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Old 3rd May 2010, 01:19   #1066
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Originally Posted by anku94 View Post
Hi. As posted earlier, we need an Air Conditioner for my room. 0.8 ton, Window. 0.8 ton is what I'll need, due to only me using that room, and the room being small, and it receiving negligible amount of direct sunlight. AFAIK, LG and Voltas are the only two manufacturing 0.8 Windows, LG's being 1 star, and Voltas being 2 star. The AC will not be used much after an year or so as I'll get to a college.

We were gonna go for Voltas, but then I read about LG's excellent customer service in The Home Appliance Thread, which, again got us confused. Split is not required as I've been on Desert Cooler all these years so noise and looks aren't an issue. . So which brand do you gurus recommend ? LG or Voltas ? Any other brand or additional suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I know of the following in the 0.75 ton category

The first in the list is the Voltas Premium 0.75 Ton SAC as this is the only unit in this category that I have experience with, having used it at Ginger hotels in Haridwar, Banglore, Durgapur, Jamshedpur and in Pune. This consumes higher power @1008W compared to the other units and has the highest noise level @55dB. The performance in Pune summers and in Jamshedpur in December was lacking and the room size across the board was 10 X 11 + 6 x 3. In all the places it was necessary to switch on the fan to assist with air circulation. I will say it made the rooms comfortable enough. Vertis Premium Window AC

The LG model is LG LWA2DW1AFI This one has a thermister to read the temperature and not a dry bulb thermostat that is usually found in the window air cons. This model has a single star rating (1008W) and I like the fact that it has a 4 way air deflection which I hope is automatic. The noise level is rated at 45dB.
LWA2DW1AF1 Window AC Air Conditioning

Then comes Voltas plus with 2 star rating. It has the lowest power consumption @984W lower noise level @ 46 dB. Vertis Plus Window AC

The last model that I am recommending is from Carrier's Estrella range. this unit comes fully built up from Toshiba's (now owned by Carrier) assembly plant in Thailand and is basically a Toshiba machine with Carrier stickers. So the pricing will be premium. Comes with electronic and mechanical controls and I prefer the mechanical one but the electronic may be more convenient to use.
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Welcome to CarrierAirConditions

The one thing that you must check in these small units especially in Voltas is that they in case the power goes off they should come back on and start running when the supply is restored. The Voltas premium units in the Gingers do not do this. They will get powered up but to actually make them run you have to hunt for the remote and press 'on' and this can be very irritating. In the Ginger rooms you have to do this twice once when the generator takes over after a lag and then again when the supply comes back on. So do check this out for sure and buy the one that has this feature.

For others perusal

The Carrier Estrella 1.0 ton split is priced at 28000 +taxes and so is the Toshiba 1.0 ton split which is also sold by the Carrier dealers and the Durakool Plus 1.0 tons with 5 star rating was offered @24000 + install + transformer and open to negotiations.

The Panasonic CS-S12KKY is an inverter model and priced around 34K. The Panasonic CS-C12KKY is the next best with 5 star rating priced @ 27000 inclusive of taxes (open to negotiation) + install + transformer.

Last edited by khoj : 3rd May 2010 at 01:38.
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Old 3rd May 2010, 03:09   #1067
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Hey. Thanks. You're the man. So what's your order of preference ? Estrella > LG > Voltas ? And is Carrier alright ? I think someone in these forums advised against a Carrier.
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Old 3rd May 2010, 19:23   #1068
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That order is good and it was me who advised against Carrier. That opinion was based on my earlier experience with them. This season when I took a look at their split units I could see that they have improved. Also unknown to me a friend bought a couple of 1.5 ton Durakool plus splits last year and the units have performed well so that added up to Carrier being recommended again.
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Old 3rd May 2010, 20:44   #1069
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Originally Posted by khoj View Post
That order is good and it was me who advised against Carrier. That opinion was based on my earlier experience with them. This season when I took a look at their split units I could see that they have improved. Also unknown to me a friend bought a couple of 1.5 ton Durakool plus splits last year and the units have performed well so that added up to Carrier being recommended again.
Carrier Estrella 3 star 1-T Window A/C seems to be cheaper than LG 2 star 1-T window A/C!!!
How is Carrier after sales service?
When buying these kind of appliances (Fridge/A-C/TV, Washer etc), I value after sales service more than even actual product quality.
Even for the brand with the best quality, you may end up being that one in 100 person who is stuck with the lemon, so it's better go for another brand where the quality may be one notch below but A.S.S is better.

There is an old General Electric Story from USA - back decades ago when GE was a great American Brand. There was survey conducted as to why customers prefer GE - the major response wasn't that nothing goes wrong, but that when some thing goes wrong, the A.S.S lands up immediately & fixes it.

That's why I had decided to go for L.G. A/C.
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Old 3rd May 2010, 21:16   #1070
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Hmm. Thanks. Would love the answer to carboy's question.
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Old 3rd May 2010, 21:31   #1071
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I am looking for an energy efficient a/c that is silent too. I am looking at the following. The a/c will be retained for atleast 10 years and used for 6-8 hours everyday. I am considering the following. The room has three doors and three windows and will remain open for the rest of the time.

1. carrier 1.5 Estrella Split
2. Toshiba 1.5 daiseikai split (the ones with energy efficiency of 3.52/ 3.55 and 3.6)
3. Onida S118SLH5 1.5 split
4. GE 1.5 ton split (with energy efficiency of 3.47)
5. Hitachi 1.8 star RAU022HQD

I would prefer to pay slightly more if I am saving equivalent in electricity bills. Onida looks to be the best bet. any opinions?

Last edited by devarshi84 : 3rd May 2010 at 21:32.
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Old 4th May 2010, 14:39   #1072
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@ Khoj : Repeating the same question asked a couple of pages back- How's Fedder Lloyds? Getting a 1 ton split for about 18 grands. Whats the recommendation for a split in the same range for a basement office which keeps it cool till April end or May beginning.
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Old 4th May 2010, 16:13   #1073
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Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
I am looking for an energy efficient a/c that is silent too. I am looking at the following. The a/c will be retained for atleast 10 years and used for 6-8 hours everyday. I am considering the following. The room has three doors and three windows and will remain open for the rest of the time.

1. carrier 1.5 Estrella Split
2. Toshiba 1.5 daiseikai split (the ones with energy efficiency of 3.52/ 3.55 and 3.6)
3. Onida S118SLH5 1.5 split
4. GE 1.5 ton split (with energy efficiency of 3.47)
5. Hitachi 1.8 star RAU022HQD

I would prefer to pay slightly more if I am saving equivalent in electricity bills. Onida looks to be the best bet. any opinions?
With a 10 year expectancy I would take Onida out of that list. Further looking at the room description the most suitable unit would be the 1.5ton unit from OGeneral the ASG18A. With a 19380 BTU compressor it it will be the best suited for the job with all the doors and windows in the room.

Originally Posted by isldhn View Post
@ Khoj : Repeating the same question asked a couple of pages back- How's Fedder Lloyds? Getting a 1 ton split for about 18 grands. Whats the recommendation for a split in the same range for a basement office which keeps it cool till April end or May beginning.
Well I just called up the toll free number at Fedders LLoyd and the guy at the other end said that the air cons are being manufactured at their unit at Bhivani in Haryana and that they are sourcing their compressors from Mitsubishi, Hitachi and Toshiba. The warranty is 1 year on the complete unit and 5 years on the compressors. Check the compressor bit at your dealer's end. Sounds all right except for the price that you mentioned unless it includes installation etc. The company's mrp is 17K see link Fedders Lloyd - Products - Consumer Products Division - Split ACs

Last edited by khoj : 4th May 2010 at 16:21.
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Old 8th May 2010, 21:50   #1074
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Just bought Carrier Estrella 0.8 Electronic version for Rs. 15.5k . To be delivered and installed tomorrow.

Before buying, the shopkeeper said it doesn't need a stabiliser . After buying, he said, we don't need one if power quality is fine. So do we ? What's the criteria ? Thanks.
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Old 8th May 2010, 22:43   #1075
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@Khoj: Thanks for the suggestion. It has come to our knowledge that 1.5 wont work (22ft X15 ft) since the the room is big. So now we are looking for 2.0 a/c

1. In 2.0 range the prices go from 30K for Onida to 56K for a Mitsubishi. Are Mitsubishi,Daikin and General really that great? We have a General at home which is running great but is the premium worth it?

2. Mitsubishi has two companies within itself. One is Mitsubishi electricals and one is Mitsubishi Heavy industries. Are both known for their excellent quality? Do both have a proper sales and service network in India? we have been quoted 50-52K for a/cs from both Mitsubishi companies and 49K for general.

3. Only a few models from General and Hitachi have 5 star ratings. Does this really affect electricity much? or are we well of going with a 4-star and 3-star model.

4. Videocon has a 2.0 ton split (some VIS model) with 5 star rating going for 50+. Have they gone mad or does it have some new technology?

We are currently set on Voltas gold 2.0 for 35K with install because it is the only 4-star a/c in the low range and because we have had two voltas a/c's which have last us for 10 years (one is still working) but can look at MItsubishi and General if they are worth the price over the period.

Last edited by devarshi84 : 8th May 2010 at 22:45.
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Old 8th May 2010, 23:23   #1076
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You still havent got an A/c?
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Old 9th May 2010, 02:19   #1077
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Originally Posted by anku94 View Post
Just bought Carrier Estrella 0.8 Electronic version for Rs. 15.5k . To be delivered and installed tomorrow.

Before buying, the shopkeeper said it doesn't need a stabiliser . After buying, he said, we don't need one if power quality is fine. So do we ? What's the criteria ? Thanks.
Congratulations anku94, The criteria for buying a transformer is in bold above. The electronic control panel equipped Estrella boasts of voltage protection feature and not the one with mechanical controls. However for both the specified voltage range is 230+/-10%. If I understand it correctly beyond this range in either direction the voltage protection feature may turn the air con off or maybe just the compressor for a few minutes (CAUTION Could be entirely different from my explanation) If it is so then it would be a bother as the Northern grid is infamous for frequent brown outs in peak summers. I believe a suitable transformer would be a prudent safeguard. The dealer may give you a package deal.

Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
@Khoj: Thanks for the suggestion. It has come to our knowledge that 1.5 wont work (22ft X15 ft) since the the room is big. So now we are looking for 2.0 a/c
The ideal size for your room is 2.75 tons assuming that the ceiling is 10 ft in height and is not exposed to the elements. If I factor in the various doors and windows then the required tonnage jumps to 3.3 tons. That is the theory. In reality though you may be well of with the 2.0 if you are not looking to achieve 21degrees Celsius. If I knew the room usage it would be better. By the way my house in Delhi has a central lobby which doubles up as the dining room/ Tv room and has half a dozen doors apart from the largish living room also opening into it and at 20x13x10 feet it trundles along with a 1.5 ton OGeneral machine. It does not chill but we are comfortable even during afternoons of peak summer. Of course when guests come over the 2.0 tonner in the living room and a strategically installed 1.5 tonner window unit with a super throw blower also come in to play to counter the ambient temp + kitchen heat + frequent opening of doors etc.

1. In 2.0 range the prices go from 30K for Onida to 56K for a Mitsubishi. Are Mitsubishi,Daikin and General really that great? We have a General at home which is running great but is the premium worth it?

2. Mitsubishi has two companies within itself. One is Mitsubishi electricals and one is Mitsubishi Heavy industries. Are both known for their excellent quality? Do both have a proper sales and service network in India? we have been quoted 50-52K for a/cs from both Mitsubishi companies and 49K for general.
A few posts ago a member reported using the Mitsu Heavy air cons and in his opinion these are better than the plain Mitsu Electricals. My experience is limited to a single unit of Mr slim series of Mitsu electric for a 1.0 ton unit and I found it to be good too. I will recommend that you look at the Btu ratings of the two units and go for the one with the stronger compressor, the price difference is not much in any case.

3. Only a few models from General and Hitachi have 5 star ratings. Does this really affect electricity much? or are we well of going with a 4-star and 3-star model.
In the 2.0 ton and above range look at the comfort level first. Even the 5 star rated ones are not going to be very frugal for these loads. Also if you look at the compressors of those with the higher star ratings they would be rated at from 20000 Btu to 23000 Btu.

The 2.0 ton from OGeneral is a particularly efficient machine with a 25300 Btu compressor and it has a fantastic EER of 10.54.

4. Videocon has a 2.0 ton split (some VIS model) with 5 star rating going for 50+. Have they gone mad or does it have some new technology?

We are currently set on Voltas gold 2.0 for 35K with install because it is the only 4-star a/c in the low range and because we have had two voltas a/c's which have last us for 10 years (one is still working) but can look at MItsubishi and General if they are worth the price over the period.
Stick to the Japanese machines especially OGeneral for the 2.0 ton and you can include Daikin your scheme of things only if you decide to go with the the 2.75 ton machine.

Last edited by khoj : 9th May 2010 at 02:27.
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Old 9th May 2010, 02:34   #1078
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Hmm. Better buy one then. Power below 207V(-10%) is nothing new in Punjab. Thanks again.
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Old 9th May 2010, 16:33   #1079
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Critical questions on AC

I'm considering installing a 5 star rated split AC in my bedroom. I'm considering Carrier, Toshiba and Hitachi.

But I would like to know some information on the ACs from folks who've already purchased and installed ACs belonging to any brand.

1. How much compressor warranty is offered for your particular type of AC(I know that most brands offer a 1 year warranty on the body but does it include the compressor as well)?
2. Does your AC have an in-built voltage stabilizer?
3. Did the company/dealer offer free installation?
4. Were you satisfied with the way in which the AC was installed?
4. In case you had a fault to deal with, were you satisfied with the service?
5. Would you say your AC is noisy?

Please share your valuable input based on your experience.

Last edited by Rehaan : 9th May 2010 at 17:11. Reason: Threads merged. Please search before creating a new thread. Thanks.
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Old 9th May 2010, 20:52   #1080
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@Khoj: as per your post, I have selected the following.

1. Godrej Ivory: 5 star. No information is available on this model yet.
2. General Stealth ceiling with 25300 Btu 2400w power
3. General hi-wall 25300 btu 1850w power
4. Hitachi star 25600 btu 2175w power
5. Hitachi Star 21500 btu 1850w power
6. Mitsubishi ELECTRIC 22867btu 2045w power
7. mitsubishi HEAVY 24000btu 2182w power

I am getting the General a/cs for 48K, Mitsubishi HEAVY for 50K and Mitsubishi ELECTRIC for 52K. Hitachi 2.2 star is about to be released but 1.8 is going for about50K. I dont have any information on Godrej but reviews on internet about the new a/cs look good. How should they be ranked in order of preference?

PS: There is a bit of patriotism in me and I would love to stay with an Indian brand if possible. But I hate China more and will want to buy something that's not made in China and then Assembled in India.

Last edited by devarshi84 : 9th May 2010 at 20:54.
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