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Old 22nd September 2019, 19:37   #5041
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Originally Posted by mostlynerd View Post
17 is the minimum that I can say look good on the Hexa. While I am firmly on the 19side with more tyres of better quality getting available.
Yes, I agree. The 17 inchers look quite good on the Hexa, albeit not as glamorous as the 19 inchers, but definitely looks more sturdy and SUVish.

Also few more improvements observed in our 2019 Hexa XT is a comparatively lighter steering (compared to 2018) and the gear shifts gets smooth within 2-3 Kms.

Originally Posted by Reinhard View Post
Yeah I suppose they should have tried a different design, but these 17" ones aren't bad in looks at all.
As for the features deleted in the 2019 XT 4x2 model, i have summarised as below

1. 19 inch rims reduced to 17 inch rims,
2. Machined alloys replaced with carbon polished alloys,
3. 2 exhaust pipes now reduced to only 1,
4. Exhaust pipe hangs from the chassis and does not fit in the space designed for the same.
5. Roof rails removed,
6. 12 V charging point in the 3rd row removed,
7. Goggles holder removed,
8. Mood lighting reduced from 8 color option to now only 1.
9. Reverse Camera guidelines removed,
10. Day/Night IRVM functionality removed.

I may have missed out on some more small small but practical features but then i wonder how much has Tata saved per vehicle w.r.t. the above features !!

Last edited by ampere : 23rd September 2019 at 06:56. Reason: back to back posts merged
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Old 22nd September 2019, 23:19   #5042
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by SaurabhB View Post
i wonder how much has Tata saved per vehicle w.r.t. the above features !!
I dont think their aim in reducing the feature is anything to do with cost cutting. My guess is that they are postioning Hexa for impending Bussard launch. If they offer all the premium features in Hexa, how are they going to differentiate another seven seater? What is missing in Hexa now will reappear in the yet to be launched SUV.

On the other hand, these reductions of features is giving me a hope that they will keep this flagship alive even after BS6 kicks in. Whether adding or reducing, the important thing is, they are doing something with Hexa every now and then. I would have been a worried owner if they hadn't done anything at all. Look at all the discussion happening in this and various other thread, people are discussing Hexa, no matter what! Hexa is a go!
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Old 22nd September 2019, 23:43   #5043
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Dear XTA Owners,

I am using a Pre-worshiped Hexa XTA for last one month or so. I need your knowledge and Experience to enlighten me on the following Queries that I have come across over last one month of Ownership.

1. The Mileage - more specifically the Distance to Empty counter is not always in sync with the travelled KMs - Ex A or B Trip meter. I understand that it need not have corresponding values as Trip meter but still some relevance should be there. What is the typical mileage expected while driving within Bangalore?

2. On Mileage again, I suspect that the Kms are not the real reflection of the actual driven distance and that Vehicle almost always records more Kms than it has actually driven. I may be wrong but this is observed vis a vis my other Car - Celerio AT, the distance driven in Hexa is always more. Am I missing something ?

3. ORVMs do not open or fold automatically in my Hexa, though it has been serviced 3 times with last being in April 2019. Has the ASS missed updating some software? I just checked on the software version on the Harman system, t mentions that it was last updated in Dec 2016. Does that needs to be updated?

4. How do we do Engine braking on the XTA specially when coming down a Flyover or a hill? Do I need to shift to the Manual mode/ Sports Mode and use the + / - to control? Wont that would mean more consumption of fuel as the Sports mode has higher modes of RPM?

5. Lastly, I have observed some sound coming form rear wheels while braking in Traffic even at dead slow speeds. What could possible that be? The sound is perfectly in sync with the push of brake paddles? Is that the sign to change the brake pads?

Kindly enlighten.

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Old 23rd September 2019, 00:05   #5044
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Dear Manish,

Congratulations on owing the Beast! I have driven HTA over 40K kms. Let me try to answer few of the queries, others will pitch in too.

1. I drive in Bangalore too, in B2B traffic expect no more than 7 kmpl. When on highway you can easily get 14. Keeping RPM at 1500 to 1800 band and cruising below 80 will fetch you over 18 easily.

2. XTA came with 19" tyres, please check the same, if it is downgraded to 17" or 16", the speedo need to be calibrated.

3. Officially what you get is non auto folding ORVM, TASS will not update the software regarding the same without prompting. Next time you take the Beast to the service center, tell them to update the BCM. Mine works wonderfully.

4. No need to shift to manual mode while braking, the brakeing system handles it effectively, however, on a recent trip to Augumbe, I did use manual to downshift during steep 45° incline curves. But for everyday use I haven't had the need to use the manuals.

5. I know one of the member of the Bangalore group had similar sound on the rear left wheel, may be small stone might be stuck between the pads, if it is too much, I think TASS will be able to resolve it. Also check for low brake fluid alert.


Last edited by doxinboy : 23rd September 2019 at 00:09.
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Old 23rd September 2019, 10:02   #5045
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by MaNishi View Post

4. How do we do Engine braking on the XTA specially when coming down a Flyover or a hill? Do I need to shift to the Manual mode/ Sports Mode and use the + / - to control? Wont that would mean more consumption of fuel as the Sports mode has higher modes of RPM?


Hexa AT does a great job of engine braking. It ussually starts downshifting the moment it detects small pressure on the brake pedal. My office run includes a steep slope because of the small hill in which our IT park is built on. While coming down , I just tap the brake a bit and Hexa always downshifts while matching revs. The grace with which it does that and the sound it makes while doing that always makes me smile. I have never had to use manual mode even in my runs to the hills (Ooty and Kodaikanal) other than for fun.

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Old 23rd September 2019, 12:56   #5046
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by MaNishi View Post
4. How do we do Engine braking on the XTA specially when coming down a Flyover or a hill? Do I need to shift to the Manual mode/ Sports Mode and use the + / - to control? Wont that would mean more consumption of fuel as the Sports mode has higher modes of RPM?

5. Lastly, I have observed some sound coming form rear wheels while braking in Traffic even at dead slow speeds. What could possible that be? The sound is perfectly in sync with the push of brake paddles? Is that the sign to change the brake pads?
HEXA AT gearbox is adaptive in nature. In my car I noticed that the shift logic changes by the way we give input at the throttle pedal. I usually drive with a very sensitive foot and the gearbox up shifts quite conservatively. Now if I drive in an aggressive manner for a lengthy period of time, that is giving more throttle than necessary and braking hard the gearbox will delay upshift by a couple of hundred rpm. As other members have suggested a light tap on the brake pedal makes the car downshift with reducing speed and unlike other other automatics will not freewheel. The same behaviour will not be replicated if driven in an aggressive mode.

Regarding the sound coming while braking, a screeching sound means some dust accumulation. If it's a tapping kind of sound then it's the brake pad wear indicator hitting the disc and time for new set of pads.
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Old 23rd September 2019, 12:59   #5047
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

A friend is considering Hexa AT top end. He has been told there is no Traction Control and ESP in AT version! Is this true?
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Old 23rd September 2019, 13:03   #5048
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Yes it doesn't have ESP.
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Old 23rd September 2019, 21:25   #5049
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Saw an Youtube Ad saying Hexa AT now starting at 13.29 lakhs. Even XMA, the lower automatic variant, cant be that low right? Got curious and checked with the local SA. See the chat to understand how it went :-)
Attached Thumbnails
Tata Hexa : Official Review-hexachat.png  

Tata Hexa : Official Review-hexaautomaticad.png  

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Old 24th September 2019, 19:52   #5050
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Hi All,

Can any member who has purchased any Hexa 2019 model, in the past couple of months, other than the XT 4x4 & XTA, give me an idea if their car has the dual chrome finished exhaust.

Many posts on Team-Bhp have claimed it to be a deleted feature. IMHO those dual exhausts give a complete & mature look to the Hexa's rear.

Also would like to know the minimum mileage achieved on highway rides.


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Old 24th September 2019, 20:29   #5051
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Somebody has managed to wrap a Tata Hexa in Red. This looks hot.

Tata Hexa : Official Review-efkinbdvaaaxfqp.jpg

Tata Hexa : Official Review-efkijjkuwaaozan.jpg

Tata Hexa : Official Review-efkieigucaafdbc.jpg

Tata Hexa : Official Review-efkibnkvaae7d9z.jpg

Credits to the guy who has done this tastefully.

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Old 24th September 2019, 20:33   #5052
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by MaNishi View Post
Dear XTA Owners,

I am using a Pre-worshiped Hexa XTA for last one month or so. I need your knowledge and Experience to enlighten me on the following Queries that I have come across over last one month of Ownership.

Congratulations Manish!

I am also considering a pre owned XTA in Pune. Could you please share the details of your purchase?


I am a 5'6" 60 kg guy. Being the elephant that Hexa is, would I look too much of a misfit driving it?

BTW, there is no end to Hexa's misery. It is the lowest selling MPV in India. Sad! Even Xylo is selling twice as much.

Last edited by pseudo_coder : 24th September 2019 at 20:54.
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Old 24th September 2019, 21:45   #5053
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by TROOPER View Post
Hi All,

Can any member who has purchased any Hexa 2019 model, in the past couple of months, other than the XT 4x4 & XTA, give me an idea if their car has the dual chrome finished exhaust.

Many posts on Team-Bhp have claimed it to be a deleted feature. IMHO those dual exhausts give a complete & mature look to the Hexa's rear.

Also would like to know the minimum mileage achieved on highway rides.
I have seen a couple of new top end Hexas in Pune and yes they do have a single exhaust at the back. Not sure about whether they had chrome outlining or not though. And yes the dual exhausts do give the car a purposeful look, kind of those SUVs with V engines.

As far as highway mileage is concerned my Hexa gave me a mileage of 15.8 kmpl (as per mid) for my recent trip to Goa and back which was around 1200kms. For the onward journey it gave me a mileage of 17 kmpl from Pune till our hotel in south Goa. Mine is a XT 4×2. And I was not pussyfooting at all. Still these are damn good figures for a 2 tonne plus monster.
Attached Thumbnails
Tata Hexa : Official Review-img20181206wa0015.jpeg  

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Old 24th September 2019, 22:14   #5054
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by ram87pune View Post
I have seen a couple of new top end Hexas in Pune and yes they do have a single exhaust at the back. Not sure about whether they had chrome outlining or not though. And yes the dual exhausts do give the car a purposeful look, kind of those SUVs with V engines.
Well that's disappointing. That is one feature, if deleted would be very evident. The Hexa brochure on the website still shows dual exhausts. Some recent youtube videos too show 2019 XT 4x2 with the same.

Hexa is on our shortlist and I hope Tata doesn't carry out any more stupid deletions come December.

As far as highway mileage is concerned my Hexa gave me a mileage of 15.8 kmpl (as per mid) for my recent trip to Goa and back which was around 1200kms. For the onward journey it gave me a mileage of 17 kmpl from Pune till our hotel in south Goa. Mine is a XT 4×2. And I was not pussyfooting at all. Still these are damn good figures for a 2 tonne plus monster.
That's so impressive. In spite of its heavy weight, the mileage is comparable to some of the lighter petrol cars in the same price range under our consideration.

Thank you very much for the information

Last edited by TROOPER : 24th September 2019 at 22:33.
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Old 24th September 2019, 22:39   #5055
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

I don't get why having "dual exhausts" (dual tips, really) is such a big thing. It does nothing for the Hexa (except visuals but something you'll never see most of the time especially while driving) but add unnecessary weight (although insignificant) and cost money.

Last edited by raystriker : 24th September 2019 at 22:42.
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