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Old 22nd April 2013, 18:18   #4396
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by nkrishnap View Post
The cop responsible for it needs to be fired if they barricaded the road and ensured there was a pile up.
In Delhi, police often put up barricades leading to 2-3km long jams. Will traffic police also fine the policemen putting barricades?
Totally bizarre
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Old 23rd April 2013, 23:25   #4397
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Every single day I encounter atleast one incident that gets me to lose my temper. I never swear, but underneath my helmet, I'm competition to Virat Kohli.
  1. Traffic moving from Mission Road towards KH Road that has to stop will keep moving further and further away from the white lane into the opposite lane. So much so that they start blocking the way for people going under the flyover towards mission road.
  2. Idiots who just have to drive with their lights on High Beam. Dim and dip as much as you like, they won't flip a switch. Once it so happened that a guy on an FZ16 had installed HIDs on his bike and like the hero that he is, he was riding around on high beam. The glare from his lights in my mirrors were giving me a headache, I caught up with him after he passed me and asked him to switch to low beam. Guess what, "No low beam." was his reply. I swore under my breath.
  3. I'll stop at the white line and folks behind me will honk incessantly trying to get me to go onto the zebra crossing.
  4. Those idiots who get onto the footpath to bypass a traffic jam. It is my sincere request to every person on the footpath to not budge for these fools. Get them to stop and argue with them, the traffic around you will support you.(Speaking from personal experience).
  5. I was at the Lalbagh West Gate/Krumbigal Road signal the other day. There was this Xylo that was moving straight then suddenly moved right and blocked a space that bikes can use to reach the head of the signal. Must be going right, or so I thought. I was towards the left of the car. Signal turns green and this hero starts going left! No indicator, nothing! I was so mad that I actually hit the rear of his car with my hand. Made a loud thud, albeit satisfying sound. Driver stopped to argue, I made my point. He drove away.
  6. Idiots who drive on the wrong lane. I make it a point to intentionally go and stop right in front of them. Then ask me to move, but why should I? I stand my ground, he eventually goes into his designated lane.
  7. Donkeys who use the phone while driving/riding. Honk like my life depends on it behind them. Although I'm sure they don't realise I'm honking because they're so engrossed with their phones. I'm forced to ask, why does the RTO register cars that advertise their bluetooth system that work with calls as well? Moreso are these helmets with integrated bluetooth. Recipes for disasters I think.
  8. And our beloved traffic cops, who neither make a generalised statement that all signals have a free left turn unless otherwise specified, nor will they put up boards at a signal indicating if it is indeed a free left turn or not. And their Public Eye system? A sham. I recently sent them a photograph of a person who is riding against a one way, on a footpath, without a helmet. What is he fined for? Only the one way rule. Also, how do trucks like this get past a cop with decent eyesight?
    Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-14022013087.jpgRants on Bangalore's traffic situation-26012013065.jpg
  9. Mission road again, folks who don't intend to use the flyover will completely block anyone else from entering the flyover. This in turn causes a jam and increases frustration.
  10. And if you absolutely must fight, please take it to the side of the road. Our junta can't stop themselves from being spectators and those who couldn't care less need to waste their time looking at your cat fight.
Just some of the points I remembered. Helps me calm down.

Last edited by ashwin.terminat : 23rd April 2013 at 23:35. Reason: typo
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Old 24th April 2013, 09:53   #4398
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

A police car happily driving on the wrong side on Borewell road a few days ago. There were at least 20 cars behind me. It had taken me about half an hour that day, to cross 2 km.
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-clipboard01.jpg

Also, it is high time that BMTC did away with Pushpak (read: conductor-less) buses. Today morning in Whitefield, a Pushpak came from ITPL side and took right at Vydehi hospital and stopped at the bus stop in front of TCS Abhilash centre. A lot of people got in. Another bus that was following it, stopped right at the junction, as he could not complete the turn. The Pushpak bus driver did not budge for the next 5 minutes or so, until he had taken the bus fare from all passengers!

Last edited by benbsb29 : 26th April 2013 at 06:22. Reason: Corrected typo -> far = fare
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Old 24th April 2013, 21:19   #4399
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Just found this off Facebook.
Its' near Bypanahalli I believe. Anyone can testify this ?

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-capture.jpg
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Old 24th April 2013, 21:38   #4400
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Just found this off Facebook.
Its' near Bypanahalli I believe. Anyone can testify this ?
Yes, This does happen. But once in 3-6 months. This is branch line which takes from Byappanahalli outer and comes down to BEML. This is the very rarely used line parallel to Suranjan Das road. And this the road which every one crosses to reach CV Raman Nagar / Bagmane Tech Park.

This would be typically new coaches transferred from BEML or something to BEML. The loco is used to ferry them.

Last edited by ampere : 24th April 2013 at 21:40.
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Old 24th April 2013, 22:09   #4401
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Just found this off Facebook.
Its' near Bypanahalli I believe. Anyone can testify this ?

Attachment 1077201
yeah, it does happen once in a while. have put up a picture of it somewhere here i think

just look at that picture, people can't spare a few minutes for the train to pass; they just have to find gap. its as though if they stop, their life will come to an end!

edit: found the post

Last edited by IronH4WK : 24th April 2013 at 22:12.
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Old 24th April 2013, 23:08   #4402
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ampere View Post
Yes, This does happen. But once in 3-6 months. This is branch line which takes from Byappanahalli outer and comes down to BEML. This is the very rarely used line parallel to Suranjan Das road. And this the road which every one crosses to reach CV Raman Nagar / Bagmane Tech Park.

This would be typically new coaches transferred from BEML or something to BEML. The loco is used to ferry them.
Originally Posted by IronH4WK View Post
yeah, it does happen once in a while. have put up a picture of it somewhere here i think

just look at that picture, people can't spare a few minutes for the train to pass; they just have to find gap. its as though if they stop, their life will come to an end!

edit: found the post
Ohh I see. I remember having traveled on this route sometime around 2011. Have see this kind of thing only in FB posts in US and Europe !! Couldn't believe my eyes when you guys confirmed this !

Ahh, yes, motorists (read: specially bikers) don't respect their lives. Hard Fact. I wouldn't be surprised if one fine day, some stupid fellow gets run over and then people start creating havoc, demanding compensation, jobs in railways, blah blah.

I think railways should take some proactive measure before something unfortunate happens. One of them would be to setup a new route. First of all, atleast put up gates at this one. For the time being, the gate could remain open round the year, except for times when a train passes.
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Old 24th April 2013, 23:14   #4403
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Ohh I see. I remember having traveled on this route sometime around 2011. Have see this kind of thing only in FB posts in US and Europe !! Couldn't believe my eyes when you guys confirmed this !
This is the only case where a train has to wait for people to pass!
I have seen this many a times. The poor loco pilot is ever watchful.
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Old 25th April 2013, 00:05   #4404
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Just found this off Facebook.
Its' near Bypanahalli I believe. Anyone can testify this ?
Originally Posted by ampere View Post
Yes, This does happen. But once in 3-6 months. This is branch line which takes from Byappanahalli outer and comes down to BEML....
This would be typically new coaches transferred from BEML or something to BEML. The loco is used to ferry them.
Originally Posted by IronH4WK View Post
yeah, it does happen once in a while. have put up a picture of it somewhere here i think
Originally Posted by ampere View Post
This is the only case where a train has to wait for people to pass!
I have seen this many a times. The poor loco pilot is ever watchful.
Ah, now I got to know.. So this is the place where they filmed that famous Enfield ad :

Looks like even Activas and mopeds command the same respect as Enfields nowadays, at railway crossings . Enfields aren't unique anymore then.

Last edited by KarthikK : 25th April 2013 at 00:07.
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Old 25th April 2013, 00:58   #4405
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
I think railways should take some proactive measure before something unfortunate happens. One of them would be to setup a new route. First of all, atleast put up gates at this one. For the time being, the gate could remain open round the year, except for times when a train passes.
This place did have a railway gate several years ago and it served the purpose though it was used sparingly once every few months. However, the city's (unparallelled) population and traffic growth led to the gate being removed to pave the way for an apparently 'better' road.
I'm sure others old-timers in this area will remember the presence of the railway gate.
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Old 25th April 2013, 11:55   #4406
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Just found this off Facebook.
Its' near Bypanahalli I believe. Anyone can testify this ?
This is a light loco(only the engine), going to BEML to pick up a new rake or Army machines(Tatra's).
In the pic, the loco has crossed the road and the two wheelers that were waiting for it to pass, scoot across the line. Notice which direction the loco pilot is facing.
At first glance it looks like the loco is heading towards the two wheelers.

Edit-A train or even a light loco is never let to pass a level crossing until the flagman has completely blocked traffic and not even a cycle is let to cross, only then the train moves. Until then, the train waits. It is the same at a manned LC as well. If the gateman has not closed the gate for whatever reason, the signal remains red. If the gateman is missing or drunk and sleeping, the train crosses @ 5KMPH or so and keeps the air horn in full blast from were he had stopped till he crosses and the loco pilot informs the nearest signal cabin or station about the gate left open and the gateman basically gets sc@$@ed.

Last edited by tharian : 25th April 2013 at 12:23.
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Old 25th April 2013, 12:16   #4407
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
This place did have a railway gate several years ago and it served the purpose though it was used sparingly once every few months. However, the city's (unparallelled) population and traffic growth led to the gate being removed to pave the way for an apparently 'better' road.
I'm sure others old-timers in this area will remember the presence of the railway gate.
Originally Posted by tharian View Post
This is a light loco(only the engine), going to BEML to pick up a new rake or Army machines(Tatra's).
In the pic, the loco has crossed the road and the two wheelers that were waiting for it to pass, scoot across the line. Notice which direction the loco pilot is facing.
At first glance it looks like the loco is heading towards the two wheelers.
Even at the first instance I was confused on which way the Loco was heading, since driver was looking the other way. Hopefully the scenario is the same as 'tharian' mentions.

However, I am in strong favour of putting up gates again on this place. Like NPV has quoted, there used to be a gate here, but were removed since this was sparingly used during "those times". With population explosion comes risk and hazards. All I want is the Govt to take a look at this place and do something proactively before a damage is done.
In India's case, the Govt. always wakes up after a damage. What happens in audits and other research work ? Doesn't any authority see this place ? However, minor it may be, but a Gate is must.
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Old 25th April 2013, 12:31   #4408
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Even at the first instance I was confused on which way the Loco was heading, since driver was looking the other way. Hopefully the scenario is the same as 'tharian' mentions.
In India's case, the Govt. always wakes up after a damage. What happens in audits and other research work ? Doesn't any authority see this place ? However, minor it may be, but a Gate is must.
Sorry, I added a para in my previous past after your last post. I will paste it below,

Edit-A train or even a light loco is never let to pass a level crossing until the flagman has completely blocked traffic and not even a cycle is let to cross, only then the train moves. Until then, the train waits. It is the same at a manned LC as well. If the gateman has not closed the gate for whatever reason, the signal remains red. If the gateman is missing or drunk and sleeping, the train crosses @ 5KMPH or so and keeps the air horn in full blast from were he had stopped till he crosses and the loco pilot informs the nearest signal cabin or station about the gate left open and the gateman basically gets sc@$@ed.

A railway gate will not happen here basically because the road is too wide for a gate. It has to be two sets of gates on either ends meeting in the middle when it closes and SWR(South Western Railway) will never go for it mainly because of once a month train crossing on this branch line. In the 80's, there used to be a station at HAL near the old airport which used to have a passenger train daily. If it was the same case now, a flyover would have happened at this site.

Last edited by tharian : 25th April 2013 at 12:52. Reason: added line
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Old 25th April 2013, 20:44   #4409
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At the base of the KR Puram flyover, towards Ramamurthynagar I see this:

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-image2210249232.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-image4063589662.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-image3251651834.jpg

The tanker just went over the divider to get to the service lane to avoid the traffic on ORR! I knew what he was gonna do, so instead of going around him I stayed behind him to catch him red handed

This not something new; the BMTC buses, two wheelers and four wheelers all do this.. on a daily basis!
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Old 25th April 2013, 20:59   #4410
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by IronH4WK View Post
At the base of the KR Puram flyover, towards Ramamurthynagar I see this:
The tanker just went over the divider to get to the service lane to avoid the traffic on ORR! I knew what he was gonna do, so instead of going around him I stayed behind him to catch him red handed

This not something new; the BMTC buses, two wheelers and four wheelers all do this.. on a daily basis!
Thanks H4WK for the Free Preview of Heavy Vehicle OTR !!!
Will posting this on Public Eye on BTP site help anything ?
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