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Old 9th May 2010, 22:57   #1081
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Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
@Khoj: as per your post, I have selected the following.

1. Godrej Ivory: 5 star. No information is available on this model yet.
2. General Stealth ceiling with 25300 Btu 2400w power
3. General hi-wall 25300 btu 1850w power 25300 Btu 2400W
4. Hitachi star 25600 btu 2175w power 24500 Btu 2480W
5. Hitachi Star 21500 btu 1850w power 21000 Btu 1890W
6. Mitsubishi ELECTRIC 22867btu 2045w power
7. mitsubishi HEAVY 24000btu 2182w power

I am getting the General a/cs for 48K, Mitsubishi HEAVY for 50K and Mitsubishi ELECTRIC for 52K. Hitachi 2.2 star is about to be released but 1.8 is going for about50K. I dont have any information on Godrej but reviews on internet about the new a/cs look good. How should they be ranked in order of preference?

PS: There is a bit of patriotism in me and I would love to stay with an Indian brand if possible. But I hate China more and will want to buy something that's not made in China and then Assembled in India.
See in bold above the correct Btu and power ratings for the Hitachi star and the General hi wall machines. Of the lot the best machine would be the General Stealth ceiling, I am assuming the model is AWG24A. This model is equipped with a DC fan motor on the indoor unit which is more efficient than a normal AC motor and this model also has a removable and washable drain pan. This is an excellent feature to have as the drain pans are the house-beds for mold and fungus growth and can generally not be cleaned easily in any of the indoor units across the board.

The outdoor units for the General aircons are manufactured at their plant near Chennai and their indoor units are also assembled there itself with parts sourced from their factory in one of the South East Asian countries. Ditto for Hitachi with their plant in Kadi Gujarat, so that should satisfy the patriot in you. I have no idea regarding Mitsu. Godrej makes great refridgerators and good washing machines at their plants in MH and HR/PB but I have never seen an air con line at any of their locations. Even if they have started assembling air cons over the last eight months I see no reason why they should not be sourcing components/assemblies from the lowest cost vendor.

Last edited by khoj : 9th May 2010 at 23:00.
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Old 9th May 2010, 23:22   #1082
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@Khoj - what would be an ideal tonnage for a room of 18x15X10ft, and 12x12x10ft rooms.

I was particulary liking the hitachi 1.2 ton 5 star for its price and reviews. Will that be sufficient for my big room, and a 0.8ton for the small room. Or should I look at 1.5 ton and 1 ton?

Any suggestions on the make and model for me.
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Old 9th May 2010, 23:24   #1083
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What is the cooling capacity for General Ac's.



I got the wattage from Hitachi HLI website. How did you get those differenct numbers?

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Old 10th May 2010, 02:04   #1084
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Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
What is the cooling capacity for General Ac's.

AWG24A 25300Btu this is a 2.0 ton rated wall-ceiling unit

ASG18A 19380Btu this is a 1.5 ton hi wall unit.

ASG24A 25300Btu this is a 2.0 ton rated hi wall unit. In the web site this is depicted as ASG18A which is incorrect.

I got the wattage from Hitachi HLI website. How did you get those differenct numbers?
I got it from the same source and confirmed with the service centres, the difference is on account of the fact that the higher capacity given by you is for the 2.2 ton unit and I have given the capacity for the 2.0 ton unit. Similarly the other figures in your case are for the new 1.8 ton unit whereas I am reporting the figures from the old 1.7 ton unit.

The upgrade seems to be pretty recent as I updated my information around the 3rd week of March and at that time their channel partners had no inkling of the up grades. This is also confirmed by the fact that HLI has only reprinted the 2nd page of their brochure, the first page is carried from the flyer that was being circulated in March(see attached).

Originally Posted by laluks View Post
@Khoj - what would be an ideal tonnage for a room of 18x15X10ft, and 12x12x10ft rooms.

I was particulary liking the hitachi 1.2 ton 5 star for its price and reviews. Will that be sufficient for my big room, and a 0.8ton for the small room. Or should I look at 1.5 ton and 1 ton?

Any suggestions on the make and model for me.
Hi laluks,

Assuming that the roofs of the two rooms are not exposed to sunlight the ideal fitment would be 1.8 ton for the larger room and a 1.0 ton for the smaller room. This is after I have incorporated Bangalore's lower ambient temperature into the calculations. In case there is no construction above then the sizes would be 2.0 and 1.2 ton for the larger and smaller rooms respectively. In either of the above cases, I would recommend that you look no further than either the General or Daikin.

Larger room

Daikin 1.7 ton unit, I do not have the model designation but I will provide a link to their dealers in your city.

In case you decide to go with a 1.5 then pick OGeneral's ASG18A which is a normal split or the AWG18A which is a Wall Ceiling split and both have identical compressors rated at 19380Btu which is much higher than any other 1.5 ton unit on the market. The wall ceiling model features a DC fan motor and its indoor units drain pan can be taken out and cleaned. Please be sure to check this feature with the dealer as the wall ceiling units are just beginning to come in to vogue. The Daikin has 1.5 ton units too which are better to look at and more silent in running but the compressors are rated lower than the General for the 1.5 ton range.

If you wish to go green then do look at the inverter models available from both General and Daikin but only in the 1.5 ton range and the compressors in this case would have similar ratings, I do not have any detailed information on the inverter models at this time.

On the flip side if you decide to go with a 2.0 ton unit then its a choice between the General ASG24A and the AWG24A units. In case Daikin has come out with a 2.0 ton unit that would be worth a look too.

Smaller room

I would suggest the OGeneral ASG12A unit as it has a compressor rated at 11800 Btu OR a Daikin 1 ton unit which I believe has a compressor rated at 12000BTU.

The link for Dealer's Welcome to Daikin India

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Hitachi Star.pdf (738.5 KB, 594 views)

Last edited by khoj : 10th May 2010 at 02:09. Reason: Attachment uploaded
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Old 10th May 2010, 07:21   #1085
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Does anybody have an idea on how're the compressors from Rechi Precision ? Carrier Estrella features one of those. Model No. - R223A
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Old 10th May 2010, 08:59   #1086
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@khoj - thanks for all the details. let me now try to understand it all. I am kind of a newbie here I'll surely get back to you with doubts.
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Old 10th May 2010, 09:08   #1087
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One of the multi brand dealers said that the General Ac's external units for 2-tonne machines are huge. Is this true? My parents are against General for this reason though our old General is running flawlessly.

The Hitachi Star 2.2 tonne has a scroll compressor. What are the advantages and disadvantages compared to Rotary? Google didnt help much.
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Old 10th May 2010, 12:36   #1088
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Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
One of the multi brand dealers said that the General Ac's external units for 2-tonne machines are huge. Is this true? My parents are against General for this reason though our old General is running flawlessly.
That is funny, the outdoor units are going to be out of sight so how do the looks and size matter. Infact for OUs bigger is better. The outdoor unit for General is bigger than most across its range for a reason. It accommodates a larger than most evaporator/heat exchanger a fan with a large diameter impeller and more coils turning around providing a larger surface area resulting in more efficient heat transfer. This is one of the features that allow this air con to keep on cooling as the ambient rises towards 45 degree C and beyond. Even the Daikin and Hitachi feature largish outdoor units for the same reason. Majority of the machines in the market will loose the plot at 38 degree C and by 40 C ambient they are just turning the meter. Remember the snap of an aircon on a saline drip a few pages back and it was 40 Celsius for just a few minutes. Wait till June/July and you have so many offices and shops smelling like an old shoe it is unbearable. By the way three years down the line that large General units will still look like new and the sleeker ones will look like they are relics from another era. Don't take my word on this but do some OU spotting on your own and see for yourself.

Further even the indoor units for the General from 1.5 ton onwards are larger compared to other brands. Hitachi follows them in size and in turn is followed by Daikin. So do take a close look at these before you put your money down. Looks wise I like Daikin the best followed by General with Hitachi trailing them.

The Hitachi Star 2.2 tonne has a scroll compressor. What are the advantages and disadvantages compared to Rotary? Google didnt help much.
Without getting into the technicalities, as the load (tonnage) increases a scroll compressor is much better than the reciprocating compressor which is king for 1.5 ~2 tons. The rotaries are better suited to lighter loads up to 1.5 tons. I believe Hitachi does not have a good 2 ton reciprocating compressor and have therefore incorporated a scroll type into the 2.2 ton machine. This is evident from the jump in the star ratings too from 3 stars for the 2.0 ton to 5 stars for the 2.2 tons. For the consumers it is great news that is if HLI are not charging a bomb for the same. Scrolls generally come in to play from 3.0 ton onwards for techno commercial reasons.


Rechi precision company Limited are headquartered in Taiwan ROC. Established in 1989 moved production to mainland China in 2001. They have a design and R&D collaboration with Rotorex of USA. Currently they are making rotary, DC inverter and Scroll type compressors. Should be good, rest we will learn from your experience. Keep us posted.

Last edited by khoj : 10th May 2010 at 12:55.
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Old 11th May 2010, 12:53   #1089
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Purchased an LG 2 Star 1 Ton Window AC for 14.5 K + 900 for installation.
Working fine as of now in the bedroom.

Now my question is about the hall - how do I figure out what tonnage of AC I need for the hall. It would have to be a split, coz there is no slot for a Window AC in the hall. However, unlike the bedroom, the hall cannot be closed - i.e. the hall, the kitchen & the dining portion of the hall outside the kitchen & the corridor are all connected with no doors. So would the tonnage computation for the hall would involve area of the hall, the corridor, dining area & kitchen - is this how the computation done?
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Old 11th May 2010, 13:47   #1090
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Err...I think a tonnage somewhere b/w the tonnage required to cool the hall and the tonnage required to cool the 'extended hall' would be sufficient. I'm no expert, howsoever....
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Old 11th May 2010, 13:59   #1091
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My AC began leaking drops of water from below the blower vent all day yesterday, totally about 2-3 liters were collected by the end of the day. But now the water leaking has competly stopped, what would the problem be? Just excess water clearing?
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Old 11th May 2010, 15:09   #1092
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All that water has to come from someplace. I doubt it'd be anything but vapors, unless of course, you bathe it everyday...
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Old 11th May 2010, 15:50   #1093
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It is either a blocked drain pipe, or perhaps your air filters are clogged. Why the latter should cause buildup of water in the unit and dripping, I don't know, but I've seen it happen.

A few years ago someone was marketing machines that "made" drinking water from the air. I don't think it caught on. As I write this, I am thinking how the water condensed by our ACs in this humid city is wasted. I'm not thinking that we should drink it, but I am thinking that we should store it for the garden. In years of more severe water shortage, it could be used for washing and laundry too. All it takes is a can under the outlet. I have the cans: now I need a "round tuit".

Somewhat offtopic --- but everyone in this thread uses AC!
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Old 11th May 2010, 16:53   #1094
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
It is either a blocked drain pipe, or perhaps your air filters are clogged. Why the latter should cause buildup of water in the unit and dripping, I don't know, but I've seen it happen.

A few years ago someone was marketing machines that "made" drinking water from the air. I don't think it caught on. As I write this, I am thinking how the water condensed by our ACs in this humid city is wasted. I'm not thinking that we should drink it, but I am thinking that we should store it for the garden. In years of more severe water shortage, it could be used for washing and laundry too. All it takes is a can under the outlet. I have the cans: now I need a "round tuit".

Somewhat offtopic --- but everyone in this thread uses AC!
Thats true, great idea. Something similar to rain water harvesting could be done.
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Old 11th May 2010, 20:30   #1095
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Hitachi RAU026HQD (scroll) -52K
General ASG24A- 43K or 48K
General Stealth AWG24A- 43K or 48K
Mitsubishi Heavy SRK24CEV-4 - 50K

These are the prices I have got. I am not really sure of the General A/C's prices as I got it mixed. Are these price good?

Hitachi is the first choice followed by Mitsubishi heavy followed by General Stealth(is it better than ASG24A?) going by BTU and current drawn.
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