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Old 21st September 2016, 19:57   #481
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Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
"Sir, you look sleepy. Have tea. " And handed over a cup of hot tea.
That's really good to hear!
There is some hope left for our country after all!
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Old 22nd September 2016, 08:36   #482
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Here is something that happened to me a few weeks back:

So, I go to pick up my wife from Byapanahalli Metro (in Bangalore) when she is coming back home from work, and usually my daughter is seated at the back. I park and I am waiting for her as a girl, dressed really well, comes up to my car, opens the left front door and sits and says, "Itna time kyun lagagya yaar" (Why did you take so much time to come?) After a second, I tell her, "Kya karta aap pehle mili nahi" (Because, I did not meet you earlier). She finally takes her gaze off the phone and is shocked and embarrassed says sorry and leaves. All the while my wife, watching this unfold from a few steps back

All throughout my 10 min journey my wife had a smile, I had a grin and my daughter kept asking 'Who was that Aunty'?
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Old 22nd September 2016, 10:36   #483
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pratyush6 View Post
Here is something that happened to me a few weeks back:

So, I go to pick up my wife from Byapanahalli Metro (in Bangalore) when she is coming back home from work, and usually my daughter is seated at the back. I park and I am waiting for her as a girl, dressed really well, comes up to my car, opens the left front door and sits and says, "Itna time kyun lagagya yaar" (Why did you take so much time to come?) After a second, I tell her, "Kya karta aap pehle mili nahi" (Because, I did not meet you earlier). She finally takes her gaze off the phone and is shocked and embarrassed says sorry and leaves. All the while my wife, watching this unfold from a few steps back

All throughout my 10 min journey my wife had a smile, I had a grin and my daughter kept asking 'Who was that Aunty'?

I had a similar experience a few months back when I was waiting for my wife near an ATM in Rajarajeshwari Nagar. A lady came and tried to open the rear left door but failed because I always keep the doors locked. Opened the window and asked her if I could help her. She realized her mistake only when I pointed to a cab parked nearby and said " I guess he is the one waiting for you". Totally embarrassed, she left without a sorry.
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Old 22nd September 2016, 11:52   #484
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Saw a motorcyclist stop the traffic on a highway, just to help a small puppy which was on the highway and would be crushed soon. He picked it up and then left it on the side of the road. Wonder how many people do such stuff. At the end of the day, a life is a life even if its an animal. Hats off and kudos to the guy. Bless you for your kindness
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Old 22nd September 2016, 18:35   #485
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
Saw a motorcyclist stop the traffic on a highway, just to help a small puppy which was on the highway and would be crushed soon. He picked it up and then left it on the side of the road. Wonder how many people do such stuff. At the end of the day, a life is a life even if its an animal. Hats off and kudos to the guy. Bless you for your kindness
I have been abused for doing this. A lady infact showed me the dreaded middle finger after passing me, while I was trying to put the puppy away from the road. This was when I was in college. Place: Dehradun, Year: 2005

And not to forget I barely saved myself being run over by her. I was in no mood to give a chase, so let it go. I actually still have the picture of the puppy sitting on my friends' bike, probably share it sometime.

Last edited by pratyush6 : 22nd September 2016 at 18:37.
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Old 22nd September 2016, 19:32   #486
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pratyush6 View Post
I have been abused for doing this. A lady infact showed me the dreaded middle finger after passing me, while I was trying to put the puppy away from the road. This was when I was in college. Place: Dehradun, Year: 2005

And not to forget I barely saved myself being run over by her. I was in no mood to give a chase, so let it go. I actually still have the picture of the puppy sitting on my friends' bike, probably share it sometime.
That "finger" didn't change your life, except possibly feeling offended for a few hours.
The puppy's life definitely changed due to your action.
Totally worth it, if you ask me!
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Old 22nd September 2016, 22:24   #487
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This happened when I was in school. Most pobably I was in class 7th at that time. We were returning from the school in a school bus and the road was busy as it always used to be. I was sitting on a window seat and one of my friend was sitting just behind me. He was really very naughty. One motorcycle was overtaking our bus from the left as I remember. My friend started screaming " Uncle, Uncle.." that uncle looked at him and my friend screamed pointing out the tire " Chakka ghum raha h" that the tire was rotating, in a shocking manner. The boy made face like he was shocked to see that, just to divert his mind. That man even got shocked and tried seeing the tires. Unfortunately, he collided with a rikshaw and fell down. He was injured badly but by god's grace he didn't come under the bus. The boy was laughing afterwards and I fought with him that it was not good. I broke my friendship with him that day and never talked to him again as he played with someone's and someone's family's life and future.

I can't ever forget that scene and I took a lesson that I would never let my mind distract whenever I am on road. Again, as my father always say, road is the place where we need to me most disciplined. I will appeal to everyone that please don't let your mind distract whenever you are driving or riding.

Drive safe!

This is not funny but indeed a lesson for all of us. I just needed a thread to share it, so here!


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Old 22nd September 2016, 23:13   #488
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I hope all would bear with the long story

It was sometime back in 2008 when I was in my engineering 3rd year in a prestigious government engineering college in Cochin. We used to stay in Thrikkakara. It was a sundry afternoon and my roommate wanted to take a doctor's opinion (on something very trivial). He had been bugging me since a long time and I gave in finally.

The afternoon being free, we decided to go to Amrita Hospital. We had a old trusty, but worn out Honda Unicorn. We took an unpaved route to reach HMT bypass (between North & South Kalamassery), and just as we climbed on to highway, we saw a Police Gypsy standing by. Now, we did not have any papers for the bike (It was a borrowed bike, and heaven knew even if the owner had its papers), neither we had driving licenses. To add to our already overflowing pot of woes, we did not have helmets on.

(Note: I do not endorse driving without helmets, it was just a foolishness that I did that time. Every other time I drove, I had a helmet on. On the part about not having a driving license: I had been driving for over 2 years then, and it was just a case of sheer laziness of getting a license done, also being around 2.7K KMs far from home did not help either)

Around 5-10m ahead of the gypsy, there were two cops standing near their motorcycle. You guessed it right, we got pulled over by them. Now to put some background, despite all my efforts, I did not know m of Malayalam. Such a tongue twister it is.

The policeman stops me, asks me: "Helmet & License". I try to wriggle my way out saying, "Saar, we are students, this is our first mistake, we have just come out of home for an important work etc. etc.". He takes away the keys from bike and hands it over to the senior guy in gypsy.

We are in deep shit, we think. We did not have much money (We were students, who barely scraped through first 15 days of month on allowance from parents. I really did not have spare money to pay the cops, let alone paying the fine.

The policeman comes back and is adamant. "Where are the papers", he asks. Now I am mortified with terror. With the hope diminishing, I take the last resort and say, "we don't have. and we are headed for hospital."
"where are you going?", he asks and ignores the hospital part.
My roomie says from behind: "Amrita"

Now somehow the cop hears it as America and is in splits of laughter. He faces his partner, and says, "Look, these guys are going to America on their bikes". He joins the laughter too. While me and my roomie look on, bewildered, not knowing how to respond. This goes on for a few minutes, and eventually we also join in laughter, although highly strained.

After, their laughter has stopped, We explain to him, that we are going to Amrita. "Ohh, Amrita", he says and after a few minutes of further bantering, he lets us go. "Go to the gypsy and Saheb is sitting there. Pay him money and take your keys", he directs us.

We thank our gods, and head towards the gypsy. The senior cop sitting there thinks we have already paid some money to the cops on bike and hands me over the key. Just like that. I am ecstatic with happiness on having saved the money. I take the key away and before they have a chance to understand what happened, we are off. Like a bullet from the gun.

We reach hospital safely, get the check up done and come back. Its only we have reached back, we have a hearty laugh over what actually happened.
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Old 23rd September 2016, 00:00   #489
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by N.r.K View Post
That's really good to hear!
There is some hope left for our country after all!
There's always hope left for our country as long as we, the citizens behave like one and act like one.
We need more of these "appreciations" because no matter what we say, an appreciation lifts the spirits.

Particularly, given the way our media tends to select news, it's up to us to appreciate and praise people If they did something that made our day.
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Old 23rd September 2016, 01:51   #490
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pratyush6 View Post
I was trying to put the puppy away from the road.

My experience was similar. Avadi Main road right outside Avadi Bus Stop, Chennai, Rainy Day and the road was slushy and muddy. It was the year 2008 if I remember right.

I see a black puppy on the road drenched in mud and slush and was soggy and shivering. My speed was probably 10-15 kmph since the traffic was moving very slowly due to the rains.

I stopped the car in the middle of the road since it was single lane one side with nowhere to park. The traffic behind me stopped as well and I requested them a minute. Nobody honked or did anything. I picked up the pup and put in my car and went my way. Probably 30 seconds max.

The car was smelling after that but it was the sweet fragrance of humanity.

PS: No, am not a politician or a rowdy. Exercise caution when you try to rescue animals.
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Old 23rd September 2016, 07:35   #491
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
At the end of the day, a life is a life even if its an animal. Hats off and kudos to the guy. Bless you for your kindness
Witnessed a similar incident a while ago. A man was carrying in a lidded basket, a clutch of chicken hatchlings on his motorcycle, lost control and fell down. The chicks scattered on the highway and a few were run over by passing vehicles. A tender-hearted bus driver, after noticing the scene, stopped his bus in a manner that made passing vehicles to slow down. Meanwhile few more Samaritans helped the motorcyclist to collect all the chicks. Though they're all destined to die finally, they got to see some light for a while!

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Old 23rd September 2016, 10:31   #492
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pratyush6 View Post
I have been abused for doing this. A lady infact showed me the dreaded middle finger after passing me, while I was trying to put the puppy away from the road. This was when I was in college. Place: Dehradun, Year: 2005

And not to forget I barely saved myself being run over by her. I was in no mood to give a chase, so let it go. I actually still have the picture of the puppy sitting on my friends' bike, probably share it sometime.
What SDP said is spot on. Also, from what you say I think that the lady wasn't bothered running over the puppy which shows shes probably a low life. Would she have reacted the same way if it was her kid you had saved from coming under the wheels of a vehicle? Maybe!!!

Just recollected a similar incident (not similar to the finger showing though ) which my wife told me. Apparently a dog got hit by a cab and was bleeding from somewhere in the tail. Two girls (probably college going) immediately took the dog in their arms and moved to the side. The dog wasn't really injured and was more in a shock. They fed the dog some water and kept talking to it saying "arre kuch nahi hua hai tujhe. Tu bilkul thek hai (nothing has heppened to you. You are absolutely fine)" and the dog kept looking at them as if they were his/her own.

In the meanwhile, my wife called me and asked for the number of a veterinary ambulance service. Gave her some numbers and asked to pay for the ambulance service and the treatment from my side. However, the girls said that the dog is not really injured and will recover. Wouldnt need an ambulance. After a while she left because the dog was anyway in safe hands.
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Old 23rd September 2016, 11:26   #493
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened with me a few years back. I was travelling from Chandigarh where i work to Jaipur which is my home town. In those days, I would start from Chandigarh at 7 pm and drive the whole night to reach Jaipur in early morning. My wife would doze off after dinner at about 10 pm and I would enjoy the solitude and driving. That specific day, I had not slept well the previous night and there was lot of work in office. In addition while crossing Delhi, there was lot of traffic. Due to tiredness and lack of sleep on the previous night, my eyes were almost blood red by the time I reached the gurgaon toll plaza. I was irritated by the traffic and was feeling very high strung.

There was some checking going on that day at the plaza for drunk driving and as I do not drink, I never bothered about such checkings. As I reached the check point, I saw a uniformed guy approaching me in a drunk state swinging from left to right with a clear intent to check me for drunk driving may be due to my red eyes. He asked me whether I had taken drinks to which I replied NO. But it was very clear that he had taken the same.

Then he asked me to get down and show the papers. I do not know what happened but I exploded. It was a mix of Arnold's spirit entering my body and Sunny paaji taking hold of my vocal cords. I violently opened the car door and charged towards him saying how dare you ask me to prove anything when you yourself are drunk.

He was shocked and immediately backed out and ran back to his check post. I had wife with me and it was late in the night so I avoided any further action, quickly got into the car and drove off.

Even now, whenever we remember that incident we have a good laugh.
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Old 24th September 2016, 01:09   #494
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I'll share a couple of incidents that happened to me. Nothing great but I think its relevant.
1) This happened about a couple of months ago. There was a physically challenged old man lying on the middle of the street who was trying hard to pick himself up and get on his "hand pedaled tricycle" thing. There were people in a few vehicles simply parked and staring at the poor old man. When I got to know of the situation, I got out of the car and helped him onto his tricycle, he got his hands together as a sign of gratitude and he rolled away. Though I felt good about myself, I was ashamed of the fact that none of the people in the other cars actually came to help him.
2) I was driving from Trichy to Coimbatore on one of the very well paved four lane roads. I had just picked up some speed of about 80 kph when I noticed a disturbance in the divider that was in the middle of the lane. In just a second a mommy dog with three or four pups were bang ahead of me, not more than a hundred feet away. I did what any other driver would do, jammed the brakes and i stopped just a few feet away from the family. I know these kind of incidents are very common on our roads, but what was really heartwarming was that a cop who was on the side, stopped traffic flow on the road and helped escort the pooches to a safe place.
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Old 24th September 2016, 10:50   #495
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened few years back, but has been influential in my being to handle skirmishes better while driving in the crazy bangalore roads.

Myself and my friend was sitting in his car ,a BMW 320, waiting for another friend of ours in the koramangala inner ring road. There was very little traffic. Suddenly we hear an almighty big thump and see that a bike has swerved and rear ended us. (He was probably a mason as he had few implements like spade, crowbar, etc. in his bike.) He took a tumble and fell flat. We both rushed out of the car, but the biker by then was on his feet, looking scared and shaken. He knew it was his fault and was waiting for some angry recriminations.

I was surprised by my friend's behaviour. He first asked whether the biker was ok, offered some water, etc.The he inspected the damage - The tail lamp assembly was bust and there was a long deep scratch caused by mostly the handle of the bike or the crowbar. The bikes handle had bent and the mudgard and lights also was damaged.

By then the biker was babbling and apologizing that he was thinking /worrying about something and lost in this thought, suddenly he lost control and swerved on and hit us. He also was offering some money - probably all he had - about 2k or so.

My friend just gave him a stern lecture that he was damned fortunate that nothing serious happened to him. Asked him to ride more sensibly and not take the bike if he was worried or thinking about something as it is extremely dangerous not only for him but for others also. He finally declined to take any money from him and asked him to move on. The biker thanked him profusely and also offered him his services for any small home repair or maintenance work.

Afterwards when I asked him, how can he be so cool and that too since it was going to cost him a hefty amount to repair. He gave me a smile and told that him driving a BMW, he can definitely afford to repair the car - either thru insurance or from his own pocket. For him the car was just a luxury and will not affect his livelihood in any matter. The 2k which the biker was willing to pay, anyways will not make any difference also. Probably that amount may be required by his family for some essentials.
In the end, whatever damages to any vehicle(s) can be repaired or we can soon live with, but any damage to the person/life cannot be repaired fully! And he was thankful to God that the biker didn't suffer any injury and affect his livelihood also.

I was stuck by the mature and humane behaviour of my friend. May this kind of people increase!

Last edited by haria : 24th September 2016 at 10:59.
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