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Old 26th April 2013, 19:55   #4426
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Originally Posted by amitoj View Post

Oh so was I. The head banging emoticon was to indicate my frustration at them for not getting treatment.

Say, can anyone tell me how is the traffic situation these days on Bannerghatta Road and the Manyata Tech park? Not that i intend to go down that way anytime soon, just curious to know the state of my erstwhile hunting grounds.
Amitoj... Will the word 'Aiyyo!' In spades, do to describe it?
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Old 27th April 2013, 11:17   #4427
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by amitoj View Post
Oh so was I. The head banging emoticon was to indicate my frustration at them for not getting treatment.

Say, can anyone tell me how is the traffic situation these days on Bannerghatta Road and the Manyata Tech park? Not that i intend to go down that way anytime soon, just curious to know the state of my erstwhile hunting grounds.
Bannerghatta road is horrible after Jedimara signal till IIMB. Vehicles go in random directions, pure chaos.

I haven't been to Manyata recently, but the last time I went there the flyover was ready and traffic was smooth!
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Old 29th April 2013, 07:37   #4428
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Over the past 2 weeks, I've been hit by traffic jams big and small alike inside the city. This time it wasn't due to rains or rule-breaking morons. It was due to politicians taking out rallies campaigning for the upcoming May 5th state assembly elections.

Last Sunday, I was heading towards Vijayanagar from Mysore road, and suddenly all traffic was stopped by cops in the already narrow Metro construction stretch. Reason - SM Krishna and his congress buddies were taking out a procession waving at passersby. While it is okay to spot a VVIP Minister of foreign affairs in close range and be in awe of him, all of us motorists had to endure close to 45 minutes of idling the vehicle (for the sake of AC) in the hot sun. The plight of bikers would have been far worse. This went on until the entire convoy of ~20-30 cars and 100-120 bikes passed by. There were hundreds of supporters on foot too. The election campaigning routes and timing are ridiculous. These insensitive morons who are "concerned about welfare of the people" lack common sense and civic sense.

The supporters don't just move quietly either. They keep bursting crackers, dirty the road by throwing flower petals, etc along their procession route , hugely inconveniencing bikers and vehicles waiting in the traffic jam. Hope some sense prevails *sigh*.

Last edited by KarthikK : 29th April 2013 at 07:41.
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Old 29th April 2013, 11:26   #4429
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

BTP to start drive against jaywalking. Pedestrians beware, the fine is between 100~200.

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Old 29th April 2013, 12:27   #4430
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Since everyone here may not understand/read Kannada script, I am translating the entire article into readable form, para-by-para for those who could not make head or tail out of that notice / article :

From what we see of accidents on Bangalore's roads, on an average 2 people lose their lives every day. Of these accidents, many times pedestrians are the ones wounded or killed. 358 pedestrians have been killed in 2012 and 93 in 2013 so far. That means around 50% of the people killed in accidents are pedestrians.

Irrespective of whose mistake leads to the accidents, it is mostly the pedestrians who suffer. Most of the accidents also happen due to the negligence and indiscipline of pedestrians. It is necessary for pedestrians to also be aware of their responsibilities and follow traffic rules where necessary. Adhering to this will help reduce future accidents involving pedestrians.

For the sake of pedestrians' safety, Bangalore Traffic police has decided to take strict action against jaywalkers and pedestrians who cross roads at unauthorized places haphazardly, by booking them for the offense. BTP has already started taking action against jaywalker pedestrians and in the year 2013, it has booked 195 pedestrians for not following the safety norms when crossing roads.

In the interest of road safety and pedestrian safety, pedestrians are hereby advised to walk only on pavements/footpaths, cross main roads only at Zebra crossings, and follow general road safety manners.

Last edited by KarthikK : 29th April 2013 at 12:48.
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Old 29th April 2013, 13:41   #4431
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by KarthikK View Post
Since everyone here may not understand/read Kannada script, I am translating the entire article into readable form, para-by-para for those who could not make head or tail out of that notice / article :
Really appreciate you translating it.

I have one qualm against the BTP though - instead of booking pedestrians for walking on the road, they must ensure that the footpaths are devoid of two-wheelers, and also ensure that vehicles do not jump the red light while it's green for pedestrians. The latter can be seen at many places, where bikes, autos and sometimes cars honk and intimidate pedestrians who would be crossing on the zebra crossing when it's green for pedestrians.
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Old 2nd May 2013, 02:11   #4432
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Today again I had a frustrating experience with the interstate buses driving on Hosur Road. TN registered green buses drive without any lane discipline and concern for other road users (like many other buses & cabs on road). First one was regular daily incident, moving into rightmost lane blocking me when the signal turned green.

Second one was that made me mad.
I joined Hosur Road coming from ORR towards ECity and was sedately driving in the middle lane and was about to cross the barricades there. This bus coming at some speed from silkboard flyover comes next tom me and takes left onto my car to avoid the barricades. I had to move left (I honked furiously to let him notice). I am not sure who on my left was inconvenienced as I was more worried of this bus hitting the side of my car. This was so so frustrating. Stopping and getting into a verbal argument would have resulted in nothing. I wanted to report this to BTP on Facebook or otherwise, so I moved ahead of the bus, slowed him down while blocking it, and took a picture to note the number and then moved on.
The problem is my picture shows the Registration plate of the bus and probably one can identify the driver, but it is not the proof that he was driving rashly and put my car on a risk of collision or damage. Only witness I have is my wife.
Will reporting it without any proof help and is it worth?
I drive safely keeping in mind these IDIOTS on road, but this guy was far behind and suddenly I see him next to me at the barricades trying to push me over.
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Old 2nd May 2013, 08:58   #4433
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by vidyanand View Post
Today again I had a frustrating experience with the interstate buses driving on Hosur Road.
It's a common scene everywhere in and around B'lore roads. Vehicles move ahead of the queue and push back into the queue. Unfortunately for you it happened at high (read: good) speeds, which could be fatal for anybody.

I don't think posting this pic or raising a complaint would bring any sort of problem for the bus or the driver. I 'don't think' that BTP can take action against a TN registered bus. For that, they would transfer the complaint to TN Traffic police. Again, its only a thought. May be you can post this on BTP Facebook page and see the response.

Those barricades on highways are a killer thing. Simply hate that. Why would someone simply put up barricades in the middle of nowhere. If at all there was a police outpost, I understand.
Crazy and Dumb Indian Police, I say.

But again, they have a very hard job to do, standing under the sun all day. My sympathies goes to them too. Might be they keep those barricades and sit somewhere cooler to save themselves from the sun for sometime.

However most of the time, I wish I could do something like the below GIF.

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Old 2nd May 2013, 16:20   #4434
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post

Those barricades on highways are a killer thing. Simply hate that. Why would someone simply put up barricades in the middle of nowhere. If at all there was a police outpost, I understand.
Crazy and Dumb Indian Police, I say.
The reason the barricades have been put up at this spot on either directions is becasue of the accidents that has happened at this spot.
If you notice, there are flyovers on either sides and some hero's do not reduce their speeds when coming down and finishing the flyover. There are bus stops on either side and a lot of pedestrian crossing that occurs. Both put together resulted in many accidents and fatalities.

I know this becuase the barricades were put up after a friends friend succumbed to her injuries after a speeding Scorpio knocked her down when she was crossing the road. The Scorpio came down the elevated highway in high speed.
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Old 2nd May 2013, 16:36   #4435
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by tharian View Post
The reason the barricades have been put up at this spot on either directions is becasue of the accidents that has happened at this spot.
If you notice, there are flyovers on either sides and some hero's do not reduce their speeds when coming down and finishing the flyover. There are bus stops on either side and a lot of pedestrian crossing that occurs. Both put together resulted in many accidents and fatalities.

I know this becuase the barricades were put up after a friends friend succumbed to her injuries after a speeding Scorpio knocked her down when she was crossing the road. The Scorpio came down the elevated highway in high speed.
First of all, my condolences to the lady who lost her life.
I would still beg to differ. I would never vouch for those barricades on highways, come whatever. If it is really a major accident spot or crowded area, put up a speed breaker (the rumble ones, not a huge). Vehicles would slow down eventually. The barricades are meant for smaller city roads, to divert traffic, etc. Why on a highway. They can put up a rumble speed breaker at the end of the flyover.

Those barricades always create a crazy rush amongst vehicles to accumulate at one point near the opening. This simply adds to the vehicular chaos, like Vidyanand faced. I indeed appreciate the temporary solution of barricades, but why not turn into a solution which is permanent and safe.

For instance, while coming from Silk Board, there are barricades put up at Singasandra, some 200mtrs before the signal. I understand it is to slow down vehicles, but that point gets choked, because on a busy highway at good speeds, suddenly everyone notices those barricades and try to squeeze through the opening simultaneously causing jam.
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Old 2nd May 2013, 16:57   #4436
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
I would still beg to differ. I would never vouch for those barricades on highways, come whatever.
I agree. But, I don't agree to your suggestion of speed breaker either! The NH should not have speed breakers either, especially at the foot fall of the elevated highway.

The 'IDEAL' solution is to construct a FOB. I have seen some cop managing the people who want to cross a NH . Why can't the same cop manage and force the usage of a FOB? Even his life is safe then! I know a FOB is not successful in India and eventually turns out to be another 'adda' for all things better not spoken about. Still I wish!

The problem is introducing speed breakers will result in a similar solution at every possible crossing, in the long run the NH turns out to be useless. The same thing happened with ORR! So many crossings, eventually leading to signals and now spending crores in signal free corridor/ stretch! The only issue I see with FOB is the difficulty for senior citizens and similar group.
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Old 2nd May 2013, 17:18   #4437
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by MotoNanu View Post
I agree. But, I don't agree to your suggestion of speed breaker either! The NH should not have speed breakers either, especially at the foot fall of the elevated highway.

The only issue I see with FOB is the difficulty for senior citizens and similar group.
The barricades indeed should go. I mean, instead of slowing vehicles down, they could be the cause of accidents themselves! Imagine a bike ramming into one of those at even slow speeds. Insane

FOB - Foot Over Bridge I assume. Much needed. But who will do it?
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Old 2nd May 2013, 19:56   #4438
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
Much needed. But who will do it?
The question would turn into 'Who will use it'.

They built Subway's at Kudlu Gate signal and another one I guess at Bomannahalli junction but we see nobody uses them. Although I am not sure if that was ever completed, I never had the chance to use it or see inside.

Bomannahalli is another junction that needs strict policing. People just criss cross (including bikers, auto, cars, tempos). Traffic from Hospalya Main Road(connects HSR) even come on in opposite direction on Hosur Road, just to avoid a U-Turn. Most of the time I have seen a few traffic policemen there but it does not help the situation at all.

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Old 2nd May 2013, 20:08   #4439
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by vidyanand View Post
The question would turn into 'Who will use it'
That's where BTP will come into picture. As they are proudly claiming that they would be fining jaywalkers, I hope something on the ground is actually done at these junctions.
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Old 2nd May 2013, 20:09   #4440
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Originally Posted by vidyanand View Post

The question would turn into 'Who will use it'.

They built Subway's at Kudlu Gate signal and another one I guess at Bomannahalli junction but we see nobody uses them. Although I am not sure if that was ever completed, I never had the chance to use it or see inside.

Bomannahalli is another junction that needs strict policing. People just criss cross (including bikers, auto, cars, tempos). Traffic from Hospalya Main Road(connects HSR) even come on in opposite direction on Hosur Road, just to avoid a U-Turn. Most of the time I have seen a few traffic policemen there but it does not help the situation at all.
My office is in Bommanahalli, and I agree totally on traffic from Hosapalya main road. And, the subway is operational. I have used it. But, someone comes and shuts it late in the evening.
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