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Old 5th January 2011, 23:04   #1231
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

I asked them the reason behind it and they said to keep the leather tight and wrinkle free over the foam.

My civic also has michellin PLC but when I filled nitrogen to 32 I found the ride quality to be bit hard and bumpy so toned it down to 30psi. Did you also felt so ? and did you got any difference in mileage by changing the tyre pressure from 30 to 32psi ?
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Old 5th January 2011, 23:13   #1232
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Is there a way to fold just the LHS ORVM on the Civic?
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Old 5th January 2011, 23:21   #1233
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

you have to fold that every time manually
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Old 6th January 2011, 16:47   #1234
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Originally Posted by Mpower View Post
Is there a way to fold just the LHS ORVM on the Civic?
Did you feel a need for that in your recent visit to Hyderabad?

I think, if you apply enough force, you can force it shut but I have a feeling that something somewhere might break if you do it too hard or too often.

I've had that left ORVM hit out of position a couple of times so far (once by a Chevy Beat's right ORVM and once by a pedestrian (I was parked)) and both times I was able to get it back in position by toggling the electric switch on and off, without any visible/audible damage. But I wouldn't risk folding it manually. The owner's manual doesn't make any mention of a "manual over-ride" either - all the more reason to avoid it, methinks.

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Old 6th January 2011, 17:00   #1235
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by jatinpatel View Post
My civic also has michellin PLC but when I filled nitrogen to 32 I found the ride quality to be bit hard and bumpy so toned it down to 30psi. Did you also felt so ? and did you got any difference in mileage by changing the tyre pressure from 30 to 32psi ?
I did not notice any harsh and bumpy ride with 32psi. I have stuck to the stock size of 195/65 R15. How about you ?

I cannot comment on the mileage piece as I switched over to PLCs the very next day of buying the car and have been inflating them to 32psi since. As of now, I get about 10-11 kmpl in city driving and about 16-17 kmpl on the highways. I guess the figures will improve once I clock more miles on the car. My car is 9 months old and the odo is at 2500 kms.

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Old 6th January 2011, 17:08   #1236
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by spadix View Post
I think, if you apply enough force, you can force it shut but I have a feeling that something somewhere might break if you do it too hard or too often.
Nah! That won't happen. Side view mirrors in all cars are built keeping in mind those street kids who open them to check on their hair style.
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Old 6th January 2011, 18:19   #1237
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by Mpower View Post
Is there a way to fold just the LHS ORVM on the Civic?
Just like laluks has mentioned, one will have to fold it manually everytime. I remember doing this on the day of buying the car as I was still not comfortable opening both ORVMs. Got over it now though !
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Old 7th January 2011, 16:23   #1238
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by spadix View Post
Did you feel a need for that in your recent visit to Hyderabad?
No in Bangalore. I wacked that mirror like 3 times in 2 weeks. There was no LHS mirror by the time I was in Hyd

Originally Posted by rr_zen View Post
Just like laluks has mentioned, one will have to fold it manually everytime.
OK, but with LHS folded it is OK to operate the power fold function on the RHS or should I avoid that.
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Old 7th January 2011, 17:20   #1239
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

When you press fold, it tries to fold both mirrors, since LHS is already folded the RHS will alone fold. But when you unfold, both will unfold. Hence you end up manually folding the LHS all the time when you want LHS alone to be folded.

No issues due to this.
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Old 7th January 2011, 17:24   #1240
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

To me the mirrors folding together sounded pretty lame. I keep getting asked by everyone here, when i show them the mirror folding, if I can fold them individually and you know what my answer is.

however are there any cars with individual power fold and unfold for the LHS and RHS mirrors ?.
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Old 7th January 2011, 21:47   #1241
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by sammycoolster View Post
To me the mirrors folding together sounded pretty lame. I keep getting asked by everyone here, when i show them the mirror folding, if I can fold them individually and you know what my answer is.

however are there any cars with individual power fold and unfold for the LHS and RHS mirrors ?.
Interesting. Why should that be a feature in any car? I cant think of a scenario when we need to use only one mirror, even on a bike. According to me, if you cant take care of the ORVMs from getting knocked off, then you need to bit more careful while driving. Yes, this is for me too...
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Old 7th January 2011, 22:04   #1242
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Originally Posted by vasoo View Post
Interesting. Why should that be a feature in any car? I cant think of a scenario when we need to use only one mirror, even on a bike. According to me, if you cant take care of the ORVMs from getting knocked off, then you need to bit more careful while driving. Yes, this is for me too...
I concur.

After getting my Civic I immediately flicked the direction selector to 'L' and hit the ORVM fold button just to check if I can fold the mirrors selectively for times when I have to drive in really crowded places. No luck.

After thinking about it for a bit I realized that what vasoo said holds.

When I'm in really tight situations (think narrow lane and there's a truck approaching) I just fold in both mirrors, pray, proceed and then re-open the mirrors .

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Old 8th January 2011, 02:15   #1243
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Originally Posted by spadix View Post
When I'm in really tight situations (think narrow lane and there's a truck approaching) I just fold in both mirrors, pray, proceed and then re-open the mirrors
I try to avoid folding even in tight situations. Unless it's needed to crawl/inch through a tight spot - even then just for the duration of the 'squeeze'. Mainly because I'm ultra dependent on the ORVMs.

However, I also treat the side mirrors, when open, as shields to avoid scratches on the side panels. They increase the outer dimensions of the car and chances are that other vehicles will try to maintain a margin from the mirror edge.

I'd rather have a damaged mirror than a damaged door.

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Old 8th January 2011, 23:28   #1244
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Originally Posted by shuvc View Post
However, I also treat the side mirrors, when open, as shields to avoid scratches on the side panels. They increase the outer dimensions of the car and chances are that other vehicles will try to maintain a margin from the mirror edge.

I'd rather have a damaged mirror than a damaged door.
Yeah I'm ultra-dependent on the ORVMs as well. So this "tight squeeze" scenario is limited to those 15 secs or when I have to pass that heavy oncoming traffic.

Surprisingly, wife and I always have this argument about whether the ORVMs should be open or not in such situations. I say they should always be open, and she disagrees. I give the "width" argument, but I guess what seals the deal in her favour is that the potential cost of replacement of an ORVM (if it gets blown off the door due to a truck) is higher than the potential cost of fixing a (few) dent(s) and scratch(es) to the doors and fenders.

Of course in an ideal world I'd rather none of those two scenarios pans out .

So we end up not folding the ORVMs if we're travelling in a tight space but there's no oncoming heavy traffic, and fold them if there's a bus/truck/Sumo heading our way in such spaces.

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Old 13th January 2011, 21:35   #1245
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re: Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos

Saw this ad in today's TOI, Bangalore edition. Has anybody here modified their suspensions at Red Rooster? Is it worth it? I somehow want to get rid of my Civic's soft suspension.
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