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Old 11th October 2007, 14:44   #1
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Why are most Scorpios driven in a rash style?

Wondering why MOST of the SCORPIOS are driven RASHLY.
Well don't beat me up for that statement. but that's what i see everyday in Bangalore...and i also said "MOST".
I used to like the SCORPIO but then i saw people driving it around like rowdies. Almost all of them didn't care for the other human being outside his vehicle. So, i started associating SCORPIO with bad drivers. I even told one of the scorpio dealers in Bangalore to teach them to drive DECENTLY before handing over the vehicle.
Even automagazines trumpet about the scorpio's ability to make others give way. What's with these idiots writing such stuff in magazines which are supposed to promote good driving?
Does a scorpio driver consider others small? I don't know. You tell me.

-- Torqy
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Old 11th October 2007, 15:41   #2
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Add the Qualis to this list - Agreed most Qualis' are cabbies, but then not all the Indicab's come as close to other cars as these. The Innova doesnt stand a chance compared to these!
Must be the visibility - At least in the qualis, one can see the farthest end of the bonnet from the driver's seat; given the height of the seat, all round visibility is better. Add to this a punchy engine and a pushy driver....
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:27   #3
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Agree to that

So true Torqy. One of my friends recently after testing SUVs in the market, made an observation that apart from the deficiencies that Scorpio has as a product, there is a big image problem at least in Bangalore. Seems like most Scorpios are driven by rowdy/real estate agent types (often the same) with absolute disregard for fellow road users.

On top of that he was also a witness to an incident where some goons in a beat up an old man in Gandhi Bazaar area (South Bangalore) for not giving them way. My friend and another lady tried to stop it and both were foulmouthed. Guess what the goons were driving. A Scorpio !!


P.S. No offense meant to decent owners/drivers of Scorpio.
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:29   #4
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IS it only the Scorpios, Dont you see most INDICAs (or INDICABs) driven rashly in Bangy?
To be frank where did you see Scorpios in city roads of Bangalore, it is infested with Indicas?
During my highway trips, Scorpios/Safaris does overtake me at higher speeds but not rashly...

I didnt understand what exactly do you want to know from your statement? Any car (Sumo / Indica / Qualis etc) which are used as Taxi, you will always find more morons driving like maniacs, it has nothing to do with the brand, make, power of the vehicle...they have their timelines, they are stressed out etc etc...

Go to Kolkata, you will get afraid with an Old Amby which is driven so badly that he can throw your powerful car offroad (atleast you will prefer to give him way)


Last edited by akroy : 11th October 2007 at 16:30.
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:42   #5
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I agree with your observation. I often see them going in the opposite lane to overtake - very dangerous stuff. With so much plastic skirting around the body, they have very little to lose :-)
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:44   #6
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Have never driven a Scorpio. Is it that Scorpio is easier to drive that makes people drive like crazy?

Note: I agree, people drive Scorpio rashly than a Safari, Qualis, Sumo. This is true for private vehicles. Yellow boards either Indica, Qualis or Lancer, by default are rash.

Note: Haven't seen many yellow board Scorpios.

Last edited by diabloo : 11th October 2007 at 16:46.
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:45   #7
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I thought the discussion here was of (relatively higher ratio of) privately owned Scorpios being driven around in an extremely rash manner in the city...
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:46   #8
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Originally Posted by Bullfrog View Post
So true Torqy. One of my friends recently after testing SUVs in the market, made an observation that apart from the deficiencies that Scorpio has as a product, there is a big image problem at least in Bangalore. Seems like most Scorpios are driven by rowdy/real estate agent types (often the same) with absolute disregard for fellow road users.

On top of that he was also a witness to an incident where some goons in a beat up an old man in Gandhi Bazaar area (South Bangalore) for not giving them way. My friend and another lady tried to stop it and both were foulmouthed. Guess what the goons were driving. A Scorpio !!


P.S. No offense meant to decent owners/drivers of Scorpio.
To refine the observation further, it seems to me that WHITE Scorpios are particularly nasty!

You're right though, that the Scorpio attracts a certain (unsavoury) type of buyer, at least here in Bangalore. No idea why this is - maybe it has a bad-boy image or something.
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:46   #9
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I have also often wondered and totally agree with Torqy. I think I can relate to why Torqy is talking about Scorpio in particular. It is a scary sight to see a Scorpio in your rear view mirror weaving rashly through traffic. People just make way for the Scorpio because of its butch and "Don't Mess with Me" looks. Indicabs and Qualises are also a pain but they are normally cabs, but these are private-owned Scorpios that we are talking about.
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:47   #10
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Originally Posted by diabloo View Post
Have never driven a Scorpio. Is it that Scorpio is easier to drive that makes people drive like crazy?
I suspect so. I think the power delivery suits rash/spirited driving in cities - good acceleration around 30-40KMPH.
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:48   #11
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Originally Posted by diabloo View Post
Have never driven a Scorpio. Is it that Scorpio is easier to drive that makes people drive like crazy?
No,the scorpio is not easier to drive,but this vehicle is owned by lot of bad people,taxi operators who doesnt have much of road mannerism and courtesy for fellow drivers.

surely,these people have brought bad image for scorpio
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:52   #12
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Adding my $0.02.

What I have observed here is that a lot of Scorpio owners (by no means all) are the local netas and gundas.. They somehow seem to like the vehicle and it goes with the image they want to portray.. They drink while driving/drive rashly/fight it out when they can and think that they are a blessing to the entire humankind...

Day before on the Ggn Faridabad road there was this scorpio parked in the late evening with five guys (described above) having opened a bar of sorts on the bonnet of the car and having a whale of a time.. Just ahead of us was a police van.. imagine what happened.. waves from this side to that and that side to this...
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Old 11th October 2007, 16:53   #13
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Originally Posted by akroy View Post
IS it only the Scorpios, Dont you see most INDICAs (or INDICABs) driven rashly in Bangy?
To be frank where did you see Scorpios in city roads of Bangalore, it is infested with Indicas?
If I may say, I think Torqy was talking of private owned vehicles and not Taxis. In most cities, taxi drivers mostly drive rashly.

I cannot comment on whether Scorpio drivers drive rashly, as in Hyderabad almost everyone drives rashly!!!! But I would guess that given a SUV with a powerful engine, any driver would feel like the King of the Road!
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Old 11th October 2007, 17:00   #14
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Where I live and work, the real estate boom has turned illiterate villagers into millionaires overnight, and guess what the Scorpio is a status symbol for them. I personally know quite a few of these overnight millionaires and would be millionaires and almost all their dreams is to own a Scorpio.
They next upgrade to a Skoda, ie. after selling the second plot of land which was in the family for generations.

Most of these guys were not even having a clue about cars and driving and today they come and ask me " Saar, idhu Scorpio gaadi yengaithe??"
(Translated : Sir, how is this Scorpio vehicle?)

No offense to anybody who owns or drives a Scorpio, this is just my humble observation.
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Old 11th October 2007, 17:06   #15
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Originally Posted by Lukeskywalker View Post
Where I live and work, the real estate boom has turned illiterate villagers into millionaires overnight, and guess what the Scorpio is a status symbol for them. I personally know quite a few of these overnight millionaires and would be millionaires and almost all their dreams is to own a Scorpio.
They next upgrade to a Skoda, ie. after selling the second plot of land which was in the family for generations.

Most of these guys were not even having a clue about cars and driving and today they come and ask me " Saar, idhu Scorpio gaadi yengaithe??"
(Translated : Sir, how is this Scorpio vehicle?)

No offense to anybody who owns or drives a Scorpio, this is just my humble observation.
Me too agree with you, these real estate guys mostly own Skoda Octavia 1.9TDCi and their family van is a Scorpio here in Bangalore...
Went to one of realestate millionaires marriage (the guy on whose our flat is), the bride's dad (another real estate millionaire) gifted him a Skoda Laura

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