard of words, but a great human being too. And as said by some people, good human beings are required up above too and I'm sure the almighty wants to write a story and needed someone to pen his words and who is better than Sam. I'm not sure how his near and dear ones will cope with the vacuum created by his absence, but will request almighty to give them strength and peace in these times.

Met SAM a couple of times & felt honoured that i did. Truly a gem of a person
We will miss you a lot Mr. Yeti. Thank you for letting us be a part of your LIFE through your YETIBLOGS

Deepest Condolences to Jenny and the whole family

You some times wanna know more about a person you dont know personally or haven't met before......, that was Sam to me. I will always remember him getting excited about the umbrella holder in the superb he picked up......

You will always be remembered :-(

Right now there is a furious bidding war going on for the next YetiBlog®. A gentleman in white, with dazzling light behind him, is just edging out his opposite, a snazzily dressed man with a reddish tinge to his skin, and what appears to be a pitchfork by his side.

Watching this, rather curiously, is this chap we all know well. He's in orange shorts, holding a beverage, smiling cheekily.

May the Force be with you, Sam.


Sam lives in our hearts. He lives there forever.

This is really shocking...I am speechless.

Well, shocking to say the least.

I remember having briefly met Sam just once during a team-bhp meet at "Bhagini" Bangalore. I had heard (read) so much about him earlier. I also had a chance to exchange a couple of PM's with him in German.
Was absolutely in awe of his Blogs and his varied interests. I totally admire the admire the man for what he was!

Will surely miss him.
R.I.P Sam

Far too shocked and benumbed to react—except to say that the world has lost one of its great people, one who lived life to the fullest, and added zest to that of others as well; through his writings, his wit and his awesome sense of understated human.

A great human being, a wonderful person... He will be sorely, dearly missed. Rest in peace, my friend—we will all miss you.

Never met him in person, but knew so much about him through his trademark YetiBlog®s.
We'll miss your inimitable style, Sam. Rest in peace.

Having read his Yeti blog in awe just one day before, this comes as a hammer on the head. Had trouble going on with work after reading about this. His threads were enthralling and I just wished they would go on and on.

Rest in peace Sam. You will be missed by all.

My condolences to his family.

Very sorry to hear the news!

Feeling real low. May god give his family the courage and get them out of this emotional disturbance soon.

Miss you SAM. RIP !

Can not believe it. Had met him in Bangalore. RIP :Frustrati

My condolences to his family.

How does one express his grief on a loss of a person he has never met, just heard of often?

I missed meeting him at the Auto-Expo and now, will miss hearing from this wonderful man forever.

May the Lord Almighty give the family to live through the loss. RIP Mate


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