Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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-   -   Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :( (

This is sad news indeed. just the other day I came across the DVD he had sent me on his trip in the Nano. A real loss. Each time it thunders I'll think of you my dear friend cos I know that 'tis you downshifting to third to pass a slower angel. Saudade!

Just could not believe. I thought some one playing prank. I really wish they do. This guy got that LR for free from someone, I read. No body knows what destiny has in store. ...RIP JK.

Dear Sam your threads had me hooked years before I was a member of the forum, like many of the people here it was one of the reasons I joined this forum and looked forward to interacting with you virtually and in person, but it was never to be. The larger than life person who made all of us laugh has moved on to make the other world a much more beautiful place. Godspeed...
P.s My heartfelt condolence to the family, may God give them the strength.

RIP Sam! you will be missed
May God give courage to his family

R.I.P Yeti.

You were one of the few people who added some humor to the community. You will be missed sorely.

My condolences to the family.

Was deeply shocked on reading this. Always saw his happy face at the JBL stall at autocar show in BKC every year. First time we met was at the blind car rally last year, I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet a person that emit such good positive vibes around.

Rest in peace. God always takes the good ones early :( Will pray for your soul and strength to your family.

Very sad to hear abt this. Only last day I was thinking about this man with funny hair going to GTO's home and sitting in his jeep. I cant believe he is no more. Rest in peace sam. We will miss you.

Very very sad to hear this. Though I never met him his writings never failed to make my day and put a smile on my face.

May his family get the strength to cope with this tragedy.

Rest in peace Sam.

What a terrible news - my condolences to his family and Jenny.

The Yeti Blog will be missed. R.I.P. Sam. :(

I am very saddened to hear about SAM. It is always depressing to see somebody leave so young and it is even more depressing that a car-accident took his life. I pray that he rests in peace.

A very sad day for TBHP community and audio industry. A gem of a soul is lost tragically.

I saw this announcement yesterday on the home page and could not continue reading any other post or thread due to state of shock i was in. Got courage to pay my condolences today.

RIP Sam. You will be missed each and every day!! Wish i can achieve even 1% of charisma you had :(

I knew him through the quirky threads he had started - especially the Nano drive and A YetiGuideŽ : How To Post In Proper English

He will surely be missed!

RIP Sam... I am deeply saddened. My condolences to your family and Jenny.

my first PM in my inbox (2006) is from Sam scolding me for trying to put 4 inchers in the Swift front door...I planned my Greece trip reading his travelogue, loved his posts, his irreverence...oh, why wasn't he in his Superb

How an unexpected phone call coupled with a text message can change your world in a flash.
....How one hopes and wishes what you have heard is untrue......
....How you realize that the unthinkable is indeed a reality...!!

Dear Sam,

That you have been taken away from us proves that up there too, there is a dearth of good people like you. Rest In Peace brother.

A few tribute, just for you!!

A thousand times we met with you....

A thousand times we cried.

If love alone could have saved you.....

you never would have died.

A heart of gold stopped beating.....

two twinkling eyes closed to rest.

God broke our hearts to prove again...

....he only takes the best!!

Never a day will go by that you will not in my heart.

Have known Sam too long to be able to say anything more except, that i now know, what a void feels like....... and i dont like it one bit!!

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