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Old 25th September 2020, 22:43   #1171
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Originally Posted by vamsi2390 View Post
For anyone who is interested in saving on some serious money, the Evenflo Tribute LX Convertible is currently up for grabs at 45% discount.
With an Amazon pay card , a further 5% cashback puts it at Luvlap and R for rabbit cost ~5500 (the regular price by cart2india is at thrice the cost of 18000/-)
Sounds good deal compared to rabbit and other brands. But one thing missing is 'recline option'.

Felt joie child seat for 9k similar with recline option a better deal.
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Old 27th September 2020, 16:58   #1172
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Originally Posted by ottocycle View Post
In the meantime while looking at Amazon I found this
Did you get this?

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
You are mistaken sir. The NEXA representative is taking you for a ride. Initially the price was 8k and 12k. After June 2014, Maruti has issued a circular and now the price is 3k and 6k. I know many cases where people have sold 6k ones for 12k since not everyone is aware of the circular.

I'm planning to make a 2nd attempt to get the NEXA seat but this time from Bodmo. However I have lost the part number. Can you help me with that.
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Old 27th September 2020, 17:07   #1173
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Originally Posted by pedrolourenco View Post
Did you get this?

I'm planning to make a 2nd attempt to get the NEXA seat but this time from Bodmo. However I have lost the part number. Can you help me with that.
Child Seat- KA500 (Pink/Black)
Part No. 990J0M83KB6-030

Child Seat- KA500 (Blue/Black)
Part No. 990J0M83KB6-050

Child Seat- KA500 (Blue/Light Blue)
Part No. 990J0M83KB6-060

Child Seat- KA240 (Blue)
Part No. 990J0M83KB6-020

Child Seat- KA240 (Pink)
Part No. 990J0M83KB6-040

Don't think you will get these on Boodmo. They aren't listed.

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Old 19th October 2020, 20:20   #1174
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

My son is now 4 years old. We've been using a R for Rabbit child seat that has served us well. The reason I want to upgrade is because now the belts are too tight for my son and cannot be adjusted any further. He feels very uncomfortable and complains that that belt is hurting him. Another shortcoming is that it's not ISOFIX. The X1 has ISOFIX mounts whereas the Celerio doesn't. However he hardly travels in the Celerio and we will shortly picking up a new car which be definitely be something that has ISOFIX mounts. So it goes without saying that I need an ISOFIX seat. My question is what seat to pick; a child seat or a booster seat? Please suggest some brands and models based on your experience.
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Old 19th October 2020, 21:43   #1175
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Originally Posted by pedrolourenco View Post
My question is what seat to pick; a child seat or a booster seat? Please suggest some brands and models based on your experience.
There are convertible seats which work upto 12 years of age - those might be better option for you as your kid is only 4 year old. Backless booster will not really be comfortable for him at this age. Check out the websites of Graco baby and Chicco to get an idea of what I am referring to. Actually, apart from the age, you should also look at the weight specification. While my daughter is 5.5 years, she is still under the weight limit to change to the next level of car seat. Try removing the detachable cushions from the car seat (if you haven't already done so) as that will give you more room.

I have used Mothercare and Graco car seats in the past, and happy to recommend both.
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Old 20th October 2020, 13:07   #1176
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

I am planning to buy Luvlap Cozy seat for my 4 month old daughter.

I am looking for a seat which can be tilted and which can be used for 7-8 years. This does not have ISOFIX. AFAIK there are hardly any seats for kids below 1 year that have ISOFIX.

Any suggestion/review on the above?
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Old 24th October 2020, 15:31   #1177
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Originally Posted by ani_meher View Post

I am looking for a seat which can be tilted and which can be used for 7-8 years. This does not have ISOFIX. AFAIK there are hardly any seats for kids below 1 year that have ISOFIX.

Any suggestion/review on the above?
I've just done some research on this last week to get a seat for my daughter, and I found:
  • If your car supports ISOFIX/LATCH, go for that over seatbelt-based solutions. This is a unanimous recommendation everywhere due to incidents + anchoring to chassis/metal is simple & more reliable.
  • There are a lot of models that come certified, but perform miserably (yet still pass) in crash tests. Therefore, IMO it is better to chose the models that have been crash tested by 3rd parties and are rated at the top.
  • Due to the above two reasons, I dropped Luvlap and most of the other similar brands with no record.
  • Note: While there is no negative crast test on Luvlap, there are no positives to be found either.
  • While GRACO/Evenflo/CHICCO brands state that their seats passed 1.5x or 2x of test specifications, others just claim a pass.

Among Convertible All-in-one options in India, these were the most recommended in tests:
• GRACO 4Ever DLX is the best pick if cost is not an issue @ INR 22.5k: almost all the systematically tested review sites and forums eventually point to this one (Chicco NextFit Zip is as good too and is recommended by TWC, but not available on Amazon right now. Unico is available on Amazon, but compared to the Unico's Amazon pricing, the 4ever is better value for money). It's the best of the best.
• Evenflo Tribute LX is the runner up @ INR 7.2k: What it does have is great safety scores (has been tested way too many times because it feels to good to be true that such a basic model can beat out more sophisticated seats) + it's very light + approved for air travel. And it features in the top 5 of almost every serious review. This seat is not as lux comfortable as the 4ever, doesn't have a lot of the configurations either and users say that it is not comfy for newborns. It's like the early iPhone that didn't have half of Android's features on paper, but still got things done reliably.

In a nutshell:
  • If you plan to use the seat everyday from newborn till age 10, get the 4ever.
  • If you need a sidekick seat for weekly use + for air travel + for just 3-4 years of daily use, or a mix of all these, then the Tribute LX is great value with stellar safety. (It is rated for 10 years & 18kgs/102cm by the manufacturer)

Last edited by di1in : 24th October 2020 at 15:41.
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Old 9th November 2020, 14:06   #1178
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

I tried a few car seats. Here's my quick review:

1. Luvlap cozy:
Good seat from an Indian brand. Only problem I found was that it was too big. Around 75cms tall and around 10kg heavy, it was cumbersome to move around. Once put in my Yaris, it would hamper my rear view forever. Hence had to return it. It would be good for Innova, perhaps even Seltos/Creta where there is enough headroom to spare.

This does not have ISOFIX.

2. Evenflow Tribute 5 (same as LX). Good seat that costed around 6k. ISOFIX too. But it's recline is fixed, so you have to live with same recline for 4 years.

3. R for Rabbit Jack N Jill Sportz Convertible Car Seat. Non-ISOFIX. Too lightweight, too plasticky. The infant pillow was too bulky to fit my 5 month old kid. Shakes when put in extreme recline, else sturdy enough. Also, interior is thermocol like substance. The belt buckle needs an additional mention. You have to synchronize top belts to push them into buckle, which gets quite difficult with an impatient baby! Overall didn't feel good, hence rejected.

4. Graco 4ever DLX. Costliest of them all, but built is superior. Also it is sufficiently compact at 60 cms tall, so that the rear view is not forever compromised. Many sorts of adjustment possible. I loved that you can lock the belt buckle on each side separately, so you don't need to practice buckle alignemnt. Only flaw is the price of 22.5k!

Overall, I liked Luvlap cozy but felt it was too big, and of course Graco but it is too costly. Mostly will settle for Graco because of ISOFIX and overall strong quality.

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Old 12th November 2020, 20:18   #1179
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Looking for some car Booster seats for my 8 year old. We are using the Britax car seat now for 7 years now and needs an upgrade.
Do you suggest Booster seat or another car seat?
This takes up too much space when 2 adults are there in the rear.
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Old 17th November 2020, 14:44   #1180
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

There is a lot of information on this thread which helped me buy a car seat a Chicco unico. I will just try to summarize a few critical points discussed in this thread which should to be considred before buying.

1) Childs size, height and weight (not the age) = Seat Group 0-1-2-3
2) mounting = ISOFIX and Non ISOFIX (normal 3 point seat belt)
3) Position - Front facing for younder and rear facing for elders
4) Seat Position in the car - Front Passenger, Rear Outboard LH, Rear Outboard RM, Rear Centre. Refer your cars Owners Manual for the recommended position based on childs height and weight and Passenger Airbag. Some cars have a Passenger airbag on -off switch just for this purpose,your car may not have it.
5) Fixed and convertible - depends on childs age
6) Date of Manufacturing / Expiry Date - yes they have an expiration date, so even if you buy a convertible it may not be usable till your expectations. Also as days go buy technology also adances providing better safety, hence I'll vote against convertibles. Expiry date might not be mentioned on the product, just search for it on internet.
7) Manufacturing process = Injection Moulding vs Blow Moulding (not recommended ). Cheaper ones are most probably blow moulded, the cost of making a die for Injection Moulding is enormous hence they are expensive.
8) Brand = Availability and Support
9) Harness - 3 point for elders and 5 point for younger kids ( one of the deciding feature for my choice). 3 point ones will probably use the the vehicles existing seat belts.
10) Fixed vs swivel ( for infants)
11) Ratings and Standards (AIS072 / ECER44). Refer your cars Owners Manual

My Nexon's Owners Manual has a detailed Chapter on Child Restraint System (CRS), refer yours before you buy. This will tell you if your cars manufacturer has even considered child safety while designing the car and if yes , it will give you some recommendations.

Thanks to teambhp for this wealth of information!!

Fellow bhpians please append the list as necessary.
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Old 17th November 2020, 17:21   #1181
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Can someone suggest a car seat that is broader on the shoulders? My son's seat is now a little snug on the shoulders for him. He's six, but average sized, and I'm looking for something that that is plush and a little larger. Isofix preferred, but not necessary.
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Old 17th November 2020, 20:05   #1182
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

I purchased the Evenflo tribute 5 a month back. The cushioning and padding is not great, but it is lightweight and comes with great safety ratings. The other downside was that my daughter's head was dropping to either sides when she slept while in the seat. My mom stitched a separate head support to solve this. I may change it and go for the Graco one for better head cushioning support.

In my research , I found Luvlap and R for Rabbit models are clones of international models and do not come with any safety ratings. I don't trust them to comply with safety standards. Evenflo, Graco and Britax are the alternatives if you are particular about safety ratings.

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Old 23rd November 2020, 03:05   #1183
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

I have been using R for Rabbit Jack n Jill Convertible seat for my 3yo son for the past 2 years and generally been satisfied with the product. But it's a pain to align the buckle every time as the belt gets twisted easily and the length of the harness is short!

As my son has grown taller (~97cm!) and heavier (~19kg), he has graduated to Group 2 earlier than I expected and R for Rabbit user manual recommends to use seat belt instead of five point harness for Group 2. What are people's thoughts on this?

As I said above, it's getting more hard to buckle him up with the five point harness and is it safe to use the seat with the seat belt option? Five point harness are always going to be safer but the kid is getting physically uncomfortable each growing day because of how tight it has become to fit him in one.

Or are there any recommended good seats for Group 2 with lengthy harnesses which can support his height and weight well?

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Old 30th November 2020, 23:49   #1184
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

I had purchased one Britax kidfix XP SICT a few months back (pre-Covid) and brought along. It does have Isofix- points and fit in my Skoda Yeti well, very sturdy too.

"Child Seat" for Babies & Kids-img_20201130_154602.jpg

"Child Seat" for Babies & Kids-img_20201130_154631.jpg

My daughter sat on it once or twice before covid19, and back in its box ever since. It has front impact protection (XP-PAD) and side impact protection (SICT), the reason why I got it from abroad (as it was not available in India). No travels, no long drives, and waiting to go abroad again - means this heavy-duty child seat is likely to continue to stay in the box.

PS: Any interested BHPian, do PM me

"Child Seat" for Babies & Kids-img_20201130_154643.jpg

"Child Seat" for Babies & Kids-img_20201130_155046-1.jpg

Last edited by M35 : 30th November 2020 at 23:51.
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Old 19th December 2020, 12:55   #1185
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Re: "Child Seat" for Babies & Kids

Any one using babyhug product that available in firstcry? Link given below

Seems this product is ok for me but user experience appreciated
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