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Old 30th June 2010, 20:14   #6226
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^^Oh ok, I was just taking into consideration the jerk/tug at 60kmph to the belly area. Glad to know you are safe though.
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Old 30th June 2010, 20:32   #6227
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I never knew driving dynamics of a car are so important.Till i saw this today .A sharp turn and car goes toppling over.I pray to god the volume sellers in India start coming with better driving dynamics and safety standards like their European counterparts.In this case the car toppled over once and the condition of this popular car was beyond belief even though this happened in right in front of me.
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Last edited by Trust_In_Thrust : 30th June 2010 at 20:35.
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Old 30th June 2010, 20:36   #6228
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There is a limit to what can be done with a tall boy on stock tyres. That looks like it has toppled more than a couple of times. Any news on the occupants ?
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Old 30th June 2010, 20:59   #6229
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Originally Posted by GreenmachinE View Post
Finally we get to see Verna in its home territory . Though I fell sorry for your friend, I am pretty much sure Verna's mad power with its boaty handling had contributed to this mess.
Exactly Green machine. I have driven this thing and its a SUICIDE machine in bumpy roads especially in WRONG HANDS! In this case, it was a perfect blend of all.

We found the braking tyre marks some 75m before the spot but after that we couldnt see any. The guy who drove it told us that he didnt notice an oncoming car and by the time he noticed it, it blinded him with its strong headlights.

So that explanation is in sync with what happened. He braked when he noticed the oncoming car. But instead of holding the brakes(may be partially blinded by headlights), he accelerated hardly which made it out of control. He told that he did not remember what exactly happened after braking
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Old 30th June 2010, 23:23   #6230
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Originally Posted by Trust_In_Thrust View Post
I never knew driving dynamics of a car are so important.Till i saw this today .A sharp turn and car goes toppling over.I pray to god the volume sellers in India start coming with better driving dynamics and safety standards like their European counterparts.In this case the car toppled over once and the condition of this popular car was beyond belief even though this happened in right in front of me.
I pray that India starts coming up with better drivers. This happens to autos, and top-heavy SUVs --- but to a Ritz? How fast was this guy going?

Either this is a seriously dangerous car, or it was being seriously badly driven. I find the former hard to believe. You saw it: do tell more!
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Old 30th June 2010, 23:30   #6231
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Originally Posted by Trust_In_Thrust View Post
I never knew driving dynamics of a car are so important.Till i saw this today .A sharp turn and car goes toppling over.I pray to god the volume sellers in India start coming with better driving dynamics and safety standards like their European counterparts.In this case the car toppled over once and the condition of this popular car was beyond belief even though this happened in right in front of me.
Your concerns about Indian car safety standards vis-a-vis Europe etc are very justified, however I think at least in the case of the Ritz we cant blame Maruti-Suzuki of any negligence. Since this very same car is sold in Europe, I am sure it went through the Elk rollover test etc before sale commenced over there. And we do have the same latest generation car here.

Originally Posted by prince_pervez View Post
There is a limit to what can be done with a tall boy on stock tyres. That looks like it has toppled more than a couple of times. Any news on the occupants ?
Yes, I agree that its probably the fault of the driver for not knowing his car's limits. Didn't we also see a lot of such incidents with Scorpios?

However Trust_in_Thrust's point is still very much valid. For two cars with everything else being the same - same manufacturer, same mechanicals, same generation product etc, the tallboy would be more susceptible to rollovers (was talking about Swift and Ritz, and Swift doesnt even have that low a stance). Agreed that tallboy designs are extremely useful in liberating space, but I still cant figure out why there is SO much unnecessary headroom in some tallboys. The Wagon R roof could have been 6 inches lower and it wouldnt have bothered anyone. And Maruti actually went ahead and chopped the roof of the Versa down by a few inches when creating the Eco. So why did the old Versa, or the Wagon R have so much headroom in the first place?
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Old 30th June 2010, 23:31   #6232
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Im sure the Ritz in post # 6229 hit something before toppling. The rear wheel does not bend like that when the car topples and believe me, ive seen a lotta toppled cars. It seems to have hit to high stone/divider etc.
For example, our wagonR's tyre blew at over 100, car hit the drop at the side of the road (difference in road and footpath height) and toppled over about 6 times. Car was straightened up, checked and was driven back over 300kms in the same condition. All in the car were lucky to have escaped alive with minor injuries. Ive seen many such accidents!


EDIT: car was driven down by a maruti/hyundai driver for 1.5k. My folks and bro flew down the next day. The entire shell was replaced and the car was used for the next 2yrs during which time it served us well.

Last edited by james : 30th June 2010 at 23:34.
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Old 30th June 2010, 23:56   #6233
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Originally Posted by prince_pervez View Post
There is a limit to what can be done with a tall boy on stock tyres. That looks like it has toppled more than a couple of times. Any news on the occupants ?
That's the top-spec Zxi which comes with decent 185 section rubber compared to the terribly under-tired base/middle versions.The must have hit something and toppled over or vice-versa,judging by the extent of the damage.No way the whole suspension set-up breaks just like that,as mentioned by james.
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Old 1st July 2010, 01:23   #6234
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^^I wrote that considering a high speed cornering manuver with those skinny tyres. A burst or an object under the wheels at highspeed and turning can throw any car off gear with any tyres.
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Old 1st July 2010, 01:37   #6235
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Originally Posted by james View Post
ive seen a lotta toppled cars.
Is your surname Bond by any chance?

Please don't mind that jab, I just couldn't refrain from saying that. However, your main point is bang on target. While physics tells us that the CG of the "tall boys" would be higher than the others, and hence they will most definitely have a greater risk of toppling, I believe that the Ritz must have hit the divider or something else before it flipped.

Hopefully the passengers are safe.
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Old 1st July 2010, 07:43   #6236
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seeing the condition of the lift side wheels, it seems that the vehicle has been dragged sideways. otherwise if it would have been just a topple, the condition of the wheels wouldn't have been so bad.
and where in delhi did this happen?

Last edited by S.I.N.G.H : 1st July 2010 at 07:43. Reason: addition of information
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Old 1st July 2010, 08:06   #6237
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Originally Posted by S.I.N.G.H View Post
seeing the condition of the lift side wheels, it seems that the vehicle has been dragged sideways. otherwise if it would have been just a topple, the condition of the wheels wouldn't have been so bad.
My guess out of the Cinemas would be it landed on the left rear wheel after its initial topple and broke the axel.
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Old 1st July 2010, 08:58   #6238
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During one of my trips from Mumbai to Bangalore, I have also seen a RITZ topple - on the outskirts of Ranebennur - heard somebody was injured - But to this day not able to diagonise with so much of traffic and bad roads at that point, how the driver managed to topple the car - a brand new one - it overtook me dangerously 5 kms before the accident occurred - say 10 minutes.
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Old 1st July 2010, 09:12   #6239
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Guys the ritz rolled over just once and when it was taking the turn it was at about 50kmph (since i was behind him 2-3 car lengths for last 2 kms) and it landed on th eleft side tyres pretty badly.The driver was hurt pretty badly (no seatbelts) ,passenger had some sharpnel injury from side glass.
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Old 1st July 2010, 09:37   #6240
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Originally Posted by Trust_In_Thrust View Post
Guys the ritz rolled over just once and when it was taking the turn it was at about 50kmph (since i was behind him 2-3 car lengths for last 2 kms) and it landed on th eleft side tyres pretty badly.The driver was hurt pretty badly (no seatbelts) ,passenger had some sharpnel injury from side glass.
Aint that just brilliant! He buys a top of the line Zxi with ABS and Airbags, but doesnt even bother to wear seatbelts! If this had been a head-on collision the airbag would have contributed its bit to injuring the driver further! For the life of me I cant figure out why we Indians dont bother with seatbelts.
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