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Old 20th December 2015, 08:24   #166
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Originally Posted by greatgyan View Post
I honestly believe......Whats illogical is having diesel powered hatchbacks or compact sedans. There's no need for a diesel engine in a swift or an i20 or an amaze or an xcent or an etios or a polo or others. These cars can very well do with petrol engines giving a good fuel economy as well.

Diesel powered hatchbacks and sedans became popular cause of the government policies a few years back. When diesel rates were subsidized and controlled by the government, while petrol was sold at market rates. This led to a price differential of about Rs. 35-40 between the 2 fuels at one point of time. That's when these diesel powered hatchbacks came into force, and expectedly so. 80% of the cars sold in the Indian market then were all diesel powered.

But this situation doesn't exist anymore and the price differential between the 2 fuels is within Rs.15 (which is normal). Hence, i honestly believe that the supreme court should go after the diesel powered hatchbacks and compact sedans. Restrict them, or maybe even ban them. They're not needed in the current scenario.
That is absolutely logical view. Just compare the number of diesel hatchbacks/sedan with those of more than 2000cc engines. But it takes guts to pass orders against larger number of people. In my CGHS there are just 2 SUVs but 61 diesel sedans/hatchbacks.

Last edited by DwarkaDelhiWala : 20th December 2015 at 08:50.
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Old 20th December 2015, 09:09   #167
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Originally Posted by DwarkaDelhiWala View Post
That is absolutely logical view. Just compare the number of diesel hatchbacks/sedan with those of more than 2000cc engines. But it takes guts to pass orders against larger number of people. In my CGHS there are just 2 SUVs but 61 diesel sedans/hatchbacks.
Originally Posted by ajitstreet View Post
Yes, this is a more sensible approach. And Indian govt should give subsidy in a such a way that market develops such electric products. This will deal with the pollution aspect. But the congestion thing will stay.
Absolutely right. The government policies skewed the market towards diesel. Everyone wanted the cheaper fuel.

Again the government ought to have incentivised Electric vehicles a lot more and perhaps the Electric vehicles ought to have been a tad bigger as well, offering a viable alternative to small families.
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Old 20th December 2015, 12:33   #168
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Originally Posted by shankar.balan View Post

Again the government ought to have incentivised Electric vehicles a lot more and perhaps the Electric vehicles ought to have been a tad bigger as well, offering a viable alternative to small families.
They also need to ensure ghe infrastructure. If you look at Norway, the best selling cars are now the Nissan Leaf, the Tesla and the VW Golf E - all because of less taxes, parking, and other incentives. Ironically, most of Norway's income comes from oil!
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Old 20th December 2015, 16:24   #169
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Re: National Green Tribunal says, 10 year old Diesel Vehicles banned in Delhi

Originally Posted by RSR View Post

I heartily appreciate your stance in supporting these measures to reduce pollution, despite one such measure personally preventing you from buying a vehicle of your choice! This is like a breath of fresh air on this thread (pun very much intended!) where we have so many comments from those outside Delhi and those who will not be affected in any way crying foul over these much neeeded measures, instead of crying foul over the shockingly filthy air that Delhiites are being forced to breathe this winter.

How can the order be implemented in Gurgaon & Noida? Aren't they a part of neighbouring states in terms of jurisdiction, RTOs, etc.?
I had to put my thoughts together before replying your post. Firstly, thank you for your appreciation. I was expecting to see brickbats when I saw a new reply to my post Secondly, I am a big big Safari fan and I am trying to get one for a very very long time. I do not need to change my current car but I wanted to buy a Safari and finally I was getting one. However, I am in support of any measure that is taken to curb pollution even if that means that I will never own a Safari ever. Though I personally think that wait will not be longer than 3 months.

The dealer, on the other hand, will get the car in another couple of days. He is pressurizing me to get it registered somewhere else. I definitely do not want that to happen but i am not in commanding position as he has all my money. I am hoping that registering the car some where else will not be possible and I will get my money back. I am ready to keep the booking amount with the dealer as a surety that I will take the car after the ban is lifted. Let's see how things turn out.
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Old 20th December 2015, 17:44   #170
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
They also need to ensure ghe infrastructure. If you look at Norway, the best selling cars are now the Nissan Leaf, the Tesla and the VW Golf E - all because of less taxes, parking, and other incentives. Ironically, most of Norway's income comes from oil!
When I visited Scandinavia a couple of years back for a holiday, I was quite amazed at the number of Electric vehicles I saw even then.
I also tested the VW UP! at the time. Very nice indeed!

In the last couple of years when we had a base in the US, I was amazed to see the sheer number of Toyota Prius cars that would be lurking about at various traffic lights. Similarly the BMW i8 and its shorter, stouter brother as well, whatever its model name is, which I forget right now.

And this is in a country where people have gasoline in their veins!
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Old 20th December 2015, 18:01   #171
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Re: National Green Tribunal says, 10 year old Diesel Vehicles banned in Delhi

Originally Posted by sourabhzen View Post
I definitely do not want that to happen but i am not in commanding position as he has all my money. I am hoping that registering the car some where else will not be possible and I will get my money back. I am ready to keep the booking amount with the dealer as a surety that I will take the car after the ban is lifted. Let's see how things turn out.
Involve Tata.

There are two ways to go about this. First being, you can get the Storme registered elsewhere by paying an additional 8% of entry tax. You have to obtain an NOC from the seller DTO's place in favor of the DTO where you would be registering it.

You can also ask Tata to look into this, assist you. By assisting would mean, transferring the funds to a dealer outside Delhi and then getting the Storme from there, thus avoiding the 8% tax.

I don't think dealer can manipulate if Tata is involved.

Any idea, how long will this flawed rule exist?
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Old 21st December 2015, 16:28   #172
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Re: National Green Tribunal says, 10 year old Diesel Vehicles banned in Delhi

Originally Posted by rdhawan15 View Post
Also, I fail to understand as to how the NGT has ignored the use of diesel-powered generators in Delhi? Look at any Bank branch in Delhi, and it has a big diesel-powered generator that will put any diesel vehicle to shame when it comes to extent of pollution caused.
Whole of Cyber-City, Udyog Vihar and all the malls/offices of Delhi/NCR are running on diesel gensets and guzzling astronomical amounts of diesel everyday. But the govt cannot point fingers at them because the govt has failed to provide adequate electricity supply to them.
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Old 21st December 2015, 18:24   #173
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Re: National Green Tribunal says, 10 year old Diesel Vehicles banned in Delhi

Originally Posted by low_rider View Post
Whole of Cyber-City, Udyog Vihar and all the malls/offices of Delhi/NCR are running on diesel gensets and guzzling astronomical amounts of diesel everyday. But the govt cannot point fingers at them because the govt has failed to provide adequate electricity supply to them.
Not trying to undermine your concern but I heard a few years back that Cyber city is not running on diesel gensets. They are gas based.
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Old 21st December 2015, 19:21   #174
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

I am wondering, every product that is consumed anywhere in the world, I meant tech products, cars, TVs, mobile etc. are now available here in India, albeit, with differential pricing. Why not electric cars? I mean the real international models, not the Reva. The reason is Govt policies and supply of Electricity. Even if 10% of the vehicles in India were to convert to Electricity, that would throw the whole urban and rural energy demand out of gear, completely. Then there is the Govt policy which I think also stems from the same thought. It takes a lot of energy to run a Tesla for instance.

The supply of fossil fuels in very smooth, where was we have load shedding due to lack of consistent supply. I mean it takes hell lot of infra to convert our transportation on Electricity. Then there is the risk of alternate fuels. I mean imagine the govt invests lakhs or crores over years on the electrical infra and then some cheaper fuel cell tech comes along, what do you do with all that infra? You can't direct it for other means. Not all will go waste but a vast majority will. Its very difficult to judge the direction of the wind in such times.

But its worth moving slowly atleast in the metros and highly industrialised areas. If the costed as much as a Octavia, say I would buy it any day, irrespective of the infra.
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Old 22nd December 2015, 06:07   #175
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

New cars powered with a sub 2000 cc diesel engine will now be levied with Pollution tax.

Source :
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Old 22nd December 2015, 09:50   #176
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Stupid rule.. 1999 cc not banned, 2001 cc banned. If the government is serious, they must set a spm limit for ban. Any engines above that limit should be banned. This limit can be more stringent over years....but alas we are a nation of clerks. Numbers only matter to us..
I am sure a 2.2 liter dicor is far less polluting than a 560cc greaves tuk tuk

Last edited by apachelongbow : 22nd December 2015 at 09:52.
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Old 23rd December 2015, 11:03   #177
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Are there any petrol AWD machines in mass market production? Now since there is a ban and quite possible that if there is any positive impact witnessed by "sarkari system" it will get extended / become stringent in due course of time.

In such a case the present generation of diesel based capable AWD machines will not be there. Do we have alternates in petrol?

Cheers !
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Old 23rd December 2015, 11:25   #178
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Only applying certain rules in Delhi may not server the purpose. In last 1 week I happen come across some incidents:

1. A friend was about to book Fortuner in South Delhi, got this news. Booked from Uttarakhand, will use it in Delhi now.

2. A co-worker faced issues in getting PUC from a test center in Delhi, tried another one in Indirapuram, that fellow did not even have a machine, issued a PUC in 100 Rs.

3. Many of Housing Societies in Delhi and NCR have Diesel gen-sets for power back up. In Summers load shedding ranges from 6-8 hours many days. Just imagine how much pollution these gen-sets account for.

I have stated this in another post and would reiterate, until

1. Constructions activities of builders in NCR are not made time bound.

2. Cleaning of roads is not done by vacuum machines (Doing it with Brooms makes air highly polluted with dirt).

3. Burning leaves and garbage is not stopped completely.

4. Fitness and Pollution Levels of Commercial and Private Vehicles are not enforced strictly.

Pollution levels in Delhi will not come down to a level that it will make a difference.
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Old 23rd December 2015, 11:41   #179
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

I realise this might be a bit extreme but maybe Fiat should start following these developments with a lot if interest. They seem to have become the largest engine suppliers for passenger cars in India, if this is the direction the judiciary & government plans to take in the long-term, Fiat has a fantastic window of opportunity to start peddling the 1.9 multijet - at least to manufacturers like Tata & Mahindra.

Just a thought, don't rake me over the coals for it!

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Old 23rd December 2015, 18:40   #180
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re: Supreme Court bans registration of diesel cars over 2,000 cc in Delhi & NCR:EDIT lifted with 1% cess

Originally Posted by i74js View Post
Are there any petrol AWD machines in mass market production? Now since there is a ban and quite possible that if there is any positive impact witnessed by "sarkari system" it will get extended / become stringent in due course of time.

In such a case the present generation of diesel based capable AWD machines will not be there. Do we have alternates in petrol?

Cheers !
There is CRV. In past there was Outlander.
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