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Old 5th October 2010, 10:53   #46
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This is what I have been doing since last year when my printer died on me. I also print about 10 pages a month and go many months without the need to print anything.
I go to my local internet cafe and get it printed on their laser printer (take document on pendrive). It can cost upto Rs5 per print. If you are regular, negotiate a cheaper price?
This only works if you have a local accessible internet cafe and you don't need to print anything in the middle of the night!
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Old 5th October 2010, 14:27   #47
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Hehe! This is what I have always done.

I feel it is time to bring in the convenience of a printer. My major concern are reports indicating cartridge replacement if left unused for long periods of time.

How long does an HP inkjet's ink last with 10-15 prints a month?
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Old 5th October 2010, 16:20   #48
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Originally Posted by EssYouWe View Post
Hehe! This is what I have always done.

I feel it is time to bring in the convenience of a printer. My major concern are reports indicating cartridge replacement if left unused for long periods of time.

How long does an HP inkjet's ink last with 10-15 prints a month?
I have been using the HP deskjet F4185 for more than 1 year. It is an All-in-one and I bought it for INR 3300.

As a product, it is good VFM, but the catridges as you are concerned are expensive.

I have been using the black only for quite some time.

There are two types of blacks available the HP-21 and HP-21B. The 21 costs 750 .

The 21-B as HP says is for "Draft quality Prints" costs 499 and is rated for 199 pages (would last a bit more). The quality of the print is more than enough for me.

As far as storage, you can buy the "Catridge Containers" and when you don't use a cartridge for more than a week, remove and store it in this container.

Catridges are rated on the number of pages. For your usage, you can use a 21-B upto 1 year provided you store your catridge properly.

My suggestion:

An HP all-in-one + HP 21-B + Storage Container = works for you

PS: I hate refilled catridges. I ended up with a leaky catridge one day and my previous inkjet committed suicide.

Last edited by para_7k : 5th October 2010 at 16:22.
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Old 5th October 2010, 23:05   #49
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Thanks! That is some great advice.

How much would the cartridge container roughly cost? Where can I buy it?
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Old 6th October 2010, 21:44   #50
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Just an update for the thread. I picked up a HP photo-scanner-printer, model 1050, for INR 3,500.
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Old 6th October 2010, 23:10   #51
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I thought about a laser printer today. I'd want colour, duplex printing and networking. Looks like that makes it twenty-five-thousand-plus.
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Old 7th October 2010, 00:17   #52
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I thought about a laser printer today. I'd want colour, duplex printing and networking. Looks like that makes it twenty-five-thousand-plus.
Thats not all. There are four color toner (ink) drums. Plus an imaging kit.

If you add all three of them it will cost you 6k more than the cost of printer.

But all of them are refillable and are cheap except imaging kit, which worns out, but after about 10k copies.
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Old 7th October 2010, 02:03   #53
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You mean it doesn't come ready to use? Sheesh, I don't think I ever bought a printer that didn't come with its first cartridge and stuff.

As an aside: My most expensive printer...

Well, it wasn't mine, of course, it belonged to the company, but it was a hefty Hewlet Packard 4-colour laser printer and it cost over 6,000 UK pounds! It was the only gadget I ever stood against buying: I just could not get to grips with spending as much on a printer as on a good second-hand car. Anyway, the underwriters wanted their small print (lots of it) in colour, so the purchase was approved.
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Old 7th October 2010, 02:09   #54
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If anyone is looking for a cheap inkjet, Epson makes some basic models (Like SX115) which have cheap cartridges or alternatives on eBay for next to nothing, compared to HP.
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Old 7th October 2010, 02:27   #55
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I have been using a HP Inkjet C-4588.

- Wireless connectivity. I can connect multiple computers to it via my Cisco Router.
- Colour/BW/Photo Quality prints - Need 2 cartridges (colour and black ink). Each costs about INR 850, give or take 100 bucks.
- Can photocopy
- Can Scan - Biggest plus. I scanned all my important documents like mark sheets, certificates, passports, licenses, RC books, IT return forms and what not. No need to maintain photo copies of these. (But ofcourse, take care to have redundant hard disk or put some of them in google docs or something to handle HDD failure)

I have had gaps of 3 or 4 months where the printer was never used. The printer and cartridge were still in top shape when I took a print out after 4 months. However, the printer is connected to the same power strip as that of the computer, so it starts up when the computer starts. Maybe it helps in ink from drying out. The startup uses a little bit of ink.

Overall if your need is to take few print outs once in a while, and if you can stretch your budget upto 6K, I feel all-in-one printers are neat option. If you set the prints to draft mode, a set of cartridges should last really long. The one that came with the printer lasted for around 100 print outs for me. It was a half cartridge. And DON'T ignore that scan. It's a great feature. The best part I love about it is, I open my google docs and send the scanned copy if someone asks for address proof, pan copy etc. Or fire a print out in any available printer. No need to get home, find out the originals, search for a xerox shop and all the trouble.

Btw, I dont really miss a dual side print. There is a manual dual side print options in it. You just need to turn over the complete set of print outs and re-insert by turning it over. The printer automatically takes care of printing the even pages on the blank sides after you turn it over. Unless you are doing commercial printing, don't waste money on automatic dual side printing.

I have to keep my router in broadcast mode else the printer won't connect to it. I hate to broadcast the SSID but cant help it because of the stupid printer. I hope MAC filter gives me enough security.

Last edited by idofsuresh : 7th October 2010 at 02:31.
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Old 7th October 2010, 02:40   #56
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I thought about a laser printer today. I'd want colour, duplex printing and networking. Looks like that makes it twenty-five-thousand-plus.
There should be a manual "Print both sides" mode. You just need to turn over the set of print outs and hit continue. It will print the even pages. Atleast, that is how my printer works and i do not miss duplex printing AT ALL. Its a basic model. I hope I saved you 10 grand if it works for you
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Old 7th October 2010, 04:10   #57
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Actually, that's how my fully-automatic duplex inkjet works at the moment, because the duplex unit always snags the paper, and I really do miss automatic duplex --- but it is a good point, and I'll recheck the prices with that in mind. Might just make it possible: thanks
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Old 8th October 2010, 00:09   #58
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You got me wrong.
it comes with first set of cartridges but they are economy ones.

i meant to say when you replace when they are exhausted, It will cost almost as much as the new printer.
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Old 12th October 2010, 21:26   #59
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Planning to buy a new laser printer with scanner (black only). Which is the more value for money. HP or Samsung.

Want to refill the cartridge when empty rather than replacing it. I guess some printers' cartridge require some chip replacement for refilling. Don't want to get to technical just for a cartridge refill.

Any suggestions guys ?
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Old 12th October 2010, 21:41   #60
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Originally Posted by mukeshgoel View Post

Planning to buy a new laser printer with scanner (black only). Which is the more value for money. HP or Samsung.

Want to refill the cartridge when empty rather than replacing it. I guess some printers' cartridge require some chip replacement for refilling. Don't want to get to technical just for a cartridge refill.

Any suggestions guys ?
Try the Xerox Phaser 3110 or 3317. I recently got one of these and am pretty happy with the performance and cost. AFAIK HP & Samsung printers now-a-days have catridges/toners with chips inside so they cannot be refilled easily while the ones from Xerox do not.
Got mine for abt Rs5100/- from an authorized Xerox dealer in Delhi.

Best thing about laser printers, the ink does not dry so even if your printing needs are not frequent (my parents print once or twice a month!!) there are no ink drying/clogging issues.

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