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Old 15th February 2010, 11:11   #421
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Guys, please restrict this thread to actual comments on the Beat, as a car. To announce your booking, we have another (dedicated) I booked my car thread.
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Old 15th February 2010, 13:31   #422
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BEAT performance review from the roads in Kerala

Two of my friends received BEAT( one LT and one PS) last week.

However the performance on roads with turns and inclines are pathetic.You will have to downshift every now and then and on stop-start conditions on slopes it just refuse to move forward until the engine crosses 3500 RPM in first gear(Same on both cars).
We have tested the same with a WAGON R, swift and a santro which effortlessly pulls forward under 2k RPM and does not put load on the Engine.However drive on flat surfaces are good.

Has anybody here who recently got BEAT experienced this? We have raised the concern with the dealer and the dealer service guy tested the same and confirmed the same.We have reported the same to GM india customer service as well.
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Old 16th February 2010, 13:46   #423
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Originally Posted by S5157 View Post
Two of my friends received BEAT( one LT and one PS) last week.

However the performance on roads with turns and inclines are pathetic.You will have to downshift every now and then and on stop-start conditions on slopes it just refuse to move forward until the engine crosses 3500 RPM in first gear(Same on both cars).
We have tested the same with a WAGON R, swift and a santro which effortlessly pulls forward under 2k RPM and does not put load on the Engine.However drive on flat surfaces are good.

Has anybody here who recently got BEAT experienced this? We have raised the concern with the dealer and the dealer service guy tested the same and confirmed the same.We have reported the same to GM india customer service as well.
What ever be the case, a new engine on any car will take some time to free up. The spark also has the same issue, when it is new.
But the condition changes dramatically after the first service and after some 1000+ kms. Believe me, even the first checkup service without oil change can bring some 15% better performance
I am quite sure that the two BEATS that you refer, would not have completed 1000 kms and the check-up service.
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Old 16th February 2010, 13:59   #424
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Saw 2 beats on Bangy roads today one red and other black. Looks much better than the Ritz.
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Old 16th February 2010, 14:04   #425
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I saw a red one and just loved it! Awesome machine
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Old 16th February 2010, 16:36   #426
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Hi Guys, got my Beat Black LT delivered today and its a beauty and a silent killer because if you stand in traffic and when you move you end up cranking the engine. It is super silent and no vibrations at all. Will soon be back with pics and a quick review after I run it a few more KM's. Also, very satisfied with Aravali auto sales people they are very nice and professional I must say now.
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Old 16th February 2010, 17:34   #427
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Congrats vprodigy! You must be the first BHPian to own the Beat! Waiting for your comprehensive review. With TONS of pics, else the mods will reject it
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Old 16th February 2010, 19:23   #428
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Thank you Quad and other TBHPians in advance.
Give me a few days and I will get you guys a comprehensive review with loads of pics on Beat. Also, in the mean time if you guys have any specific queries or something you want me to test then do send me your questions on message or here in the forum (if mods allow) and i'll be glad to test them for you along with my opinions. Cheers.
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Old 16th February 2010, 21:07   #429
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Congrats Vprodigy.
I wish you have a happy miles in your black beauty.
Awaiting my White LT on thursday(fingers crossed).
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Old 16th February 2010, 21:16   #430
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Originally Posted by S5157 View Post
Two of my friends received BEAT( one LT and one PS) last week.

However the performance on roads with turns and inclines are pathetic.You will have to downshift every now and then and on stop-start conditions on slopes it just refuse to move forward until the engine crosses 3500 RPM in first gear(Same on both cars).
We have tested the same with a WAGON R, swift and a santro which effortlessly pulls forward under 2k RPM and does not put load on the Engine.However drive on flat surfaces are good.

Has anybody here who recently got BEAT experienced this? We have raised the concern with the dealer and the dealer service guy tested the same and confirmed the same.We have reported the same to GM india customer service as well.
Recived a call from Geeyem Motors cochin and was informed that South India Customer sales Manager is available to address the issue. Been there at 5:00 PM today with BEAT LT.He along with service manager checked the car and found that clutch was not proper and did some adjustments.We went for another test drive and he admitted that the engine has to revved more to get enough torque out of the engine compared to JAP and Korean engines. He recommended to wait till first service and then check again.He has provided his direct contact number in case of any issues.The car responds better after the clutch adjustments but drivability on the roads in our areas is a big problem still.

I have never owned a Chevy or GM car but is really impressed the way they are addressing the customer complaints.Will update more after the first service which should happen in next few days.
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Old 17th February 2010, 01:03   #431
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Originally Posted by S5157 View Post
He along with service manager checked the car and found that clutch was not proper and did some adjustments.We went for another test drive and he admitted that the engine has to revved more to get enough torque out of the engine compared to JAP and Korean engines. He recommended to wait till first service and then check again.

I have never owned a Chevy or GM car but is really impressed the way they are addressing the customer complaints.Will update more after the first service which should happen in next few days.
The adjustment to your clutch must have been to increase your idling rpm, thereby increasing the rpm range as you shift gears.
I guess the newer engines need to be at a higher RPM ,even in first gear, to have sufficient torque. I guess it has to do with, engines being adjusted for mileage rather than power. Even the 1.2 Kappa engine of the hyundai needs to be at a higher rpm. I have been driving an older zing with a 1.1 L engine and i found the Kappa 1.2 L lacking in the initial gears (engine starts knocking if you dont keep the rpm at a boil). It gets progressively more powerful in the higher gears.

BTW had been to Sundaram Motors in chennai on the 15th. Waiting period for PS,LS models is 10 days . For LT it is 1 month and for LT OP pack it is between 2 to 3 months as quoted by sales person.

Last edited by -NUT-case : 17th February 2010 at 01:06.
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Old 17th February 2010, 10:40   #432
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Originally Posted by vprodigy View Post
Hi Guys, got my Beat Black LT delivered today and its a beauty and a silent killer because if you stand in traffic and when you move you end up cranking the engine. It is super silent and no vibrations at all. Will soon be back with pics and a quick review after I run it a few more KM's. Also, very satisfied with Aravali auto sales people they are very nice and professional I must say now.
Congrats vprodigy for being the 1st TeamBHPian to own a Beat.
Wish you a safe and exciting drive on your black beauty.
As quadmaniac & praveencr85 mentioned, all Team BHPians are eager to hear from you the initial ownership experience.

I hope what you got is a 2010model. Earlier some of the TeamBHPians mentioned that GM had some 2009 inventory, which will be sold in the initial period.
Check for a high speed reverse drive (+15kmph) and give feedback.
Is the Chevy logo on your steering wheel is a golden one?
Any clue on the initial fuel economy?
Please do mention about the accessories. Did you get anything free from the dealer?

BTW me too awaiting my green LT, but no clue on the date of delivery.
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Old 17th February 2010, 17:19   #433
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Congrats to all the Beat owners!!!!!

One of my friend is looking at buying either the Beat or the new Swift. Will be great if you guys can point out the major "+" & "-" of the Beat as compared to the Swift.
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Old 18th February 2010, 08:48   #434
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beat + points - great interiors, value for money, very good engine, better build quality than maruti, EURO 4 NCAP, good front and rear legroom, great exteriors(subjective), very comfortable front seats, Auto AC works great, Digital bike inspired Tacho.
swift + point - also has a very good engine, good resale value
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Old 18th February 2010, 10:29   #435
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We are getting LT variant for 4.07 L on the road in Kerala, how is that?. Its a special scheme not available for common public. Only problem is the delivery time, it takes more than the normal order.

I love BEAT interior, it has more Cruz touch in it

Last edited by Latheesh : 18th February 2010 at 10:32.
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