Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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What a shock.. I have been an admirer of Sam's travelogues and blogs for a long long time.It is really a sad day. May his sould RIP :(


Originally Posted by Wind (Post 2915272)
TheOne® had posted in Sam's facebook fans page ( that the memorial service is on Sunday, 30th Sep
Location: Mumbai Educational Trust, near Lilavati hospital, Bandra Reclamation.
Time: 5 - 7 pm.

-- Wind

I got to know of the same from facebook.
A small suggestion, given how much Sam is loved by all of us, I am afraid too many people will turn up.
The arrangements would have been made keeping a certain number of people in mind.

How much we may love Sam, we would not definitely not like a create a chaotic situation by turning up in large numbers and give a tough time to his family.

I suggest only some people who are close to him go there on Sunday and we plan a separate meet for teambhp members and other fans at a somewhat later date and also invite jenny there.

I hope I am not misunderstood here. I have never been to a memorial service.

Mods: please delete if inappropriate

My Deepest Condolences to his family.
RIP Sam. You will be missed.

The best writer on these forums by a mile. And I dont think anyone came anywhere close to him. I will always remember waiting for updates on his blogs. A really talented and a great human being.

Mods, I think its time to change the top picture on the forums for a while, in honour of one of the best members of TBHP, one who helped a whole lot of new members and one who managed to keep us hooked to his blogs.

We will all miss you Sam.

It's been over a year since I made any comments in TBhp however it's been my ritual to login once in a day atleast. But when I did the same on Sunday after returning late night from my travel, my heart sank and did not log in for the past 2 days.

Akbar will never get such a nice soul as his Boss ever, Jenny never a better soul mate and above all TBhp will never see such a persona, whose threads are inspiring, brings a grin in your face at all times. May be GOD is in desperate need of some cajoling and consolation so he called back Sam which to the human race is mighty cruel.

Sam aka Yeti you will always be remembered and it is a rare honor for someone who has never interacted, spoken to so many thousands but still took time out to make their feelings felt in this thread.
Sam this is the testimony that you are truly loved and will stay in our hearts forever.

May you find peace and pray your family and friends gain courage to cope with this iminent loss

Knew nothing about this gentleman, until I started reading his blogs. No surprise why he is so very popular on this forum.

Come back mate! please!

Shocker of a news indeed :( I am sure it is a terrible loss not only for this forum but for the larger community too.

Guys, I have a sincere request. Please do not make this thread an investigation into what may have happened. Nobody knows for sure what exactly happened. None of us were there and no amount of speculation will bring Sam back. All we know is that we have lost a dear friend and an amazing human being.

So please stick to remembering Sam on this thread. Please.

This is shocking!! Sam was a true larger-than-life personality. I know him only by means of his posts on T-BHP and I've read all of his threads multiple times such was his narrating style and command on English. His posts touch the strings of every reader's heart.

RIP Sam! We will miss you. My heartfelt condolences to Sam's family.

Never met him in person, but knew him through his trademark YetiBlogs.
May You rest in Peace, Sam.
May God give your family the strength and courage to overcome this loss.


Originally Posted by Wind (Post 2915272)
TheOne® had posted in Sam's facebook fans page ( that the memorial service is on Sunday, 30th Sep
Location: Mumbai Educational Trust, near Lilavati hospital, Bandra Reclamation.
Time: 5 - 7 pm.

-- Wind


Originally Posted by nileshch (Post 2915292)
Just to repeat for non-facebookers, here is the complete message from Jenny:

Thank you so much for keeping those of us who still don't do FaceBook or Twitter etc in touch with this

Originally Posted by vikramvicky1984
I got to know of the same from facebook.

And without your post, I would have missed the preceding. It is barely possible to read every post on this thread, and all our hearts are united here anyway

Shocked, really sad to know that our Yeti is no more. My heart felt condolences to his family.

I did not know Sam personally, but was a great fan of his writing style. It was one of his posts which attracted me to t-bhp in the first place.

R.I.P., Sam Kapasi. My heartfelt condolences to his family.

Shocking news this.
R.I.P Sam. May God give your family the strength and courage to overcome this loss.

i am someone who would log in religiously everyday just read blogs of the gurus such as Sam a.k.a Yeti, i would rarely post
almost all the queries i had would be solved just by reading his insights

A terrible news - my condolences to his family and Jenny

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