Team-BHP - Sam Kapasi is NO MORE :(

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R.I.P Sam.. My Deepest Condolences to his family..

This is Shocking, I couldn't believe this to be true for some time. May his Yetiness rest in peace. Sam, You have left an un-fillable void.

Very shocking news. Sam Kapasi rest in peace.
May god give the much needed ability to the family and friends to wade through this untimely departure.

RIP Yeti. You will surely be missed.

shocked, saddened and lost for words. R.I.P.

Tragic .

A sad day for us all.


Yetti, we will miss you. My deep condolences to his family.

Am deeply saddened to read the news. My heartfelt sympathies for his family.

It's like living inside a never ending nightmare since Sunday afternoon when I got that call from Rudra at around 3 pm.

I had just messaged Sam about 1 pm on Sunday afternoon and we had decided to meet at Rudra's place on Monday....and at 4 pm I was on my way to Lonavala.

A big guy with the BIGGEST heart ever....I have never seen anyone like him and there never will be anyone quite like him.

Lord Ganesha himself came and escorted him back.

I miss you a lot my friend, remember you every second - you leave us with tears in our eyes and lumps in our throats but a smile on our faces.

Sam - remember I used to always tell you that your blogs / your stories are wonderful but I never liked your endings - they are too abrupt.....How I wish I had never said that !

I woke up with a sad heart today when I saw him tagged on facebook, just like everybody else I am deeply saddened by this. Even though I am barely interacted with him (once met him at some expo and he had once called me because he wanted to buy my MacBook) but we used to keep in touch and share jokes etc. on facebook, I have to say he is one of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure of knowing, I hope God gives strength to his family to deal with such a loss.

Sam, May the force be with you.

Oh my god! Thats such a sad news. Can't believe it.

Sam aleas "Yeti" was one man who made us roll and laugh through his blogs. I used to follow his threads on Europe tours, buying Skoda Superb, Good English etc. Today I was casually searching for new posts from him and saw this post from Samurai.

May his soul rest in peace. Praying god support "The One" & Sam's family in this situation.

When I first saw the thread in the home page, I was shocked. I thought it is some prank or something.

I enjoyed reading his threads - he had a gift for writing blending thoughts, info, experiences, and humor into one versatile portrait.

My deepest condolences to his family and may God give them strength in this hour of need.

Really sad news. I couldn't believe it at first. I thought, no I hoped, that it was a joke of some kind. RIP

Sam's posts were the reason I got glued to TBHP travelogues.
Someone had correctly mentioned that he could write in such a captivating way that a walk in the park could seem like a fairy tale.

R.I.P Sam.

May the almighty give Jenny and the rest of the family the strength to withstand these tough times.

I'm shocked. My condolences to his family. This was a larger than life figure, and an inspiration to us all in how to live life to the fullest.
His thread on a Greek holiday inspired me to take my family to Santorini this year, and it was every bit as wonderful as Sam described.
Rest in peace, friend.

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