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Old 18th October 2019, 11:48   #17821
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
How come Governments change, but nothing on-ground changes? This is pathetic. Now, we need ask people to click a picture of one good road in Bangalore and post it, not the other way around.
If you thought goverments change to fix things that aren't right, I would like to call you the perfect optimist.
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Old 18th October 2019, 11:51   #17822
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Does anyone has any idea why the 'white topping' work was abruptly stopped at this section when the government changed and it has never resumed since then? For those who drive from Manyata towards KR puram, this is a nuisance which can easily be solved. Even if they don't want to do the white topping on the remaining portion, they could just make the levelling so that vehicles can use all the lanes.
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Old 18th October 2019, 12:57   #17823
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by kavensri View Post
Does anyone has any idea why the 'white topping' work was abruptly stopped at this section when the government changed and it has never resumed since then? For those who drive from Manyata towards KR puram, this is a nuisance which can easily be solved. Even if they don't want to do the white topping on the remaining portion, they could just make the levelling so that vehicles can use all the lanes.
It appears that the new State Government has suspended all white topping projects in the city. Although they did mention that existing ongoing projects will be completed and projects that haven't commenced yet will be suspended permanently.

There must be some internal issue where the contractor's running accounts are not being cleared by the State Goverment as a result of this decision, resulting in the temporary suspension of the white topping works.

Let's hope the funding is cleared and the work resumes soon, but I don't see it happening to be honest.
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Old 18th October 2019, 13:09   #17824
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by swissknife View Post
While such is quite justified, it is sad the situation is such that people get on to the streets for better streets.
Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
How come Governments change, but nothing on-ground changes? This is pathetic. Now, we need ask people to click a picture of one good road in Bangalore and post it, not the other way around.
People are pushed to the brink, hence such reactions. How long can we tolerate such situations, if we just let it happen and not do anything they will just scam money with no real progress on infrastructure side.

P.S: I am not involved in the protest, was forwarding as received. But i feel the pain of these residents seeing the mess that ORR is.
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Old 18th October 2019, 14:33   #17825
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by kavensri View Post
Does anyone has any idea why the 'white topping' work was abruptly stopped at this section when the government changed and it has never resumed since then? For those who drive from Manyata towards KR puram, this is a nuisance which can easily be solved. Even if they don't want to do the white topping on the remaining portion, they could just make the levelling so that vehicles can use all the lanes.
Similar situation on ORR between Nagarbhavi and Sumanahalli where a patch of 500 meters has one lane white-topped and other untouched both being at different levels. This creates a bottleneck even during off-peak hours.

What I am given to understand is the white-topping project contracts sanctioned by the previous government is under review now by the current government and that is the reason why work has stopped. between the political rivalry, we the people - the road users , the tax payers are the ones who are made to suffer.

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Old 18th October 2019, 14:47   #17826
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Many roads have been damaged beyond recognition now all over Bangalore by BWSSB to carry out work for their UFW project (Unaccounted For Water). After the water pipes are relaid, the dug up portions are quicky filled up with mud and that's it, we all need to bite the bullet and use these roads, the BBMP has not begun repairs on most of these.

One of the very badly dug up roads in the new Thippasandra/BEML road connecting 80 feet road and Suranjandas road. Traffic moves very slowly on this road now and it's pure hell when it rains

Couple weeks ago on a Sunday there were a lot of people with colourful flags and other paraphernalia, turned out it was some drive organised by local politicos. One them, an elderly gentleman walks up to my car as I was forced to move at snail's pace to negotiate waterlogged potholes and uneven mud patches.

He actually had some jute bags that he wanted to hand over to promote their drive against plastic, but the moment I asked him why they're prioritising this over getting the road repaired and restored, he said they're working on it and we need to be patient and all will be well soon. He was visibly unhappy that I'd asked about the road, so just walked away without giving me any bags

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Old 18th October 2019, 14:49   #17827
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by SideView View Post
People are pushed to the brink, hence such reactions.
Quite possible.

Also could explain the escalation of road-rage incidents.

Is it my imagination or has it become more likely for road-rage incidents to escalate into violence in Bangalore?

I've seen road rage on Bangalore roads since I can remember, since the 90s. But I've always maintained that here it's almost always people screaming and shouting and threatening to hit each other, but never actually coming to blows.

2 recent incidents are making me wonder. First incident, I saw a bike exiting a petrol station and pass across the road in front of a slow moving auto rickshaw. Out of nowhere, two young guys speeding on a Duke overtake the auto on the right, the rider realizes there is a bike appearing across his line of vision, instead of braking, swerves further to the right, loses balance and crashes into a couple on a bike coming in the opposite direction. The man gets up, starts hitting the guy on the Duke. They respond, a crowd gathers and a full on fight starts. The rider of the first bike who was crossing the auto actually parked his bike and tried to explain, but no one was even looking at him, they were busy fighting, so he did the only sensible thing and left the scene! (Good lesson for me, because I was right behind the first bike at the petrol station and I'm ashamed to say wasn't wearing my helmet because I had just walked from home to the service center nearby to collect my bike, and was just filling up before going home! Lesson reinforced- helmet ALWAYS!)

Second incident I heard from a friend of a friend when I met them yesterday. Apparently this guy was driving his car on his way to work, when a biker cut across him, scraped the front bumper and wobbled a bit. Then he overtakes him, parks the bike in front of the car in the middle of the road and they both get out and start yelling. Then the biker apparently comes at this guy with his helmet. The guy happened to be a champion boxer in his college days, still trains regularly and he says his muscle memory just took over and he gave the bike guy a 'quick one-two combination' (whatever that is). After that the crowd separated them.

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Old 18th October 2019, 16:51   #17828
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
One of the very badly dug up roads in the new Thippasandra/BEML road connecting 80 feet road and Suranjandas road. Traffic moves very slowly on this road now and it's pure hell when it rains
Hello NPV! I was wondering why you haven't posted anything about our favorite New Thippasandra Main Road in the recent past
If you thought, it was bad couple of weeks ago, don't even try going there now. It's worse (didn't think it could become worse, did you?). They have dug the road from Hanuman temple to Market and filled it haphazardly. I pity the BMTC drivers plying buses on this road - there is just enough road width for 1 bus (one side is the UFW pit and the other full of parked 2/4 wheelers). And to add to it, impatient 2-wheeler riders squeeze from all possible blind-spots the moment the bus driver slows down cautiously
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Old 18th October 2019, 17:49   #17829
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

BWSSB is digging roads everywhere to put fatter drain pipes at most places. They talk as if they are putting new drains. This is like totally demolishing the roads. Look at all the planning where you need to redo things like this.

They had planned to dig up 669 kms but have dug up 3000 kms ! And they have released 100 crores for BBMP to fix them

Its time we ask companies like BEML to come up with a earth moving machine that can cleanly cut a road, store the soil without spilling it all over. Its high time we develop some tools ourselves. Everything that govt agencies do is still like we are in stone age.
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Old 18th October 2019, 21:17   #17830
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by srvm View Post
Hello NPV! I was wondering why you haven't posted anything about our favorite New Thippasandra Main Road in the recent past
If you thought, it was bad couple of weeks ago, don't even try going there now. It's worse (didn't think it could become worse, did you?).
There's no way we can escape that road completely, so have to take at least parts of the road almost daily

I prefer the 2 wheeler though when I'm alone and it isn't raining, that way I get to use the narrower streets parallel and perpendicular to the main road and bypass most of the messy sections.
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Old 18th October 2019, 22:30   #17831
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Just got a WhatsApp forward:

Recently A team of NITI Aayog did a survey on traffic jams in Indian cities...
Highest traffic was recorded in Mumbai followed by Delhi and Kolkata. Bangalore doesn't show up anywhere in the list.

Legends say the official who started survey for Bangalore is still stuck in Bangalore traffic and so not submitted the results yet.
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Old 19th October 2019, 05:39   #17832
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by mvadg View Post
Just got a WhatsApp forward:
Seriously doubt that! With cheap mobile internet and ample time while waiting in traffic, the Bengaluru surveyor should have put the votes in first. Looks like his/her dataset was too big for the platform.

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Old 19th October 2019, 08:07   #17833
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Hi, what is this Unaccounted For Water drive? Sorry I haven't been reading up lately.

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Many roads have been damaged beyond recognition now all over Bangalore by BWSSB to carry out work for their UFW project (Unaccounted For Water)
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Old 19th October 2019, 10:35   #17834
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
Hi, what is this Unaccounted For Water drive? Sorry I haven't been reading up lately.
Actually for this thread but it is a huge project undertaken by BWSSB to tackle water loss (and monetary losses) due to Unaccounted water namely due to leaky/old pipes (and pilferage/illegal connections). Apparently almost 50% or more of the 'cauvery' water drawn by BWSSB from storage/reservoirs isn't accounted for
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Old 21st October 2019, 08:39   #17835
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I read about the excellent initiative at Nottingham few days back. They actually started it in 2012. Looks like, now many other cities is UK are going to follow the lead to reduce traffic and pollution. Here is an article.

They are charging the companies for having the parking lot!! So, the parking lot becomes prized possession. Then the collected money was invested in public transport, especially trams.

Problem with Indian administration to implement this is the funds collected go somewhere else. So we lose both own transport and public transport. But, if done properly, such measures can be good for us and environment.
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