Since past few days have been facing lots of issues with my XUV 700 AX7 D. I have now started doubting my decision to purchase this car.
Some time back I read some posts and saw videos about few YouTubers selling their cars due to niggles and I thought they were trying to make an issue out of nothing significant but now I think they were not entirely wrong.
Since past few weeks I am forced to visit Mahindra service centre for some or other issue. The overall ownership experience has been far from what one would expect. Mahindra has a very very long way to go when it comes to making a niggle free vehicle. After what I have been experiencing, I would think twice before taking my vehicle on a long trip.
The issue started with Thudding and Kat Kat noise from front suspensions. I have also posted a video showing exact scenarios under which the noise use to come. As a resolution to the said issue, I was told to get my vehicle to the service centre for Suspension head mount replacement. When I gave my vehicle for replacement, few other service actions were shown by the Mahindra system which included Software update.
During the software update, it bricked the DATC ECU which handles the entire Automatic Climate Control. Only option was to replace the DATC ECU. This is a small black box which sits behind the climate control unit. The car was kept for a week at the service centre for the part to arrive. While replacing the ECU, the technician damaged the Silver trim on the dashboard and also damaged the centre console.
After taking the delivery of the vehicle, when I checked for the functioning of the AC unit, I noticed that the air flow was coming from the vents near the windshield and the flow was not getting diverted from the front vents. The AC controls were not working. It was then identified that the AC vent actuator motor had some issue and had to be replaced. I had to wait for a week for the replacement motor to arrive and it took 2 days for the service centre to replace the motor and get the AC fixed.
Along with the above issues, the car had also developed issues with the left side latch assembly where the front left door outside handle was getting stuck mid way and the rear left door was getting stuck when trying to open from inside. Reported this issue while getting the AC actuator replaced and the latch assembly was replaced under warranty.
Finally got the vehicle with AC working as expected on 27th September.
Used the car for couple of days and then has to travel to Ahmedabad for a week. Thought of travelling by my Dad's Honda City. XUV was not used for a week. To my shock, when I started the car on 08th October I saw one of the scariest warning on the console.
I immediately informed the COTEK and CSM. I was asked to get the car to the service centre for scanning. After checking the error codes, they felt it could be a weak battery as the car was not used for a week. There was no starting issue with the car but the system was showing couple of error codes around drop in voltage, LIN sensor error for dry lines going to DEF, and couple of codes for ADAS.
Suspecting the battery issue, I was asked to get the battery checked for issues with Charging, holding the charge and Gravity. Got it checked the next day with Amaron dealer near my residence. As per the battery guy, there was no issue with the battery or the alternator.
I was able to replicate the Check Engine light issue by stopping the engine by pressing the Engine On/Off button and then immediately pressing the Engine On/Off button again to bring the car to standby mode.
While the battery guy was checking the battery, I suddenly noticed that Engine Coolant was below minimum mark in the reservoir. The car was not showing any extreme temperature warning though.
I immediately rushed to the service centre on 09th October and brought this to the notice. There is no apparent leak from any of the hose or from the reservoir. We filled the reservoir with Coolant and took the vehicle for a test ride. Apparently, the Check Engine light issue seem to have got resolved and I was not able to replicate it after filling the coolant. I am not sure if there is any link between low coolant and Check Engine System warning.
I was asked to drive the vehicle for a day and check if the coolant quantity is getting low. I had quite a bit of city driving today. When I checked the coolant quantity today morning, it had reduced slightly from what we had filled yesterday. We had fixed a piece of tape to mark the level of coolant in the reservoir as it was slightly off from the Max quantity mark.
Though it was slightly lower than the MAX mark, I took a change and took the car to work. Did around 50 kilometres with crazy bumper to bumper traffic on JVLR and Ladakh like ride through the Aarey milk colony (Bhpians from Mumbai would know what I mean). As expected, the coolant was just under the MIN mark when I was back home by evening.
Tried to search for the leak and finally found a big wet patch on the under body cover. I am not sure if this patch is due to coolant leakage as it is below the engine and I am not able to see any visible pink coloured liquid. All I see is a big patch which looks fresh. It is slight greasy to touch and does not show any pink liquid. Could this be due to oil change which was done during the first service few months back?
Where would be the leakage from if this patch is due to coolant?
Another thing to note is that the Check Engine System alert again started appearing when I tried doing the quick Stop Start sequence.
Have been asked to get the car to the service centre again tomorrow for fixing the above issues.
This entire episode has left a bad taste about the entire ownership experience with this car. This shows that companies are using customers as guineapigs and testing their half baked products at the cost of the customer.
Visiting the workshop has become my weekly routine.
I have also escalated this matter to Mr. Anand Mahindra using his official email address but have not received any response from him or any of the senior management guys at Mahindra.
I am pretty sure, these generic CMD email IDs are handled by some escalation teams and the head of the organization would have no idea about what is happening in reality.
Does any one know anybody in the senior management who can help me with these issues? It would be a great help if any of the form member could help me with contact details of some senior management team members at Mahindra.
Mods: Please excuse me for low quality photos as I had no other option but to click them using my mobile camera.