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Old 1st June 2018, 12:52   #1216
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
I am losing patience, even the AT fluid which i ordered over amazon and was imported was delivered at home today wondering i should just go ahead and start the process for getting the part from Dubai.
Spoke too soon and it seems finally the elusive part has arrived at the dealership, they sent me the picture and it seems to be matching finally!!

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-photo20180601124318.jpg
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Old 2nd June 2018, 21:38   #1217
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

I went to get the Grand Vitara Checked from Motorcraft, MASS who specialize in Grand Vitara.

This was for the following :
1. The occasional hard to slot 1st and 2nd Gear.
2. Torn Axel Boot
3. Lot of play in the gear lever.

They recommended that along with the Clutch it could be worn out low gear syncroniser rings in the Gear box. Since these are not expensive at around Rs 680, they recommended we replace these too.

I have ordered the following parts according to their recommendations at Motorcraft :

1. CLutch Plate, Clutch Pressure Plate, Bearing with cylinder, Pipe
2. Gear Lever, Bushes to remove Gear Play.
3. Low gear Syncronising rings for Hard 1st and 2nd Gear
4. Axel Boot. This was expensive at almost 3K.

Along with some minor oil seals the cost of parts will be around 30K and Labour around 5K.

I will update once the parts arrive and I get the work done.


Last edited by Styler : 2nd June 2018 at 21:40.
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Old 3rd June 2018, 19:37   #1218
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]


Was getting a screeching sound from the engine bay. Turned out it was the fan belt bearing that was causing the noise.

Original bearing is from NSK Japan. Found a local replacement that has worked.

Original bearing:
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-4a51b291582145498ea69ffb7459d7be.jpeg

Cost of local bearing - 650.

I have a 2.0 MT 2007 GV.
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Old 4th June 2018, 12:26   #1219
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2.4 L AT water pump - belt tensioner replacement

Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
Spoke too soon and it seems finally the elusive part has arrived at the dealership, they sent me the picture and it seems to be matching finally!!

Attachment 1766112
Finally, Tara the GV is purring as it should. It was a long-drawn struggle but worked out finally. The part that was procured this time was the right one, but it was a real struggle to fit it. Ideally the pulley part should have been removed to take the tensioner out. In my car the darn thing was jammed nicely to the tensioner and in the limited space that engine bay offered, nothing worked. Finally it was decided that we take out the water pump to access the tensioner assembly. Fortunately, i had a brand-new pump with me, which i had ordered earlier. Still it was a task to get the old parts removed, again due to access space.

First the tensioner was replaced, then water pump which came with the o-ring at engine side and that is when we realized there is another o-ring that is needed for the other end, and that was missing! It was at a point of no return, so reused the old o-ring. Coolant refilled and engine started. I was thrilled to hear a silent engine with no whine, after so many months with the vehicle! They took it for a small test run and had parked it with engine running to double check for any leaks.

I was making the payment and that is when i saw the car being driven back, and a nice trail of coolant lining the path What an anticlimax! Car had to cool down before anything can be done; it was lunch time and I have been standing there since 8.30 am with no breakfast and just coffee’s. Decided to Uber it back home, had some lunch and just crashed on bed. I was expecting another long wait for that silly o-ring, but at around 4.30 pm my phone rings and the Service Advisor informed car is ready for delivery and I can come over. Jumped out of bed and right into an hour of Uber ride and am back at dealership.

Good thing about MSIL is the availability of some or the other part that would fit for child parts like o-ring. Workshop managed to find a matching o-ring and resolved the leak is what I have been told. Anyways ran about 30 kms and it seems to be holding.

Some detailed picture of the precious tensioner.

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Once you remove the holding bolt, the bearing and pulley wheel should come out like this. Close up of the bearing and pullet for part number reference for future.

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-img_2475.jpg

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-img_2476.jpg

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-img_2477.jpg
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Old 4th June 2018, 17:28   #1220
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Dear GV enthusiasts,

So much information on this thread! It's a living knowledge resource and I'm really happy to read every page of it!

A few days back I had posted on this thread inquiring about the older XL-7 and newer GVs. I spoke to Mr. Sudev about my dilemma as well, and gathered a good amount of information.

So, FINALLY, I have closed the deal on a 2011 GV with about 95K on the ODO. Got the vehicle assessed at MASS before finalizing the deal.

I am short of words to describe the experience of owning a GV (pre-used albeit). It really ticks all the boxes I had in mind. After close to 3 months of looking for a 4x4 tourer, I finally am happy I made the decision to go with the GV. I have test driven used Tata Safari, Bolero, Nissan x-trail, Scorpio and the scorpio getaway, but the GV by far stands apart! It's been a roller-coaster ride with a limited budget, but I'm glad my perseverance paid off with the GV! I have already dropped the vehicle at the service center for fluids change and general service.

Hope this journey takes me places
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Old 4th June 2018, 17:59   #1221
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by sawan_dubey View Post
So, FINALLY, I have closed the deal on a 2011 GV with about 95K on the ODO. Got the vehicle assessed at MASS before finalizing the deal.

===I have already dropped the vehicle at the service center for fluids change and general service.
Congratulations Sawan for the GV.

Is this manual or automatic? What is the engine capacity? Do share some pics if you can.
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Old 4th June 2018, 18:11   #1222
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Congrats Sawan. You are doomed to have a great ownership experience now.
Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
What is the engine capacity?
The 2011 model will obviously be 2.4L, you finally have some company.
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Old 4th June 2018, 21:12   #1223
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
Congratulations Sawan for the GV.

Is this manual or automatic? What is the engine capacity? Do share some pics if you can.
Thanks for the good wishes. Will try to put in a detailed buying experience with pics as mine was a slightly special case (vehicle was owned by a hotel chain and came with a yellow board, I am in the process of getting it converted to private LCV). This could be beneficial to others.

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
Congrats Sawan. You are doomed to have a great ownership experience now.
The 2011 model will obviously be 2.4L, you finally have some company.
Your detailed ownership experience was a real treasure in helping me reassure my decisions sir. Thanks for the good wishes.
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Old 8th June 2018, 12:48   #1224
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Congrats Sawan on the 2.4L Grand Vitara.

Last monsoon I had experienced a lot of clanging sounds, on very rough trails, from the suspension.
I found that the front lower arm bushing were cracked.

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-marked-up.jpg
So finally I got around to replacing bushings 1 & 3. The Ball joint (#2) cannot be replaced. I guess I will have to change the complete lower arm next time.
I got the bushings #1 from a local store. It was of RBI Thailand make with part no 51391-S5A-021. Cost was Rs. 1700 for two. I was impressed with the quality. (photo is from the web)
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-lower-arm-rbi-bush1.jpg
Bushing #3 was procured from MASS OTC. Part no. 45261-65J00. Cost was Rs. 1922 for two.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-bush-2_compressed.jpg

Views of cracked bushings
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The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-cracked-bush-2_compressed.jpg

Lower arm after bush fitting.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-bushings-replaced_compressed.jpg

After this was completed I went to my tyrewala and fitted a set of Continental CrossContact AT. Rs. 31,100 for four.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-contis_compressed.jpg

After this I went for a 100kms drive to check the suspension. The front suspension has now become totally silent. I found the Contis giving a very smooth ride. Steering effort was the same as before. Road noise was more but not too disturbing.
But on very rough roads the clanging sound was very much present. I will have to trace the source.

A couple of days after this I got the AT gearbox oil, Diff case and Transfer case oils changed. I had previously changed the oils at 74716 kms on 18/10/2015. The current running is 87468 kms on 5/6/2018.
The AT oil drained was really dirty. Interestingly it was showing as very clean on the dipstick. The front diff oil was cloudy and degraded. Transfer case and rear diff oils were in good condition.
So it is obvious that for AT gearbox one should do the oil change twice, separated by about 100-200 kms of driving.
Drained AT oil.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-oil-drained_compressed.jpg

While changing the oils we noticed that the Front RHS driveshaft boots were leaking grease. The boots were clean when changing the tyres. So I guess this has happened in the last 50 kms of driving.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-inner-boot-torn_compressed.jpg
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-outer-boot-torn_compressed.jpg
My regular MASS is saying that only diff side (inner boot) boot is available as a replacement. Costing is around Rs. 3000.
For the wheel side (outer boot) they are asking me to change complete assly with CV bearing and shaft. Cost is around Rs. 13,000.

But I found that both inner and outer boots, of Febest make, are available from the UAE.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-febest-inner-boot.jpg
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-febest-outer-boot.jpg
For getting both the boots by post I estimate a cost of Rs. 4000. The kit includes clamps, circles and grease.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-febest-inner-set-partsouq.jpg

Has anyone replaced their inner and outer boots?
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Old 8th June 2018, 14:37   #1225
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by sridhar-v View Post
Has anyone replaced their inner and outer boots?

I have ordered right side inner front differential boot for around 3K.
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Old 8th June 2018, 17:27   #1226
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by sridhar-v View Post
Congrats Sawan on the 2.4L Grand Vitara.

Has anyone replaced their inner and outer boots?
I have procured Differential side boot
Part No: 44126-65J00
Price: Rs.2974
Status: Open for Sale
Was waiting to get it installed as I was researching on Bushings. Thanks to past few posts in this thread, this is now sorted. I shall be procuring RBI bushings. AFAIK Styler was about to install the DIFF side boots too. I researched on the Febest parts, the net is buzzing with adverse comments mainly about the cheap Chinese quality of products.
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Old 9th June 2018, 13:44   #1227
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Some of us met up for breakfast in Gurgaon this weekend. Cars belonging to joshiviv, prateekswarup, Styler, Debo and mine. Good to see everyone!

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-photo-090618-9-47-27-am.jpg
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Old 9th June 2018, 14:13   #1228
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Wow, this is a very rare sight. I have never seen more than two together.
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Old 12th June 2018, 13:30   #1229
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

I have ordered a set of boots from partsouq. It is of "Febest" make which is german in origin. I expect the same to arrive in 10-12 days time.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-partsouq-order.jpg

I decided to do some repairs to the boots. For this I ordered a self fusing silicon tape.

Lithium Molybdenum CV grease was not available readily. So I got a small pack of Lithium grease. Rs. 70 only.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-lithium-grease_compressed.jpg

I used 2 jacks - one under the side sill and one under the lower arm.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-two-jacks-needed_compressed.jpg

After cleaning the boots I found that the inner boot was torn badly.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-torn-inner-boot-1_compressed.jpg
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-torn-inner-boot-2_compressed.jpg

The outer (wheel side) boot had a small hole type tear.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-outer-pinhole_compressed.jpg
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-outer-pinhole-view-3_compressed.jpg

I first filled the inner boot with about 40 grams of grease.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-filling-grease_compressed.jpg

I decided to sort of bandage the open cut in the inner boot. I applied Fevikwik to the end of a piece of silicon tape and held it in place for a few seconds. Then I wrapped it suitably and applied Fevikwik on the other end and held it in place. Likewise I built up the bandage using suitable cut pieces of the tape. After everything was in place I applied liberal amounts of silicon sealant.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-inner-boot-first-tape_compressed.jpg
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-inner-boots-taping-steps_compressed.jpg
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The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-inner-taped-view-2_compressed.jpg

Then I attended to the outer boot. As it was a small hole I wrapped a circumferential band in the affected area. Fevikwik was applied as the tape was being laid in place. For this I had to work with my driver rotating the wheel while I was applying the tape. Actually the wheel well is quite cramped for precision work.

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The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-respect-surgeons_compressed.jpg

After laying down the tape I applied liberal amounts of silicon sealant.
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-outer-taped_compressed.jpg
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-siicon-applied-hand_compressed.jpg
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-outer-taped-coated_compressed.jpg

I then let the vehicle stand for 24 hours to allow the silicon tape to bond.
After this I have done two short trips of fewer than 2 kms each. Nothing odd to report. In a day or two I will go on a longer drive to see how my "jugaad" holds up.
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Old 14th June 2018, 10:21   #1230
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Originally Posted by Tanmay K View Post
Some of us met up for breakfast in Gurgaon this weekend. Cars belonging to joshiviv, prateekswarup, Styler, Debo and mine. Good to see everyone!

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How come I did not come to know.... Any ways why don't you guys join in on next Trail Blazing outing
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