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Old 29th April 2010, 10:16   #1036
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The after sales is awesome. As in very very prompt. They just didn't rectify the problem, more like refused to acknowledge it.

I have a 6-7 year old Voltas 1 Ton and that definitely makes much less noise than the LG.
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Old 29th April 2010, 10:21   #1037
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Originally Posted by EssYouWe View Post
The after sales is awesome. As in very very prompt. They just didn't rectify the problem, more like refused to acknowledge it.

I have a 6-7 year old Voltas 1 Ton and that definitely makes much less noise than the LG.
How is the Voltas after sales service?
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Old 29th April 2010, 10:29   #1038
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Originally Posted by greenhorn View Post
how good are daikin AC's?
And are these 'inverter' type AC's really more power saving ?
I have seen these ACs (roof fitted ones) in VW showroom here. They were chilling but no idea about the 'inverter' type factor.
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Old 29th April 2010, 10:46   #1039
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Apparently my stabilizer has conked off. Its a 2 years old Godrej. Bought in Dehradun but being used in Delhi, will I be able to claim warranty on the same.
I seems like the relays are getting stuck.

Originally Posted by carboy View Post
How is the Voltas after sales service?
Actually never really needed it. The servicing was under an AMC package and they used to be fairly prompt. But the AC was awesome, absolutely niggle free and pretty decent cooling.

LG has a 24 hour helpline (not sure) and they are leagues ahead of the competition as far as A.S.S is concerned.

I don't know if my AC is a one of thing, would be better if some other owners could advise as well.


I think those would Cassette type air conditioners.

Last edited by EssYouWe : 29th April 2010 at 10:48.
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Old 29th April 2010, 17:24   #1040
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Originally Posted by khoj View Post

Congratulations Sheel. Do not think believe it Whirlpool puts out good products.
i was apprehensive of carrier as posted by various members and Lg/samsung wasn't considered(no offence to anyone)

next will be Whirlpool 1.5T aviator series
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Old 29th April 2010, 17:59   #1041
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I went to Vijay Sales yesterday and they had just launched the Lloyd ac. How's this brand for ac's? 1 ton was for 14k and 1.5 was for 16-17k for splits.

I'm looking for an ac and don't know if I should go for a split or window. Some people say that the splits are more expensive to maintain later.
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Old 29th April 2010, 19:31   #1042
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Originally Posted by straight6 View Post
....Some people say that the splits are more expensive to maintain later.
They certainly are!
When the indoor unit needs cleaning, say after 5 years or so, the cost is many times more than the routine annual service of a window unit.
In a dusty city like Delhi you need to get the evaporator coils cleaned at least once every five years.
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Old 29th April 2010, 20:04   #1043
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Complete Servicing cost paid for Window unit Rs. 300 and that paid for split 400. Washing done using caustic free cleaning agent.

Servicing for the split included opening up of the outdoor unit and washing. The indoor unit's front panel was opened the fins & coils were cleaned using an air blower and an old tooth brush. The water tray/drain hole within the indoor unit cleaned using a long thin jig on which an absorbent cloth was wrapped.

Caution : Some indoor unit panels are easier to open and close than others. An experienced technician should have no problems. Total time taken for both units first half of the day.
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Old 29th April 2010, 20:34   #1044
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Khoj, in-situ cleaning of the indoor unit is a severe compromise at best. At the end of five years of such cleaning each year, they had to physically remove it and take it outdoors! The quantity of muck that came out was a revelation.

Further, it is recommended by LG that such a cleaning should be undertaken every couple of years, depending on local operating conditions.

I have decided to stay with window units wherever possible.
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Old 29th April 2010, 21:39   #1045
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Originally Posted by khoj View Post

Now you have to tell me which is a reliable shop in Karol Bagh, contact details and all. I am looking to buy a Daikin form their 'Ururu Sarara' range which is now available in the Gulf so should be there in Gaffar too. BTW I also need to replace our old GE fridge so let me know a vendor for that too again from the grey market unless you know someone in Lajpat Nagar itself.
Wait till tomorrow and I'll let you know the dealer in KB. I don't think these AC's are available in Lajpat Nagar. Regarding refrigerators, I've no idea. Ask the Home Ministers, they know the best but are rare to be seen on TBHP.

By the way Khoj, what's your profession? I think you're pulling my leg as your posts suggest you're technically very knowledgeable about AC's so you must be knowing what you asked.

Originally Posted by absynthguzzler View Post
On a side note : ... i had a laugh reading one after the other. And they both on the same page even !

Their Indian website has the link as : :: Welcome to the OGENERAL AIR CONDITIONERS ::: and title as Welcome to the OGeneral Air Conditioners. In such a case, the best thing is that you understood what I meant.

Last edited by tsk13 : 29th April 2010 at 21:47.
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Old 29th April 2010, 23:34   #1046
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Originally Posted by greenhorn View Post
how good are daikin AC's?
And are these 'inverter' type AC's really more power saving ?
We have been using Daikin for the last 7 years. They are fantastic...

Getting an inverter A/c from Diakin installed tomorrow.

The inverters are power savings are actually not that significant. You ll never recover the orginal cost difference between the invertor vs normal A/c.
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Old 30th April 2010, 01:37   #1047
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@icemanz, see attachment

Originally Posted by tsk13 View Post
Wait till tomorrow and I'll let you know the dealer in KB. I don't think these AC's are available in Lajpat Nagar. Regarding refrigerators, I've no idea. Ask the Home Ministers, they know the best but are rare to be seen on TBHP.
Thanks tsk13

By the way Khoj, what's your profession? I think you're pulling my leg as your posts suggest you're technically very knowledgeable about AC's so you must be knowing what you asked.
Let me assure you that my profession is far removed from aircons or even air conditioned environs. The only time I enjoy Dr. Carrier's invention is while on my way to and from work and then of course once I am home. My queries to you are more commercial as I know next to nothing about Karol bagh except for Roopak masaale/dry fruit; Roshan Kulfi & Standard Burfi.

Originally Posted by AbhiJ View Post
We have been using Daikin for the last 7 years. They are fantastic...

Getting an inverter A/c from Diakin installed tomorrow.
Congratulations on your new purchase, I have a Daikin too for almost the same time and it is indeed a great machine.

The inverters are power savings are actually not that significant. You ll never recover the orginal cost difference between the invertor vs normal A/c.
I am surprised at your above comment, why do you think so? and in that case what are your reasons for spending the extra amount. Is it the novelty factor or something else that is not obvious upfront but beneficial to the user otherwise, kindly share your thoughts.

As for the power savings manufacturers are claiming up to 50% power savings. I took that with a pinch of salt and was expecting say 35% which is still a lot of saving. Since I have no practical experience with one, will wait for your inputs regarding noticeable changes in the power consumption for that one install.

Also if you could share the tonnage of the machine and the current price that would be great. Last I checked with Daikin I was offered a 1.5 ton inverter for 72K. I decided to wait another season and felt that with Panasonic offering a 1.5 ton inverter for 51K and Hitachi following them, Daikin will reduce their prices sooner than later. My line of thinking was confirmed correct by your earlier post where you mention Daikin 1.5 ton available for 37K. Even at 37 it is much cheaper than the price I paid which was close to 50K after install etc.

Will look forward to your inputs and if possible snaps of the indoor & outdoor units.
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Old 30th April 2010, 08:58   #1048
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sorry for the late response.
i am looking forward for your suggestion eagerly,please dont hesitate

i need one window a/c(1.5) and one split a/c.(2 ton)
panasonic doesnt have window a/c-is it correct?
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Old 30th April 2010, 10:44   #1049
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Originally Posted by carboy View Post
Hmm - I was planning to get an LG 1 Ton Window A/C!! Is it more noisy than other similiar brands? The main reason for me to go for LG is because their after sales service is easily the best.
Buddy my statement was made in jest. LG does have a very well organized response system.

Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
Khoj, in-situ cleaning of the indoor unit is a severe compromise at best. At the end of five years of such cleaning each year, they had to physically remove it and take it outdoors! The quantity of muck that came out was a revelation.

Further, it is recommended by LG that such a cleaning should be undertaken every couple of years, depending on local operating conditions.

I have decided to stay with window units wherever possible.
Hmm food for thought. I am planning a replacement for one of the splits. When I carry out that exercise in the next winter/spring season I will have that opened up and if the indoor is dirty enough I will have the others opened up too. Though I am sure that with my bi annual work over with the blower and toothbrush routine that should not be the case.

But know this the indoors are not built for frequent opening as in every two or even three years. Apart from that what keeps me away from any exercise which would involve topping up or recharge of refrigerant is the quality of the gas available with the service industry. Majority of them use a mix which is only 85% to 95% pure the rest being well 'fillers'. So while the unit may be clean the compressor will certainly be stressed out once it sips the mix.

Originally Posted by drbabuanand View Post
sorry for the late response.
i am looking forward for your suggestion eagerly,please dont hesitate

i need one window a/c(1.5) and one split a/c.(2 ton)
panasonic doesnt have window a/c-is it correct?
OK, for the above combination your prior selection of the Hitachi QuadricoolTM 1.5 ton for window and the Panasonic 2 ton split would be the best fit.

You are correct. Panasonic used to have window units when they started out but I have not seen those anywhere for a couple of years. Safe to assume they are not promoting those any more.
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Old 30th April 2010, 15:08   #1050
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I just bought the 2 ton AC of Panasonic econ pearl having a very solid built compressor and good EER. But yes this will not be a power saver and i am always of the opinion that AC's cant save the bill, if you really want to enjoy it! and the price i gave for it is also a deal in itself. Rs 29,000/- including stabilizer and installation.
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