Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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Condolences to his family. An irreplaceable loss to team-bhp.

I could not believe my eyes! I am a big fan of the Yeti blogs and quite sad to know about this. My heartfelt condolences to the family. He will be missed.

Remembrances for dear Sam.

I never felt so sad for anybody with whom I just exchanged couple of phone calls.

You were the part of our life Sam, i use to open team-bhp hoping for posts from you. Tbhp will never be same without you, the world will not be same without you.

Keep rockin my friend, whereever you are :(

Just read the obituary in TOI, and I could not believe what I saw.

I dont remember the last time I was so sad about someone who I havent even met.

Rest in peace, Sam, wherever you are - I am sure you would be making your presence felt.

RIP Sam. You will be missed forever!

Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(-getimage.png

TOI E - paper


Originally Posted by normally_crazy (Post 2915784)
It's like living inside a never ending nightmare since Sunday afternoon when I got that call from Rudra at around 3 pm.

I had just messaged Sam about 1 pm on Sunday afternoon and we had decided to meet at Rudra's place on Monday....and at 4 pm I was on my way to Lonavala.

A big guy with the BIGGEST heart ever....I have never seen anyone like him and there never will be anyone quite like him.

Lord Ganesha himself came and escorted him back.

I miss you a lot my friend, remember you every second - you leave us with tears in our eyes and lumps in our throats but a smile on our faces.

Sam - remember I used to always tell you that your blogs / your stories are wonderful but I never liked your endings - they are too abrupt.....How I wish I had never said that !

dear Gautam, i haven't met either you or Sam in person, but I read your pain.

All I can offer in comfort is my thought that Sam was an angel in human form who was left behind to elevate our mundane existance. He bought joy, happiness and an elated feeling in whichever circles or friends he moved around and those who had the pleasure of having his company. We should feel blessed that we had the opportunity to know him virtually and physically.
It's truly a blessing to be in company of such individuals, however short or long the time they had with us.

Such is the feeling of brotherhood fostered by Tbhp and such a well known face was Sam that the moment I saw the ad in today's newspaper I automatically knew I had to log in and pay homage to him. Thanks for bringing a cheer whenever we needed it the most, Sam! Godspeed!

Shocking and Very Sad. No words at all... We surely are going to miss him. May his soul rest in peace..

Somehow had missed this thread & was shocked to read the obituary in TOI today morning. Would surely miss him here. May his soul rest in peace.

what matters is Love, Sam - and I'm sure you'll spread the love wherever you go. Rest in Love and Peace.

Just saw the Obit... very very sad! My heartfelt condolences to the family and friends.
Every now and then when life was pushing me down, Yetiblogs and Sam's anecdotes on team-bhp have always raised my spirits!

Very tragic. May his soul rest in peace!

I too saw the obituary in the tragic. The Yeti is no more. May God comfort his beloved ones.

Just saw the obituary and came rushing on, hoping to see that it was not true. Didn't know Sam personally but felt like I did.

Rest in Peace buddy.

Love, prayers and good Karma in boatloads to the ones left behind and hopefully we'll meet in another place and time.

With a heavy heart, I am penning down this. Had read some of his articles. Never really knew him, may be, until now. Read his entire post about : A YetiHoliday® - TheOne® visits India for the first time.

May GOD give courage to his entire family, especially Jenny. SAM, where ever you are "We love you" and may GOD bless all your near & dear ones.

Just remembering his words about Yetilife :

And now here's a message from our sponsors about what the YetiLife® is all about.

Love your partners and enjoy life with them.

Bring passion in your life, a life without passion is dull. Love, sex, laughter, madness and even sorrow and tensions are an essential part of life. Enjoy them all. Repeatedly.

Go do what you want to do without caring what people will think.
Nobody really has time to think about what you did. Those who do think about it, will forget in a few days. You will be left with the experience of a lifetime. Go on, do it.

Think of the craziest thing you wanted to do. No matter how crazy. Alone, or with a loved one. DO IT! PM me if you want advice or help, I will help you any way I can.

Take time out to be with your family. We all need money to live and jobs and tensions and we all have dreams. Put them all aside and go and live with your partner and family.

Nothing happens. Your office doesn't stop functioning, if you're really good at what you do, you won't get fired, if you get fired and you're really good at what you do, you'll get a new job, - your business may suffer for a few days, you may lose a few rupees, it doesn't matter.

The world functioned very well without cellphones and email. People took decisions in the absence of their seniors and they were often the right ones. Don't take that instinct away from your juniors. Let go.

Arrey, someday you'll die and STILL nothing will happen, the world will function wonderfully without you. A few people will remember you, then forget you. Your partner will remember you often - at least GIVE him/her something fun to remember you by!!

Let the world function for a few days without you NOW, while you're still living!!! Go and live, enjoy, take as many holidays as you can with your partner/wife/gf/kids, before some unforeseen circumstances don't permit you to enjoy life anymore. It has happened and will happen to the best amongst us. Dying is not in your hands, but at least living is!

Hey, at least you'll know you LIVED before you died.

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