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Old 19th June 2017, 19:57   #1381
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Yes, decent rain in Chennai at last. But it has been fussy and only landed where it felt like it. Some people have flooded streets, others have no more than a few drops!

Kea Weather Blog.
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Old 15th August 2017, 07:44   #1382
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Heavy rains in BLR.

Cops were doing rounds in our area asking people to take their cars out of their basement parking. At least one street here had water covering the road.
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Old 15th August 2017, 08:52   #1383
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Originally Posted by condor View Post
Heavy rains in BLR.
Yup heavy rain last night, at least 2+ hours of pounding rain. Sad to see all the water run down the drains or flood low lying areas.
Hope it continues, my rain water harvesting sump got filled last night. ☺
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Old 16th August 2017, 09:56   #1384
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Past 2-3 days Bangalore has been battered with rains. There was a record rainfall of 180mm starting from 11 pm on 14th aug until early morning on 15th. Areas like Koramangala, Ejipura, Silk board, HSR, Bellandur, Vijayanagar etc were all inundated and people had to suffer. Few of the pics that I received over watsap.
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Old 16th August 2017, 10:29   #1385
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

The flatter plain areas of South East are more prone to flooding. If one looks at the drain size running parallel to ORR from BTM layout, which sane person can think that it would be sufficient to drain a lake ?

Just Saturday night, I was discussing with my friends that we need about 10 cm of rain to show our non-existent plans/encroachments/corruption. I still think we need more of such rains for the people to come up against the people directly responsible for this.
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Old 16th August 2017, 11:15   #1386
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

The funny part was there was no sign of rain even at 10 pm on 14th Aug. The sky was actually clear.
The Met dept had sent out warnings of medium to heavy rainfall to the civic authorities through the evening and night before.
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Old 16th August 2017, 11:44   #1387
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
I still think we need more of such rains for the people to come up against the people directly responsible for this.
Unfortunately nothing changes. Everybody knows it will not rain for days together like it rained on 15th and things will be back to "normal". People who suffer whine and those in power will make "appropriate noises" for a few days and things will be back to status quo. Nobody will learn - ever.

People are also to blame for the mess - It takes two hands to clap !! Why buy houses despite knowing they illegal / not built as per plan / encroaching the Raja Kaluves etc.?
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Old 16th August 2017, 12:06   #1388
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Originally Posted by AltoLXI View Post
Unfortunately nothing changes. Everybody knows it will not rain for days together like it rained on 15th and things will be back to "normal". People who suffer whine and those in power will make "appropriate noises" for a few days and things will be back to status quo. Nobody will learn - ever.

People are also to blame for the mess - It takes two hands to clap !! Why buy houses despite knowing they illegal / not built as per plan / encroaching the Raja Kaluves etc.?
Well, why is the burden of proof always on the buyer ? What is the govt's role other than getting hefty registration fees and other fees to to be distributed to everyone one else ?

Every behaviour of a person in a society is enforced and not at free will. Something that impacts life in the near future should also be enforced and the govt has the responsibility for it (and us for choosing such people)

Last edited by srishiva : 16th August 2017 at 12:09.
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Old 16th August 2017, 12:45   #1389
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
Well, why is the burden of proof always on the buyer ? What is the govt's role other than getting hefty registration fees and other fees to to be distributed to everyone one else ?

Every behaviour of a person in a society is enforced and not at free will. Something that impacts life in the near future should also be enforced and the govt has the responsibility for it (and us for choosing such people)
Well, one has to double check if the builder does indeed adhering to all the norms (FAR, all documents legally correct, no encroachments and etc). One cannot simply accept the other's words on face value not cry victim when due diligence was missed from our end as well. That being said we all know how the thing works. Pay X amount (which is calculated by the site area, cost of the project and the area brand value) to the approval authority and get the project approved. When we were constructing our home way back in 2003, I refused to pay a single dime and in the end I had to endure their harassment until we moved in. This even after we adhered to the FAR and all of their other recommendations.
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Old 16th August 2017, 12:53   #1390
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
Well, why is the burden of proof always on the buyer ? What is the govt's role other than getting hefty registration fees and other fees to to be distributed to everyone one else ?
Legally it is the buyer's responsibility to check the legality of the property they are buying. Given the state of the system now, it becomes even more important that the middle class play safe and protect themselves. True, it hurts when the tax payers money is diverted to fund the populist schemes, sending corporation staff on "study tour" to Singapore and what not. Every year BBMP armed with bulldozers pretend to raze a section of the illegal constructions and people protest the "high handedness". A corporator, a local MLA, some goons all pacify both the parties, money changes hands and things are back to square one. The only taskmaster who can teach lesson is the nature.

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
Every behaviour of a person in a society is enforced and not at free will.
Something that impacts life in the near future should also be enforced and the govt has the responsibility for it (and us for choosing such people)
Do we have any other option apart from choosing one among them? Even in societies where awareness is high, democratically elected representatives con the people, what can we expect in country like ours? Ironically, it was 15th August, when the rains again wreaked havoc on crumbling infrastructure and makes one think what freedom did we get to change the destiny of the country? The British constructed buildings in my home town have stood the test of time and still going strong after 150 years
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Old 16th August 2017, 13:25   #1391
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

180 mm over 2.5 days doesn't seem much. But this causes bikes to submerge until seat level?

I do have an experience of wading through knee deep water in Bannerghatta Road for a 4 hour rain in May 2007. I eventually took my train from Hosur as I knew reaching SBC was impossible (another instance we walked/ran all the way from Hudson Circle to SBC for a choc-a-bloc in lot less rains).

It's sad that things have just gotten worser since then :(
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Old 16th August 2017, 14:10   #1392
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
The flatter plain areas of South East are more prone to flooding. If one looks at the drain size running parallel to ORR from BTM layout, which sane person can think that it would be sufficient to drain a lake ?
Visitors to Singapore will probably remember the huge canal drains. For example, the one at the southern edge of Little India. That's a drain! Here? If ever built it would be left until it was sufficiently silted to build on.

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Old 16th August 2017, 15:56   #1393
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Visitors to Singapore will probably remember the huge canal drains. For example, the one at the southern edge of Little India. That's a drain! Here? If ever built it would be left until it was sufficiently silted to build on.

Exactly, the drains we are talking about used to be small river like. They were used to collect the overflowing water from lakes and transport it to another lake of a bigger size mostly. So they used to have water only when lakes overflow. Now they always have water since lakes (or whatever is left of them) are always full with sewage water

Just for completeness, canals are usually controlled outlets from lakes used for irrigation and similar purposes.
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Old 16th August 2017, 16:27   #1394
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

canals are usually controlled outlets from lakes used for irrigation and similar purposes
Canals are man-made, rather than natural, waterways. Water often does not flow in them and needs to be topped up. Thing is, though, when people think "drain," they tend to think something more like a four-inch pipe, rather than a huge concrete trench.

Here in Chennai, so far as roads are concerned, they can't even manage the small stuff. There is no excuse for waterlogging after a shower, but it happens after every shower.

And... I think (and hope!) it's about to rain
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Old 17th August 2017, 10:48   #1395
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Re: The "It's raining in my city" Thread!

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post

And... I think (and hope!) it's about to rain
Yes it did rain yesterday, something that Chennai, and TN as a whole, really needs.

It rained but for just about an hour, and what did we have on the roads ?

When is this city going to be prepared to really welcome the rains ?

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