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Old 14th April 2021, 12:08   #11206
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Re: Is it possible/advisable to dry wash hard to reach places: such as wheels, tires, engine bay e.t

Originally Posted by vsrikkanth View Post
Apologies if this has already been addressed in any of the other threads but I didn't find a relevant thread that answers my question
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Old 24th April 2021, 02:05   #11207
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

My car is fairly new, 4 months to be accurate. My usual cleaning schedule involves a Jopasu duster once a week, along with stain cleaning and glass cleaning. Once in two weeks, I do a waterless wash. Proklear RAW xtreme CX is used for removing stains and for the waterless wash. I take it to a detailers for a wash whenever there is significant mud or if I need the tyre well cleaned. Last time around, I asked them to do a wax and I was impressed with the shine. It also did not seem like as much work as I had expected. Since then, I have been thinking of doing a wax occasionally. Since it's a new car, I don't think any polishing/claying is required.

I've been looking around at wax products but it's been confusing - too many brands and wax types (paste, liquid, hard shell, etc.). I would like to hear recommendations on a product based on following criteria:
  • Suitable for use after a waterless wash
  • Minimal effort
  • Not too expensive (I'm not sure if I will maintain a waxing routine)

Also, what would be the suggested frequency of waxing?
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Old 24th April 2021, 08:19   #11208
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by gopaneel View Post
been looking around at wax products[list][*]Suitable for use after a waterless wash[*]Minimal effort[*]Not too expensive
Congratulations on the Baleno, @gopaneel.

I've used Meguiars Yellow Wax and 3M liquid wax. Between the two, I will vouch for Meguiars since it requires minimal effort to wipe off after drying and the shine is just outstanding. I'm old school and use old vests to wipe off the dry wax and use microfiber only for the final finish. The attached pic of one of my earlier cars should give you an idea of how the car would look after the job.

Frequency- I typically wax the car once in 2 months because I keep it covered when not in use and also use a Jopasu to clean after the covers are off. Trick to know when to wax is when smoothness on the hood starts disappearing.

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Last edited by vigsom : 24th April 2021 at 08:21.
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Old 24th April 2021, 11:19   #11209
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by gopaneel View Post
  • Suitable for use after a waterless wash
  • Minimal effort
  • Not too expensive (I'm not sure if I will maintain a waxing routine)

Also, what would be the suggested frequency of waxing?
Having used 3M liquid wax and Turtle Hard shell wax, I prefer the Turtle by good margin. It doesn't harden after application and hence, it is easy to buff off. It does last for 3-4 months easily, with a biweekly waterless wash routine.

Product review: Turtle Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray

It has been 6 weeks now since I did a waterless wash, a round of Turtle Hard shell wax and two coats of this ceramic spray. 2 weeks ago, I did a round of waterless wash after a trip. Yesterday, I drove in the some light rain and realised I didn't need the wipers most of the time. It was due to the water beading on the glasses, due to that coat of ceramic spray.

The shine on the car has also been good though it is only 6 weeks since the coat. Company claims it will last 9 months, I will be happy with 3.

Shine even with some good amount of dust
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Water beading and the windshield visibility after it was parked in light rain for 20 mins
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Water beading after parking for the night
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Old 24th April 2021, 14:06   #11210
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

How do I get rid of water spots on the paint?
I think they are a result of headlight washer spray that stayed on the hood for a day or two on a long road trip. Tried washing it off with normal water and waterless wash. No results so far. Also, the car has been ceramic coated only 15 days back. Really annoyed seeing this on a brand new car!
Thanks for the help
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Old 24th April 2021, 21:48   #11211
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by Jash2709 View Post
How do I get rid of water spots on the paint?
Also, the car has been ceramic coated only 15 days back. Really annoyed seeing this on a brand new car!
Thanks for the help
I understand your pain and agony. Water spots are actually a known issue with ceramic coats. You can take it to the detailer who did the ceramic coat on your car, and ask him to help you out. That would be the safest and probably the cheapest option.

Usually dilute vinegar can help loosen the deposited minerals of hard water and can help remove the spots. However, since ceramic coat is in the picture, this can be a hit or miss. And it will affect the longevity of ceramic coat at that particular spot. So you may try this, but with caution.

You may otherwise use products like Carpro Spotless which are specifically made to remove water spots.

If the water deposits have etched into the ceramic coat, then the detailer might buff off the coat on that panel which will effectively remove the spots, and then re-apply the coat. This is the worst case scenario you might face though. I hope the detailer doesn't charge a bomb for the work.

Avoid aggressive rubbing with a cloth or anything, in frustration. It'll only lead to more scratches & swirls, thus making things more difficult.

And lastly, once you're done with the repair, please bear in mind that water spots are a major issue with ceramic coats and one must always try to avoid letting water dry to sun on a ceramic coat.
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Old 25th April 2021, 11:26   #11212
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by vigsom View Post
Congratulations on the Baleno, @gopaneel.

I've used Meguiars Yellow Wax and 3M liquid wax. Between the two, I will vouch for Meguiars since it requires minimal effort to wipe off after drying and the shine is just outstanding. I'm old school and use old vests to wipe off the dry wax and use microfiber only for the final finish. The attached pic of one of my earlier cars should give you an idea of how the car would look after the job.

Frequency- I typically wax the car once in 2 months because I keep it covered when not in use and also use a Jopasu to clean after the covers are off. Trick to know when to wax is when smoothness on the hood starts disappearing.

Attachment 2148072
Thank you for the guidance. Amazon currently seems to have a stock of only 1L bottles of Meguiars Yellow Wax. I'm not sure if I would want to get such a big bottle. I need to search if there are smaller quantities available.

Originally Posted by ashis89 View Post
Having used 3M liquid wax and Turtle Hard shell wax, I prefer the Turtle by good margin. It doesn't harden after application and hence, it is easy to buff off. It does last for 3-4 months easily, with a biweekly waterless wash routine.
For the Turtle Hard Shell wax, do you use the liquid or paste form?

Also, any idea how the spray waxes like Turtle Ice n Shine compare with liquid or paste waxes?
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Old 25th April 2021, 12:14   #11213
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by gopaneel View Post
For the Turtle Hard Shell wax, do you use the liquid or paste form?
The liquid one.
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Also, any idea how the spray waxes like Turtle Ice n Shine compare with liquid or paste waxes?
I haven't tried but others who did, had a good experience. But the basic wax shine is available with the Proklear CX waterless wash too. For a longer protection and shine, I would prefer the liquid and paste wax over the spray ones, takes some effort to apply but lasts longer too.
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Old 25th April 2021, 17:38   #11214
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by gopaneel View Post

I've been looking around at wax products but it's been confusing - too many brands and wax types (paste, liquid, hard shell, etc.). I would like to hear recommendations on a product based on following criteria:
  • Suitable for use after a waterless wash
  • Minimal effort
  • Not too expensive (I'm not sure if I will maintain a waxing routine)

Also, what would be the suggested frequency of waxing?
Dont want to confuse you, but if you have to go for wax, go for Colinite 845. Although I havent used the product myself (since my car is ceramic coated and waxing on coated car is more like a step back) I have read enough reviews saying its one of the best (if not the best) wax.

If you are looking for a sealant, try Sonax Brilliant Shine detailer as well. Better use 1:2 dilution than using undiluted. Easier on pocket and arms as well (becomes lot easier to wipe off)

Last edited by deepakdograbhp : 25th April 2021 at 17:59.
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Old 26th April 2021, 13:08   #11215
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by deepakdograbhp View Post
Dont want to confuse you, but if you have to go for wax, go for Colinite 845. Although I havent used the product myself (since my car is ceramic coated and waxing on coated car is more like a step back) I have read enough reviews saying its one of the best (if not the best) wax.
I can vouch for the Collinite 845. The gloss (even on white car) and durability that it provides is unmatched.
I have used Sonax BSD, Turtle Wax HS Ceramic Spray, Most of Megs, but none of them come close to Collinite.
Even if the car was allowed to stay filthy dirty for more than a month after waxing, just a wipe revealed the glossy finish underneath like it was waxed today.

I'm waiting to get my hands on their 476S paste wax
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Old 26th April 2021, 16:54   #11216
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by anantpoddar View Post
I can vouch for the Collinite 845. The gloss (even on white car) and durability that it provides is unmatched.
I have used Sonax BSD, Turtle Wax HS Ceramic Spray, Most of Megs, but none of them come close to Collinite.
Now I am tempted to try Collinite 845 Which brings me to another question for BHPians - Does waxing on ceramic coated car make sense? Many "widely followed" detailers say not to do so as wax masks some properties of coating.
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Old 26th April 2021, 19:07   #11217
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by deepakdograbhp View Post
Now I am tempted to try Collinite 845 Which brings me to another question for BHPians - Does waxing on ceramic coated car make sense? Many "widely followed" detailers say not to do so as wax masks some properties of coating.
Collinite 845 is a great product which I use regularly. But if your car is already ceramic coated and is less than an year after application, it is not recommended to wax it. You may get adhesion issues. For ceramic coatings, the recommended products for top up are silica spray sealants like CarPro Reload or IGL Premier.

If you have the luxury of doing a proper shampoo wash at least once a month, the easiest method of boosting gloss and hydrophobic properties is by using Kochchemie Nanomagic shampoo. It is a car shampoo with additives that will boost the properties of a ceramic coating with each wash.
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Old 26th April 2021, 19:21   #11218
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by xander View Post
Collinite 845 is a great product which I use regularly. But if your car is already ceramic coated and is less than an year after application, it is not recommended to wax it. You may get adhesion issues. For ceramic coatings, the recommended products for top up are silica spray sealants like CarPro Reload or IGL Premier.

If you have the luxury of doing a proper shampoo wash at least once a month, the easiest method of boosting gloss and hydrophobic properties is by using Kochchemie Nanomagic shampoo. It is a car shampoo with additives that will boost the properties of a ceramic coating with each wash.
Thanks, my car is just 5 months old, so I will refrain from topping it up with a wax l. I don't have luxury of washing car with hose/pressure washer. So far I have found that ONR rinseless wash works for me. Sometime I also use Carpro Ech20 as drying aid/quick detailer after ONR rinseless wash to enhance the gloss.
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Old 27th April 2021, 21:49   #11219
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Something I also have been saying ever since
750 INR which when diluted to 1:2 or 1:3 will go a long way

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Old 27th April 2021, 23:42   #11220
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

How do u get rid of rust spots (small ones) on my car fender?

Will spraying W.D.40 loosen the rust and then I could probably paint over with a Sketch pen or permanent markers?

Do I need to sand the surface etc, as I currently don't have any sanding paper?

Id like the easy way out, considering Bangalore is in stringent covid-19 lockdown!
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