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Old 11th November 2008, 11:48   #196
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2 places I tried out last week that were quite nice.

Grill Room (above Fusion 9, belongs to the same group, I guess): Unlike the name, there is not a single grill in sight - neither was the kitchen visible, nor were any on the tables like in Barbeque Nation. Not terribly expensive. Has a nice array of imported booze, yet hardly any wine (not even Indian). Beer was limited to Fosters, RC and Budweiser(!!!). Food was surprisingly very good - good choice of grilled stuff from around the world. Indian stuff was limited to a couple of gravy items which come with rice / roti. Nice array of vegetarian dishes. They even understand that most foreigners are put off by chillies, even if they make a brave face. They advised my guests about the fiery stuff and the not-fiery stuff, without being asked.

Kuchipudi (Andhra restaurant inside Hotel Katriya): Not so popular with the local crowd, I guess - there was only 1 other table occupied. Yet, the service was abominal - the guy attending to our table must have been a trainee, since he neither knew etiquette nor sequence. Food was delicious, both starters and main course. Best Gongura Mamsam I have had for a while.

Has anyone tried out the Texas Chicken joint next to Dadu's? Found a much better variety than KFC, including a wide array of veg stuff. They have separate kitchens for veg and chicken, from what I could make out from the counter.
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Old 11th November 2008, 11:55   #197
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Wow, waiting for this one. I drove recently in front of the restuarant and promised myself that i need to go there pretty soon.

Need some feedback on the quality of the kebabs ( Northie style, lucknowie style etc) and are they succelent enough etc

Also, did they price like they do in Delhi? 600 bucks per head and eat as much as you can types?
Well, mobike - let me see - the kebabs were pretty good - well spiced etc - but not as good as in Lucknow (slightly jaundiced view since I'm from Lucknow! :-). The Gilawati kebabs were the best.
And yes - it was 600 bucks per head and "eat as much as you can" - provided you can get hold of the waiters!
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Old 11th November 2008, 12:15   #198
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Originally Posted by suren181 View Post
AVi, I hope the following link would help: - Authentic Chettinaad Restaurant

Ok, I am sure though, that you might need a few pointers on this menu, for some of the items are in their tamil names. For eg., knowing that you don't eat any of the so called spares , Thalai Curry on the MUtton items sub heading directly translates to Brain curry, I know you would definitely want to avoid it.

I would definitely recommend the Mutton Bone soup, if you like your Soup Hot and spicey, especially if you have a cold, or wanna clean up you nasal passageways, naturally.

The link to the menu given above does not contain half of what they offer in the evenings like Idlies, Dosas (I like their Kheema Dosa), Their variety of Parottas (Do try the Ceylon Kheema Parotta) and other stuff. Appams and Iddiyappams (my favourites) would be on the menu from teh 24th onwards or so, when they go full fledged. BTW, for the uninitiated Idiyappam, is the Tamil/Mallu name for String hoppers.

Do tell me if any more info is needed. Word of caution is the fare could be quite hot and spicy, but give it a try if you don't mind spicy stuff. Of course you do have the bland fare, if you ask for it they would suggest you the same, but all in all a palate stirring experience (literally).
Suren, i am amazed and quite happy to note that you remembered what my taste is like. Thanks for that! Yes, your right, i am a simple non-veg eater ( read : regular stuff and no crazy stuff for me) and yes, the feedback that you provided definetly helps. Btw, i am a lover of spicy food so no problems there.

I will go there soon and try out the dishes that you outlined

Originally Posted by DerAlte View Post
2 places I tried out last week that were quite nice.

Grill Room (above Fusion 9, belongs to the same group, I guess): Unlike the name, there is not a single grill in sight - neither was the kitchen visible, nor were any on the tables like in Barbeque Nation. Not terribly expensive. Has a nice array of imported booze, yet hardly any wine (not even Indian). Beer was limited to Fosters, RC and Budweiser(!!!). Food was surprisingly very good - good choice of grilled stuff from around the world. Indian stuff was limited to a couple of gravy items which come with rice / roti. Nice array of vegetarian dishes. They even understand that most foreigners are put off by chillies, even if they make a brave face. They advised my guests about the fiery stuff and the not-fiery stuff, without being asked.

Kuchipudi (Andhra restaurant inside Hotel Katriya): Not so popular with the local crowd, I guess - there was only 1 other table occupied. Yet, the service was abominal - the guy attending to our table must have been a trainee, since he neither knew etiquette nor sequence. Food was delicious, both starters and main course. Best Gongura Mamsam I have had for a while.

Has anyone tried out the Texas Chicken joint next to Dadu's? Found a much better variety than KFC, including a wide array of veg stuff. They have separate kitchens for veg and chicken, from what I could make out from the counter.
I never tried Grill Room but since it is owned by Fusion 9 ( where i been like dozens of times) i know their style of cooking and presentation. It is purely continental and designed especially for phiraangs as Fusion 9 gets a lot of them on a daily basis. I find it ridiculously expensive and maybe good for that once in a blue moon type and definetly a choice if the company is paying the bill

We had a few tbhp meets in Fortune Katriya and we noted the same. There isnt much crowd there whenever we have been there.

Being close to my home, I tried the Texas Chicken some time back and found it decent and nothing great shakes
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Old 11th November 2008, 14:47   #199
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Originally Posted by amip View Post
Well, mobike - let me see - the kebabs were pretty good - well spiced etc - but not as good as in Lucknow (slightly jaundiced view since I'm from Lucknow! :-). The Gilawati kebabs were the best.
And yes - it was 600 bucks per head and "eat as much as you can" - provided you can get hold of the waiters!
Well, i can imagine it must be really tough for getting hold of the waiters as people who know GKF ( like me) would have been waiting eagerly for its opening in Hyderabad must have been waiting on the wings to get hold of those kebabs.

But i am sure it will settle to a regularity w.r.t the waiters being more prompt once this unprecedented rush dies down.
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Old 11th November 2008, 21:46   #200
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i have been waiting for Kebab Factory to open, esp my wife who is a hard core non-vegetarian!

abt Chettinad Cuisine, its spicy and very tasty! if you have tasted Chettinad Chicken in any of the restaurants in hyderabad, forget all those and taste the authentic stuff now!

its the first Chettinad restaurant in town and a very welcome addition!
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Old 12th November 2008, 03:01   #201
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Just to add my part :

Biryani :
Paradise is the last place i'd vote for. The essential Biryani flavour and taste aint there anymore.
The place you want to try out is Biryani Darbar located @ Trimulgherry, near Castrol Bike Zone. Take away is the best option since the place is always full. Probably the most tastiest biryani i have come across.

Chinese :

Ohri's @ Banjara Hills . I like the dishes since they have lot of sauces to experiment with. The Hunan Lamb is the starters and the dish i'd recommend first. Although if you are a often visitor to the place. You might wanna change.

Dhaba Food :
Drive - In Dhaba @ Shamirpet. Not generally suitable for family due to the place. Tbhp'ians will know about the taste since i have taken them once.
Although they are lotta good Dhaba's as well, however this one is my personal favourite. Lotta finger licking tasty dishes.
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Old 12th November 2008, 13:17   #202
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Originally Posted by nosfreak View Post
Just to add my part :

Biryani :
Paradise is the last place i'd vote for. The essential Biryani flavour and taste aint there anymore.
The place you want to try out is Biryani Darbar located @ Trimulgherry, near Castrol Bike Zone. Take away is the best option since the place is always full. Probably the most tastiest biryani i have come across.
Nick, your description made my mouth water. I am going to try this biryani soon

@CrlAltDel, I agree with you, chettinad is for the spicy lover. Btw, arent you joining us for the Nov 16 drive?
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Old 12th November 2008, 13:23   #203
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Originally Posted by whitesquall View Post
Had been to "Dine Hill" @ the Banjara Hills (On the road which comes from Masab tank into the banjara hills, around 100 mtrs on the left hand side, sorry I do not know the road number). The grill chicken was too good. This is a new restaurant (they have their original hotel few meters further on the second left turn). You have to be there before 9 pm to have this grilled chicken else, you won't get any. There are some Arabic items in the menu. There was this sunday special item (can't recall the name). I was told that it is some arabic "mutton biriyani" priced at Rs.200 but, unfortunately it was finished by the time we were there. Anyways, since we opted for full grilled chicken with rumali rotis, it was already too much and we were in no mood to have any more food! The bill for two of us came to mere 300 bucks and it is worth the money! Pls note that they do not accept any cards.

That road is First Lancer and the apartment complex is Garden Towers.
The food is ok and the rates are very reasonable.

Further down the same road a couple of shops will start appearing.
Take the left turn after the Alfa bakery.
You reach Bismillah restaurant beside Bismillah beef stall.
Talahua (Beef fry) at Rs 25 a plate.
Sheesh kabab at 12 Rs a stick.

Nice stuff and it tastes quite good.
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Old 12th November 2008, 21:08   #204
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
arent you joining us for the Nov 16 drive?
what drive? where? when?
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Old 13th November 2008, 11:09   #205
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Last night went over to Blue Diamond for a quick dinner. Ordered the following :-

Hot and Sour Soup (S)
Tomato Soup ( S)
Chicken Pakora
Veg Fried Rolls
Soft Drinks
Crispy Veg with Spicy Sauce
Veg Fried Rice

Soups were really good

Fried Rolls and Chicken Pakora was quite nice but a little bland but compensated it with some Schezwan sauce

Curry was quite spicy but good and Veg F.Rice were also ok

However, there is a sharp difference to the quality when compared to
high-end restuarants like Ohri's/Haiking etc. But, when you consider the money spent for this meal (Rs.500) it was VFM.

It was followed by Paans and next stop was to a movie theatre to catch up on " Golmaal Returns"
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Old 13th November 2008, 13:13   #206
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Hi, had been to Hotel Kritunga adjacent to the madhapur petrol pump yesterday night. It is a Rayalseema style hotel (they have the banner which tells me so). Had "Gongura Mamsam" with Jowar rotis and a bottle of Pepsi. The food was super hot and very very tasty, mind blowing infact!! The food cleared all my pores () I loved it to the core. For 170 bucks, I think this is ultimate! I have promised myself and the owner of the hotel to be there as many times as possible since I stay near by. Plan to have each of their delicacies including Korrameenu fry and curry!!
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Old 20th November 2008, 18:44   #207
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Man, you guys eat or what! Great foodie spirit and an excellent thread!

OK, me being a Bengali, I have to do my bit to glorify my native place. So I recommend to you guys, Roll Call - a chain of outlets which specialize in making Kolkata style rolls and mughlai parathas.

I truly think that the rolls here beat the small, oily ones dished out by the Frankies chain of outlets. Try the Roll Call outlets at Nagarjuna Circle (besides Harrahs), at Lifestyle building (1st floor, although I found the quality in this outlet not as good as the others) and the one at Kothaguda junction. And if you are in the mood to have something heavier, you must try out the Mughali Parathas - layers of paratha stuffed with fillings of your choice (egg, chicken, mutton etc.) served with some alu sabji and sauce. The combo is really delicious. I can vouch that most Roll Call outlets do prepare these dishes in authentic Kolkata style (maybe a tad too oily). Only thing, they charge about 20-30 more bucks than what you would pay at Kolkata. But hey, that's how it always goes, doesn't it?

Certainly not my top most recommendation, this. But most of my favs have already been covered in this thread.
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Old 20th November 2008, 18:54   #208
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Anyone tried the newly opened TGIF at the upcoming Cineplex mall opposite L.V. Prasad Hospital? How did you find it?

I actually went there last week with my team mates. The ambiance is excellent (great American highway bar look and feel with excellent country music being played). But while that impressed us, the service and food was a total disappointment - especially considering the price we paid for it. Almost everything starts at 300-350 bucks. Diet coke is priced at 100 and the cheapest item is soda for Rs. 3!! Anyway, we ordered some chicken wings which came after 30 mins. The wings were very small and done in some tangy American fashion. Then I had ordered "Sizzling Chicken and Prawns" which costed 460 bucks - what I got was a combination of 4 miniscule prawn pieces, one medium sized chicken piece (quite hard) and loads of mashed potato and lettuce leaves. And it wasn't sizzling when it came. Then to sober down on the prices, I ordered this "Moccha Latte" which costed 99 bucks. The pic on the menu card looked tempting and a good deal for 99 considering all other desserts were priced in the 400s. But what finally arrived (after quite some time) was some moccha topped with cream in a shot glass! It was actually hilarious to look at - the cream on top had more height than the glass itself!!

Anyway, so much for the bad part. As I said, the ambiance is damn good. Also, I am willing to give them the benefit of doubt on their service as they have just opened (but they better pull up their socks fast!). Also, the other desserts ordered by my team mates were absolute yumm! Plus, TGIF is a famous brand and has done well elsewhere.

So in all, I'd recommend you to go there and see for yourself once. But be prepared to shell out some moolah and if your luck's rotten like ours, some frustrating service.
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Old 21st November 2008, 12:49   #209
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Originally Posted by devnull View Post
OK, me being a Bengali, I have to do my bit to glorify my native place. So I recommend to you guys, Roll Call - a chain of outlets which specialize in making Kolkata style rolls and mughlai parathas.
Rahul, Roll-Call is close to my heart, I was there for several times for a quick lunch either to subway next door or more often the rolls which you rightly said are much better than the Frankies outside foodworld. You missed another outlet which is in whitehouse above Ten Downing Street.

Originally Posted by devnull View Post
Anyone tried the newly opened TGIF at the upcoming Cineplex mall opposite L.V. Prasad Hospital? How did you find it?

I actually went there last week with my team mates. The ambiance is excellent (great American highway bar look and feel with excellent country music being played). But while that impressed us, the service and food was a total disappointment - especially considering the price we paid for it. Almost everything starts at 300-350 bucks. Diet coke is priced at 100 and the cheapest item is soda for Rs. 3!! Anyway, we ordered some chicken wings which came after 30 mins. The wings were very small and done in some tangy American fashion. Then I had ordered "Sizzling Chicken and Prawns" which costed 460 bucks - what I got was a combination of 4 miniscule prawn pieces, one medium sized chicken piece (quite hard) and loads of mashed potato and lettuce leaves. And it wasn't sizzling when it came. Then to sober down on the prices, I ordered this "Moccha Latte" which costed 99 bucks. The pic on the menu card looked tempting and a good deal for 99 considering all other desserts were priced in the 400s. But what finally arrived (after quite some time) was some moccha topped with cream in a shot glass! It was actually hilarious to look at - the cream on top had more height than the glass itself!!

Anyway, so much for the bad part. As I said, the ambiance is damn good. Also, I am willing to give them the benefit of doubt on their service as they have just opened (but they better pull up their socks fast!). Also, the other desserts ordered by my team mates were absolute yumm! Plus, TGIF is a famous brand and has done well elsewhere.

So in all, I'd recommend you to go there and see for yourself once. But be prepared to shell out some moolah and if your luck's rotten like ours, some frustrating service.
I think CtrAltDel, already been to TGIF and felt the same way like you-Cheated. It sounds ridiculously expensive and maybe open to serve the politicians/beaurocrats/filmstars of J and B Hills.

I dont think i am in a hurry to check this place out
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Old 21st November 2008, 12:55   #210
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post

I think CtrAltDel, already been to TGIF and felt the same way like you-Cheated. It sounds ridiculously expensive and maybe open to serve the politicians/beaurocrats/filmstars of J and B Hills.

I dont think i am in a hurry to check this place out
Looks like we need to CtrAltDel TGIF, in that case
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