Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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Just read the news today. I'm at a loss of words now.

What a tremendous loss.. Cannot really fathom such tragedies sometime.

May you rest with God, Sam.

May your family find peace in God. My prayers for all of them to guide them through these difficult times.

R.I.P. Sam.
Your humour will be missed. I'm sure, up there, they will have a good laugh.

Met him and chatted with him once at Palm Expo. :(

Shocking. . . As usual I got email from automobile group friends, with usual excitement I opened to find that weblink which read "sam no more".. I was seriously shocked!!!! RIP sam . . I still remember his skoda superb buying thread with spl mention of "umbrella" n VW thread... :( really sad to hear sam is no more :( RIP SAM..

My god,what a shocking news. RIP Sam, you will be missed...

Never had I read any of his YetiBlogs before. But just looked at all the nice things BHPians had to say about him and couldn\'t resist the urge to read!

So, read my first one today. Eventually, ended up staying up and reading a whole lot of his beautiful writings! Such is the pull of words. I\'m sure I shall come back to read a lot more.

Sam Kapasi, thank you for your humour. Tragic.

Opened the newspaper and was shocked to see the obituary. I have read some of his blogs and thoroughly enjoyed it. The loss almost feels personal. Rest in Peace

Got the shock of my life reading the news on TOI. My condolences to his family. May they have the strength to get through these difficult times.

Unbelievably Shocking and terrible, the moment i saw the message on the TOI this morning! And even shocking is the manner in which such a larger than life person had to depart. RIP Sam...deepest condolence to \'TheOne\' and his family

Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(-sam-kapasi.jpg

You definitely mattered to Team-bhp.

As I opened this morning\'s TOI and saw Sam\'s picture on the fourth page I froze saying to myself "it\'s not what it looks to be". As I read the obituary my heart sank.

I had been so happy for him and Jenny as in a strange way so many of us who never met him were a part of the lovely romance and marriage.

A deeply perceptive individual I always felt a sense of affection for him as blogs in TBHP revealed an intimate side of him. To me his charm was his vulnerability which he wore on his sleeve with no pretentions. That\'s what endeared him to me.

I am not going to feel sad. I am glad he lived and lived well. He was a fine human being and his presence will remain forever. Keep blogging Sam wherever you are.

Just saw the huge remembrance picture in TOI.

Sad :( Could not carry reading the rest of the paper.

Miss you my friend.

I am shattered. He was certainly a larger-than-life-figure! My heart goes out to Jenny and Sam\'s family.

I too saw in TOI a pic of Sam , froze as I read down. Sam I never knew you personally but had read all the yeti blogs, felt a part of your life with your writings.

You will be deeply missed in TBhp, you were the one and only original rockstar on this forum.

rest in peace Snowman, condolences to the family.

Just saw the Obituary in TOI, and couldn\'t believe it! Sad to see such a lively and spirited person go! RIP Sam; you will be missed for sure!!

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